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Line 441: * Procedure to delete entries from gl_interface tables.

437: --
438: end remove_retroele_ee;
439: --
440: /*
441: * Procedure to delete entries from gl_interface tables.
442: */
443: procedure remove_gl_entries(p_info in rollback_rec) is
444: c_indent varchar2(40);
445: l_source_name gl_interface.user_je_source_name%type;

Line 445: l_source_name gl_interface.user_je_source_name%type;

441: * Procedure to delete entries from gl_interface tables.
442: */
443: procedure remove_gl_entries(p_info in rollback_rec) is
444: c_indent varchar2(40);
445: l_source_name gl_interface.user_je_source_name%type;
446: --
447: begin
448: if g_debug then
449: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_gl_entries';

Line 480: delete from gl_interface gl

476: --
477: if g_debug then
478: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 35);
479: end if;
480: delete from gl_interface gl
481: where gl.reference21 = to_char(p_info.pact_id)
482: and gl.user_je_source_name = l_source_name;
483: --
484: mtgl_mode_cached := TRUE;

Line 493: delete from pay_gl_interface pgl

489: -- for multi-threaded transfer to General Ledger only
490: if g_debug then
491: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 40);
492: end if;
493: delete from pay_gl_interface pgl
494: where pgl.assignment_action_id = p_info.assact_id;
495: end if;
496: --
497: end remove_gl_entries;

Line 3196: -- Ensure delete from gl_interface in remove_gl_entries on

3192: -- Set the Continuous Calc override flag, so that the trigger points
3193: -- are not fired.
3194: pay_continuous_calc.g_override_cc := TRUE;
3195: --
3196: -- Ensure delete from gl_interface in remove_gl_entries on
3197: -- each execution.
3198: mtgl_mode_cached := FALSE;
3199: --
3200: -- how many errors can we stand, what commit limit do we have?