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Line 1: package body FND_USER_PKG as

1: package body FND_USER_PKG as
2: /* $Header: AFSCUSRB.pls 120.63.12020000.3 2012/10/11 02:40:37 ctilley ship $ */
4: /* START PARTY */


1: package body FND_USER_PKG as
2: /* $Header: AFSCUSRB.pls 120.63.12020000.3 2012/10/11 02:40:37 ctilley ship $ */
4: /* START PARTY */
8: /* One level cache for derive_person_party_id */

Line 6: C_LOG_HEAD CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'fnd.plsql.FND_USER_PKG.';

2: /* $Header: AFSCUSRB.pls 120.63.12020000.3 2012/10/11 02:40:37 ctilley ship $ */
4: /* START PARTY */
8: /* One level cache for derive_person_party_id */

Line 29: /* bug 13472484 - FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUserInternal sets this var to be used from the following flow

26: -- bug 8227171
27: g_event_controller varchar2(10);
29: /* bug 13472484 - FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUserInternal sets this var to be used from the following flow
30: * UpdateUserInternal -> fnd_web_sec.change_password ->
31: * fnd_user_pkg.ldap_wrapper_update_user. This var is to indicate whether to pass expiry flag to ldap wrapper
32: * when called from fnd_web_sec.change_password APIs since this calculation is
33: * done in UpdateUserInternal already.

Line 31: * fnd_user_pkg.ldap_wrapper_update_user. This var is to indicate whether to pass expiry flag to ldap wrapper

27: g_event_controller varchar2(10);
29: /* bug 13472484 - FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUserInternal sets this var to be used from the following flow
30: * UpdateUserInternal -> fnd_web_sec.change_password ->
31: * fnd_user_pkg.ldap_wrapper_update_user. This var is to indicate whether to pass expiry flag to ldap wrapper
32: * when called from fnd_web_sec.change_password APIs since this calculation is
33: * done in UpdateUserInternal already.
34: */
35: G_EXPIRE_USER_PWD pls_integer := NULL;

Line 232: if (x_start_date = fnd_user_pkg.null_date) then

228: -- Bug4680643 Determine and set the value of start_date and end_date
229: -- outside of the decode statement which was truncating the actual
230: -- value when it is already set.
232: if (x_start_date = fnd_user_pkg.null_date) then
233: -- For this if condition error exception needs to be raised as
234: -- start date cannot be null. This will be resolved through a new bug.
235: l_start_date := null;
236: elsif (x_start_date is not null) then

Line 256: if (x_end_date = fnd_user_pkg.null_date) then

253: -- Bug 4901996. Truncate the time stamp
254: l_start_date := trunc(l_start_date);
256: if (x_end_date = fnd_user_pkg.null_date) then
257: l_end_date := null;
258: elsif (x_end_date is not null) then
259: -- Bug 7311525 make sure we do not permit GUEST to be end-dated
260: if (l_user_id <> 6) then

Line 272: select decode(x_session_number, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,

269: -- Translate *NULL* parameter values into real nulls,
270: -- treat null values as no-change.
271: begin
272: select decode(x_session_number, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
273: null, u.session_number,
274: x_session_number),
275: -- bug 6608790 this preserves timestamp for iRecruitement
276: decode(x_last_logon_date, fnd_user_pkg.null_date, to_date(null),

Line 276: decode(x_last_logon_date, fnd_user_pkg.null_date, to_date(null),

272: select decode(x_session_number, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
273: null, u.session_number,
274: x_session_number),
275: -- bug 6608790 this preserves timestamp for iRecruitement
276: decode(x_last_logon_date, fnd_user_pkg.null_date, to_date(null),
277: to_date(null), u.last_logon_date,
278: x_last_logon_date),
279: decode(x_description, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,
280: null, u.description,

Line 279: decode(x_description, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,

275: -- bug 6608790 this preserves timestamp for iRecruitement
276: decode(x_last_logon_date, fnd_user_pkg.null_date, to_date(null),
277: to_date(null), u.last_logon_date,
278: x_last_logon_date),
279: decode(x_description, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,
280: null, u.description,
281: x_description),
282: decode(x_password_date, fnd_user_pkg.null_date, null,
283: null, u.password_date,

Line 282: decode(x_password_date, fnd_user_pkg.null_date, null,

278: x_last_logon_date),
279: decode(x_description, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,
280: null, u.description,
281: x_description),
282: decode(x_password_date, fnd_user_pkg.null_date, null,
283: null, u.password_date,
284: x_password_date),
285: decode(x_password_accesses_left, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
286: null, u.password_accesses_left,

Line 285: decode(x_password_accesses_left, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,

281: x_description),
282: decode(x_password_date, fnd_user_pkg.null_date, null,
283: null, u.password_date,
284: x_password_date),
285: decode(x_password_accesses_left, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
286: null, u.password_accesses_left,
287: x_password_accesses_left),
288: decode(x_password_lifespan_accesses, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
289: null, u.password_lifespan_accesses,

Line 288: decode(x_password_lifespan_accesses, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,

284: x_password_date),
285: decode(x_password_accesses_left, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
286: null, u.password_accesses_left,
287: x_password_accesses_left),
288: decode(x_password_lifespan_accesses, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
289: null, u.password_lifespan_accesses,
290: x_password_lifespan_accesses),
291: decode(x_password_lifespan_days, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
292: null, u.password_lifespan_days,

Line 291: decode(x_password_lifespan_days, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,

287: x_password_accesses_left),
288: decode(x_password_lifespan_accesses, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
289: null, u.password_lifespan_accesses,
290: x_password_lifespan_accesses),
291: decode(x_password_lifespan_days, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
292: null, u.password_lifespan_days,
293: x_password_lifespan_days),
294: decode(x_employee_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
295: null, u.employee_id,

Line 294: decode(x_employee_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,

290: x_password_lifespan_accesses),
291: decode(x_password_lifespan_days, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
292: null, u.password_lifespan_days,
293: x_password_lifespan_days),
294: decode(x_employee_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
295: null, u.employee_id,
296: x_employee_id),
297: decode(x_email_address, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,
298: null, u.email_address,

Line 297: decode(x_email_address, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,

293: x_password_lifespan_days),
294: decode(x_employee_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
295: null, u.employee_id,
296: x_employee_id),
297: decode(x_email_address, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,
298: null, u.email_address,
299: x_email_address),
300: decode(x_fax, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,
301: null, u.fax,

Line 300: decode(x_fax, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,

296: x_employee_id),
297: decode(x_email_address, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,
298: null, u.email_address,
299: x_email_address),
300: decode(x_fax, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,
301: null, u.fax,
302: x_fax),
303: decode(x_customer_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
304: null, u.customer_id,

Line 303: decode(x_customer_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,

299: x_email_address),
300: decode(x_fax, fnd_user_pkg.null_char, null,
301: null, u.fax,
302: x_fax),
303: decode(x_customer_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
304: null, u.customer_id,
305: x_customer_id),
306: decode(x_supplier_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
307: null, u.supplier_id,

Line 306: decode(x_supplier_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,

302: x_fax),
303: decode(x_customer_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
304: null, u.customer_id,
305: x_customer_id),
306: decode(x_supplier_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
307: null, u.supplier_id,
308: x_supplier_id),
309: decode(x_person_party_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
310: null, u.person_party_id,

Line 309: decode(x_person_party_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,

305: x_customer_id),
306: decode(x_supplier_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
307: null, u.supplier_id,
308: x_supplier_id),
309: decode(x_person_party_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
310: null, u.person_party_id,
311: x_person_party_id),
312: decode(x_user_guid, fnd_user_pkg.null_raw, null,
313: null, u.user_guid,

Line 312: decode(x_user_guid, fnd_user_pkg.null_raw, null,

308: x_supplier_id),
309: decode(x_person_party_id, fnd_user_pkg.null_number, null,
310: null, u.person_party_id,
311: x_person_party_id),
312: decode(x_user_guid, fnd_user_pkg.null_raw, null,
313: null, u.user_guid,
314: x_user_guid )
315: into l_session_number,
316: l_last_logon_date, l_description, l_password_date,

Line 337: fnd_user_pkg.derive_customer_employee_id(x_user_name, l_person_party_id, l_customer_id, l_employee_id);

333: -- Derive customer/employee_ids from party_id
334: -- This was added to fix Bug#3663908
335: if (nvl(l_old_person_party_id, 0) <> nvl(l_person_party_id, 0)) then
337: fnd_user_pkg.derive_customer_employee_id(x_user_name, l_person_party_id, l_customer_id, l_employee_id);
339: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
340: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, c_log_head || l_api_name,'Derive employee_id = '||l_employee_id||
341: ' derived customer_id = '||l_customer_id);

Line 350: l_person_party_id := fnd_user_pkg.derive_person_party_id(x_user_name, l_customer_id, l_employee_id);

346: -- Derive the party_id from the customer/employee_ids.
347: -- This was added to fix Bug#3663908
348: if (nvl(l_old_customer_id, 0) <> nvl(l_customer_id, 0)) or (nvl(l_old_employee_id, 0) <> nvl(l_employee_id, 0)) then
350: l_person_party_id := fnd_user_pkg.derive_person_party_id(x_user_name, l_customer_id, l_employee_id);
352: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
353: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, c_log_head || l_api_name,'Derive party id = '||l_person_party_id);
354: end if;

Line 539: x_change_source <> fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid ) then

535: end if;
537: -- Enhancement 5027812
538: if (x_change_source is null or
539: x_change_source <> fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid ) then
540: begin
542: -- Bug 13472484 - removed the passing of the password since the password
543: -- will be changed higher up in the call to fnd_web_sec.change_password.

Line 842: fnd_user_pkg.user_synch(x_user_name);

838: end;
839: end if;
841: -- Sync user change to LDAP
842: fnd_user_pkg.user_synch(x_user_name);
844: -- Bug 8227171 UpdateUserInternal
845: -- Raise WF event oracle.apps.fnd.post.user.update
846: if (nvl(g_event_controller, 'XXXX') <> 'CREATE') then

Line 939: fnd_user_pkg.LOAD_ROW (

936: X_FAX in VARCHAR2 ) is
938: begin
939: fnd_user_pkg.LOAD_ROW (

Line 1035: ret := fnd_user_pkg.SetReEncryptedPassword(puser_name, encPwd, 'LOADER');

1031: if (encPwd = 'INVALID') then
1032: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log,'Invalid password for user ' ||puser_name );
1033: end if;
1034: else
1035: ret := fnd_user_pkg.SetReEncryptedPassword(puser_name, encPwd, 'LOADER');
1036: end if;
1037: END;
1039: begin

Line 1050: if (X_END_DATE = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then

1046: /*Bug2896887 - Modified code to analyze and set up the correct value
1047: for the nullable parameters to be passed to the
1048: UpdateUser and CreateUser procedures. */
1050: if (X_END_DATE = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1051: l_end_date := fnd_user_pkg.null_date;
1052: else -- bug 7311525 prevent upload of non-null end date for GUEST
1053: if (UPPER(x_user_name) <> 'GUEST') then
1054: l_end_date := to_date(X_END_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');

Line 1051: l_end_date := fnd_user_pkg.null_date;

1047: for the nullable parameters to be passed to the
1048: UpdateUser and CreateUser procedures. */
1050: if (X_END_DATE = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1051: l_end_date := fnd_user_pkg.null_date;
1052: else -- bug 7311525 prevent upload of non-null end date for GUEST
1053: if (UPPER(x_user_name) <> 'GUEST') then
1054: l_end_date := to_date(X_END_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
1055: else

Line 1060: if (X_PASSWORD_DATE = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then

1056: l_end_date := null;
1057: end if;
1058: end if;
1060: if (X_PASSWORD_DATE = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1061: l_password_date := fnd_user_pkg.null_date;
1062: else
1063: l_password_date := to_date(X_PASSWORD_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
1064: end if;

Line 1061: l_password_date := fnd_user_pkg.null_date;

1057: end if;
1058: end if;
1060: if (X_PASSWORD_DATE = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1061: l_password_date := fnd_user_pkg.null_date;
1062: else
1063: l_password_date := to_date(X_PASSWORD_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
1064: end if;

Line 1066: if (X_LAST_LOGON_DATE = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then

1062: else
1063: l_password_date := to_date(X_PASSWORD_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
1064: end if;
1066: if (X_LAST_LOGON_DATE = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1067: l_last_logon_date := fnd_user_pkg.null_date;
1068: else
1069: l_last_logon_date := to_date(X_LAST_LOGON_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
1070: end if;

Line 1067: l_last_logon_date := fnd_user_pkg.null_date;

1063: l_password_date := to_date(X_PASSWORD_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
1064: end if;
1066: if (X_LAST_LOGON_DATE = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1067: l_last_logon_date := fnd_user_pkg.null_date;
1068: else
1069: l_last_logon_date := to_date(X_LAST_LOGON_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
1070: end if;

Line 1072: if (X_PASSWORD_ACCESSES_LEFT = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then

1068: else
1069: l_last_logon_date := to_date(X_LAST_LOGON_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
1070: end if;
1072: if (X_PASSWORD_ACCESSES_LEFT = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1073: l_password_accesses_left := fnd_user_pkg.null_number;
1074: else
1075: l_password_accesses_left := to_number(X_PASSWORD_ACCESSES_LEFT);
1076: end if;

Line 1073: l_password_accesses_left := fnd_user_pkg.null_number;

1069: l_last_logon_date := to_date(X_LAST_LOGON_DATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
1070: end if;
1072: if (X_PASSWORD_ACCESSES_LEFT = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1073: l_password_accesses_left := fnd_user_pkg.null_number;
1074: else
1075: l_password_accesses_left := to_number(X_PASSWORD_ACCESSES_LEFT);
1076: end if;

Line 1078: if (X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_ACCESSES = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then

1074: else
1075: l_password_accesses_left := to_number(X_PASSWORD_ACCESSES_LEFT);
1076: end if;
1078: if (X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_ACCESSES = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1079: l_password_lifespan_accesses := fnd_user_pkg.null_number;
1080: else
1081: l_password_lifespan_accesses := to_number(X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_ACCESSES);
1082: end if;

Line 1079: l_password_lifespan_accesses := fnd_user_pkg.null_number;

1075: l_password_accesses_left := to_number(X_PASSWORD_ACCESSES_LEFT);
1076: end if;
1078: if (X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_ACCESSES = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1079: l_password_lifespan_accesses := fnd_user_pkg.null_number;
1080: else
1081: l_password_lifespan_accesses := to_number(X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_ACCESSES);
1082: end if;

Line 1084: if (X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_DAYS = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then

1080: else
1081: l_password_lifespan_accesses := to_number(X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_ACCESSES);
1082: end if;
1084: if (X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_DAYS = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1085: l_password_lifespan_days := fnd_user_pkg.null_number;
1086: else
1087: l_password_lifespan_days := to_number(X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_DAYS);
1088: end if;

Line 1085: l_password_lifespan_days := fnd_user_pkg.null_number;

1081: l_password_lifespan_accesses := to_number(X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_ACCESSES);
1082: end if;
1084: if (X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_DAYS = fnd_user_pkg.null_char) then
1085: l_password_lifespan_days := fnd_user_pkg.null_number;
1086: else
1087: l_password_lifespan_days := to_number(X_PASSWORD_LIFESPAN_DAYS);
1088: end if;

Line 1139: fnd_user_pkg.createuser(

1135: exception
1136: when no_data_found then
1137: -- bug 4047740 changed dummy password from 'welcome' to new FND_WEB_SEC
1138: -- constant, requires AFSCJAVS.pls 115.27 and AFSCJAVB.pls 115.63
1139: fnd_user_pkg.createuser(
1140: X_USER_NAME,
1141: X_OWNER, -- bug 7687370
1143: to_number(X_SESSION_NUMBER),

Line 1238: x_change_source <> fnd_user_pkg.CHANGE_SOURCE_OID) and

1235: if (ret = 'Y') then
1236: -- Enhancement 5027812
1237: if ((x_change_source is null or
1238: x_change_source <> fnd_user_pkg.CHANGE_SOURCE_OID) and
1239: pwd <> fnd_web_sec.external_pwd) then
1240: -- We need to translate the external constant to null. Otherwise
1241: -- fnd_ldap_wrapper.create_user will use that constant as real password.
1242: if (pwd = fnd_web_sec.external_pwd) then

Line 1263: -- Bug 13713119 Decode the fnd_user_pkg.null_date and fnd_user_pkg.null_number

1259: -- Bug 13707735 - removed the condition that was added for bug 13595376
1260: -- this condition is incorrect - removed from both create and update flows.
1261: -- NOTE: This condition should be the same as used in FND_SIGNON.IS_PWD_EXPIRED
1263: -- Bug 13713119 Decode the fnd_user_pkg.null_date and fnd_user_pkg.null_number
1264: -- values that may be passed to indicate a null. These variables should only be
1265: -- used to calculate expiration and not passed to the UpdateUserInternal API - this API
1266: -- does its own calculation

Line 1268: if (x_password_date = fnd_user_pkg.null_date) then

1264: -- values that may be passed to indicate a null. These variables should only be
1265: -- used to calculate expiration and not passed to the UpdateUserInternal API - this API
1266: -- does its own calculation
1268: if (x_password_date = fnd_user_pkg.null_date) then
1269: l_password_date := null;
1270: else
1271: l_password_date := x_password_date;
1272: end if;

Line 1274: if (x_password_accesses_left = fnd_user_pkg.null_number) then

1270: else
1271: l_password_date := x_password_date;
1272: end if;
1274: if (x_password_accesses_left = fnd_user_pkg.null_number) then
1275: l_password_accesses_left := null;
1276: else
1277: l_password_accesses_left := x_password_accesses_left;
1278: end if;

Line 1280: if (x_password_lifespan_accesses = fnd_user_pkg.null_number) then

1276: else
1277: l_password_accesses_left := x_password_accesses_left;
1278: end if;
1280: if (x_password_lifespan_accesses = fnd_user_pkg.null_number) then
1281: l_password_lifespan_accesses := null;
1282: else
1283: l_password_lifespan_accesses := x_password_lifespan_accesses;
1284: end if;

Line 1286: if (x_password_lifespan_days = fnd_user_pkg.null_number) then

1282: else
1283: l_password_lifespan_accesses := x_password_lifespan_accesses;
1284: end if;
1286: if (x_password_lifespan_days = fnd_user_pkg.null_number) then
1287: l_password_lifespan_days := null;
1288: else
1289: l_password_lifespan_days := x_password_lifespan_days;
1290: end if;

Line 1355: 'CreateUser(): calling fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser');

1351: -- update the rest of the data except password
1352: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
1353: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,
1354: c_log_head || l_api_name || '.call_upduser',
1355: 'CreateUser(): calling fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser');
1356: end if;
1358: -- bug 8227171 Use the event controller global to tell the
1359: -- update user event not to fire since the create event will

Line 1368: -- fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(

1364: -- so that the user synch code in UpdateUser is triggered.
1365: -- Don't change this without taking that into account.
1366: --
1367: if (x_mode = 'PARTY') then
1368: -- fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(
1369: -- Begin bug 4318754, 4424225
1370: -- In order to handle user_guid, calls UpdateUserInternal directly
1371: -- instead of UpdateUserParty which does not take user_guid as argument.
1372: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserInternal(

Line 1372: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserInternal(

1368: -- fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(
1369: -- Begin bug 4318754, 4424225
1370: -- In order to handle user_guid, calls UpdateUserInternal directly
1371: -- instead of UpdateUserParty which does not take user_guid as argument.
1372: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserInternal(
1373: -- End bug 4318754, 4424225
1374: x_user_name => x_user_name,
1375: x_owner => x_owner,
1376: x_unencrypted_password => l_oid_pwd,

Line 1395: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);

1391: x_person_party_id => x_person_party_id,
1392: x_old_password => null,
1393: x_mode => 'PARTY',
1394: x_user_guid => l_user_guid,
1395: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);
1396: else
1397: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(
1398: x_user_name => x_user_name,
1399: x_owner => x_owner,

Line 1397: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(

1393: x_mode => 'PARTY',
1394: x_user_guid => l_user_guid,
1395: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);
1396: else
1397: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(
1398: x_user_name => x_user_name,
1399: x_owner => x_owner,
1400: x_unencrypted_password => l_oid_pwd,
1401: x_session_number => x_session_number,

Line 1417: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);

1413: x_customer_id => x_customer_id,
1414: x_supplier_id => x_supplier_id,
1415: x_old_password => null,
1416: x_user_guid => l_user_guid,
1417: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);
1418: end if;
1420: -- bug 8227171 CreateUserIdInternal
1421: -- Raise the WF event oracle.apps.fnd.post.user.create

Line 1615: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId(

1611: x_supplier_id in number default null)
1612: is
1613: dummy number;
1614: begin
1615: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId(
1616: x_user_name,
1617: x_owner,
1618: x_unencrypted_password,
1619: x_session_number,

Line 1671: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserIdParty(

1667: x_person_party_id in number default null)
1668: is
1669: dummy number;
1670: begin
1671: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserIdParty(
1672: x_user_name,
1673: x_owner,
1674: x_unencrypted_password,
1675: x_session_number,

Line 1701: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.updateuser('SCOTT', 'SEED', 'DRAGON'); end;

1697: -- keys foreign keys to the "person". Use UpdateUserParty to update
1698: -- a user with the new person_party_id key.
1699: --
1700: -- Usage Example in pl/sql
1701: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.updateuser('SCOTT', 'SEED', 'DRAGON'); end;
1702: --
1703: -- Mandatory Input Arguments
1704: -- x_user_name: An existing user name
1705: -- x_owner: 'SEED' or 'CUST'(customer)

Line 1763: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.updateuser('SCOTT', 'SEED', 'DRAGON'); end;

1759: -- to the "person". Use UpdateUser to update a user with the old
1760: -- customer_id/employee_id keys.
1761: --
1762: -- Usage Example in pl/sql
1763: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.updateuser('SCOTT', 'SEED', 'DRAGON'); end;
1764: --
1765: -- Mandatory Input Arguments
1766: -- x_user_name: An existing user name
1767: -- x_owner: 'SEED' or 'CUST'(customer)

Line 1860: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(x_user_name,

1856: exists_flag := 'N';
1857: end;
1859: if (exists_flag = 'Y') then
1860: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(x_user_name,
1861: x_owner,
1862: x_unencrypted_password,
1863: x_session_number,
1864: x_start_date,

Line 1887: fnd_user_pkg.createuser(x_user_name,

1883: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,
1884: c_log_head || l_api_name || '.call_creatuser',
1885: 'LoadUser(): calling CreateUser');
1886: end if;
1887: fnd_user_pkg.createuser(x_user_name,
1888: x_owner,
1889: x_unencrypted_password,
1890: x_session_number,
1891: x_start_date,

Line 1907: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'FND_USER_PKG.LOADUSER');

1903: x_supplier_id);
1904: else
1905: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_NO_PASSWORD_PROVIDED');
1906: fnd_message.set_token('USER_NAME', X_USER_NAME);
1907: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'FND_USER_PKG.LOADUSER');
1908: app_exception.raise_exception;
1909: end if;
1910: end if;
1911: end LoadUser;

Line 1960: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(x_user_name,

1956: exists_flag := 'N';
1957: end;
1959: if (exists_flag = 'Y') then
1960: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(x_user_name,
1961: x_owner,
1962: x_unencrypted_password,
1963: x_session_number,
1964: x_start_date,

Line 1985: fnd_user_pkg.createuserparty(x_user_name,

1981: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,
1982: c_log_head || l_api_name || '.call_creatuser',
1983: 'LoadUser(): calling CreateUser');
1984: end if;
1985: fnd_user_pkg.createuserparty(x_user_name,
1986: x_owner,
1987: x_unencrypted_password,
1988: x_session_number,
1989: x_start_date,

Line 2003: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'FND_USER_PKG.LOADUSER');

1999: x_person_party_id);
2000: else
2001: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_NO_PASSWORD_PROVIDED');
2002: fnd_message.set_token('USER_NAME', X_USER_NAME);
2003: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'FND_USER_PKG.LOADUSER');
2004: app_exception.raise_exception;
2005: end if;
2006: end if;
2007: end LoadUserParty;

Line 2017: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.disableuser('SCOTT'); end;

2013: -- You longer can log in as this user anymore. If username is not valid,
2014: -- exception raised with error message.
2015: --
2016: -- Usage example in pl/sql
2017: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.disableuser('SCOTT'); end;
2018: --
2019: -- Input (Mandatory)
2020: -- username: User Name
2021: --

Line 2029: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(x_user_name => DisableUser.username,

2025: -- here we do not disable Guest account
2026: if( upper(username) = 'GUEST' ) then
2027: return;
2028: end if;
2029: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(x_user_name => DisableUser.username,
2030: x_owner => null,
2031: x_end_date => sysdate);
2032: end DisableUser;
2033: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 2039: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.validatelogin('SCOTT', 'TIGER'); end;

2035: -- ValidateLogin (PUBLIC)
2036: -- Test if password is good for this given user.
2037: --
2038: -- Usage example in pl/sql
2039: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.validatelogin('SCOTT', 'TIGER'); end;
2040: --
2041: -- Input (Mandatory)
2042: -- username: User Name
2043: -- password: User Password

Line 2063: -- In all other cases use FND_USER_PKG.ValidateLogin.

2059: -- authentication against SSO (NON-UI business logic).
2061: -- Use the api for SSO user authentication. It is assumed that EBS is already
2062: -- configured with SSO.
2063: -- In all other cases use FND_USER_PKG.ValidateLogin.
2064: -- Product teams who are currently using this api:
2066: -- (bug#14057306)

Line 2081: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.changepassword('SCOTT', 'WELCOME'); end;

2077: -- Set new password for a given user without having to provide
2078: -- the old password.
2079: --
2080: -- Usage example in pl/sql
2081: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.changepassword('SCOTT', 'WELCOME'); end;
2082: --
2083: -- Input (Mandatory)
2084: -- username: User Name
2085: -- newpassword New Password

Line 2099: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.changepassword('SCOTT', 'TIGER', 'WELCOME'); end;

2095: -- Set new password for a given user if the existing password needed to be
2096: -- validated before changing to the new password.
2097: --
2098: -- Usage example in pl/sql
2099: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.changepassword('SCOTT', 'TIGER', 'WELCOME'); end;
2100: --
2101: -- Input (Mandatory)
2102: -- username: User Name
2103: -- oldpassword Old Password

Line 2124: -- newpass := fnd_user_pkg.getreencryptedpassword('SCOTT', 'NEWKEY'); end;

2120: -- Usage example in pl/sql
2121: -- declare
2122: -- newpass varchar2(100);
2123: -- begin
2124: -- newpass := fnd_user_pkg.getreencryptedpassword('SCOTT', 'NEWKEY'); end;
2125: -- end;
2126: --
2127: -- Input (Mandatory)
2128: -- username: User Name

Line 2146: -- newpass := fnd_user_pkg.getreencryptedpassword('SCOTT', 'NEWKEY'); end;

2142: -- Usage example in pl/sql
2143: -- declare
2144: -- newpass varchar2(100);
2145: -- begin
2146: -- newpass := fnd_user_pkg.getreencryptedpassword('SCOTT', 'NEWKEY'); end;
2147: -- fnd_user_pkg.setreencryptedpassword('SCOTT', newpass, 'NEWKEY'); end;
2148: -- end;
2149: --
2150: -- Input (Mandatory)

Line 2147: -- fnd_user_pkg.setreencryptedpassword('SCOTT', newpass, 'NEWKEY'); end;

2143: -- declare
2144: -- newpass varchar2(100);
2145: -- begin
2146: -- newpass := fnd_user_pkg.getreencryptedpassword('SCOTT', 'NEWKEY'); end;
2147: -- fnd_user_pkg.setreencryptedpassword('SCOTT', newpass, 'NEWKEY'); end;
2148: -- end;
2149: --
2150: -- Input (Mandatory)
2151: -- username: User Name

Line 2272: fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(my_username);

2268: end if;
2270: if (my_mode = 'DELETE') then
2271: begin
2272: fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(my_username);
2273: exception
2274: when others then null;
2275: end;

Line 2350: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(

2346: end if;
2347: --End bug 3147423
2348: -- end of conversions --
2350: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(
2351: x_user_name => my_username,
2352: x_owner => 'CUST',
2353: x_description => new_desc2,
2354: x_email_address => new_email2,

Line 2359: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);

2355: x_fax => new_fax2,
2356: -- This api is called by LDAP so pass the change source so that we don't
2357: -- start the synch loop.
2358: x_user_guid => old_guid,
2359: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);
2361: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
2362: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, c_log_head || l_api_name,
2363: 'LDAP - finished fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser('||my_username||')');

Line 2363: 'LDAP - finished fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser('||my_username||')');

2359: x_change_source => fnd_user_pkg.change_source_oid);
2361: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
2362: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, c_log_head || l_api_name,
2363: 'LDAP - finished fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser('||my_username||')');
2364: end if;
2365: end if;
2366: end if;

Line 2406: fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(my_user);

2402: if ( (l_allow_sync = 'Y') and (l_local_login <> 'LOCAL') ) then
2404: if (p_event.GetValueForParameter('CHANGE_TYPE') = 'DELETE') then
2405: begin
2406: fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(my_user);
2407: exception
2408: when others then null;
2409: end;

Line 2419: -- treated as a "don't change". fnd_user_pkg apis do

2415: --
2416: -- NOTE: While we have the ability to distinguish between null
2417: -- and "known to be null", the standard apis do not.
2418: -- For now, we're must pass null regardless which is
2419: -- treated as a "don't change". fnd_user_pkg apis do
2420: -- not yet support the ability to "null out" an
2421: -- attribute value. Weak.
2422: --
2423: new_desc := wf_entity_mgr.get_attribute_value(my_ent_type, my_cachekey,

Line 2449: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(

2445: if (new_email in ('*NULL*', '*UNKNOWN*')) then
2446: new_email := null_char;
2447: end if;
2449: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(
2450: x_user_name => my_user,
2451: x_owner => 'CUST',
2452: x_description => new_desc,
2453: x_email_address => new_email,

Line 2458: 'OID - finished fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser('||my_user||')');

2454: x_fax => new_fax);
2456: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
2457: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, c_log_head || l_api_name,
2458: 'OID - finished fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser('||my_user||')');
2459: end if;
2460: end if;
2461: end if;
2462: else

Line 2580: fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser(

2576: --End Bug 3147423
2578: -- end of conversions --
2580: fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser(
2581: x_user_name => my_username,
2582: x_owner => 'CUST',
2583: x_unencrypted_password => null,
2584: x_description => new_desc2,

Line 2590: 'LDAP - finished fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser('||my_username||')');

2586: x_fax => new_fax2);
2588: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
2589: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, c_log_head || l_api_name,
2590: 'LDAP - finished fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser('||my_username||')');
2591: end if;
2592: end;
2594: -- If CHANGE_SOURCE is OID, it means it's raised from two-way sync code.

Line 2637: fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser(

2633: if (new_email in ('*NULL*', '*UNKNOWN*')) then
2634: new_email := null;
2635: end if;
2637: fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser(
2638: x_user_name => my_cachekey,
2639: x_owner => 'CUST',
2640: x_unencrypted_password => null,
2641: x_description => new_desc,

Line 2647: 'OID - finished fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser('||my_cachekey||')');

2643: x_fax => new_fax);
2645: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
2646: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, c_log_head || l_api_name,
2647: 'OID - finished fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser('||my_cachekey||')');
2648: end if;
2650: --
2651: -- guid will eventually be managed centrally so didn't want to add it

Line 2652: -- to the fnd_user_pkg apis...hence the separate update here

2648: end if;
2650: --
2651: -- guid will eventually be managed centrally so didn't want to add it
2652: -- to the fnd_user_pkg apis...hence the separate update here
2653: --
2654: update fnd_user set user_guid = new_guid
2655: where user_name = my_cachekey;

Line 2808: from Forms or from the fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name PL/SQL api */

2805: -- begin bug 2504562
2806: wf_event.AddParameterToList('OLD_USER_NAME', g_old_user_name, mylist);
2807: /* set g_old_user_name to null here to cover calls to user_synch initiated
2808: from Forms or from the fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name PL/SQL api */
2809: --Comment out this following call because I need it to do the pk children
2810: --later. After pk children update, then I will reset g_old_user_name.
2811: --dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name(NULL);
2812: -- end bug 2504562

Line 2811: --dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name(NULL);

2807: /* set g_old_user_name to null here to cover calls to user_synch initiated
2808: from Forms or from the fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name PL/SQL api */
2809: --Comment out this following call because I need it to do the pk children
2810: --later. After pk children update, then I will reset g_old_user_name.
2811: --dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name(NULL);
2812: -- end bug 2504562
2814: --
2815: -- Added calls for the lang/territory and notification preference.

Line 2906: -- from Forms or from the fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name PL/SQL api

2902: if (g_old_user_name is not null) then
2903: UpdateUsernameChildren(g_old_user_name, p_user_name);
2904: end if;
2905: -- set g_old_user_name to null here to cover calls to user_synch initiated
2906: -- from Forms or from the fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name PL/SQL api
2907: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name(NULL);
2908: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_person_party_id(NULL);
2909: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_guid(NULL);

Line 2907: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name(NULL);

2903: UpdateUsernameChildren(g_old_user_name, p_user_name);
2904: end if;
2905: -- set g_old_user_name to null here to cover calls to user_synch initiated
2906: -- from Forms or from the fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name PL/SQL api
2907: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name(NULL);
2908: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_person_party_id(NULL);
2909: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_guid(NULL);
2911: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then

Line 2908: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_person_party_id(NULL);

2904: end if;
2905: -- set g_old_user_name to null here to cover calls to user_synch initiated
2906: -- from Forms or from the fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name PL/SQL api
2907: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name(NULL);
2908: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_person_party_id(NULL);
2909: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_guid(NULL);
2911: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
2912: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, c_log_head || l_api_name,

Line 2909: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_guid(NULL);

2905: -- set g_old_user_name to null here to cover calls to user_synch initiated
2906: -- from Forms or from the fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name PL/SQL api
2907: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name(NULL);
2908: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_person_party_id(NULL);
2909: dummy := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_guid(NULL);
2911: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
2912: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, c_log_head || l_api_name,
2913: 'End user_synch');

Line 2917: -- that fnd_user_pkg.user_synch() was passed an invalid or null user_name,

2913: 'End user_synch');
2914: end if;
2915: exception
2916: -- Bug 3617474: This NO_DATA_FOUND exception handler was placed in the event
2917: -- that fnd_user_pkg.user_synch() was passed an invalid or null user_name,
2918: -- i.e a user_name that does not exist in fnd_user.
2919: when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2920: null;

Line 2932: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.delresp('SCOTT', 'FND', 'APPLICATION_DEVELOPER',

2928: -- If any of the username or application short name or responsibility key or
2929: -- security group is not valid, exception raised with error message.
2930: --
2931: -- Usage example in pl/sql
2932: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.delresp('SCOTT', 'FND', 'APPLICATION_DEVELOPER',
2933: -- 'STANDARD'); end;
2934: -- Input (Mandatory)
2935: -- username: User Name
2936: -- resp_app: Application Short Name

Line 3011: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.addresp('SCOTT', 'FND', 'APPLICATION_DEVELOPER',

3007: -- If user name or application short name or responsbility key name
3008: -- or security group key is not valid, exception raised with error message.
3009: --
3010: -- Usage example in pl/sql
3011: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.addresp('SCOTT', 'FND', 'APPLICATION_DEVELOPER',
3012: -- 'STANDARD', 'DESCRIPTION', sysdate, null); end;
3013: -- Input (Mandatory)
3014: -- username: User Name
3015: -- resp_app: Application Short Name

Line 3100: -- Description: Calls FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUser

3096: end isPasswordChangeable;
3098: -------------------------------------------------------------------
3099: -- Name: UpdatePassword_WF
3100: -- Description: Calls FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUser
3101: -------------------------------------------------------------------
3102: Procedure UpdatePassword_WF(itemtype in varchar2,
3103: itemkey in varchar2,
3104: actid in number,

Line 3111: FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUser(

3108: begin
3110: if (funcmode = 'RUN') then
3111: FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUser(
3112: x_user_name=>
3113: WF_ENGINE.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid,
3114: 'X_USER_NAME'),
3115: x_owner=>'CUST',

Line 3494: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.enableuser('SCOTT'); end;

3490: -- You can log in as this user from now.
3491: -- If username is not valid, exception raised with error message.
3492: --
3493: -- Usage example in pl/sql
3494: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.enableuser('SCOTT'); end;
3495: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.enableuser('SCOTT', sysdate+1, sysdate+30); end;
3496: --
3497: -- Input (Mandatory)
3498: -- username: User Name

Line 3495: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.enableuser('SCOTT', sysdate+1, sysdate+30); end;

3491: -- If username is not valid, exception raised with error message.
3492: --
3493: -- Usage example in pl/sql
3494: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.enableuser('SCOTT'); end;
3495: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.enableuser('SCOTT', sysdate+1, sysdate+30); end;
3496: --
3497: -- Input (Mandatory)
3498: -- username: User Name
3499: -- Input (Non-Mandatory)

Line 3505: end_date date default fnd_user_pkg.null_date) is

3501: -- end_date: End Date
3502: --
3503: procedure EnableUser(username varchar2,
3504: start_date date default sysdate,
3505: end_date date default fnd_user_pkg.null_date) is
3506: begin
3507: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(x_user_name => EnableUser.username,
3508: x_owner => NULL,
3509: x_start_date => EnableUser.start_date,

Line 3507: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(x_user_name => EnableUser.username,

3503: procedure EnableUser(username varchar2,
3504: start_date date default sysdate,
3505: end_date date default fnd_user_pkg.null_date) is
3506: begin
3507: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(x_user_name => EnableUser.username,
3508: x_owner => NULL,
3509: x_start_date => EnableUser.start_date,
3510: x_end_date => EnableUser.end_date);
3511: end EnableUser;

Line 3524: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.creatependinguser('SCOTT', 'SEED', 'welcome'); end;

3520: -- UMX with an aproval process.
3521: --
3522: --
3523: -- Usage example in pl/sql
3524: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.creatependinguser('SCOTT', 'SEED', 'welcome'); end;
3525: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.creatependinguser('SCOTT', 'SEED'); end;
3526: --
3527: -- Input (Mandatory)
3528: -- x_user_name: User Name

Line 3525: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.creatependinguser('SCOTT', 'SEED'); end;

3521: --
3522: --
3523: -- Usage example in pl/sql
3524: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.creatependinguser('SCOTT', 'SEED', 'welcome'); end;
3525: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.creatependinguser('SCOTT', 'SEED'); end;
3526: --
3527: -- Input (Mandatory)
3528: -- x_user_name: User Name
3529: -- x_owner: 'SEED' or 'CUST'(customer)

Line 3547: uid := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserIdParty(

3543: x_person_party_id in number default null) return number
3544: is
3545: uid number;
3546: begin
3547: uid := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserIdParty(
3548: x_user_name,
3549: x_owner,
3550: x_unencrypted_password,
3551: x_session_number,

Line 3578: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.removependinguser('SCOTT'); end;

3574: -- Pending user is created when a user registers a user account through
3575: -- UMX with an aproval process.
3576: --
3577: -- Usage example in pl/sql
3578: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.removependinguser('SCOTT'); end;
3579: --
3580: -- Input (Mandatory)
3581: -- username: User Name
3582: --

Line 3685: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.assignpartytouser('SCOTT', 1001); end;

3681: -- AssignPartyToUser (PUBLIC)
3682: -- Assign a TCA party to a given user
3683: --
3684: -- Usage example in pl/sql
3685: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.assignpartytouser('SCOTT', 1001); end;
3686: --
3687: -- Input (Mandatory)
3688: -- x_user_name: User Name
3689: -- x_party_id: Party Name Id

Line 3713: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(x_user_name => x_user_name,

3709: fnd_message.set_token('PARTY_NAME', x_party);
3710: app_exception.raise_exception;
3711: end;
3713: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(x_user_name => x_user_name,
3714: x_owner => 'SEED',
3715: x_person_party_id => pid);
3716: */

Line 3718: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(x_user_name => x_user_name,

3714: x_owner => 'SEED',
3715: x_person_party_id => pid);
3716: */
3718: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(x_user_name => x_user_name,
3719: x_owner => 'SEED',
3720: x_person_party_id => x_party_id);
3722: end AssignPartyToUser;

Line 3760: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name('SOCTT', 'SCOTT'); end;

3756: -- This api changes username, deals with encryption changes and
3757: -- update foreign keys that were using the old username.
3758: --
3759: -- Usage example in pl/sql
3760: -- begin fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name('SOCTT', 'SCOTT'); end;
3761: --
3762: -- Input (Mandantory)
3763: -- x_old_user_name: Old User Name
3764: -- x_new_user_name: New User Name

Line 3847: newpass := fnd_user_pkg.GetReEncryptedPassword(x_new_user_name, 'NEWKEY');

3843: end if;
3845: -- Only have to do password reencryption if is not EXTERNAL, INVALID or Hash mode
3846: if ( (encpwd not in ('EXTERNAL', 'INVALID')) and (substr(encpwd, 1, 1) <> 'X') ) then
3847: newpass := fnd_user_pkg.GetReEncryptedPassword(x_new_user_name, 'NEWKEY');
3848: ret := fnd_user_pkg.SetReEncryptedPassword(x_new_user_name,newpass,'NEWKEY');
3849: end if;
3851: tmpbuf := 'updating fnd_user for new user_name '||x_new_user_name;

Line 3848: ret := fnd_user_pkg.SetReEncryptedPassword(x_new_user_name,newpass,'NEWKEY');

3845: -- Only have to do password reencryption if is not EXTERNAL, INVALID or Hash mode
3846: if ( (encpwd not in ('EXTERNAL', 'INVALID')) and (substr(encpwd, 1, 1) <> 'X') ) then
3847: newpass := fnd_user_pkg.GetReEncryptedPassword(x_new_user_name, 'NEWKEY');
3848: ret := fnd_user_pkg.SetReEncryptedPassword(x_new_user_name,newpass,'NEWKEY');
3849: end if;
3851: tmpbuf := 'updating fnd_user for new user_name '||x_new_user_name;
3852: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then

Line 3870: tmpbuf := 'Start calling fnd_user_pkg.user_synch('||x_new_user_name||')';

3867: fnd_function_security_cache.update_user(l_user_id);
3869: -- propagate username change to WF and entity mgr
3870: tmpbuf := 'Start calling fnd_user_pkg.user_synch('||x_new_user_name||')';
3871: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
3872: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, C_LOG_HEAD || l_api_name || '.',
3873: tmpbuf);
3874: end if;

Line 3876: fnd_user_pkg.user_synch(upper(x_new_user_name));

3872: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, C_LOG_HEAD || l_api_name || '.',
3873: tmpbuf);
3874: end if;
3875: begin
3876: fnd_user_pkg.user_synch(upper(x_new_user_name));
3877: exception
3878: when others then
3879: reason := fnd_message.get;
3880: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_FAILED_WF_USER_SYNCH');

Line 3896: tmpbuf := 'Finished fnd_user_pkg.user_synch';

3892: set grantee_key = x_new_user_name
3893: where grantee_key = x_old_user_name
3894: and grantee_type = 'USER';
3896: tmpbuf := 'Finished fnd_user_pkg.user_synch';
3897: if (fnd_log.LEVEL_STATEMENT >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
3898: fnd_log.string(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, C_LOG_HEAD || l_api_name || '.',
3899: tmpbuf);
3900: end if;

Line 3946: -- begin retval := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name('SOCTT'); end;

3942: --
3943: -- Usage example in pl/sql
3944: -- declare
3945: -- retval number := null;
3946: -- begin retval := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_name('SOCTT'); end;
3947: --
3948: -- Input (Mandantory)
3949: -- x_old_user_name: Old User Name
3950: --

Line 4063: -- Bug#3904339 - SSO: Add user_guid parameter in fnd_user_pkg apis

4060: --
4061: -- CreateUser (PUBLIC)
4062: --
4063: -- Bug#3904339 - SSO: Add user_guid parameter in fnd_user_pkg apis
4064: -- Overloaded procedure to create user
4065: -- Accepts User GUID as a parameter in addition to the other parameters
4066: --
4067: --

Line 4091: l_result := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId(

4087: x_change_source in number default null)
4088: is
4089: l_result number;
4090: begin
4091: l_result := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId(
4092: x_user_name,
4093: x_owner,
4094: x_unencrypted_password,
4095: x_session_number,

Line 4117: -- Bug#3904339 - SSO: Add user_guid parameter in fnd_user_pkg apis

4113: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4114: --
4115: -- CreateUserId (PUBLIC)
4116: --
4117: -- Bug#3904339 - SSO: Add user_guid parameter in fnd_user_pkg apis
4118: -- Overloaded procedure to create user
4119: -- Accepts User GUID as a parameter in addition to the other parameters
4120: --
4121: -- Returns

Line 4175: -- Bug#3904339 - SSO: Add user_guid parameter in fnd_user_pkg apis

4171: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4172: --
4173: -- UpdateUser (Public)
4174: --
4175: -- Bug#3904339 - SSO: Add user_guid parameter in fnd_user_pkg apis
4176: -- Overloaded procedure to update user
4177: -- Accepts User GUID as a parameter in addition to the other parameters
4178: --
4179: procedure UpdateUser (

Line 4253: -- begin ret := fnd_user_pkg.testusername('SOCTT'); end;

4249: -- This api test whether a username exists in FND and/or in OID.
4250: --
4251: -- Usage example in pl/sql
4252: -- declare ret number;
4253: -- begin ret := fnd_user_pkg.testusername('SOCTT'); end;
4254: --
4255: -- Input (Mandantory)
4256: -- x_user_name: User Name that you want to test
4257: --

Line 4274: fnd_user_pkg.validate_user_name(x_user_name);

4271: pf := 'N';
4273: begin
4274: fnd_user_pkg.validate_user_name(x_user_name);
4275: exception
4276: when others then
4277: -- error message is already on the stack from validate_user_name()
4278: -- Either a generic validation error message or specific message from

Line 4283: if (fnd_user_pkg.userExists(x_user_name)) then

4279: -- the subscriber of "fnd.user.name.validate"
4280: return(USER_INVALID_NAME);
4281: end;
4283: if (fnd_user_pkg.userExists(x_user_name)) then
4284: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_USER_EXISTS_IN_FND');
4285: return(USER_EXISTS_IN_FND);
4286: else
4287: begin

Line 4327: -- begin retval := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_person_party_id(12345); end;

4323: --
4324: -- Usage example in pl/sql
4325: -- declare
4326: -- retval number := null;
4327: -- begin retval := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_person_party_id(12345); end;
4328: --
4329: -- Input (Mandantory)
4330: -- x_old_person_party_id: Old Person Party Id
4331: --

Line 4360: -- retval := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_guid(guid); end;

4356: -- retval number := null;
4357: -- guid raw(16);
4358: -- begin
4359: -- guid := 'F9374D4B80AB1A86E034080020B2612C';
4360: -- retval := fnd_user_pkg.set_old_user_guid(guid); end;
4361: --
4362: -- Input (Mandantory)
4363: -- x_old_user_guid: Old USER GUID
4364: --

Line 4493: -- This is called by the fnd_user_pkg and fnd_web_sec

4490: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4491: --
4492: -- ldap_wrapper_update_user (PUBLIC)
4493: -- This is called by the fnd_user_pkg and fnd_web_sec
4494: -- It serves as a helper routine to call fnd_ldap_wrapper.update_user
4495: -- when we need to synch the user update to OID.
4496: -- Note
4497: -- Please note that even this is public procedure, it does not mean for

Line 4519: -- APIs since the expiration calculation is done in fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserInternal.

4515: 'Begin - set l_expire_pwd before calling fnd_ldap_wrapper');
4516: end if;
4518: -- Bug 13472484 - Using global when called from fnd_web_sec.change_password
4519: -- APIs since the expiration calculation is done in fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserInternal.
4520: -- where this global is set.
4521: -- Any other calls to this API should use the arg x_expire_pwd.
4523: if (G_EXPIRE_USER_PWD is not null) then

Line 4561: -- This is called by user form and the fnd_user_pkg.

4559: --
4560: -- ldap_wrapper_create_user (PUBLIC)
4561: -- This is called by user form and the fnd_user_pkg.
4562: -- It serves as a helper routine to call fnd_ldap_wrapper.create_user
4563: -- when we need to synch that new FND user to OID.
4564: -- It also takes care of updating fnd_user with the user_guid and oid_pwd
4565: -- coming back from ldap_wrapper layer.

Line 4680: -- fnd_user_pkg null value is being passed to the ldap APIs. This is causing

4676: -- If form passs in null value, that means change it to null.
4678: -- Bug 11704380
4679: -- On update if the field is null, whether it has been changed or not, the
4680: -- fnd_user_pkg null value is being passed to the ldap APIs. This is causing
4681: -- OID records to be updated to *NULL* values. We need to better handle a
4682: -- nulled out value but for the short term we will not pass this char and
4683: -- the OID data as is.

Line 4709: -- This is called by the fnd_user_pkg and fnd_web_sec.

4705: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4706: -- This routine is for AOL INTERNAL USE ONLY !!!!!!!
4707: --
4708: -- ldap_wrp_update_user_loader
4709: -- This is called by the fnd_user_pkg and fnd_web_sec.
4710: -- It serves as a helper routine to call fnd_ldap_wrapper.update_user
4711: -- when we need to synch the user update to OID.
4712: procedure ldap_wrp_update_user_loader(x_user_name in varchar2,
4713: x_hashed_password in varchar2,

Line 4769: end FND_USER_PKG;

4765: app_exception.raise_exception;
4767: end;
4769: end FND_USER_PKG;