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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 49

/* Inserts a band given its minimum value. This function assumes the band     */
/* type already has a complete set of bands. If there is already a band with  */
/* the given minimum value then no action is taken. Otherwise, the existing   */
/* band which the given minumum value falls into is split into two bands.     */
PROCEDURE insert_time_band(p_type           IN VARCHAR2,
                           p_band_min_day_comp   IN NUMBER,
                           p_band_min_week_comp  IN NUMBER,
                           p_band_min_month_comp IN NUMBER,
                           p_band_min_year_comp  IN NUMBER) IS

  l_band_min_value      NUMBER;  -- minimum value of band to insert
Line: 73

  FROM hri_time_bands
  WHERE type = p_type
  AND v_band_min_value > band_min_value
  AND (v_band_min_value < band_max_value
    OR band_max_value IS NULL);
Line: 108

    UPDATE hri_time_bands
    SET band_sequence = band_sequence + 1
    WHERE band_sequence > l_band_to_split.band_sequence
    AND type = p_type;
Line: 113

  /* Insert a new band with the new minimum and the existing maximum */
    INSERT INTO hri_time_bands
        ,l_band_to_split.band_sequence + 1
Line: 141

  /* Update the band with the existing minimum to end at the new minimum */
    UPDATE hri_time_bands
    SET band_max_value      = l_band_min_value,
        band_max_year_comp  = p_band_min_year_comp,
        band_max_month_comp = p_band_min_month_comp,
        band_max_week_comp  = p_band_min_week_comp,
        band_max_day_comp   = p_band_min_day_comp
    WHERE band_min_value = l_band_to_split.band_min_value
    AND type = p_type;
Line: 153

END insert_time_band;
Line: 158

/* type already has a complete set of bands. If the band to delete is found   */
/* then it is removed and the previous band extended to cover the same values */
/* otherwise no action is taken.                                              */
PROCEDURE remove_time_band(p_type           IN VARCHAR2,
                           p_band_min_day_comp   IN NUMBER,
                           p_band_min_week_comp  IN NUMBER,
                           p_band_min_month_comp IN NUMBER,
                           p_band_min_year_comp  IN NUMBER) IS

  l_band_min_value      NUMBER;  -- minimum value of band to remove
Line: 169

  l_band_to_delete      hri_time_bands%rowtype;    -- band to remove
Line: 172

/* Selects information from band to be deleted */
  CURSOR delete_cur IS
  FROM hri_time_bands
  WHERE type = p_type
  AND band_min_day_comp   = p_band_min_day_comp
  AND band_min_week_comp  = p_band_min_week_comp
  AND band_min_month_comp = p_band_min_month_comp
  AND band_min_year_comp  = p_band_min_year_comp;
Line: 182

/* Selects information from band to be extended */
  CURSOR grow_cur IS
  FROM hri_time_bands
  WHERE type = p_type
  AND band_max_day_comp   = p_band_min_day_comp
  AND band_max_week_comp  = p_band_min_week_comp
  AND band_max_month_comp = p_band_min_month_comp
  AND band_max_year_comp  = p_band_min_year_comp;
Line: 194

/* The band starting at 0 cannot be deleted as it is the first one */
  IF (NVL(p_band_min_day_comp,  0) +
      NVL(p_band_min_week_comp, 0) +
      NVL(p_band_min_month_comp,0) +
      NVL(p_band_min_year_comp, 0) > 0) THEN

  /* Get the information about the band to be deleted */
    OPEN delete_cur;
Line: 202

    FETCH delete_cur INTO l_band_to_delete;
Line: 203

    CLOSE delete_cur;
Line: 211

    IF (l_band_to_delete.band_min_value = l_band_to_grow.band_max_value) THEN

    /* Delete the given band */
      DELETE FROM hri_time_bands
      WHERE band_min_value = l_band_to_delete.band_min_value
      AND type = p_type;
Line: 219

      UPDATE hri_time_bands
      SET band_sequence = band_sequence - 1
      WHERE band_sequence > l_band_to_delete.band_sequence
      AND type = p_type;
Line: 224

    /* Set the maximum value of the band preceeding the deleted band */
    /* to the maximum value of the deleted band */
      UPDATE hri_time_bands
         SET band_max_value      = l_band_to_delete.band_max_value,
             band_max_year_comp  = l_band_to_delete.band_max_year_comp,
             band_max_month_comp = l_band_to_delete.band_max_month_comp,
             band_max_week_comp  = l_band_to_delete.band_max_week_comp,
             band_max_day_comp   = l_band_to_delete.band_max_day_comp
       WHERE band_max_value = l_band_to_grow.band_max_value
       AND type = p_type;
Line: 252

  FROM hri_time_bands
  WHERE type = p_type
  AND band_min_value > 0;
Line: 277

/* Inserts a row into the table. If the row already exists then the row is    */
/* updated. Called from UPLOAD part of FNDLOAD.                               */
PROCEDURE load_time_band_row(p_type                 IN VARCHAR2,
                             p_band_min             IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_max             IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_sequence        IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_min_day_comp    IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_min_week_comp   IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_min_month_comp  IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_min_year_comp   IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_max_day_comp    IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_max_week_comp   IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_max_month_comp  IN NUMBER,
                             p_band_max_year_comp   IN NUMBER,
                             p_owner                IN VARCHAR2)

  l_rows_customized     NUMBER;  -- How many rows have been customized
Line: 298

  l_last_update_date    DATE := SYSDATE;
Line: 299

  l_last_updated_by     NUMBER := 0;
Line: 300

  l_last_update_login   NUMBER := 0;
Line: 304

/* Selects the number of bands for the given type that have been customized */
  CURSOR customized_bands_csr IS
  SELECT count(*)
  FROM hri_time_bands
  WHERE type = p_type
  AND fnd_load_util.owner_name(last_updated_by) <> 'ORACLE';
Line: 314

  l_last_updated_by := fnd_load_util.owner_id(p_name => p_owner);
Line: 324

  /* Delete all overlapping bands */
    DELETE FROM hri_time_bands
    WHERE type = p_type
    AND ((p_band_min <= band_min_value AND
          (band_min_value < p_band_max OR p_band_max IS NULL))
      OR (band_min_value <= p_band_min AND
          (p_band_min < band_max_value OR band_max_value IS NULL))
      OR band_sequence = p_band_sequence);
Line: 333

  /* Insert seeded band */
    INSERT INTO hri_time_bands
      ( type
      , band_min_value
      , band_max_value
      , band_sequence
      , band_min_day_comp
      , band_min_week_comp
      , band_min_month_comp
      , band_min_year_comp
      , band_max_day_comp
      , band_max_week_comp
      , band_max_month_comp
      , band_max_year_comp
      , last_update_date
      , last_update_login
      , last_updated_by
      , created_by
      , creation_date )
        ( p_type
        , p_band_min
        , p_band_max
        , p_band_sequence
        , p_band_min_day_comp
        , p_band_min_week_comp
        , p_band_min_month_comp
        , p_band_min_year_comp
        , p_band_max_day_comp
        , p_band_max_week_comp
        , p_band_max_month_comp
        , p_band_max_year_comp
        , l_last_update_date
        , l_last_update_login
        , l_last_updated_by
        , l_created_by
        , l_creation_date );