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2 /* $Header: peusvsmi.pkb 120.0 2005/05/31 22:45:57 appldev noship $ */
3 procedure convert_visa(p_bg_id number)
4 is
5 --
6 -- Local Variables
7 --
8 l_cnt number;
9 l_codes_len number;
10 l_comma_all number;
11 l_orig_pos number;
12 l_orig_num number;
13 l_new_start number;
14 l_new_end number;
15 l_new_num number;
16 l_new_code varchar2(20);
17 l_category varchar2(2);
18 --
19 l_counter number := 0;
20 l_person_id number := 0;
21 l_business_group_id number := 0;
22 l_full_name varchar2(240);
23 l_start_date date;
24 l_per_information4 varchar2(150);
25 --
26 l_orig_codes varchar2(300);
27 l_new_codes varchar2(300);
28 l_codes_left varchar2(300);
29 --
30 CURSOR per_visa_exists(cp_bgid number) IS
31   SELECT DISTINCT full_name,
32                   person_id,
33                   start_date,
34                   per_information4,
35                   business_group_id
36   FROM per_all_people_f
37   WHERE per_information4 IS NOT NULL
38   AND business_group_id = cp_bgid
39   AND effective_end_date = to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')
40   ORDER BY full_name;
41 --
43 begin
44   l_orig_codes := 'A1,A2,A3,ASLM,B1,B2,C1,C2,C3,' ||
45                   'CPO,CPR,D1,E1,E2,F1,F2,G1,G2,G3,G4,' ||
46                   'H1,H1B,H2A,H2B,H3,H4,H1B3,H1B4,H1B5,' ||
47                   'I,K1,L1,L2,PR,M1,M2,N8,N9,NATO,' ||
48                   'O1,O2,O3,P1,P2,P3,Q,Q1,R1,R2,RFGE,' ||
49                   'SK1,SK2,SK3,TC,VWB,VWT,';
50   l_new_codes  := 'A-1,A-2,A-3,ASLM,B-1,B-2,C-1,C-2,C-3,' ||
51                   'CPO,CPR,D-1,E-1,E-2,F-1,F-2,G-1,G-2,G-3,G-4,' ||
52                   'H-1A,H-1B,H-2A,H-2B,H-3,H-4,P-2,P-1,P-1,' ||
53                   'I,K-1,L-1,L-2,LPR,M-1,M-2,N-8,N-9,NATO,' ||
54                   'O-1,O-2,O-3,P-1,P-2,P-3,Q-1,*Q1,R-1,R-2,RFGE,' ||
55                   'SK-1,SK-2,SK-3,TN,VW,VW,';
56   --
57   open per_visa_exists(p_bg_id);
58   LOOP
59     FETCH per_visa_exists INTO l_full_name,
60                                l_person_id,
61                                l_start_date,
62                                l_per_information4,
63                                l_business_group_id;
64     IF per_visa_exists%NOTFOUND THEN
65       EXIT;
66     END IF;
67     --
68     -- J code processing
69     --
70     l_new_code := '';
71     l_category := '';
72     IF LENGTH(l_per_information4)>=2
73        AND SUBSTR(l_per_information4,1,1) = 'J' THEN
74        l_new_code := SUBSTR(l_per_information4,1,1) || '-' ||
75                      SUBSTR(l_per_information4,2,1);
76        IF LENGTH(l_per_information4) = 4 THEN
77          l_category := SUBSTR(l_per_information4,3,2);
78        END IF;
79     END IF;
80     --
81     l_orig_pos := INSTR(l_orig_codes,RTRIM(l_per_information4),1);
82     IF l_orig_pos > 0 THEN
83       IF l_orig_pos = 1 THEN
84         l_orig_num := 1;
85       ELSE
86         l_codes_left := SUBSTR(l_orig_codes,1,l_orig_pos-1);
87         l_codes_len := LENGTH(l_codes_left);
88         l_cnt := 1;
89         l_comma_all := 0;
90         WHILE l_cnt <= l_codes_len
91         LOOP
92           IF SUBSTR(l_orig_codes,l_cnt,1) = ',' THEN
93             l_comma_all := l_comma_all + 1;
94           END IF;
95           l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
96         END LOOP;
97         l_orig_num := l_comma_all + 1;
98       END IF;
99       --
100       l_new_num := l_orig_num;
101       l_new_code := '';
102       --
103       IF l_new_num = 1 THEN
104         l_new_start := 1;
105         l_new_end   := INSTR(l_new_codes,',',1,1) - 1;
106       ELSE
107         l_new_start := INSTR(l_new_codes,',',1,l_new_num-1) + 1;
108         l_new_end   := INSTR(l_new_codes,',',1,l_new_num) - 1;
109       END IF;
110       --
111       l_new_code := SUBSTR(l_new_codes,l_new_start,l_new_end-l_new_start+1);
112       --
113     END IF;
114     --
115     -- Insert statement here
116     --
117     IF l_new_code IS NOT NULL THEN
118       INSERT INTO per_people_extra_info
119       (person_extra_info_id,
120        person_id,
121        information_type,
122        pei_information_category,
123        pei_information5,
124        pei_information9,
125        object_version_number,
126        last_update_date,
127        creation_date)
128        SELECT
129         per_people_extra_info_s.nextval,
130         l_person_id,
131         'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS',
132         'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS',
133         l_new_code,
134         l_category,
135         1,
136         sysdate,
137         sysdate
138        FROM sys.dual
140        (SELECT 1
142         WHERE person_id = l_person_id
143           AND pei_information5 = l_new_code
144           AND information_type = 'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS'
145           AND pei_information_category = 'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS');
146        l_counter := l_counter+1;
147        if MOD(l_counter,50) = 0 then
148           commit;
149        end if;
150      END IF;
151   END LOOP;
152   CLOSE per_visa_exists;
153   COMMIT;
154 end convert_visa;
155 --