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4   --
2   /* $Header: farxdpb.pls 120.22 2011/02/16 14:12:18 gigupta ship $ */
5   -- Structure to hold values of all parameters
6   --
7   type param_t is record (
8     from_bal         varchar2(25),
9     to_bal           varchar2(25),
10     from_acct        varchar2(25),
11     to_acct          varchar2(25),
12     from_cc          varchar2(25),
13     to_cc            varchar2(25),
14     from_maj_cat     varchar2(30),
15     to_maj_cat       varchar2(30),
16     from_min_cat     varchar2(30),
17     to_min_cat       varchar2(30),
18     cat_seg_num      varchar2(30),
19     from_cat_seg_val varchar2(30),
20     to_cat_seg_val   varchar2(30),
21     prop_type        varchar2(25),
22     from_asset_num   varchar2(25),
23     to_asset_num     varchar2(25),
24     report_style     varchar2(1),
25     sob_id           number,      -- MRC
26     mrcsobtype       varchar2(1)  -- MRC
27                          );
28   param param_t;
30   mesg_name varchar2(30);
31   mesg_str varchar2(2000);
32   flex_error varchar2(30);
33   ccid_error number;
34   error_errbuf varchar2(250);
35   error_retcode number;
38 /*
39 ||
40 || Reserve Ledger Report
41 ||
42 */
44 /*
45  * Main Reserve Ledger RX Report Procedure
46  */
47 --
48 -- Backward compatibility version
49 --
50 g_print_debug boolean := fa_cache_pkg.fa_print_debug;
52 PROCEDURE deprn_run (
53    book             in   varchar2,
54    sob_id           in   varchar2 default NULL,   -- MRC: Set of books id
55    period           in   varchar2,
56    from_bal         in   varchar2,
57    to_bal           in   varchar2,
58    from_acct        in   varchar2,
59    to_acct          in   varchar2,
60    from_cc          in   varchar2,
61    to_cc            in   varchar2,
62    major_category   in   varchar2,
63    minor_category   in   varchar2,
64    cat_seg_num      in   varchar2,
65    cat_seg_val      in   varchar2,
66    prop_type        in   varchar2,
67    request_id       in   number,
68    login_id         in   number,
69    retcode          out nocopy  number,
70    errbuf           out nocopy  varchar2
71 ) is
73 l_to_major_category  varchar2(30);
74 l_to_minor_category  varchar2(30);
75 l_to_cat_seg_val     varchar2(30);
77 begin
79   -- Fix for Bug #2709865.  Do not re-use the same variable names
80   l_to_major_category := major_category;
81   l_to_minor_category := minor_category;
82   l_to_cat_seg_val := cat_seg_val;
84   deprn_run(
85         book,
86         sob_id,  -- MRC: Set of books id
87         period,
88         from_bal,
89         to_bal,
90         from_acct,
91         to_acct,
92         from_cc,
93         to_cc,
94         major_category,
95         l_to_major_category,
96         minor_category,
97         l_to_minor_category,
98         cat_seg_num,
99         cat_seg_val,
100         l_to_cat_seg_val,
101         prop_type,
102         null, null, -- from/to asset number
103         'S', -- For Standard Report
104         request_id,
105         login_id,
106         retcode,
107         errbuf);
108 end deprn_run; /* Backward compatible version */
110 --
111 -- Main version
112 --
113 procedure deprn_run (
114    book             in   varchar2,
115    sob_id           in   varchar2 default NULL,   -- MRC: Set of books id
116    period           in   varchar2,
117    from_bal         in   varchar2,
118    to_bal           in   varchar2,
119    from_acct        in   varchar2,
120    to_acct          in   varchar2,
121    from_cc          in   varchar2,
122    to_cc            in   varchar2,
123    from_maj_cat     in   varchar2,
124    to_maj_cat       in   varchar2,
125    from_min_cat     in   varchar2,
126    to_min_cat       in   varchar2,
130    prop_type        in   varchar2,
127    cat_seg_num      in   varchar2,
128    from_cat_seg_val in   varchar2,
129    to_cat_seg_val   in   varchar2,
131    from_asset_num   in   varchar2,
132    to_asset_num     in   varchar2,
133    report_style     in   varchar2,
134    request_id       in   number,
135    login_id         in   number,
136    retcode          out nocopy  number,
137    errbuf           out nocopy  varchar2
138 )
139 is
141      IF (g_print_debug) THEN
142         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('farx_dp.deprn_run()+');
143         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('deprn_run: ' || '********login_id:' || login_id);
144         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('deprn_run: ' || '********request_id:' || request_id);
145      END IF;
146    --
147    -- Assign parameters to global variable
148    -- These values will be used within the before_report trigger
149    --
150    param.from_bal := from_bal;
151    param.to_bal   := to_bal;
152    param.from_acct:= from_acct;
153    param.to_acct  := to_acct;
154    param.from_cc  := from_cc;
155    param.to_cc    := to_cc;
156    param.from_maj_cat := from_maj_cat;
157    param.to_maj_cat   := to_maj_cat;
158    param.from_min_cat := from_min_cat;
159    param.to_min_cat   := to_min_cat;
160    param.cat_seg_num      := cat_seg_num;
161    param.from_cat_seg_val := from_cat_seg_val;
162    param.to_cat_seg_val   := to_cat_seg_val;
163    param.prop_type      := prop_type;
164    param.from_asset_num := from_asset_num;
165    param.to_asset_num   := to_asset_num;
166    param.report_style   := nvl(report_style,'S');
168   var.book := book;
169   var.period := period;
170   var.report_style := nvl(report_style,'S');
172   -- MRC
173   param.sob_id := to_number(sob_id);
175   if param.sob_id is not null then
176     begin
177        select 'P'
178        into param.mrcsobtype
179        from fa_book_controls
180        where book_type_code = book
181        and set_of_books_id = param.sob_id;
182     exception
183        when no_data_found then
184           param.mrcsobtype := 'R';
185     end;
186   else
187     param.mrcsobtype := 'P';
188   end if;
189   -- End MRC
191   fnd_profile.get('USER_ID',farx_dp.var.user_id);
193   farx_dp.var.login_id := login_id;
195   IF (g_print_debug) THEN
196         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('deprn_run: ' || 'Book = '||var.book);
197         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('deprn_run: ' || 'Period = '||var.period);
198         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('deprn_run: ' || 'Report_Style = '||var.report_style);
199         -- MRC
200         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('deprn_run: ' || 'SOB ID = '||param.sob_id);
201         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('deprn_run: ' || 'MRC SOB Type = '||param.mrcsobtype);
202         -- End MRC
203   END IF;
205   --
206   -- Initialize request
207   --
208   fa_rx_util_pkg.init_request('farx_dp.deprn_rep', request_id, 'FA_DEPRN_REP_ITF');
210   --
211   -- Assign report triggers for this report.
212   --
213   fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_report('RESERVE LEDGER',
214                 true,
215                 'farx_dp.before_report;',
216                 'farx_dp.bind(:CURSOR_SELECT);',
217                 'farx_dp.after_fetch;',
218                 null);
220   --
221   -- Run the report
222   --
223   fa_rx_util_pkg.run_report('farx_dp.deprn_rep', retcode, errbuf);
225   IF (g_print_debug) THEN
226         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('farx_dp.deprn_run()-');
227   END IF;
228 exception
229 when others then
230   fa_rx_util_pkg.log(sqlcode);
231   fa_rx_util_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
233   fnd_message.set_name('OFA', mesg_name);
234   if mesg_name in ('FA_SHARED_DELETE_FAILED', 'FA_SHARED_INSERT_FAILED') then
235         fnd_message.set_token('TABLE', 'FA_DEPRN_REP_ITF', FALSE);
236   elsif mesg_name = 'FA_RX_CONCAT_SEGS' then
237         fnd_message.set_token('CCID', to_char(ccid_error), FALSE);
238         fnd_message.set_token('FLEX_CODE', flex_error, FALSE);
239   end if;
241   mesg_str := fnd_message.get;
242   IF (g_print_debug) THEN
243         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('deprn_run: ' || mesg_name);
244   END IF;
245   fa_rx_util_pkg.log(mesg_str);
247   if error_errbuf is not null then
248         retcode := error_retcode;
249         errbuf := error_errbuf;
250   else
251           retcode := 2;
252           errbuf := mesg_str;
253   end if;
255   IF (g_print_debug) THEN
256         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('farx_dp.deprn_run(EXCEPTION)-');
257   END IF;
258 end deprn_run;
261 /*
262  * This is the before report trigger
263  * for the main Reserve Ledger Report.
264  */
265 procedure before_report
266 is
267    return_status boolean;
268    period_closed varchar2(3);
269    l_param_where varchar2(2000);
270    maj_select_statement   varchar2(50);
271    min_select_statement   varchar2(50);
272    spec_select_statement  varchar2(50);
274    -- Bug3499862
275    calendar_period_open_date  date;
276    calendar_period_close_date date;
278 begin
279    fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('farx_dp.before_report()+');
281    mesg_name := 'FA_SHARED_NO_FLEX_CHART_ACCTID';
283    select category_flex_structure, location_flex_structure,
284         asset_key_flex_structure
285    into var.cat_flex_struct, var.loc_flex_struct, var.assetkey_flex_struct
286    from fa_system_controls;
288    mesg_name := 'FA_RX_SEGNUMS';
291    fa_rx_shared_pkg.GET_ACCT_SEGMENT_NUMBERS (
295      CC_SEGNUM          => var.cc_segnum,
292      BOOK               => var.book,
293      BALANCING_SEGNUM   => var.bal_segnum,
294      ACCOUNT_SEGNUM     => var.acct_segnum,
296      CALLING_FN         => 'DEPRN_REP');
298    mesg_name := 'FA_AMT_GET_ASSET_NUM';
300     select
301         bc.book_class,
302         bc.accounting_flex_structure,
303         bc.distribution_source_book,
304         substrb(sob.currency_code, 1, 15),
305         cur.precision,
306         bc.fiscal_year_name,
307         sob.chart_of_accounts_id,
308         substrb(sob.name, 1, 80),
309         decode(param.mrcsobtype, 'P', sob.set_of_books_id, param.sob_id)    -- MRC
310     into var.book_class,
311         var.acct_flex_struct,
312         var.dist_source_book,
313         var.currency_code,
314         var.precision,
315         var.fy_name,
316         var.chart_of_accounts_id,
317         var.organization_name,
318         var.set_of_books_id
319     from fa_book_controls bc, gl_sets_of_books sob, fnd_currencies cur
320     WHERE  bc.book_type_code = var.book
321     AND    sob.set_of_books_id = decode(param.mrcsobtype, 'P', bc.set_of_books_id,
322                                     param.sob_id)     -- MRC
323     AND    sob.currency_code    = cur.currency_code;
325    /* StatReq - The following statement has been added to get the natural account segment's valueset */
327    return_status := FND_FLEX_APIS.GET_SEGMENT_INFO
328                         (101, 'GL#', var.Acct_Flex_Struct, var.Acct_Segnum,
329                          var.Acct_Appl_Col, var.Acct_Segname, var.Acct_Prompt, var.Acct_Valueset_Name);
331    mesg_name := 'FA_AMT_SEL_PERIODS';
333     select period_counter, period_open_date,
334         nvl(period_close_date, sysdate),
335         decode(period_close_date, null, 'NO','YES'),
336         fiscal_year,
337         trunc(calendar_period_open_date), -- Bug3499862
338         trunc(calendar_period_close_date) -- Bug3499862
339     into  var.period_counter,  var.period_open_date, var.period_close_date,
340         period_closed, var.period_fy,
341         var.calendar_period_open_date,var.calendar_period_close_date  -- Bug3499862
342     from fa_deprn_periods
343     where book_type_code = var.book
344     and period_name = var.period;
346    mesg_name := 'FA_RX_RESERVE_LEDGER';
348      fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('********book:' || var.book);
349      fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('******period:' || var.period);
350      fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('period_close:' || period_closed);
352 /* Removed check of period_closed status on 24th Nov 2000
353    to populate assets information of current open period. */
355    -- if period_closed = 'YES' then
356         fa_rx_shared_pkg.fa_rsvldg (
357                 book    => var.book,
358                 sob_id  => var.set_of_books_id,   -- MRC
359                 period  => var.period,
360                 report_style => var.report_style,
361                 errbuf  => error_errbuf,
362                 retcode => error_retcode);
363    -- end if;
365    --
366    -- Figure out the where clause for the parameters
367    --
368    l_param_where := null;
370    -- BALANCING --
371    if param.from_bal is not null and param.to_bal is not null then
373      l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (' ||
374         fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(101,'GL#', var.chart_of_accounts_id,'CC',
375         'SELECT', 'GL_BALANCING')||' between :from_bal and :to_bal)';
377   end if;
379 --
381    -- ACCOUNT --
382    if param.from_acct is not null and param.to_acct is not null then
383      l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (' ||
384         fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(101,'GL#', var.chart_of_accounts_id,'CC',
385         'SELECT', 'GL_ACCOUNT') || ' between :from_acct and :to_acct)';
387    end if;
389    -- COST CENTER --
390    if param.from_cc is not null and param.to_cc is not null then
391      l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (' ||
392         fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(101,'GL#', var.chart_of_accounts_id,'CC',
393         'SELECT', 'FA_COST_CTR') ||' between :from_cc and :to_cc)';
394    end if;
396      -- Major Category --
397    if param.from_maj_cat is not null and param.to_maj_cat is not null then
398      l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (' ||
399         fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(140,'CAT#', var.cat_flex_struct,'CAT',
400         'SELECT', 'BASED_CATEGORY') ||' between :from_maj_cat and :to_maj_cat)';
402    end if;
404    -- Minor Category --
405    begin
406      if param.from_min_cat is not null and param.to_min_cat is not null then
407        l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (' ||
408         fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(140,'CAT#', var.cat_flex_struct,'CAT',
409         'SELECT', 'MINOR_CATEGORY') ||' between :from_min_cat and :to_min_cat)';
411      elsif param.from_min_cat is not null  and param.to_min_cat is null then
412        l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (' ||
413         fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(140,'CAT#', var.cat_flex_struct,'CAT',
414         'SELECT', 'MINOR_CATEGORY') ||'>= :from_min_cat)';
415      elsif param.from_min_cat is null and param.to_min_cat is not null then
416        l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (' ||
417         fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(140,'CAT#', var.cat_flex_struct,'CAT',
418         'SELECT', 'MINOR_CATEGORY') ||'<= :to_min_cat )';
419      end if;
420    exception
421      when others then
422        l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (:from_min_cat is NULL and :from_min_cat is NULL'||
423                                          ' and :to_min_cat is NULL and :to_min_cat is NULL)';
424    end;
427    -- Property Type --
431    -- Asset Number --
428    if param.prop_type is not null then
429      l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (CAT.PROPERTY_TYPE_CODE = :prop_type) ';
430    end if;
432    if param.from_asset_num is not null and param.to_asset_num is not null then
433       l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (AD.ASSET_NUMBER between :from_asset_num and :to_asset_num)';
434    elsif param.from_asset_num is not null and param.to_asset_num is null then
436       l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (AD.ASSET_NUMBER >= :from_asset_num)';
437    end if;
439    -- Category Segment Number --
440    IF (param.cat_seg_num IS NOT NULL) THEN
441       var.cat_seg_num := param.cat_seg_num;
442      if param.from_cat_seg_val is not null and param.to_cat_seg_val is not null then
443         l_param_where := l_param_where || ' AND (' ||
444            fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(140,'CAT#', var.cat_flex_struct,'CAT',
445            'SELECT',param.cat_seg_num) ||' between from_cat_seg_val and :to_cat_seg_val)';
447      end if;
448    END IF;
450    --
451    -- Get Columns for Major_category, Minor_category and Specified_category
452    --
454     maj_select_statement := fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(140,'CAT#', var.cat_flex_struct,'CAT','SELECT', 'BASED_CATEGORY');
456    begin
457      min_select_statement := fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(140,'CAT#', var.cat_flex_struct,'CAT','SELECT', 'MINOR_CATEGORY');
458    exception
459      when others then
460        min_select_statement := 'null';
461        var.minor_category := null;
462    end;
464    begin
465      if param.cat_seg_num <> '' then
466         spec_select_statement := fa_rx_flex_pkg.flex_sql(140,'CAT#', var.cat_flex_struct,'CAT','SELECT', param.cat_seg_num);
467      else
468        spec_select_statement := 'null';
469        var.specified_cat_seg := null;
470      end if;
471    exception
472      when others then
473        spec_select_statement := 'null';
474        var.specified_cat_seg := null;
475    end;
478    --
479    -- Assign SELECT list
480    --
481    -->>SELECT_START<<--
482    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('1','cc.code_combination_id',   null,'farx_dp.var.ccid','NUMBER');
483    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('2','fy.fiscal_year',           null,'farx_dp.var.fy','NUMBER');
484    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('3','cb.asset_cost_acct',       'asset_cost_acct','farx_dp.var.asset_cost_acct','VARCHAR2', 25);
485    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('4','rsv.deprn_reserve_acct',   'accum_deprn_acct','farx_dp.var.deprn_rsv_acct','VARCHAR2', 25);
486    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('5','ad.asset_number',          'asset_number','farx_dp.var.asset_number','VARCHAR2', 15);
487    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('6','ad.description',           'description','farx_dp.var.description','VARCHAR2', 80);
488    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('7','ad.tag_number',            'tag_number','farx_dp.var.tag_number','VARCHAR2', 15);
489    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('8','ad.serial_number',         'serial_number','farx_dp.var.serial_number','VARCHAR2', 35);
490    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('9','ad.inventorial',           'inventorial','farx_dp.var.inventorial','VARCHAR2', 3);
491    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('10','rsv.date_placed_in_service','date_placed_in_service','farx_dp.var.date_placed_in_service','DATE');
492    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('11','rsv.method_code',         'deprn_method','farx_dp.var.method_code', 'VARCHAR2', 15);
493    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('12','rsv.life',                null,'farx_dp.var.life','NUMBER');
494    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('13','rsv.rate',                'adjusted_rate','farx_dp.var.rate','NUMBER');
495    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('14','ds.bonus_rate',           null,'farx_dp.var.bonus_rate','NUMBER');
496    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('15','rsv.capacity',            null,'farx_dp.var.capacity','NUMBER');
497    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('16','rsv.cost',                'cost','farx_dp.var.cost','NUMBER');
498    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('17','rsv.deprn_amount',        'deprn_amount','farx_dp.var.deprn_amount','NUMBER');
499    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('18','rsv.ytd_deprn',           'ytd_deprn','farx_dp.var.ytd_deprn','NUMBER');
500    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('19','rsv.deprn_reserve',       'ltd_deprn','farx_dp.var.reserve','NUMBER');
501    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('20','nvl(dh.units_assigned,0)/nvl(ah.units,1)*100','percent','farx_dp.var.percent', 'NUMBER');
502    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('21','rsv.transaction_type',    null,'farx_dp.var.transaction_type','VARCHAR2', 1);
503    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('22','dh.location_id',          null,'farx_dp.var.location_id','NUMBER');
504    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('23','ah.category_id',          null,'farx_dp.var.category_id','NUMBER');
505    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('24','ad.asset_key_ccid',       null,'farx_dp.var.asset_key_ccid','NUMBER');
506    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('25', null,                   'life_yr_mo','farx_dp.var.life_yr_mo','NUMBER');
507    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('26',null,                      'nbv','farx_dp.var.nbv','NUMBER');
508    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('27',null,                      'period_name','farx_dp.var.period','VARCHAR2', 15);
509    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('28',null,                      'deprn_expense_acct','farx_dp.var.acct_all_segs(farx_dp.var.acct_segnum)','VARCHAR2', 25);
510    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('29',null,                      'account_description','farx_dp.var.account_description', 'VARCHAR2', 240);
511    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('30',null,                      'company','farx_dp.var.acct_all_segs(farx_dp.var.bal_segnum)','VARCHAR2', 25);
512    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('31',null,                      'cost_center','farx_dp.var.acct_all_segs(farx_dp.var.cc_segnum)','VARCHAR2', 25);
513    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('32',null,                      'book_type_code','farx_dp.var.book','VARCHAR2', 15);
517    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('36','cat.description',         'category_description', 'farx_dp.var.category_description','VARCHAR2',240);
514    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('33',null,                      'category','farx_dp.var.concat_cat_str','VARCHAR2', 500);
515    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('34',null,                      'location','farx_dp.var.concat_loc_str','VARCHAR2', 500);
516    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('35',null,                      'asset_key','farx_dp.var.concat_key_str','VARCHAR2', 240);
518    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('37','substrb(emp.full_name, 1,50)',            'employee_name','farx_dp.var.emp_name','VARCHAR2',50);
519    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('38','substrb(emp.employee_number, 1, 15)',     'employee_number','farx_dp.var.emp_number','VARCHAR2',15);
520    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('39','dh.units_assigned',       'units','farx_dp.var.units','NUMBER');
521    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('40',null,                      'company_description',
522         'farx_dp.var.company_description','VARCHAR2',240);
523    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('41',null,                      'expense_acct_description',
524         'farx_dp.var.expense_acct_description','VARCHAR2',240);
525    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('42',null,                      'cost_center_description',
526         'farx_dp.var.cost_center_description','VARCHAR2',240);
527    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('43',null,                      'organization_name','farx_dp.var.organization_name','VARCHAR2',80);
528    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('44',null,                      'functional_currency_code','farx_dp.var.currency_code','VARCHAR2',15);
529    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('45',null,                      'nbv_beginning_fy','farx_dp.var.nbv_beginning_fy','NUMBER');
530    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('46',null,                      'set_of_books_id','farx_dp.var.set_of_books_id','NUMBER');
531    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('47',maj_select_statement,      'major_category','farx_dp.var.major_category','VARCHAR2',240);
532    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('48',min_select_statement,      'minor_category','farx_dp.var.minor_category','VARCHAR2',240);
533    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('49',null,                      'major_category_description','farx_dp.var.major_category_desc','VARCHAR2',240);
534    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('50',null,                      'minor_category_description','farx_dp.var.minor_category_desc','VARCHAR2',240);
535    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('51',spec_select_statement,     'specified_category_segment','farx_dp.var.specified_cat_seg','VARCHAR2',240);
536    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('52',null,                      'specified_category_seg_desc','farx_dp.var.specified_cat_seg_desc','VARCHAR2',240);
537    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('53',null,                      'reserve_acct_desc','farx_dp.var.reserve_acct_desc','VARCHAR2',240);
538    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('54','decode(ad.asset_type,''GROUP'',ad.asset_number,nvl(ad1.asset_number,lu.meaning))','group_asset_number','farx_dp.var.group_asset_number','VARCHAR2',15);
539    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('55','books.salvage_value',     'salvage_value','farx_dp.var.salvage_value','NUMBER');
540    fa_rx_util_pkg.assign_column('56','rsv.impairment_reserve',   null,'farx_dp.var.impairment_reserve','NUMBER'); --Bug#10412874
541    -->>SELECT_END<<--
544    --
545    -- Assign From Clause
546    --
547    if(param.mrcsobtype <> 'R') then  -- MRC
548       fa_rx_util_pkg.From_Clause := 'fa_reserve_ledger_gt rsv,
549                 fa_distribution_history dh,
550                 fa_additions ad,
551                 fa_additions ad1,
552                 fa_asset_history ah,
553                 fa_fiscal_year fy,
554                 fa_category_books cb,
555                 gl_code_combinations cc,
556                 fa_deprn_summary ds,
557                 fa_books                books,
558                 fa_categories           cat,
559                 fa_category_book_defaults cbd,
560                 per_all_people_f        emp,
561                 fa_deprn_detail         dd,
562                 fa_lookups              lu';
563    -- MRC
564    else
565       fa_rx_util_pkg.From_Clause := 'fa_reserve_ledger_gt rsv,
566                 fa_distribution_history dh,
567                 fa_additions ad,
568                 fa_additions ad1,
569                 fa_asset_history ah,
570                 fa_fiscal_year fy,
571                 fa_category_books cb,
572                 gl_code_combinations cc,
573                 fa_mc_deprn_summary ds,
574                 fa_mc_books             books,
575                 fa_categories           cat,
576                 fa_category_book_defaults cbd,
577                 per_all_people_f        emp,
578                 fa_mc_deprn_detail      dd,
579                 fa_lookups              lu';
580    end if;
581    -- End MRC
583    --
584    -- Assign Where Clause
585    --
586    if(param.mrcsobtype <> 'R') then  -- MRC
587       fa_rx_util_pkg.Where_Clause := '
588                 rsv.asset_id = ad.asset_id
589         and     rsv.asset_id = dh.asset_id
590         and     rsv.dh_ccid             = dh.code_combination_id
591         and     rsv.distribution_id     = dh.distribution_id
592         and     dh.date_effective < rsv.date_effective and
593                 nvl(dh.date_ineffective,sysdate) >= rsv.date_effective
594         and     rsv.dh_ccid             = cc.code_combination_id
595         and     cb.book_type_code       = :b_book and
596                 cb.category_id          = ah.category_id
597         and     ah.asset_id             = ad.asset_id           and
598                 ah.date_effective       < rsv.date_effective    and
599                 nvl(ah.date_ineffective,sysdate) >= rsv.date_effective
600         and     ad1.asset_id (+)        = books.group_asset_id       -- added for drill down report
601         and     lu.lookup_code (+)      = ad.asset_type         and
602                 lu.lookup_type (+)      = ''ASSET TYPE''
606         and     fy.fiscal_year_name =   :b_fy_name      and
603         and     ds.period_counter (+)   = rsv.period_counter    and
604                 ds.book_type_code (+)   = :b_book                       and
605                 ds.asset_id (+)         = rsv.asset_id
607                 rsv.date_placed_in_service between fy.start_date and fy.end_date
608         and     rsv.date_placed_in_service <= :b_period_close_date -- Added for Bug#3499862
609         and     books.book_type_code    = :b_book
610         and     books.asset_id          = rsv.asset_id
611         and     books.date_effective    <  rsv.date_effective and
612                 nvl(books.date_ineffective,sysdate) >= rsv.date_effective
613         and     cat.category_id         = ah.category_id
614         and     cbd.category_id         = ah.category_id
615         and     cbd.book_type_code      = :b_book
616         and     rsv.date_placed_in_service between
617                 cbd.start_dpis and nvl(cbd.end_dpis,rsv.date_placed_in_service)
618         and     emp.person_id(+)        = dh.assigned_to
619         and     trunc(sysdate) between
620                        effective_start_date(+) and effective_end_date(+)
621         and     dd.book_type_code       = :b_book
622         and     dd.asset_id             = rsv.asset_id
623         and     dd.distribution_id      = dh.distribution_id
624         and    (books.group_asset_id is null
625           or (
626                books.group_asset_id is not null
627            and exists (select 1
628                        from   fa_books oldbk
629                             , fa_transaction_headers oldth
630                             , fa_deprn_periods dp
631                        where  oldbk.transaction_header_id_out = books.transaction_header_id_in
632                        and    oldbk.transaction_header_id_out = oldth.transaction_header_id
633                        and   dp.book_type_code = :b_book
634                        and   dp.period_counter = dd.period_counter
635                        and   oldth.date_effective between dp.period_open_date
636                                                       and nvl(dp.period_close_date, oldth.date_effective)
637                        and   oldbk.group_asset_id is null)
638              )
639           or (nvl(:b_report_style,''S'') = ''D'')
640                )
641         and     dd.period_counter       = rsv.period_counter ' ||  l_param_where ;
642    -- MRC
643    else
644       fa_rx_util_pkg.Where_Clause := '
645                 rsv.asset_id = ad.asset_id
646         and     rsv.asset_id = dh.asset_id
647         and     rsv.dh_ccid             = dh.code_combination_id
648         and     rsv.distribution_id     = dh.distribution_id
649         and     dh.date_effective < rsv.date_effective and
650                 nvl(dh.date_ineffective,sysdate) >= rsv.date_effective
651         and     rsv.dh_ccid             = cc.code_combination_id
652         and     cb.book_type_code       = :b_book and
653                 cb.category_id          = ah.category_id
654         and     ah.asset_id             = ad.asset_id           and
655                 ah.date_effective       < rsv.date_effective    and
656                 nvl(ah.date_ineffective,sysdate) >= rsv.date_effective
657         and     ad1.asset_id (+)        = books.group_asset_id       -- added for drill down report
658         and     lu.lookup_code (+)      = ad.asset_type         and
659                 lu.lookup_type (+)      = ''ASSET TYPE''
660         and     ds.period_counter (+)   = rsv.period_counter    and
661                 ds.book_type_code (+)   = :b_book                       and
662                 ds.asset_id (+)         = rsv.asset_id
663         and     fy.fiscal_year_name =   :b_fy_name      and
664                 rsv.date_placed_in_service between fy.start_date and fy.end_date
665         and     rsv.date_placed_in_service <= :b_period_close_date -- Added for Bug#3499862
666         and     books.book_type_code    = :b_book
667         and     books.asset_id          = rsv.asset_id
668         and     books.date_effective    <  rsv.date_effective and
669                 nvl(books.date_ineffective,sysdate) >= rsv.date_effective
670         and     cat.category_id         = ah.category_id
671         and     cbd.category_id         = ah.category_id
672         and     cbd.book_type_code      = :b_book
673         and     rsv.date_placed_in_service between
674                 cbd.start_dpis and nvl(cbd.end_dpis,rsv.date_placed_in_service)
675         and     emp.person_id(+)        = dh.assigned_to
676         and     trunc(sysdate) between
677                        effective_start_date(+) and effective_end_date(+)
678         and     dd.book_type_code       = :b_book
679         and     dd.asset_id             = rsv.asset_id
680         and     dd.distribution_id      = dh.distribution_id
681         and    (books.group_asset_id is null
682           or (
683                books.group_asset_id is not null
684            and exists (select 1
685                        from   fa_mc_books oldbk
686                             , fa_transaction_headers oldth
687                             , fa_mc_deprn_periods dp
688                        where  oldbk.transaction_header_id_out = books.transaction_header_id_in
689                        and    oldbk.transaction_header_id_out = oldth.transaction_header_id
690                        and   dp.book_type_code = :b_book
691                        and   dp.period_counter = dd.period_counter
692                        and   oldth.date_effective between dp.period_open_date
693                                                       and nvl(dp.period_close_date, oldth.date_effective)
694                        and   oldbk.group_asset_id is null
695                        and   oldbk.set_of_books_id = :b_set_of_books_id
696                        and   dp.set_of_books_id    = :b_set_of_books_id
697                      )
698              )
699           or (nvl(:b_report_style,''S'') = ''D'')
700                )
704         and     dd.period_counter       = rsv.period_counter ' ||  l_param_where ;
701         and     ds.set_of_books_id      = :b_set_of_books_id
702         and     dd.set_of_books_id      = :b_set_of_books_id
703         and     books.set_of_books_id   = :b_set_of_books_id
705    end if;
706    -- End MRC
708    mesg_name := 'FA_DEPRN_SQL_DCUR';
709    fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('farx_dp.before_report()-');
710 end before_report;
713 /*
714  * This is the bind trigger
715  * for the main Reserve Ledger Report.
716  */
717 procedure bind(c in integer)
718 is
720    --
721    -- These bind variables were included in the WHERE clause.
722    --
724    IF (g_print_debug) THEN
725         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('farx_dp.bind()+');
726    END IF;
727    dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'b_book', var.book);
728    dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'b_fy_name', var.fy_name);
729    dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'b_report_style', var.report_style);
730    -- MRC
731    if param.mrcsobtype = 'R' then
732       dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'b_set_of_books_id', var.set_of_books_id);
733    end if;
734    -- End MRC
735    if (param.from_bal is not null and param.to_bal is not null) then
736      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'from_bal', param.from_bal);
737      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'to_bal', param.to_bal);
738    end if;
739    if param.from_acct is not null and param.to_acct is not null then
740      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'from_acct', param.from_acct);
741      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'to_acct', param.to_acct);
742    end if;
743    if param.from_cc is not null and param.to_cc is not null then
744      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'from_cc', param.from_cc);
745      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'to_cc', param.to_cc);
746    end if;
747    if param.from_maj_cat is not null and param.to_maj_cat is not null then
748      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'from_maj_cat', param.from_maj_cat);
749      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'to_maj_cat', param.to_maj_cat);
750    end if;
751    if param.from_min_cat is not null  then
752      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'from_min_cat', param.from_min_cat);
753    end if;
754    if param.to_min_cat is not null then
755      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'to_min_cat', param.to_min_cat);
756    end if;
757    if param.prop_type is not null then
758      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'prop_type', param.prop_type);
759    end if;
760    if param.from_asset_num is not null and param.to_asset_num is not null then
761      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'from_asset_num', param.from_asset_num);
762      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'to_asset_num', param.to_asset_num);
763    elsif param.from_asset_num is not null  and param.to_asset_num is null then
764      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'from_asset_num', param.from_asset_num);
765    end if;
767    dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'b_period_close_date', var.calendar_period_close_date); -- Added for Bug#3499862.
769    IF (param.cat_seg_num IS NOT NULL) THEN
770      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'from_cat_seg_val', param.from_cat_seg_val);
771      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'to_cat_seg_val', param.to_cat_seg_val);
772    END IF;
773    IF (g_print_debug) THEN
774         fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('farx_dp.bind()-');
775    END IF;
776 end bind;
779 /*
780  * This is the after fetch trigger
781  * for the main Reserve Ledger Report.
782  */
783 procedure after_fetch
784 is
785 begin
786    fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('farx_dp.after_fetch()+');
787    var.account_description := fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning(
788                 NULL, var.acct_valueset_name, var.asset_cost_acct);
790    mesg_name := 'FA_RX_CONCAT_SEGS';
791    flex_error := 'GL#';
792    ccid_error := var.ccid;
794    fa_rx_shared_pkg.concat_acct (
795       struct_id => var.acct_flex_struct,
796       ccid => var.ccid,
797       concat_string => var.concat_acct_str,
798       segarray => var.acct_all_segs);
800    flex_error := 'CAT#';
801    ccid_error := var.category_id;
803    fa_rx_shared_pkg.concat_category (
804       struct_id => var.cat_flex_struct,
805       ccid => var.category_id,
806       concat_string => var.concat_cat_str,
807       segarray => var.cat_segs);
809    flex_error := 'LOC#';
810    ccid_error := var.location_id;
812    fa_rx_shared_pkg.concat_location (
813       struct_id => var.loc_flex_struct,
814       ccid => var.location_id,
815       concat_string => var.concat_loc_str,
816       segarray => var.loc_segs);
818    /* StatReq - The following three statement have been added to get the
819       concatenated asset key flexfield value */
821    if (var.asset_key_ccid is not NULL)
822    then
823       DECLARE
824          buf VARCHAR2(500);
825       BEGIN
826          flex_error := 'KEY#';
827          ccid_error := var.asset_key_ccid;
829          fa_rx_shared_pkg.concat_asset_key (
830                                             struct_id => var.assetkey_flex_struct,
831                                             ccid => var.asset_key_ccid,
832                                             concat_string => buf,
833                                             segarray => var.key_segs);
834          var.concat_key_str := substrb(buf, 1,240);
835       END;
836    else
837       var.concat_key_str := '';  --bug#7456179
838    end if;
840    var.company_description :=
841      fa_rx_flex_pkg.get_description(
842          p_application_id => 101,
843          p_id_flex_code   => 'GL#',
844          p_id_flex_num    => var.chart_of_accounts_id,
845          p_qualifier      => 'GL_BALANCING',
846          p_data           => var.acct_all_segs(var.bal_segnum));
850          p_application_id => 101,
848    var.expense_acct_description :=
849      fa_rx_flex_pkg.get_description(
851          p_id_flex_code   => 'GL#',
852          p_id_flex_num    => var.chart_of_accounts_id,
853          p_qualifier      => 'GL_ACCOUNT',
854          p_data           => var.acct_all_segs(var.acct_segnum));
856    var.reserve_acct_desc :=
857      fa_rx_flex_pkg.get_description(
858          p_application_id => 101,
859          p_id_flex_code   => 'GL#',
860          p_id_flex_num    => var.chart_of_accounts_id,
861          p_qualifier      => 'GL_ACCOUNT',
862          p_data           => var.deprn_rsv_acct);
864    var.cost_center_description :=
865      fa_rx_flex_pkg.get_description(
866          p_application_id => 101,
867          p_id_flex_code   => 'GL#',
868          p_id_flex_num    => var.chart_of_accounts_id,
869          p_qualifier      => 'FA_COST_CTR',
870          p_data           => var.acct_all_segs(var.cc_segnum));
872    begin
873     var.major_category_desc :=
874       fa_rx_flex_pkg.get_description(
875          p_application_id => 140,
876          p_id_flex_code   => 'CAT#',
877          p_id_flex_num    => var.cat_flex_struct,
878          p_qualifier      => 'BASED_CATEGORY',
879          p_data           => var.major_category);
880    exception
881       when others then
882         var.major_category_desc := null;
883    end;
885    begin
886      var.minor_category_desc :=
887        fa_rx_flex_pkg.get_description(
888          p_application_id => 140,
889          p_id_flex_code   => 'CAT#',
890          p_id_flex_num    => var.cat_flex_struct,
891          p_qualifier      => 'MINOR_CATEGORY',
892          p_data           => var.minor_category);
893    exception
894       when others then
895         var.minor_category_desc := null;
896    end;
898    begin
899      var.specified_cat_seg_desc :=
903          p_id_flex_num    => var.cat_flex_struct,
900        fa_rx_flex_pkg.get_description(
901          p_application_id => 140,
902          p_id_flex_code   => 'CAT#',
904          p_qualifier      => param.cat_seg_num,
905          p_data           => var.specified_cat_seg);
906    exception
907       when others then
908         var.specified_cat_seg_desc := null;
909    end;
911 --   var.nbv := var.cost - var.reserve;
912      var.nbv := var.cost - var.reserve - nvl(var.impairment_reserve,0); --Bug#10412874
913    var.nbv_beginning_fy := var.nbv + var.ytd_deprn;
915  IF (var.life IS NULL) THEN
916     var.life_yr_mo := NULL;
917  ELSE
918     var.life_yr_mo :=
919       fnd_number.canonical_to_number(
920       to_char(floor(var.life/12))||'.'||to_char(mod(var.life,12), 'FM00'));
921  END IF;
922  mesg_name := 'FA_SHARED_INSERT_FAILED';
923  fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('farx_dp.after_fetch()-');
924 end after_fetch;