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Line 9164: /* Use expiration date in MTL_LOT_NUMBERS. */

9160: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
9161: END IF;
9163: /* Update lot records with an expiration date */
9164: /* Use expiration date in MTL_LOT_NUMBERS. */
9165: /* IF no expiration date THEN calculate based on SHELF_LIFE_DAYS */
9167: UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface mtli
9168: SET lot_expiration_date =

Line 9172: mtl_lot_numbers mln

9168: SET lot_expiration_date =
9169: (SELECT MIN(mln.expiration_date)
9170: FROM mtl_transactions_interface mti,
9171: mtl_system_items msi,
9172: mtl_lot_numbers mln
9173: WHERE mti.organization_id = msi.organization_id
9174: AND mti.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
9175: AND mti.transaction_header_id = p_gib.assy_header_id
9176: AND mti.transaction_action_id = l_txn_action_id

Line 9221: /* IF Exp date null in MTL_LOT_NUMBERS should I leave it null */

9217: wip_logger.log(p_msg => l_msg,
9218: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
9219: END IF;
9221: /* IF Exp date null in MTL_LOT_NUMBERS should I leave it null */
9222: /* Or should I just decode based on exp date null in the temp table? */
9223: /* Removed group by and modIFied select and where conditions to avoid
9224: oracle error 1427. See bugs 866408 and 938422. */
9225: UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface mtli

Line 11410: mtl_lot_numbers mln

11406: SET lot_expiration_date =
11407: (SELECT MIN(mln.expiration_date)
11408: FROM mtl_transactions_interface mti,
11409: mtl_system_items msi,
11410: mtl_lot_numbers mln
11411: WHERE mti.organization_id = msi.organization_id
11412: AND mti.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
11413: AND mti.transaction_header_id = p_mtl_header_id

Line 11447: /* IF Exp date null in MTL_LOT_NUMBERS should I leave it null */

11443: wip_logger.log(p_msg => l_msg,
11444: x_returnStatus => l_return_status);
11445: END IF;
11447: /* IF Exp date null in MTL_LOT_NUMBERS should I leave it null */
11448: /* Or should I just decode based on exp date null in the temp table? */
11449: /* Removed group by and modIFied select and where conditions to avoid
11450: oracle error 1427. See bugs 866408 and 938422. */
11451: UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface mtli