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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

Select information1 plip_id,
       information2 effective_start_date,
       information3 effective_end_date,
       information4 business_group_id,
       information261 pl_id,
       information265 ovn
  From ben_copy_entity_results
 Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   And table_alias = 'CPP'
   And dml_operation = 'DELETE';
Line: 30

  Select plip_Id,
         Effective_Start_Date, Effective_End_Date,
    From Ben_plip_F
   Where plip_id = p_plip_id
     and p_effective_date
 between Effective_Start_Date and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 81

           l_datetrack_mode := 'DELETE';
Line: 89

          (p_plip_id                        => del_plip_rec.plip_id
          ,p_effective_start_date           => del_plip_rec.effective_start_date
          ,p_effective_end_date             => del_plip_rec.effective_end_date
          ,p_object_version_number          => del_plip_rec.ovn
          ,p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date
          ,p_datetrack_mode                 => l_datetrack_mode);
Line: 97

        hr_utility.set_location('delete success '||l_plip_id,9);
Line: 125

Select information1 oipl_id,
       information2 effective_start_date,
       information3 effective_end_date,
       information4 business_group_id,
       information247 opt_id,
       information265 oipl_ovn
  From ben_copy_entity_results
 Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   And table_alias = 'COP'
   And dml_operation = 'DELETE';
Line: 138

  Select oipl_id,
         Effective_Start_Date, Effective_End_Date,
    From Ben_oipl_F
   Where oipl_id = p_oipl_id
     and p_effective_date
 between Effective_Start_Date and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 182

           l_datetrack_mode := 'DELETE';
Line: 191

        (p_oipl_id                        => del_oipl_rec.oipl_id
        ,p_effective_start_date           => del_oipl_rec.effective_start_date
        ,p_effective_end_date             => del_oipl_rec.effective_end_date
        ,p_object_version_number          => del_oipl_rec.oipl_ovn
        ,p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date
        ,p_datetrack_mode                 => l_datetrack_mode);
Line: 217

Select Obj.Table_Alias           , Obj.Dml_Operation,
  From Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Cep,
       Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Epa,
       Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Obj
 Where Cep.Copy_Entity_Result_id = P_Cer_id
   and Epa.Copy_Entity_Result_id = Cep.GS_MIRROR_SRC_ENTITY_RESULT_ID
   and Obj.Copy_Entity_Result_id = Epa.GS_MIRROR_SRC_ENTITY_RESULT_ID;
Line: 227

Select  Information253 Grade_Id,
        Information255 Scale_Id
   from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Cpp
  Where Copy_Entity_Txn_id    = P_Copy_Entity_Txn_Id
    and Copy_Entity_Result_Id = p_Cpp_Cer_Id
    and Table_Alias = 'CPP'
    and Result_type_Cd = 'DISPLAY';
Line: 236

 Select Parent_Spine_Id
   From Per_Grade_Spines_F
  Where Grade_Id = P_grade_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 255

If l_table_Alias = 'COP' and  l_Dml_operation = 'DELETE' then

    Open Csr_plip(l_Plip_Cer_Id);
Line: 289

Cursor csr_delete_cep is
Select information1 cep_id,
       information2 effective_start_date,
       information3 effective_end_date,
       information4 business_group_id,
       information265 cep_ovn,
  From ben_copy_entity_results
 Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   And table_alias = 'CEP'
   And dml_operation  ='DELETE';
Line: 303

  Select prtn_elig_prfl_id,
         Effective_Start_Date, Effective_End_Date,
    From Ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f
   Where prtn_elig_prfl_id = p_prtn_elig_prfl_id
     and p_effective_date
 between Effective_Start_Date and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 311

Cursor csr_delete_epa is
Select information1 epa_id,
       information2 effective_start_date,
       information3 effective_end_date,
       information4 business_group_id,
       information265 epa_ovn,
  From ben_copy_entity_results
 Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   And table_alias = 'EPA'
   And dml_operation  ='DELETE';
Line: 325

  Select prtn_elig_id,
         Effective_Start_Date, Effective_End_Date,
    From Ben_prtn_elig_f
   Where prtn_elig_id = p_prtn_elig_id
     and p_effective_date
 between Effective_Start_Date and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 334

 Select Copy_Entity_Result_Id
   From Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
  Where Copy_Entity_Txn_Id             = P_Copy_Entity_Txn_Id
Line: 363

  For del_cep_rec in csr_delete_cep loop
      l_Effective_Date := Get_Prfl_Del_Eff_Dt (del_Cep_Rec.Copy_Entity_Result_Id, p_copy_entity_txn_id, P_Effective_Date);
Line: 388

           l_datetrack_mode := 'DELETE';
Line: 395

          p_validate              => false
         ,p_prtn_elig_prfl_id     => del_cep_rec.cep_id
         ,p_effective_start_date  => del_cep_rec.effective_start_date
         ,p_effective_end_date    => del_cep_rec.effective_end_date
         ,p_object_version_number => del_cep_rec.cep_ovn
         ,p_effective_date        => l_effective_date
         ,p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode
Line: 414

  For del_epa_rec in csr_delete_epa loop
       Open Csr_Epa_cer (del_epa_rec.Copy_Entity_Result_id);
Line: 438

           l_datetrack_mode := 'DELETE';
Line: 445

          p_validate              => false
         ,p_prtn_elig_id          => del_epa_rec.epa_id
         ,p_effective_start_date  => del_epa_rec.effective_start_date
         ,p_effective_end_date    => del_epa_rec.effective_end_date
         ,p_object_version_number => del_epa_rec.epa_ovn
         ,p_effective_date        => l_effective_date
         ,p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode
Line: 476

Function delete_option (p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                        p_effective_date     in date,
                        p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2)
RETURN varchar2 is
Cursor csr_delete_opt is
Select information1 opt_id,
       information2 effective_start_date,
       information3 effective_end_date,
       information4 business_group_id,
       information265 opt_ovn
  From ben_copy_entity_results
 Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   And table_alias = 'OPT'
   And dml_operation  ='DELETE';
Line: 494

  Select opt_id,
         Effective_Start_Date , Effective_End_Date,
    From Ben_opt_F
   Where opt_id = p_opt_id
     and p_effective_date
 between Effective_Start_Date and Effective_End_Date
     and Mapping_table_name = 'PER_SPINAL_POINTS';
Line: 504

 Select Pl_typ_opt_Typ_Id,
   from Ben_Pl_Typ_Opt_Typ_F
  Where Opt_Id = P_Opt_id
    and Pl_Typ_Opt_Typ_Cd = 'GSP';
Line: 513

 Select Oipl_id
   From Ben_Oipl_F
  Where Opt_id = p_Opt_id;
Line: 537

hr_utility.set_location('Entering: delete_option',5);
Line: 541

  For del_opt_rec in csr_delete_opt loop
      -- When a point that is not used as step is brought to staging area, an option
      -- is created for it anyway, if the option does not already exist.
      -- When the point is deleted the option record will be marked
      -- delete but theere will be not opt_id as there is no record in BEN.
     If del_opt_rec.opt_id is not null then
      -- Determine the date-tracked mode to use when deleting the row. If no date-tracked
      -- mode is passed, the system will determine date-tracked mode to use when deleting
      -- by reading actual BEN table rows.
          Open csr_ben_opt(del_opt_rec.opt_id);
Line: 570

                 l_datetrack_mode := 'DELETE';
Line: 578

	   -- Delete Pl_TYp_Opt_typ record
	    Open csr_Pl_Opt_Type(del_opt_rec.opt_id);
Line: 586

	      (P_PL_TYP_OPT_TYP_ID            =>  l_Pl_Typ_Opt_Typ_Id
              ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         =>  l_opt_typ_Esd
              ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           =>  l_Opt_Typ_Eed
              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        =>  l_Opt_typ_Ovn
              ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               =>  P_Effective_Date
              ,P_DATETRACK_MODE               =>  l_datetrack_mode);
Line: 596

              (p_opt_id                         => del_opt_rec.opt_id
              ,p_effective_start_date           => del_opt_rec.effective_start_date
              ,p_effective_end_date             => del_opt_rec.effective_end_date
              ,p_object_version_number          => del_opt_rec.opt_ovn
              ,p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date
              ,p_datetrack_mode                 => l_datetrack_mode);
Line: 612

hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: delete_option',10);
Line: 618

     hr_utility.set_location('Exception raised: delete_option',99);
Line: 628

Function delete_from_ben (p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                          p_effective_date     in date,
                          p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2)
RETURN varchar2 is
l_status varchar2(30);
Line: 638

hr_utility.set_location('Entering: delete_from_ben',5);
Line: 674

l_status := delete_option (p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                           p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
                           p_datetrack_mode     => p_datetrack_mode);
Line: 682

hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: delete_from_ben',10);