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Line 4321: , okc_operation_lines ol

4317: SELECT distinct ol.object_chr_id
4318: FROM okc_operation_instances op
4319: , okc_class_operations cls
4320: , okc_subclasses_b sl
4321: , okc_operation_lines ol
4322: WHERE ol.subject_chr_id = p_target_chr_id
4323: And op.id = ol.oie_id
4324: AND op.cop_id = cls.id
4325: And cls.cls_code = sl.cls_code

Line 4330: FROM okc_operation_lines

4326: And sl.code = 'SERVICE'
4327: And cls.opn_code in ('RENEWAL','REN_CON');
4329: /*SELECT distinct object_chr_id
4330: FROM okc_operation_lines
4331: WHERE subject_chr_id = p_target_chr_id;
4332: --AND active_yn = 'Y';
4333: */

Line 4338: FROM okc_operation_lines

4336: Cursor ole_csr2(p_subject_chr_id NUMBER, p_object_chr_id NUMBER) Is
4337: SELECT count(*)
4338: FROM okc_operation_lines
4339: WHERE SUBJECT_CHR_ID = p_subject_chr_id
4340: AND OBJECT_CHR_ID = p_object_chr_id
4341: AND SUBJECT_CLE_ID is not null;

Line 4347: FROM okc_operation_lines

4343: Cursor cle_csr(p_subject_chr_id NUMBER, p_object_chr_id NUMBER) Is
4344: SELECT count(*)
4345: FROM okc_k_lines_b
4347: FROM okc_operation_lines
4348: WHERE SUBJECT_CHR_ID = p_subject_chr_id
4349: AND OBJECT_CHR_ID = p_object_chr_id)
4350: AND dnz_chr_id = p_object_chr_id;

Line 4381: FROM okc_operation_lines

4377: last_update_date = sysdate,
4378: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
4379: WHERE id in (
4380: SELECT distinct object_chr_id
4381: FROM okc_operation_lines
4382: WHERE subject_chr_id = p_target_chr_id
4383: AND active_yn = 'Y');
4384: --
4385: -- Set date renewed on all source contracts if all lines are renewed

Line 4417: UPDATE okc_operation_lines ol

4413: -- set operation lines.active_yn = Y or N
4414: -- for the contract entry in operation lines table
4415: -- subject_chr_id is the child/renewed_to chr id
4416: --
4417: UPDATE okc_operation_lines ol
4418: SET active_yn = l_active_yn,
4419: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
4420: last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
4421: last_update_date = sysdate,

Line 4449: , okc_operation_lines ol

4445: WHERE id in (Select ol.object_cle_id --Fix Bug 4948793
4446: FROM okc_operation_instances op
4447: , okc_class_operations cls
4448: , okc_subclasses_b sl
4449: , okc_operation_lines ol
4450: WHERE ol.subject_chr_id = p_target_chr_id
4451: And ol.object_cle_id is not null
4452: And op.id = ol.oie_id
4453: AND op.cop_id = cls.id

Line 4463: UPDATE okc_operation_lines ol

4459: -- To set renewal link of contract lines,
4460: -- set operation lines.active_yn = Y or N
4461: -- for the contract line entries in operation lines table
4462: --
4463: UPDATE okc_operation_lines ol
4464: SET active_yn = l_active_yn,
4465: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
4466: last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
4467: last_update_date = sysdate,

Line 5245: from okc_k_lines_b olb, okc_operation_lines opl

5241: --Fix Bug#4927824 18-JAN-2006 maanand
5243: cursor trn_source_code (p_target_line_id NUMBER) IS
5244: Select term_cancel_source, object_cle_id
5245: from okc_k_lines_b olb, okc_operation_lines opl
5246: where olb.id= p_target_line_id
5247: and ( ( opl.object_cle_id = olb.id )
5249: OR

Line 5277: UPDATE okc_operation_lines

5274: --Fix Bug#4927824 18-JAN-2006 maanand
5275: --Made changes to this query to make is semanitically correct
5277: UPDATE okc_operation_lines
5278: SET active_yn = l_active_yn,
5279: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
5280: last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
5281: last_update_date = sysdate,

Line 5303: FROM okc_operation_lines ol1

5299: last_update_date = sysdate,
5300: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
5301: WHERE id in
5302: ( SELECT object_cle_id
5303: FROM okc_operation_lines ol1
5304: WHERE ol1.subject_cle_id = p_target_line_id );
5307: -- clear date_renewed only for those lines in target sub lines

Line 5317: FROM okc_operation_lines ol1

5313: last_update_date = sysdate,
5314: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
5315: WHERE cle_id in
5316: ( SELECT object_cle_id
5317: FROM okc_operation_lines ol1
5318: WHERE ol1.subject_cle_id = p_target_line_id );
5321: END IF;