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Line 1961: -- Creates lines in JL_ZZ_AP_INV_DIS_WH_ALL table for the

1957: l_parent_dist_num; -- ap_dist.gdf20
1958: EXIT WHEN c_distributions%NOTFOUND;
1959: */
1960: ---------------------------------------------------------------
1961: -- Creates lines in JL_ZZ_AP_INV_DIS_WH_ALL table for the
1962: -- distribution lines created in ap_invoice_distributions
1963: ---------------------------------------------------------------
1964: IF (P_Parent_Dist_ID IS NOT NULL) THEN

Line 1969: INSERT INTO jl_zz_ap_inv_dis_wh (

1966: ----------------------------------------------------------
1967: -- Copies the tax names from the parent distribution line
1968: ----------------------------------------------------------
1969: INSERT INTO jl_zz_ap_inv_dis_wh (
1970: inv_distrib_awt_id
1971: ,invoice_id
1972: -- Bug 4559478
1973: ,invoice_distribution_id

Line 1984: jl_zz_ap_inv_dis_wh_s.nextval

1980: ,last_update_login
1981: ,org_id
1982: )
1983: SELECT
1984: jl_zz_ap_inv_dis_wh_s.nextval
1985: ,P_Credit_Id
1986: ,P_distribution_id
1987: -- Bug 4559478 : -99 for distribution_line_number
1988: ,-99

Line 1997: jl_zz_ap_inv_dis_wh jlid

1993: ,sysdate
1994: ,v_last_update_login
1995: ,jlid.org_id
1996: FROM
1997: jl_zz_ap_inv_dis_wh jlid
1998: WHERE jlid.invoice_distribution_id = P_Parent_Dist_ID
1999: AND jlid.invoice_id = P_Invoice_Id;

Line 2726: FROM jl_zz_ap_inv_dis_wh jid,

2722: -- Cursor to get the distinct tax codes for the given invoice
2723: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2724: CURSOR tax_code IS
2725: SELECT distinct atc.name, atc.tax_code_combination_id
2726: FROM jl_zz_ap_inv_dis_wh jid,
2727: jl_zz_ap_sup_awt_cd jsw,
2728: ap_tax_codes atc
2729: WHERE jid.invoice_id = P_Invoice_Id
2730: AND jsw.supp_awt_code_id = jid.supp_awt_code_id