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Line 589: ,p_pgm_rec in ben_pgm_f%rowtype

585: ,p_pl_rec in ben_pl_f%rowtype
586: ,p_ptip_id in number
587: ,p_ptip_rec in ben_ptip_f%rowtype
588: ,p_pgm_id in number
589: ,p_pgm_rec in ben_pgm_f%rowtype
590: ,p_ler_id in number
591: ,p_business_group_id in number
592: ,p_effective_date in date
593: ,p_dflt_enrt_cd out nocopy varchar2

Line 1452: l_pgm_rec ben_pgm_f%ROWTYPE;

1448: --
1449: l_result_flag VARCHAR2(30);
1450: l_crnt_pl_enrt_cvg_strt_dt DATE;
1451: l_crnt_opt_cvg_strt_dt DATE;
1452: l_pgm_rec ben_pgm_f%ROWTYPE;
1453: l_jurisdiction_code VARCHAR2(30);
1454: --
1455: l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt DATE := NVL(p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, p_effective_date);
1456: l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_1 DATE := l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt -

Line 2712: l_pgm_rec ben_pgm_f%ROWTYPE;

2708: l_mx_ordr_num ben_oipl_f.ordr_num%TYPE;
2709: l_enrd_ordr_num NUMBER;
2710: l_level VARCHAR2(30);
2711: l_plan_rec ben_pl_f%ROWTYPE;
2712: l_pgm_rec ben_pgm_f%ROWTYPE;
2713: l_oipl_rec ben_cobj_cache.g_oipl_inst_row;
2714: l_pen_rec ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f%ROWTYPE;
2715: l_pl_typ_esd DATE;
2716: l_pl_typ_eed DATE;

Line 3536: from ben_pgm_f pgm

3532: -- following requery logic added for bug 1394507 - 9 cursors
3533: --
3534: cursor c_pgm_requery(p_id number,p_ed date) is
3535: select 'Y'
3536: from ben_pgm_f pgm
3537: where pgm_id=p_id and
3538: business_group_id=p_business_group_id and
3539: p_ed between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
3540: ;

Line 8978: ,p_pgm_rec in ben_pgm_f%rowtype

8974: ,p_pl_rec in ben_pl_f%rowtype
8975: ,p_ptip_id in number
8976: ,p_ptip_rec in ben_ptip_f%rowtype
8977: ,p_pgm_id in number
8978: ,p_pgm_rec in ben_pgm_f%rowtype
8979: ,p_ler_id in number
8980: ,p_business_group_id in number
8981: ,p_effective_date in date
8982: ,p_dflt_enrt_cd out nocopy varchar2

Line 9696: l_pgm_rec ben_pgm_f%rowtype;

9692: l_use_dflt_flag varchar2(30);
9693: l_oipl_rec ben_oipl_f%rowtype;
9694: l_empty_oipl ben_oipl_f%rowtype;
9695: l_plan_rec ben_pl_f%rowtype;
9696: l_pgm_rec ben_pgm_f%rowtype;
9697: l_empty_pgm ben_pgm_f%rowtype;
9698: l_plip_rec ben_plip_f%rowtype;
9699: l_empty_plip ben_plip_f%rowtype;
9700: l_ptip_rec ben_ptip_f%rowtype;

Line 9697: l_empty_pgm ben_pgm_f%rowtype;

9693: l_oipl_rec ben_oipl_f%rowtype;
9694: l_empty_oipl ben_oipl_f%rowtype;
9695: l_plan_rec ben_pl_f%rowtype;
9696: l_pgm_rec ben_pgm_f%rowtype;
9697: l_empty_pgm ben_pgm_f%rowtype;
9698: l_plip_rec ben_plip_f%rowtype;
9699: l_empty_plip ben_plip_f%rowtype;
9700: l_ptip_rec ben_ptip_f%rowtype;
9701: l_empty_ptip ben_ptip_f%rowtype;