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Line 283: ff_archive_items fai

280: cursor cur_boxo is
281: SELECT 'RZ-'||substr(fdi.user_name,23,2) code,fai.value value
282: FROM ff_database_items fdi,
283: ff_archive_items fai
284: WHERE fai.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
285: AND fai.context1 = p_arch_assact_id
286: AND fdi.user_name like 'CAEOY_RL1_BOXO_AMOUNT____PER_JD_YTD'
287: ORDER BY substr(fdi.user_name,5,4);

Line 305: ff_archive_items fai

301: substr(replace(substr(fdi.user_name,31),'_AMT_PER_JD_YTD',''),1,1)||'-'||
302: substr(replace(substr(fdi.user_name,31),'_AMT_PER_JD_YTD',''),2)) code,
303: fai.value value
304: from ff_database_items fdi,
305: ff_archive_items fai
306: where fai.user_entity_id=fdi.user_entity_id
307: and fai.context1= p_arch_assact_id
309: union

Line 796: from ff_archive_items fai,

792: RETURN varchar2 IS
794: cursor cur_archive (b_context_id NUMBER, b_user_name VARCHAR2) is
795: select fai.value
796: from ff_archive_items fai,
797: ff_database_items fdi
798: where fai.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
799: and fai.context1 = b_context_id
800: and fdi.user_name = b_user_name;

Line 859: l_context1 ff_archive_items.context1%TYPE;

855: EOL VARCHAR2(5);
856: l_address_line hr_locations.address_line_1%TYPE;
857: l_contact VARCHAR2(60);
858: l_transmitter_name VARCHAR2(100);
859: l_context1 ff_archive_items.context1%TYPE;
860: l_taxation_year VARCHAR2(4);
861: l_return VARCHAR2(60);
862: l_certification_no VARCHAR2(30);
863: l_VersionSchema VARCHAR2(20);

Line 1294: ff_archive_items fai

1290: /* added these CURSORs for bug 13360884, to get further information*/
1291: cursor cur_boxo(p_arch_assact_id in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE) is
1292: SELECT 'RZ-'||substr(fdi.user_name,23,2) code,to_number(fai.value) value
1293: FROM ff_database_items fdi,
1294: ff_archive_items fai
1295: WHERE fai.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
1296: AND fai.context1 = p_arch_assact_id
1297: AND fdi.user_name like 'CAEOY_RL1_BOXO_AMOUNT____PER_JD_YTD'
1298: ORDER BY substr(fdi.user_name,5,4);

Line 1309: ff_archive_items fai

1305: substr(replace(substr(fdi.user_name,31),'_AMT_PER_JD_YTD',''),1,1)||'-'||
1306: substr(replace(substr(fdi.user_name,31),'_AMT_PER_JD_YTD',''),2)) code,
1307: to_number(fai.value) value
1308: from ff_database_items fdi,
1309: ff_archive_items fai
1310: where fai.user_entity_id=fdi.user_entity_id
1311: and fai.context1= p_arch_assact_id
1313: union

Line 1324: from ff_archive_items fai,

1320: /* ended these CURSORs for bug 13360884, to get further information*/
1322: cursor c_province( p_arch_asact_id number ) is
1323: select fai.value
1324: from ff_archive_items fai,
1325: ff_database_items fdi
1326: where fai.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
1327: and fdi.user_name = 'CAEOY_RL1_PROVINCE_OF_EMPLOYMENT'
1328: and fai.context1 =p_arch_asact_id;

Line 1349: ff_archive_items fai,

1345: pay_magtape_generic.date_earned(ppa.effective_date,paf.assignment_id),
1346: fai.value,
1347: get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',ppa_arch.legislative_parameters)
1348: FROM
1349: ff_archive_items fai,
1350: ff_database_items fdi,
1351: per_all_people_f ppf,
1352: per_all_assignments_f paf,
1353: pay_action_interlocks pai_mag,

Line 3075: l_context1 ff_archive_items.context1%TYPE;

3071: lProvince NUMBER;
3072: lCodePostal NUMBER;
3074: l_taxation_year varchar2(4);
3075: l_context1 ff_archive_items.context1%TYPE;
3076: EOL varchar2(5);
3077: l_employer_name varchar2(100);
3078: l_quebec_bn varchar2(20);
3079: l_address_line hr_locations.address_line_1%TYPE;