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Line 468: hr_organization_units ood

464: and wjsi.process_status in (WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING, WIP_CONSTANTS.WARNING)
465: and not exists (select 1
466: from wip_parameters wp,
467: mtl_parameters mp,
468: hr_organization_units ood
469: where wp.organization_id = mp.organization_id
470: and wp.organization_id = ood.organization_id
471: and wp.organization_id = wjsi.organization_id
472: and sysdate < nvl(ood.date_to, sysdate + 1))

Line 3153: FROM hr_organization_units hou,

3149: SELECT
3150: decode(hoi.org_information_context, 'Accounting Information',
3151: to_number(hoi.org_information3), to_number(null)) operating_unit
3152: INTO l_operatingUnit
3153: FROM hr_organization_units hou,
3154: wip_parameters wp,
3155: mtl_parameters mp,
3156: hr_organization_information hoi
3157: WHERE hou.organization_id = hoi.organization_id