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1 PACKAGE BODY paybalup AS
2 -- $Header: paybalup.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 02:33:37 appldev noship $
3 --
4 -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1991-1995 All rights reserved.
5 --
6 --
7 /*
8    NAME
9       paybalup.pkb      -- Create a structure for balance upload.
10 --
11    USAGE
12       This package can be activated from the Initial Balance
13       Structure Creation SRS available through Forms.  The user
14       needs to supply the batch name to run this process.
15 --
17       Given the limit of the input values per element type and the
18       batch id in that order, create_bal_upl_struct will first call
19       validate_batch_data to validate the batch data, then it will
20       create the element types, element links, input values, balance
21       feeds and link input values.  The algorithm works as follows:
22       it finds all the common balances across assignments with the
23       same jurisdiction level, and order these groups of balances
24       into a list of most common to least common, and then group
25       these groups of balances into one logical element type.  It
26       then creates one element link for each element type created,
27       and one input value for each group of identical balances
28       (1 balance), and one balance feed and link input value for
29       each input value created.  If the next batch being processed
30       has the same balances as a previously processed batch,
31       create_bal_upl_struct would know not to create the input values,
32       balance feeds and link input values for these balances again.
33 --
35    T Grisco    14-SEP-1995	Created.
36    T Grisco    29-SEP-1995      Major design changes.
37    T Grisco    03-OCT-1995	Fixed problem with multiple business groups.
38    T Grisco    03-OCT-1995	Removed business group name as a parameter.
39    T Grisco    03-OCT-1995	Changed some local variables' types.
40    T Grisco    16-MAY-1996	Fixed bug #366661 where selecting from
41 				pay_balance_feeds_f returns more than 1 row
42 				because it's date-tracked.
43    T Grisco    25-MAY-1996	Fixed performance bug #368631.
44    N Bristow   17-JUN-1996      Bug 374880. Changed structure creation to
45                                 make use of pl/sql tables to improve
46                                 performance. Also fixed previous change.
47    J Alloun    30-JUL-1996      Added error handling.
48    M Fender    10-JUL-1997      Removed show errors call
49    A Mills     28-AUG-1997	Altered date checking for NLS compliance.
50    N Bristow   06-JUL-1998      Bug 692520. Now checking the balance types
51                                 and dimensions for business group id.
52    M Reid      25-JUL-2000      Corrected call to ins_balance_feed to use
53                                 business_group_id
54    JARTHURT    15-JAN-2001      Changed hard-coded USD currency code to use
55                                 instead the business group's currency code.
56                                 Change made so this script can be used for
57                                 Canadian legislation.
58    M Reid      18-APR-2001      Use uom_code instead of uom for Jurisdiction
59    T Habara    15-JUL-2004 115.6   Bug 3768760. Modified csr_is_balance_fed.
60                                    Added nocopy. GSCC standards.
61 */
62 --
63 --
64 -- Global declarations
65 type char_array is table of varchar2(80) index by binary_integer;
66 type num_array  is table of number(16) index by binary_integer;
67 --
68 -- Balance Type Cache
69 g_baltyp_tbl_id num_array;
70 g_baltyp_tbl_jl num_array;
71 g_baltyp_tbl_name char_array;
72 g_baltyp_tbl_uom char_array;
73 g_nxt_free_baltyp number;
74 --
75 -- Balance Dimension Cache
76 g_baldim_tbl_id num_array;
77 g_baldim_tbl_name char_array;
78 g_nxt_free_baldim number;
79 --
80 -- Jurisdiction Level Cache
81 g_jur_lev_tbl num_array;
82 g_nxt_free_jl number;
83 --
84    PROCEDURE local_error(retcode	OUT nocopy number,
85                          p_procedure    IN  varchar2,
86                          p_step         IN  number) IS
87 --
88 /* This procedure is called whenever an error needs to be raised and
89    the retcode is set to 2 to indicate an error has occurred.
90 */
91 --
92    BEGIN
93 --
94       retcode := 2;
95       hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
96       hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'paybalup.'||p_procedure);
97       hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP', p_step);
98       hr_utility.raise_error;
99 --
100    END local_error;
101 --
102 procedure put_jl_in_cache (p_jl   number)
103 is
104 l_jur_level           number;
105 l_count               number;
106 l_found               boolean;
107 begin
108  --
109  -- Search for the defined balance in the Cache.
110  --
111  hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.put_jl_in_cache', 10);
112  l_jur_level := nvl(p_jl, 999);
113  l_count := 1;
114  l_found := FALSE;
115  while (l_count < g_nxt_free_jl and l_found = FALSE) loop
116     if (l_jur_level = g_jur_lev_tbl(l_count)) then
117        hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.put_jl_in_cache', 20);
118        l_found := TRUE;
119     end if;
120     l_count := l_count + 1;
121  end loop;
122 --
123  hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.put_jl_in_cache', 30);
124  if (l_found = FALSE) then
125     g_jur_lev_tbl(g_nxt_free_jl) := l_jur_level;
126     g_nxt_free_jl := g_nxt_free_jl + 1;
127  end if;
128 --
129 end put_jl_in_cache;
130 --
131 procedure check_balance_type(p_baltype_id   out nocopy number,
132                              p_baltype_name varchar2,
133                              p_busgrp_id    number,
134                              p_leg_code     varchar2,
135                              retcode        out nocopy number)
136 is
137 l_balance_type_id     number;
138 l_baltyp_name         varchar2(80);
139 l_bal_uom             varchar2(80);
140 l_jurisdiction_level  number;
141 l_count               number;
142 l_found               boolean;
143 begin
144  --
145  -- Search for the defined balance in the Cache.
146  --
147  hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.check_balance_type', 10);
148  l_balance_type_id := null;
149  l_baltyp_name := upper(p_baltype_name);
150  l_count := 1;
151  l_found := FALSE;
152  while (l_count < g_nxt_free_baltyp and l_found = FALSE) loop
153     if (l_baltyp_name = g_baltyp_tbl_name(l_count)) then
154        hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.check_balance_type', 20);
155        l_balance_type_id := g_baltyp_tbl_id(l_count);
156        l_found := TRUE;
157     end if;
158     l_count := l_count + 1;
159  end loop;
160  --
161  -- If the balance is not in the Cache get it from the database.
162  --
163  hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.check_balance_type', 30);
164  if (l_found = FALSE) then
165     BEGIN
166 --
167        select balance_type_id,
168               nvl(jurisdiction_level, 999),
169               balance_uom
170        into   l_balance_type_id, l_jurisdiction_level, l_bal_uom
171        from   pay_balance_types
172        where  upper(balance_name) = l_baltyp_name
173        and    ((business_group_id = p_busgrp_id)
174              or(   business_group_id is null
175                and legislation_code = p_leg_code)
176              or(   business_group_id is null
177                and legislation_code is null)
178               )
179        for update of balance_type_id;
180 --
181        --
182        -- Place the defined balance in cache.
183        --
184        hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.check_balance_type', 40);
185        g_baltyp_tbl_name(g_nxt_free_baltyp) := l_baltyp_name;
186        g_baltyp_tbl_uom(g_nxt_free_baltyp) := l_bal_uom;
187        g_baltyp_tbl_id(g_nxt_free_baltyp) := l_balance_type_id;
188        g_baltyp_tbl_jl(g_nxt_free_baltyp) := l_jurisdiction_level;
189        g_nxt_free_baltyp := g_nxt_free_baltyp + 1;
190        put_jl_in_cache(l_jurisdiction_level);
191 --
192     EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
193        hr_utility.trace('Error:  Failure to find balance type');
194        local_error(retcode, 'check_balance_type',1);
195 --
196     END;
197 --
198   end if;
199 --
200   p_baltype_id := l_balance_type_id;
201 --
202 end check_balance_type;
203 --
204 --
205 procedure check_balance_dim(p_baldim_id  out nocopy number,
206                             p_baldim_name    varchar2,
207                             p_busgrp_id      number,
208                             p_leg_code       varchar2,
209                             retcode      out nocopy number)
210 is
211 l_baldim_name         varchar2(80);
212 l_count               number;
213 l_found               boolean;
214 l_balance_dim_id      number;
215 begin
216  --
217  -- Search for the defined balance in the Cache.
218  --
219  hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.check_balance_dim', 10);
220  l_balance_dim_id := null;
221  l_baldim_name := upper(p_baldim_name);
222  l_count := 1;
223  l_found := FALSE;
224  while (l_count < g_nxt_free_baldim and l_found = FALSE) loop
225     if (l_baldim_name = g_baldim_tbl_name(l_count)) then
226        hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.check_balance_dim', 20);
227        l_balance_dim_id := g_baldim_tbl_id(l_count);
228        l_found := TRUE;
229     end if;
230     l_count := l_count + 1;
231  end loop;
232  --
233  -- If the balance is not in the Cache get it from the database.
234  --
235  hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.check_balance_dim', 30);
236  if (l_found = FALSE) then
237     BEGIN
238 --
239        select balance_dimension_id
240        into   l_balance_dim_id
241        from   pay_balance_dimensions
242        where  upper(dimension_name) = l_baldim_name
243        and    ((business_group_id = p_busgrp_id)
244              or(   business_group_id is null
245                and legislation_code = p_leg_code)
246              or(   business_group_id is null
247                and legislation_code is null)
248               );
249 --
250        --
251        -- Place the defined balance in cache.
252        --
253        hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.check_balance_dim', 40);
254        g_baldim_tbl_name(g_nxt_free_baldim) := l_baldim_name;
255        g_baldim_tbl_id(g_nxt_free_baldim) := l_balance_dim_id;
256        g_nxt_free_baldim := g_nxt_free_baldim + 1;
257 --
258     EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
259        hr_utility.trace('Error:  Failure to find balance dimension');
260        local_error(retcode,'check_balance_dim',2);
261 --
262     END;
263 --
264   end if;
265 --
266   p_baldim_id := l_balance_dim_id;
267 --
268 end check_balance_dim;
269 --
270    FUNCTION validate_batch_data (p_batch_id number) RETURN number IS
271 --
272 /* This function verifies that the business group, balance types, and
273    balance dimensions actually exist.  If not, it would return a retcode
274    of 2 and raise an exception.
275 */
276 --
277       retcode		number := 0;
278       i			number := 0;
279       l_bg_id           per_business_groups.business_group_id%TYPE;
280       l_leg_code        per_business_groups.legislation_code%TYPE;
281       l_bt_id		pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%TYPE;
282       l_bal_dim_id	pay_balance_dimensions.balance_dimension_id%TYPE;
283 --
284       cursor c_each_batch (c_batch_id	number) is
285          select balance_name,
286                 dimension_name
287          from   pay_balance_batch_lines
288          where  batch_id = c_batch_id;
289 --
290    BEGIN
291       hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.validate_batch_data', 10);
292       BEGIN  /* check business group exists */
293          select hou.business_group_id,
294                 hou.legislation_code
295            into l_bg_id,
296                 l_leg_code
297          from   per_business_groups       hou,
298                 pay_balance_batch_headers bbh
299          where  bbh.batch_id = p_batch_id
300          and    upper(hou.name) = upper(bbh.business_group_name);
301       EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
302          local_error(retcode, 'validate_batch_data', 3);
303       END;
304 --
305       hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.validate_batch_data', 20);
306       for l_each_batch_rec in c_each_batch (p_batch_id) loop
307          check_balance_type(l_bt_id, l_each_batch_rec.balance_name,
308                             l_bg_id,
309                             l_leg_code,
310                             retcode);
311          check_balance_dim(l_bal_dim_id, l_each_batch_rec.dimension_name,
312                             l_bg_id,
313                             l_leg_code,
314                            retcode);
315       end loop;
316 --
317       return retcode;
318    END validate_batch_data;
319 --
320 --
321    PROCEDURE create_bal_upl_struct (errbuf		OUT nocopy varchar2,
322 				    retcode		OUT nocopy number,
323 				    p_input_value_limit	IN  number,
324 				    p_batch_id		IN  number) IS
325 --
326 -- errbuf and retcode are special parameters needed for the SRS.
327 -- retcode = 0 means no error and retcode = 2 means an error occurred.
328 --
329       l_n_elems			number := 0;
330       j				number;
331       l_bal_uom			pay_balance_types.balance_uom%TYPE;
332       l_element_name		pay_element_types.element_name%TYPE;
333       l_element_type_id		pay_element_types.element_type_id%TYPE;
334       l_elem_link_id		pay_element_links.element_link_id%TYPE;
335       l_input_val_id		pay_input_values.input_value_id%TYPE;
336       l_bal_name		pay_balance_types.balance_name%TYPE;
337       l_bal_type_id		pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%TYPE;
338       l_bal_feed_id		pay_balance_feeds.balance_feed_id%TYPE;
339       l_bg_name	                hr_organization_units.name%TYPE;
340       l_bg_id                   hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE;
341       l_jur_level               number;
342       l_jur_count               number;
343       l_bal_count               number;
344       l_no_bal_for_jur          number;
345       l_dummy_id                number;
346       l_currency_code           varchar2(3);
347 --
348       cursor csr_is_balance_fed (p_balance_type_id number,
349                                  p_business_group  number)
350       is
351          select balance_feed_id
352          from   pay_balance_feeds_f BF,
353                 pay_input_values_f IV,
354                 pay_element_types_f ET,
355                 pay_element_classifications EC
356          where  EC.balance_initialization_flag = 'Y'
357          and    ET.classification_id    = EC.classification_id
358          and    ET.effective_start_date = to_date('0001/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD')
359          and    ET.effective_end_date   = to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')
360          and    IV.element_type_id      = ET.element_type_id
361          and    IV.input_value_id       = BF.input_value_id
362          and    IV.effective_start_date = to_date('0001/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD')
363          and    IV.effective_end_date   = to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')
364          and    BF.balance_type_id      = p_balance_type_id
365          and    BF.effective_start_date = to_date('0001/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD')
366          and    BF.effective_end_date   = to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')
367          and    nvl(BF.business_group_id, p_business_group) = p_business_group;
368 --
369    BEGIN
370       hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.create_bal_upl_struct', 10);
371 --
372       select pbg.business_group_id, pbg.name ,
373              pbg.currency_code
374       into l_bg_id, l_bg_name,
375            l_currency_code
376       from   pay_balance_batch_headers bbh,
377              per_business_groups       pbg
378       where  batch_id = p_batch_id
379       and    upper(pbg.name) = upper(bbh.business_group_name);
380 --
381       retcode := validate_batch_data (p_batch_id);
382 --
383       l_jur_count := 1;
384       while (l_jur_count < g_nxt_free_jl) loop
385 --
386         hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.create_bal_upl_struct', 20);
387         l_jur_level := g_jur_lev_tbl(l_jur_count);
388 --
389         l_no_bal_for_jur := 0;
390         l_bal_count := 1;
391         while (l_bal_count < g_nxt_free_baltyp) loop
392            if g_baltyp_tbl_jl(l_bal_count) = l_jur_level then
393                l_no_bal_for_jur := l_no_bal_for_jur + 1;
394            end if;
395            l_bal_count := l_bal_count + 1;
396         end loop;
397 --
398          /* for cases where number of balances per jd > 15 */
399 	 l_n_elems := ceil (l_no_bal_for_jur / p_input_value_limit);
400 --
401          l_bal_count := 1;
402          for i in 1 .. l_n_elems loop
403 --
404             hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.create_bal_upl_struct', 30);
405 	    j := 1;
406             while (l_bal_count< g_nxt_free_baltyp
407                    and j <= p_input_value_limit) loop
408 --
409 --             Does this balance have the same jurisdiction level as the
410 --             current jurisdiction level.
411 --
412                hr_utility.set_location('paybalup.create_bal_upl_struct', 40);
413                if (g_baltyp_tbl_jl(l_bal_count) = l_jur_level) then
414 --
415 --                Does this balance already have an initial balance feed.
416 --
417                   open csr_is_balance_fed(g_baltyp_tbl_id(l_bal_count),
418                                           l_bg_id);
419                   fetch csr_is_balance_fed into l_dummy_id;
421                   if (csr_is_balance_fed%notfound) then
422                      /*
423                        If this is the first balance found for this element
424                        create the element.
425                      */
426                      if j = 1 then
427                         /*
428                            create an element type and name it as follows:
429                            initial_value_element concatenated with the
430                            batch id, jurisdiction level, and a number
431                            identifying which element type it is that's being
432                            created.
433                         */
434                         l_element_name := 'Initial_Value_Element_' ||
435                                           p_batch_id ||
436                                           '_' ||
437                                           l_jur_level||
438                                           '_' ||
439                                           to_char(i);
440 --
441                         hr_utility.trace (
442                                  'Element Name is:' || l_element_name);
443 --
444                         l_element_type_id := pay_db_pay_setup.create_element (
445                             p_element_name           => l_element_name,
446                             p_effective_start_date   =>
447                                  to_date('01/01/0001', 'DD/MM/YYYY'),
448                             p_effective_end_date     =>
449                                 to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY'),
450                             p_classification_name    =>
451                                  'Balance Initialization',
452                             p_input_currency_code    => l_currency_code,
453                             p_output_currency_code   => l_currency_code,
454                             p_processing_type        => 'N',
455                             p_adjustment_only_flag   => 'Y',
456                             p_process_in_run_flag    => 'Y',
457                             p_legislation_code       => NULL,
458                             p_business_group_name    => l_bg_name,
459                             p_processing_priority    => 0,
460                             p_post_termination_rule  => 'Final Close');
461 --
462                         hr_utility.trace (
463                             'Element name after is:' || l_element_name);
464 --
465                         update pay_element_types_f ELEM
466                         set ELEM.element_information1 = 'B'
467                         where element_type_id = l_element_type_id;
468                         /*
469                            create an element link for each element type created.
470                            point it to each of the element type created.
471                         */
472                         l_elem_link_id :=
473                           pay_db_pay_setup.create_element_link (
474                               p_element_name          => l_element_name,
475                               p_link_to_all_pyrlls_fl => 'Y',
476                               p_standard_link_flag    => 'N',
477                               p_effective_start_date  =>
478                                  to_date('01-01-0001','DD-MM-YYYY'),
479                               p_effective_end_date    =>
480                                 to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'),
481                               p_business_group_name   => l_bg_name);
482                         /*
483                            create a 'Jurisdiction' input value for each
484                            element type.
485                         */
486                         l_input_val_id :=
487                           pay_db_pay_setup.create_input_value (
488                               p_element_name         => l_element_name,
489                               p_name                 => 'Jurisdiction',
490                               p_uom_code             => 'C',
491                               p_business_group_name  => l_bg_name,
492                               p_display_sequence     => 1,
493                               p_effective_start_date =>
494                                  to_date('01-01-0001','DD-MM-YYYY'),
495                               p_effective_end_date   =>
496                                 to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'));
497 --
498                         hr_input_values.create_link_input_value(
499                               p_insert_type           => 'INSERT_INPUT_VALUE',
500                               p_element_link_id       => l_elem_link_id,
501                               p_input_value_id        => l_input_val_id,
502                               p_input_value_name      => 'Jurisdiction',
503                               p_costable_type         => NULL,
504                               p_validation_start_date =>
505                                  to_date('01-01-0001','DD-MM-YYYY'),
506                               p_validation_end_date   =>
507                                 to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'),
508                               p_default_value         => NULL,
509                               p_max_value             => NULL,
510                               p_min_value             => NULL,
511                               p_warning_or_error_flag => NULL,
512                               p_hot_default_flag      => NULL,
513                               p_legislation_code      => NULL,
514                               p_pay_value_name        => NULL,
515                               p_element_type_id       => l_element_type_id);
516 --
517                      end if;
518                      /*
519                         create an input value for each balance_name selected and
520                         name it after the balance it is created for.
521                      */
522 --
523                      l_input_val_id := pay_db_pay_setup.create_input_value (
524                            p_element_name         => l_element_name,
525                            p_name                 =>
526                                                  substr(l_bal_name, 1, 28)||j,
527                            p_uom_code             =>
528                                                  g_baltyp_tbl_uom(l_bal_count),
529                            p_business_group_name  => l_bg_name,
530 	                   p_effective_start_date =>
531 	                      to_date('01-01-0001','DD-MM-YYYY'),
532                            p_effective_end_date   =>
533                              to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'),
534                            p_display_sequence     => j+1);
535                      /*
536                         create a balance feed for each input value created.
537                         point each to its corresponding input value.
538                      */
539                      hr_balances.ins_balance_feed(
540                            p_option                      => 'INS_MANUAL_FEED',
541                            p_input_value_id              => l_input_val_id,
542                            p_element_type_id             => l_element_type_id,
543                            p_primary_classification_id   => NULL,
544                            p_sub_classification_id       => NULL,
545                            p_sub_classification_rule_id  => NULL,
546                            p_balance_type_id             =>
547                                                   g_baltyp_tbl_id(l_bal_count),
548                            p_scale                       => '1',
549                            p_session_date                =>
550                               to_date('01-01-0001','DD-MM-YYYY'),
551                            p_business_group              => l_bg_id,
552                            p_legislation_code            => NULL,
553                            p_mode                        => 'USER');
554                      /*
555                         create a link input value for each input value created.
556                      */
557                      hr_input_values.create_link_input_value(
558                            p_insert_type           => 'INSERT_INPUT_VALUE',
559                            p_element_link_id       => l_elem_link_id,
560                            p_input_value_id        => l_input_val_id,
561                            p_input_value_name      =>
562                                              substr(l_bal_name, 1 , 28)||j,
563                            p_costable_type         => NULL,
564                            p_validation_start_date =>
565                               to_date('01-01-0001','DD-MM-YYYY'),
566                            p_validation_end_date   =>
567                              to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'),
568                            p_default_value         => NULL,
569                            p_max_value             => NULL,
570                            p_min_value             => NULL,
571                            p_warning_or_error_flag => NULL,
572                            p_hot_default_flag      => NULL,
573                            p_legislation_code      => NULL,
574                            p_pay_value_name        => NULL,
575                            p_element_type_id       => l_element_type_id);
576 --
577                      j := j + 1;
578                   end if;
579                   close csr_is_balance_fed;
580                end if;
581                l_bal_count := l_bal_count + 1;
582             end loop;
583 --
584          end loop;
585          l_jur_count := l_jur_count + 1;
586       end loop;
587 --
588       commit;
589 --
590    END create_bal_upl_struct;
591 --
593    g_nxt_free_baltyp := 1;
594    g_nxt_free_baldim := 1;
595    g_nxt_free_jl     := 1;
596 END paybalup;