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2 /* $Header: pybkr01t.pkb 115.0 99/07/17 05:45:41 porting ship $ */
3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 --
6 -- Standard Insert procedure
7 --
8 procedure insert_row(
9 	p_row_id		IN OUT varchar2,
10 	p_defined_balance_id	number,
11 	p_input_value_id	number,
12 	p_backpay_set_id	number) is
13 cursor c1 is
14 	select	rowid
15 	from	pay_backpay_rules
16 	where	backpay_set_id		= P_BACKPAY_SET_ID
17 	and	defined_balance_id	= P_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID
18 	and	input_value_id		= P_INPUT_VALUE_ID;
19 begin
20    	begin
21      		insert into pay_backpay_rules(
22 			defined_balance_id,
23 			input_value_id,
24 			backpay_set_id)
25 		values	(p_defined_balance_id,
26 			p_input_value_id,
27 			p_backpay_set_id);
28    	end;
29 --
30    open c1;
31    fetch c1 into P_ROW_ID;
32    close c1;
33 --
34 end insert_row;
35 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 --
37 -- Standard delete procedure
38 --
39 procedure delete_row(p_row_id	varchar2) is
40 begin
41  	delete	from pay_backpay_rules
42 	where	rowid	= chartorowid(P_ROW_ID);
43 end delete_row;
44 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 --
46 -- Standard lock procedure
47 --
48 procedure lock_row(
49 	p_row_id		varchar2,
50 	p_defined_balance_id	number,
51 	p_input_value_id	number,
52 	p_backpay_set_id	number) is
53 --
54 	cursor CUR is
55 		select	*
56 		from	pay_backpay_rules
57 		where	rowid	= chartorowid(P_ROW_ID)
59 --
60 	rule_rec	CUR%rowtype;
61 --
62 begin
63 --
64    	open CUR;
65 --
66    	fetch CUR into RULE_REC;
67 --
68    	close CUR;
69 --
70 if 	((rule_rec.defined_balance_id = p_defined_balance_id)
71 	or (rule_rec.defined_balance_id is null
72 	and (p_defined_balance_id is null)))
73 and	((rule_rec.input_value_id = p_input_value_id)
74 	or (rule_rec.input_value_id is null
75 	and (p_input_value_id is null)))
76 and	((rule_rec.backpay_set_id = p_backpay_set_id)
77 	or (rule_rec.backpay_set_id is null
78 	and (p_backpay_set_id is null))) then
79 		return;		-- Row successfully locked, no changes.
80 end if;
81 --
82 	fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_CHANGED');
83 	app_exception.raise_exception;
84 --
85 end lock_row;
86 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 --
88 -- Standard update procedure
89 --
90 -- NB Current business rules dictate that updates are not permitted in
91 -- PAYWSDBS but this is included here for completeness and possible future
92 -- changes to this rule.
93 --
94 procedure update_row(
95 	p_row_id		varchar2,
96 	p_defined_balance_id	number,
97 	p_input_value_id	number,
98 	p_backpay_set_id	number) is
99 begin
100    	update	pay_backpay_rules
101 	set	defined_balance_id	= P_DEFINED_BALANCE_ID,
102 		input_value_id		= P_INPUT_VALUE_ID,
103 		backpay_set_id		= P_BACKPAY_SET_ID
104   	where 	rowid 			= chartorowid(P_ROW_ID);
105 --
106 end update_row;
107 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 procedure std_insert_checks(
109 	p_backpay_set_id	number,
110 	p_balance_type_id	number,
111 	p_input_value_id	number) is
112 	l_null			varchar2(1);
113 begin
114 --
115 -- Cannot have duplicate rows.
116 --
117 	begin
118 		select	null
119 		into	l_null
120 		from	sys.dual
121 		where	not exists (
122 			select	null
123 			from	pay_backpay_rules br,
124 				pay_defined_balances db
125 			where	br.backpay_set_id	= P_BACKPAY_SET_ID
126 			and	br.defined_balance_id	= db.defined_balance_id
127 			and	db.balance_type_id	= P_BALANCE_TYPE_ID
128 			and	br.input_value_id	= P_INPUT_VALUE_ID);
129 	exception
130 		when NO_DATA_FOUND then
131 			fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7036_BACK_RULE_DUP');
132 			fnd_message.raise_error;
133 	end;
134 --
135 end std_insert_checks;
136 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 procedure chk_overlap_bal_feeds(
138 	p_backpay_set_id 	number) is
139 	l_null		varchar2(1);
140 begin
141 --
142 -- Commit rule to db then perform this check.
143 -- Check to see if there are any input values feeding this balance and balances
144 -- fed by this input value. Then check to see if there are now duplicates of
145 -- this causing backpay to process a change more than once. The insert should
146 -- thus be disallowed if this is the case.
147 --
148 -- We have basically:
149 --				*
150 --		BAL1		-> IV1		->	BAL2
151 --	    _/					\
152 --	IV2 _					 --> 	BAL5
153 --	     \			*		/
154 --		BAL3		-> IV3		->	BAL4
155 --		(:BT_ID)	  (:IV_ID)
156 --
157 -- BAL3 is the balance type of the rule we are inserting (:BT_ID) and IV3 is the
158 -- input value of this rule.
159 -- We have IV2 feeding BAL3 and IV3 feeding BAL4.
160 -- The arrows with *'s indicate backpay rules for the current set.
161 -- By inserting our new backpay rule (BAL3 -> IV3) we have effectively added 2
162 -- new "indirect feeds" of IV2 -> BAL4 and IV2 -> BAL5. The former adds a new
163 -- "feed" to backpay and thus is no problem however the latter is a duplicate of
164 -- the other backpay rule in this set. The BAL5 balance would therefore be
165 -- incremented twice given just one input value. The new backpay rule is therefore
166 -- disallowed.
167 --
168 	begin
169 		select	null
170 		into	l_null
171 		from	sys.dual
172 		where 	not exists (
173 			select	bf1.input_value_id, bf2.balance_type_id
174 			from	pay_backpay_rules br,
175 				pay_defined_balances db,
176 				pay_balance_feeds bf1,
177 				pay_balance_feeds bf2
178 			where	bf1.balance_type_id	= db.balance_type_id
179 			and	db.defined_balance_id	= br.defined_balance_id
180 			and	br.input_value_id	= bf2.input_value_id
181 			and	br.backpay_set_id	= P_BACKPAY_SET_ID
182 			group 	by bf1.input_value_id, bf2.balance_type_id
183 			having	count(0) > 1);
184 	exception
185 		when NO_DATA_FOUND then
186 			fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7037_BACK_RULES_DUP_BAL');
187 			fnd_message.raise_error;
188 	end;
189 --
190 end chk_overlap_bal_feeds;
191 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------