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Line 62: -- the parent PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table.

58: -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
59: --
60: -- Description:
61: -- Check that the person_id is not null and that it refers to a row on
62: -- the parent PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table.
63: --
64: -- Pre-Requisites:
65: -- None
66: --

Line 92: from per_all_people_f

89: -- Setup cursor for valid module type check
90: cursor csr_valid_person_id is
91: select person_id
92: from per_all_people_f
93: where person_id = p_person_id
94: and ((effective_start_date <= p_effective_date and
95: effective_end_date >= p_effective_date));
96: --

Line 655: , per_all_people_f per

651: cursor csr_leg_code is
652: select pbg.legislation_code
653: from per_business_groups pbg
654: , per_person_dlvry_methods pdm
655: , per_all_people_f per
656: where pdm.delivery_method_id = p_delivery_method_id
657: and pdm.person_id = per.person_id
658: and pbg.business_group_id = per.business_group_id;
659: --