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Line 122: /*fa_categories table code added for Bug:10028857*/

118: end if;
120: -- load the category gt
122: /*fa_categories table code added for Bug:10028857*/
123: if (l_count = 1) then
125: insert into fa_category_accounts_gt
126: (clearing_acct

Line 138: fa_categories fc

134: from (select asset_clearing_acct clearing_acct
135: ,book_type_code
136: , 2 acct_type
137: from fa_category_books cb,
138: fa_categories fc
139: where book_type_code = p_book_type_code
140: and cb.category_id = fc.category_id
141: and fc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
142: UNION

Line 145: fa_categories fc

141: and fc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
142: UNION
143: select cip_clearing_acct , book_type_code, 1
144: from fa_category_books cb,
145: fa_categories fc
146: where cip_clearing_acct is not null
147: and book_type_code = p_book_type_code
148: and cb.category_id = fc.category_id
149: and fc.enabled_flag = 'Y')

Line 168: fa_categories fc

164: ,cb.book_type_code
165: ,2 acct_type
166: from fa_category_books cb,
167: fa_book_controls bc,
168: fa_categories fc
169: where cb.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
170: and bc.book_class = 'CORPORATE'
171: and bc.set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id
172: and cb.category_id = fc.category_id

Line 180: fa_categories fc

176: ,cb.book_type_code
177: ,1
178: from fa_category_books cb,
179: fa_book_controls bc,
180: fa_categories fc
181: where cip_clearing_acct is not null
182: and cb.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
183: and bc.book_class = 'CORPORATE'
184: and bc.set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id

Line 1294: from fa_categories_b c

1290: and p_def_dpis_dt between CBD.start_DPIS(+)
1291: and nvl(CBD.end_DPIS(+),p_def_dpis_dt)),
1292: inventorial =
1293: (select nvl(inventorial, 'YES')
1294: from fa_categories_b c
1295: where c.category_id(+) = gt.asset_category_id)
1296: where gt.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
1297: and gt.line_status = 'VALID'
1298: and gt.ledger_category_code = 'P'