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1 PACKAGE inv_abc_assignments_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: INVVAASS.pls 120.0.12020000.1 2013/02/15 10:52:56 ksaripal noship $ */
4 /* **
5 Procedure :  create_abc_assignments
6 Validates the input parametes and checks for the existing record.
7 Based on the validations it will call for either insert or update
8 abc assignments.
9 ** */
10   PROCEDURE create_abc_assignments (
11              p_init_msg_list       IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
12              p_commit              IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
13              p_api_version_number  IN NUMBER,
14              p_assignment_group_id IN NUMBER,
15              p_inventory_item_id   IN NUMBER,
16              p_abc_class_id        IN NUMBER,
17              x_return_status       OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
18              x_msg_count           OUT nocopy NUMBER,
19              x_msg_data            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
22 /* **
23 Procedure :  insert_abc_assignments
24 To insert data into mtl_abc_assignments
25 ** */
26   PROCEDURE insert_abc_assignments (
27             p_assignment_group_id IN NUMBER,
28             p_inventory_item_id   IN NUMBER,
29             p_abc_class_id        IN NUMBER,
30             p_last_updated_by     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT -1,
31             p_last_update_date    IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE,
32             p_created_by          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT -1,
33             p_creation_date       IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);
36 /* **
37 Procedure :  update_abc_assignments
38 To Update data into mtl_abc_assignments
39 ** */
40   PROCEDURE update_abc_assignments (
41             p_assignment_group_id IN NUMBER,
42             p_inventory_item_id   IN NUMBER,
43             p_abc_class_id        IN NUMBER,
44             p_last_updated_by     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT -1,
45             p_last_update_date    IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);
47 END INV_ABC_Assignments_PVT;