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Line 29: -- 3. PSP_ADJUSTMENT_LINES_HISTORY (lines that have been adjusted)

25: --
26: -- 1. PSP_DISTRIUTION_LINES_HISTORY (lines taht have not been adjusted)
27: -- 2. PSP_PRE_GEN_DIST_LINES_HISTORY (pre generated lines that have
28: -- not been adjusted)
29: -- 3. PSP_ADJUSTMENT_LINES_HISTORY (lines that have been adjusted)
30: --
31: -- For each line found, a call is made to the procedure
32: -- insert_update_sumlines to summarize the line by unique
33: -- GL/POETA information for display to the user.

Line 60: and psp_adjustment_lines_history, account information

56: is found from element account, schedule line,
57: default labor schedule, or default org account tables.
59: For the tables psp_pre_gen_dist_lines_history
60: and psp_adjustment_lines_history, account information
61: is taken from suspense account if present, otherwise
62: it is taken from the line. */
64: --Introduced the EXISTS clause of adjust='Y' for Bug 2860013

Line 256: psp_adjustment_lines_history pal,

252: DECODE(g_dff_grouping_option, 'Y', pal.attribute8, NULL) attribute8,
253: DECODE(g_dff_grouping_option, 'Y', pal.attribute9, NULL) attribute9,
254: DECODE(g_dff_grouping_option, 'Y', pal.attribute10, NULL) attribute10
255: FROM
256: psp_adjustment_lines_history pal,
257: --psp_group_element_list pgel, --- added table for DA-ENH Modified to inline query for bug fix 3658235
258: (SELECT max(peg.element_group_id) element_group_id, pgel.element_type_id -- Bug 14128743
259: FROM psp_element_groups peg, psp_group_element_list pgel
260: WHERE business_group_id = p_business_group_id

Line 3283: UPDATE psp_adjustment_lines_history

3279: where payroll_control_id = l_payroll_control_id
3280: and orig_source_type = 'P');
3283: UPDATE psp_adjustment_lines_history
3284: SET adjustment_batch_name = p_batch_name
3285: WHERE adjustment_line_id in ( select orig_line_id
3286: from psp_adjustment_lines
3287: where payroll_control_id = l_payroll_control_id

Line 3314: UPDATE psp_adjustment_lines_history

3310: WHERE pre_gen_dist_line_id = r_orig_lines.orig_line_id(I)
3311: AND r_orig_lines.orig_source_type(I) = 'P';
3313: FORALL I IN 1..r_orig_lines.orig_line_id.COUNT
3314: UPDATE psp_adjustment_lines_history
3315: SET adjustment_batch_name = p_batch_name
3316: WHERE adjustment_line_id = r_orig_lines.orig_line_id(I)
3317: AND r_orig_lines.orig_source_type(I) = 'A';

Line 4313: /*1. Update one of the history tables PSP_ADJUSTMENT_LINES_HISTORY or */

4309: BEGIN
4310: SAVEPOINT undo_adj_savepoint;
4312: /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4313: /*1. Update one of the history tables PSP_ADJUSTMENT_LINES_HISTORY or */
4315: /* by setting the adjustment_batch_name to NULL. */
4316: /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4317: OPEN get_line_id_csr;

Line 4322: UPDATE psp_adjustment_lines_history

4318: LOOP
4319: FETCH get_line_id_csr INTO l_orig_line_id, l_orig_source_type;
4320: EXIT WHEN get_line_id_csr%NOTFOUND;
4321: IF (l_orig_source_type = 'A') THEN
4322: UPDATE psp_adjustment_lines_history
4323: SET adjustment_batch_name = NULL
4324: WHERE adjustment_line_id = l_orig_line_id;
4325: ELSIF (l_orig_source_type = 'P') THEN
4326: UPDATE psp_pre_gen_dist_lines_history