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Line 5869: -- the amounts in the table ap_mc_invoice_dists, this is required becasue

5865: END IF;
5867: -- Bug 8708443 For all other non-primary ledgers, the proration of amounts
5868: -- while inserting into xla_distribution_links should happen on the basis of
5869: -- the amounts in the table ap_mc_invoice_dists, this is required becasue
5870: -- if the primary ledger and the secondary ledger have a different currency,
5871: -- then doing the proration for accounting entries of secondary ledger on the
5872: -- basis of the amounts in ap_invoice_distributions_all, which is in another
5873: -- currency would be wrong.

Line 6112: AP_MC_Invoice_Dists AID_MC

6108: AP_Invoices_All AI,
6109: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,
6110: AP_Payment_Hist_Dists APHD,
6111: XLA_Transaction_Entities_Upg XTE_INV, --Bug7169843 Bug11071399
6112: AP_MC_Invoice_Dists AID_MC
6113: WHERE AC.Check_ID = p_xla_event_rec.source_id_int_1
6114: AND AC.Org_ID = ASP.Org_ID
6115: AND XLE.Event_ID = p_accounting_event_id
6116: AND ASP.Set_Of_Books_ID = XTE.Ledger_ID

Line 6206: ap_mc_invoice_dists AID_MC,

6202: AP_Payment_History_All APH,
6203: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
6204: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,
6205: AP_Payment_Hist_Dists APHD,
6206: ap_mc_invoice_dists AID_MC,
6207: AP_Invoices_All AI,
6208: XLA_Transaction_Entities_Upg XTE_INV, --Bug7169843 Bug11071399
6209: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,
6210: AP_Inv_Dists_Source AID1 --13520870