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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 83

           select *
           from per_all_people_f
           where person_id                   = l_person_id
           and   trunc(effective_start_date) = l_start_date
           and   trunc(effective_end_date)   = l_end_date;
Line: 91

           Select *
           from per_periods_of_service
           where person_id = l_person_id
           and   trunc(date_start) = l_start_date
           and   trunc(actual_termination_date) = l_end_date;
Line: 99

           select *
           from per_all_assignments_f
           where assignment_id               = l_assignment_id
           and   trunc(effective_start_date) = l_start_date
           and   trunc(effective_end_date)   = l_end_date;
Line: 247

  l_update_date     varchar2(30);
Line: 248

  l_updated_by      varchar2(20);
Line: 257

  l_update varchar(1) default 'Y'; -- Bug 4597033
Line: 263

    select name
    from   wf_local_roles
    where  orig_system    = 'PER'
    and    orig_system_id = p_person_id
    and rownum = 1; -- This extra WHERE condition is added as per the request of "tpapired"
Line: 272

    select name
    from   wf_local_roles
    where  orig_system    = 'PER_ROLE'
    and    orig_system_id = p_person_id
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 280

    select description
    from   wf_local_roles
    where  orig_system    = 'PER'
    and    orig_system_id = p_person_id
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 327

    if nvl(p_action,'NO_DELETE') = 'DELETE' then
      hr_utility.set_location('Delete Person '||l_proc,20);
Line: 331

                  p_name          => 'DELETE',
                  p_value         => 'TRUE',
                  p_parameterlist => l_parameters);
Line: 359

      wf_directory.DeleteRole (  p_name => l_user_name,
                                 p_origSystem => 'PER' ,
                                 p_origSystemID =>p_rec.person_id );
Line: 378

      wf_directory.DeleteRole (  p_name => l_per_role,
                                 p_origSystem => 'PER_ROLE' ,
                                 p_origSystemID =>p_rec.person_id );
Line: 410

         l_update := 'N'; -- Bug 4597033
Line: 493

        if l_update = 'Y' then
                        p_name          => 'WFSYNCH_OVERWRITE',
                        p_value         => 'TRUE',
                        p_parameterlist => l_parameters);
Line: 600

     select min(effective_start_date)
     from   per_all_assignments_f
     where  assignment_id            = l_assignment_id
     and    position_id              = l_position_id
     and    nvl(assignment_type,'Z') = 'E'
     and    nvl(primary_flag,'Z')    = 'Y';
Line: 608

     select max(nvl(date_end, hr_api.g_eot))
     from   per_all_positions
     where  position_id = l_position_id;
Line: 644

    if nvl(p_action,'NO_DELETE') = 'DELETE' then
      hr_utility.set_location('Delete Assignment  ',25);
Line: 772

    select name
    from   wf_local_roles
    where  orig_system    = 'PER'
    and    orig_system_id = p_person_id
    and rownum = 1; -- This extra WHERE condition is added as per the request of "tpapired"
Line: 779

    select name
    from   wf_local_roles
    where  orig_system    = 'PER_ROLE'
    and    orig_system_id = p_person_id
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 846

													select description,
                          Into   l_description,
                          from   per_role_roles_v
                          where  name = 'PER_ROLE:'||p_rec.person_id;
Line: 925

              select party_id
                from per_all_people_f
               where person_id = p_rec.person_id;
Line: 1007

	Select *
	from   per_all_assignments_f paaf
	where  paaf.person_id = p_in_person_id
	and    trunc(effective_end_date) >= trunc(p_in_start_date)
	and    trunc(effective_start_date) <= trunc(nvl(p_in_exp_date,effective_start_date))
	order by effective_start_date asc;
Line: 1018

	select count(*)
	into   l_fetch_rec_count
	from   per_all_assignments_f paaf
	where  paaf.person_id = p_in_person_id
	and    trunc(effective_end_date) >= greatest(trunc(p_in_start_date),trunc(sysdate) )
	and    trunc(effective_start_date) <= trunc(nvl(p_in_exp_date,effective_start_date))
	order by effective_start_date asc;