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1 package body uiutil
2 as
4 FUNCTION el_image(c_el_type IN varchar2)
5          return VARCHAR2
6 is
7 return_string varchar2(512);
9 begin
10   if c_el_type = 'APP' then
11      return_string := ' <img src="/images/app_sys.gif" alt="Application">';
12   elsif c_el_type = 'CLUSTER' then
13        return_string := ' <img src="/images/cluster.gif" alt="Cluster">';
14      elsif c_el_type = 'CONTEXT' then
15          return_string := ' <img src="/images/context_mapping.gif" alt="Context">';
16         elsif ((c_el_type = 'TBL') OR (c_el_type = 'TABLE')) then
17              return_string := ' <img src="/images/table_defn.gif" alt="Table">';
18            elsif ((c_el_type = 'VIEW') OR (c_el_type = 'VIEW ')) then
19                 return_string := ' <img src="/images/view_defn.gif" alt="View">';
20               elsif c_el_type = 'NONE' then
21                  return_string := '';
22               elsif c_el_type = 'DATABASE LINK' then
23                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/db_link.gif" alt="Database Link">';
24               elsif c_el_type = 'SEQUENCE' then
25                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/sequence.gif" alt="Sequence">';
26               elsif c_el_type = 'EXCEPTION' then
27                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/exception.gif" alt="Exception">';
28               elsif c_el_type = 'SCHEMA' then
29                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/schema.gif" alt="Schema">';
30               elsif c_el_type = 'FUNCTION' then
31                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/function.gif" alt="Function">';
32               elsif c_el_type = 'PROCEDURE' then
33                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/plsql_procedure.gif" alt="Procedure">';
34               elsif c_el_type = 'PACKAGE' then
35                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/plsql_package.gif" alt="PL/SQL Package">';
36               elsif c_el_type = 'INDEX' then
37                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/index.gif" alt="Index">';
38               elsif c_el_type = 'INDEX PARTITION' then
39                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/index_partition.gif" alt="Index Partition">';
40               elsif c_el_type = 'INDEXTYPE' then
41                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/index_storage.gif" alt="Index Type">';
42               elsif c_el_type = 'LOB' then
43                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/lob.gif" alt="Lob">';
44               elsif c_el_type = 'FILE' then
45                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/file.gif" alt="File">';
46               elsif c_el_type = 'QUEUE' then
47                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/queue_p_implementation.gif" alt="Queue">';
48               elsif c_el_type = 'SYNONYM' then
49                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/synonym.gif" alt="Synonym">';
50               elsif c_el_type = 'TABLE PARTITION' then
51                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/table_partition.gif" alt="Table Partition">';
52               elsif c_el_type = 'TRIGGER' then
53                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/trigger_module.gif" alt="Trigger">';
54               elsif c_el_type = 'PACKAGE BODY' then
55                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/plsql.gif" alt="Package Body">';
56               elsif c_el_type = 'FK' then
57                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/relationship_end.gif" alt="FK Joins to">';
58               elsif c_el_type = 'COL' then
59                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/column.gif" alt="Column">';
60               elsif c_el_type = 'CONCURRENT' then
61                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/general_module.gif" alt="Concurrent Program">';
62               elsif c_el_type = 'TS' then
63                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/tablespace.gif" alt="Tablespace">';
64               elsif c_el_type = 'LOOKUP' then
65                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/lov.gif" alt="Lookup">';
66               elsif c_el_type = 'ROOT' then
67                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/repository.gif" alt="Root">';
68               elsif c_el_type = 'WORK' then
69                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/workarea.gif" alt="Workarea">';
70               elsif c_el_type = 'EVENT' then
71                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/event.gif" alt="Event">';
72               elsif c_el_type like 'TYPE%' then
73                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/type_attribute.gif" alt="'||FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_el_type)||'">';
74               elsif c_el_type like 'JAVA%' then
75                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/java_module.gif" alt="'||FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_el_type)||'">';
76               elsif c_el_type like 'MENU%' then
77                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/menu.gif" alt="'||FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_el_type)||'">';
78               elsif c_el_type = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' then
79                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/snapshot.gif" alt="Materialized View">';
80               else
81                  return_string := ' <img src="/images/datastruct_item.gif" alt="'||FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_el_type)||'">';
82    end if;
83    return return_string;
84 end el_image;
86 function db2url(c_text in varchar2) return varchar2 is
88   r_value       varchar2(32767);
89 begin
90    r_value := c_text;
91 --  convert % first
92    r_value := replace(r_value, '%', '%25');
94    r_value := replace(r_value, ' ', '%20');
95    r_value := replace(r_value, '!', '%21');
96    r_value := replace(r_value, '''', '%22');
97    r_value := replace(r_value, '#', '%23');
98    r_value := replace(r_value, '$', '%24');
99    r_value := replace(r_value, '&', '%26');
100    r_value := replace(r_value, '(', '%28');
101    r_value := replace(r_value, ')', '%29');
102    r_value := replace(r_value, '*', '%2a');
103    r_value := replace(r_value, '+', '%2b');
104    r_value := replace(r_value, ',', '%2c');
105    r_value := replace(r_value, '-', '%2d');
106    r_value := replace(r_value, '.', '%2e');
107    r_value := replace(r_value, '/', '%2f');
108    r_value := replace(r_value, ':', '%3a');
109    r_value := replace(r_value, ';', '%3b');
110    r_value := replace(r_value, '<', '%3c');
111    r_value := replace(r_value, '=', '%3d');
112    r_value := replace(r_value, '>', '%3e');
113    r_value := replace(r_value, '?', '%3f');
114    r_value := replace(r_value, '@', '%40');
115    r_value := replace(r_value, '[', '%5b');
116    r_value := replace(r_value, '\', '%5c');
117    r_value := replace(r_value, ']', '%5d');
118    r_value := replace(r_value, '^', '%5e');
119    r_value := replace(r_value, '_', '%5f');
120    r_value := replace(r_value, '{', '%7b');
121    r_value := replace(r_value, '|', '%7c');
122    r_value := replace(r_value, '}', '%7d');
123    r_value := replace(r_value, '~', '%7e');
124    return r_value;
126 end db2url;
128 function url2db(c_text in varchar2) return varchar2 is
130    r_value varchar2(32767);
131  begin
132    r_value := c_text;
134    r_value := replace(r_value, '%20', ' ');
135    r_value := replace(r_value, '%21', '!');
136    r_value := replace(r_value, '%22', '''');
137    r_value := replace(r_value, '%23', '#');
138    r_value := replace(r_value, '%24', '$');
139    r_value := replace(r_value, '%26', '&');
140    r_value := replace(r_value, '%28', '(');
141    r_value := replace(r_value, '%29', ')');
142    r_value := replace(r_value, '%2a', '*');
143    r_value := replace(r_value, '%2b', '+');
144    r_value := replace(r_value, '%2c', ',');
145    r_value := replace(r_value, '%2d', '-');
146    r_value := replace(r_value, '%2e', '.');
147    r_value := replace(r_value, '%2f', '/');
148    r_value := replace(r_value, '%3a', ':');
149    r_value := replace(r_value, '%3b', ';');
150    r_value := replace(r_value, '%3c', '<');
151    r_value := replace(r_value, '%3d', '=');
152    r_value := replace(r_value, '%3e', '>');
153    r_value := replace(r_value, '%3f', '?');
154    r_value := replace(r_value, '%40', '@');
155    r_value := replace(r_value, '%5b', '[');
156    r_value := replace(r_value, '%5c', '\');
157    r_value := replace(r_value, '%5d', ']');
158    r_value := replace(r_value, '%5e', '^');
159    r_value := replace(r_value, '%5f', '_');
160    r_value := replace(r_value, '%7b', '{');
161    r_value := replace(r_value, '%7c', '|');
162    r_value := replace(r_value, '%7d', '}');
163    r_value := replace(r_value, '%7e', '~');
165 -- convert % last
166    r_value := replace(r_value, '%25', '%');
167    return r_value;
169 end url2db;
171 procedure txt_prn(c_string in varchar2)
172 -- formats as a paragraph
173 is
174 v_text varchar2(32000);
175 begin
176      v_text := c_string;
178      v_text := replace(v_text, chr(10), '<br>');
179      v_text := replace(v_text, chr(12), '<br>');
180      v_text := replace(v_text, chr(13), '<br>');
181      v_text := replace(v_text, '<br><br>', '<br>');
182      v_text := replace(v_text, '<br>', '<br>'||chr(10));
183      htp.p('<p> ');
184      htp.prn(v_text);
185      htp.p(' </p>');
186 end txt_prn;
188 procedure txt_prn1(c_string in varchar2)
189 -- does not format in a paragraph
190 is
191 v_text varchar2(32000);
192 begin
193      v_text := c_string;
195      v_text := replace(v_text, chr(10), '<br>');
196      v_text := replace(v_text, chr(12), '<br>');
197      v_text := replace(v_text, chr(13), '<br>');
198      v_text := replace(v_text, '<br><br>', '<br>');
199      v_text := replace(v_text, '<br>', '<br>'||chr(10));
200      htp.prn(v_text);
201 end txt_prn1;
203 procedure txt_p(c_string in varchar2)
204 is
205 v_text varchar2(32000);
206 begin
207      v_text := c_string;
208      v_text := replace(v_text, '<', '<');
209      v_text := replace(v_text, '>', '>');
210 --     v_text := replace(v_text, chr(10), '<br>');
211 --     v_text := replace(v_text, chr(12), '<br>');
212 --     v_text := replace(v_text, chr(13), '<br>');
213 --     v_text := replace(v_text, '<br><br>', '<br>');
214 --     v_text := replace(v_text, '<br>', '<br>'||chr(10));
216      htp.prn(v_text);
218 end txt_p;
220 procedure clob_prn(c_clob in  clob)
221 is
223   buffer                 varchar2(32767);
224   amount                 binary_integer := 32767;
225   position               integer := 1;
226   chunksize              integer;
227   lob_bytes_remaining    number(10);
228   v_clob                 clob;
230 begin
232   v_clob := c_clob;
233   lob_bytes_remaining := dbms_lob.getLength(v_clob);
234   chunksize := dbms_lob.getchunksize(v_clob);
235   if (chunksize < 32767) then
236     amount := (32767 / chunksize) * chunksize;
237   end if;
239   dbms_lob.open(v_clob, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READONLY);
241   while (lob_bytes_remaining > 0) loop
242       if (lob_bytes_remaining < amount) then
243           amount := lob_bytes_remaining;
244       end if;
245       dbms_lob.read(v_clob, amount, position, buffer);
246       htp.prn(buffer);
247       position := position + amount;
248       lob_bytes_remaining := lob_bytes_remaining - amount;
249     end loop;
250    dbms_lob.close(v_clob);
252 end clob_prn;
254 procedure cabo1(c_title in varchar2 := 'Oracle eTRM') is
255 begin
256   htp.p('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">');
257   htp.p('<html lang="en-US">');
258   htp.p('<head>');
259   htp.p('<title>'||FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_title)||'</title>');
260   htp.p('<style type="text/css">');
261   htp.p('<!-- hide from old browsers');
262   htp.p('   body { font: 10pt Arial; ');
263   htp.p('          background-color: #ffffff;}');
264   htp.p('');
265   htp.p('   div, p, li, dt, dd { font: 10pt Arial;}');
266   htp.p('');
267   htp.p('   img, td, tr { font: 10pt Arial;');
268   htp.p('         border-width: 0;');
269   htp.p('         vertical-align:top;}');
270   htp.p('');
271   htp.p('  ul.version {list-style-image: url("/images/workarea.gif") }');
274   htp.p('');
275   htp.p('th         {text-align: left;');
276   htp.p('         vertical-align:top;}');
277   htp.p('');
278   htp.p('    td.bottom { font: 10pt Arial;');
279   htp.p('         border-width: 0;');
280   htp.p('         text-align: right;');
281   htp.p('         vertical-align:bottom;}');
282   htp.p('');
283   htp.p('    td.x_repeat { font: 10pt Arial;');
284   htp.p('         border-width: 0;');
285   htp.p('         text-align: left;');
286   htp.p('         background-repeat: repeat-x;');
287   htp.p('         vertical-align:bottom;}');
288   htp.p('');
289   htp.p('    .rightAligned { font: 10pt Arial;');
290   htp.p('         border-width: 0;');
291   htp.p('         text-align: right;');
292   htp.p('         vertical-align:top;}');
293   htp.p('');
294   htp.p('    .100_table {text-align:left; ');
295   htp.p('           padding:0;');
296   htp.p('           border-width: 0;');
297   htp.p('           border-style: none;');
298   htp.p('           border: none;');
299   htp.p('           margin:none;');
300   htp.p('           white-space: none;');
301   htp.p('           width:100%;');
302   htp.p('           vertical-align:top;}');
303   htp.p('');
304   htp.p('   .actTab  { background-color: #336699;');
305   htp.p('              color: #99ccff; ');
306   htp.p('                font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif; ');
307   htp.p('                color:#99ccff; ');
308   htp.p('                font-size:11pt; ');
309   htp.p('                font-weight: bold; ');
310   htp.p('                vertical-align:bottom;}');
311   htp.p('');
312   htp.p('   .inactTab  { background-color: #cccc99;');
313   htp.p('               color: #336699;');
314   htp.p('               font-weight: bold;');
315   htp.p('                font-size:10pt; ');
316   htp.p('               cursor: hand;');
317   htp.p('               vertical-align:bottom;}');
318   htp.p('');
319   htp.p('   .disabledTab  { background-color: #cccc99;');
320   htp.p('              color: #99ccff; ');
321   htp.p('                font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif; ');
322   htp.p('                color:#ffffcc; ');
323   htp.p('                font-size:10pt; ');
324   htp.p('                font-weight: normal; ');
325   htp.p('                vertical-align:bottom;}');
326   htp.p('');
328   htp.p('   a             { color: #663300; }');
329   htp.p('');
330   htp.p('   a.actTab      {color: #99ccff; ');
331   htp.p('              font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif; ');
332   htp.p('              font-size:11pt; ');
333   htp.p('              text-decoration: none;  ');
334   htp.p('              font-weight: bold; }');
335   htp.p('');
336   htp.p('   a.inactTab      { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif; ');
337   htp.p('              color:#003366; ');
338   htp.p('              font-weight: normal; ');
339   htp.p('              text-decoration: none; ');
340   htp.p('              font-size:11pt; }');
341   htp.p('');
342   htp.p('  h1 {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;');
343   htp.p('                      color:#336699;');
344   htp.p('                      font-size:16pt}');
345   htp.p('');
346   htp.p('  h2 {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;');
347   htp.p('                      color:#336699;');
348   htp.p('                      font-size:15pt}');
349   htp.p('');
350   htp.p('      h3  {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;');
351   htp.p('                        font-weight:bold;');
352   htp.p('                        color:#336699;');
353   htp.p('                        font-size:14pt}');
354   htp.p('');
355   htp.p('  h4 {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;');
356   htp.p('                      color:#336699;');
357   htp.p('                      font-size:12pt}');
358   htp.p('');
362   htp.p('                        font-size:11pt }');
359   htp.p('     h5 {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;');
360   htp.p('                        font-weight:bold;');
361   htp.p('                        color:#336699;');
363   htp.p('');
364   htp.p('     b {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;');
365   htp.p('                        font-weight:bold;');
366   htp.p('                        color:#336699;');
367   htp.p('                        font-size:10pt }');
368   htp.p('');
369   htp.p('     h5.errorText {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;');
370   htp.p('                        font-weight:bold;');
371   htp.p('                        color:#ff0000;');
372   htp.p('                        font-size:11pt }');
373   htp.p('');
375   htp.p('     b.errorText {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;');
376   htp.p('                        font-weight:bold;');
377   htp.p('                        font-style:italic;');
378   htp.p('                        color:#ff0000;');
379   htp.p('                        font-size:10pt }');
382   htp.p('    .TableColumnHeader   {background-color:#cccc99;');
383   htp.p('                            font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif;');
384   htp.p('                            font-weight:bold; ');
385   htp.p('                            color:#336699;');
386   htp.p('                            font-size:10pt; ');
387   htp.p('                            text-align:left; ');
388   htp.p('                            border:#336699;');
389   htp.p('                            width:100;');
390   htp.p('                            text-indent:1}');
392   htp.p('    .TableCellText       {background-color:#f7f7e7;');
393   htp.p('                            font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif;');
394   htp.p('                            color:black;');
395   htp.p('                            font-size:10pt;');
396   htp.p('                            border:#336699;');
397   htp.p('                            width:100;');
398   htp.p('                            text-indent:1}');
400   htp.p('<!-- The following styles can be removed and referenced from a central style sheet if required -->');
401 --  e.g.
402 --  htp.p('<link rel="stylesheet" href="/includes/crmweb.css">');
403   htp.p('');
404   htp.p('    .OraLightHeader        {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif; ');
405   htp.p('                            font-size:16pt; ');
406   htp.p('                            font-weight:normal; ');
407   htp.p('                            color:#6699cc}');
409   htp.p('');
410   htp.p('    .OraPrivacy           {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif; ');
411   htp.p('                           font-size:8pt; ');
412   htp.p('                           font-weight:normal; ');
413   htp.p('                           text-align:right; ');
414   htp.p('                           color:#663300}');
415   htp.p('');
417   htp.p('');
418   htp.p('    .OraLegal            {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif; ');
419   htp.p('                           font-size:8pt; ');
420   htp.p('                           font-weight:normal; ');
421   htp.p('                           text-align:center; ');
422   htp.p('                           color:#663300}');
423   htp.p('');
426   htp.p('    .OraCopyright         {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif; ');
427   htp.p('                           font-size:8pt; ');
428   htp.p('                           font-weight:normal; ');
429   htp.p('                           text-align:left; ');
430   htp.p('                           color:black}');
431   htp.p('');
433   htp.p('    .OraTableColumnHeader   {background-color:#cccc99;');
434   htp.p('                            font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif;');
435   htp.p('                            font-weight:bold; ');
436   htp.p('                            color:#336699;');
437   htp.p('                            font-size:10pt; ');
438   htp.p('                            text-align:left; ');
439   htp.p('                            text-indent:1}');
441   htp.p('    .OraTableRowHeader            {background-color:#cccc99;');
442   htp.p('                            font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif;');
443   htp.p('                            font-weight:bold;');
444   htp.p('                            color:#336699;');
445   htp.p('                            font-size:10pt;');
446   htp.p('                            text-align:right;');
447   htp.p('                            text-indent:1}');
449   htp.p('    .OraTableCellText       {background-color:#f7f7e7;');
450   htp.p('                            font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif;');
451   htp.p('                            color:black;');
452   htp.p('                            font-size:10pt;');
453   htp.p('                            text-indent:1}');
455   htp.p('    .OraTableCellTextBand   {background-color:white;');
456   htp.p('                            font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif;');
457   htp.p('                            color:black;');
458   htp.p('                            font-size:10pt;');
459   htp.p('                            text-indent:1}');
461   htp.p('    .OraTableCellNumber    {background-color:#f7f7e7;');
465   htp.p('                           text-indent:1}');
462   htp.p('                           font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif; ');
463   htp.p('                           color:black; font-size:10pt; ');
464   htp.p('                           text-align:right; ');
467   htp.p('    .OraTableCellNumberBand {background-color:white; ');
468   htp.p('                            font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif; ');
469   htp.p('                            color:black; ');
470   htp.p('                            font-size:10pt;');
471   htp.p('                            text-align:right;');
472   htp.p('                            text-indent:1}');
474   htp.p('    .OraTableCellSelect     {background-color:#f7f7e7;');
475   htp.p('                            font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif;');
476   htp.p('                            color:black;');
477   htp.p('                            font-size:10pt;');
478   htp.p('                            text-align:center;');
479   htp.p('                            text-indent:1}');
481   htp.p('    .OraTableCellSelectBand {background-color:white;');
482   htp.p('                            font-family:arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif;');
483   htp.p('                            color:black;');
484   htp.p('                            font-size:10pt;');
485   htp.p('                            text-align:center;');
486   htp.p('                            text-indent:1}');
488   htp.p('-->');
489   htp.p('</style>');
490   htp.p('</head>');
491   htp.p('<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">');
492   htp.p('  function etrm_window(the_url)');
493   htp.p('  {');
494   htp.p('      etrm_main_view = window.open(the_url, "etrm_main_view", "scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,status");');
495   htp.p('  }');
496   htp.p('</script>');
498   htp.p('<noscript>');
499   htp.p('<p>eTRM uses javascript that opens and focuses a separate window to display reports.');
500   htp.p('Your browser does not appear to support javascript.  This should not prevent you from using');
501   htp.p('eTRM but it does mean the window focus feature will not work.   Please check the contents of');
502   htp.p('other windows on your desktop if you click on a link that does not appear to do anything.</p>');
503   htp.p('</noscript>');
504 end cabo1;
509 procedure cabo2 is
510 begin
513 htp.p('<body bgcolor="ffffff"  onload="javascript:window.focus();">');
514   htp.p('<img src="/images/oraclelogo.gif" alt="Oracle" border="0">');
515   htp.p(' ');
516   htp.p('<table border="0"  class="100_table" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 summary="">');
517   htp.p('<!-- Outer table which contains everything except the Oracle logo.');
518   htp.p('This table has 2 columns and 2 rows.  The left column includes the site image and menu');
519   htp.p('The right one contains the tabs, select area and main report -->');
520   htp.p(' ');
521   htp.p('<tr>  <!-- Row1 image + tabs -->');
522   htp.p(' <td>');
523   htp.p('   <img src="/images/etrm_cabo.gif" alt="eTRM Technical Reference" border="0" >');
524   htp.p(' </td>');
525   htp.p(' <td class="bottom">');
526   htp.p('   <table border="0" class="bottom" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 summary="">');
527   htp.p('   <!-- This table contains the tabs in a single row -->');
528   htp.p('     <tr class="bottom">');
529 end cabo2;
531 procedure cabo2a is
532 begin
533 htp.p('<body bgcolor="ffffff"  onload="javascript:window.focus();">');
534   htp.p('<table width="750" summary="">');
535   htp.p('<tr>');
536   htp.p('<td>');
537   htp.p('<img src="/images/oraclelogo.gif" alt="Oracle" border="0">');
538   htp.p('</td><td class="OraTableCellNumberBand">');
539 end cabo2a;
541 procedure cabo2b is
542 begin
543   htp.p('</td>');
544   htp.p('</tr>');
545   htp.p('</table>');
546   htp.p('<table border="0"  class="100_table" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 summary="">');
547   htp.p('<!-- Outer table which contains everything except the Oracle logo.');
548   htp.p('This table has 2 columns and 2 rows.  The left column includes the site image and menu');
549   htp.p('The right one contains the tabs, select area and main report -->');
550   htp.p(' ');
551   htp.p('<tr>  <!-- Row1 image + tabs -->');
552   htp.p(' <td>');
553   htp.p('   <img src="/images/etrm_cabo.gif" alt="eTRM Technical Reference" border="0" >');
554   htp.p(' </td>');
555   htp.p(' <td class="bottom">');
556   htp.p('   <table border="0" class="bottom" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 summary="">');
557   htp.p('   <!-- This table contains the tabs in a single row -->');
558   htp.p('     <tr class="bottom">');
559 end cabo2b;
561 --------------------------------> Draw tabs
562 procedure cabo3 is
563 begin
564   htp.p('     </tr>');
565   htp.p('    </table> <!-- end of tabs -->');
566   htp.p('  </td>');
567   htp.p('</tr>');
568   htp.p(' ');
569   htp.p('<tr> <!-- Row 2 everything else-->');
570   htp.p(' <td> <!-- Left side of screen -->');
571   htp.p('   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="100_table" summary="">');
572   htp.p('   <tr> <!-- top left -->');
573   htp.p('     <td width=10 class="rightAligned" >');
574   htp.p('       <img src="/images/top_left.gif" alt="" width=10>');
575   htp.p('     </td>');
579   htp.p('     <td width=27>');
576   htp.p('     <td background="/images/top_mid.gif"  width="100%" class="100_table" > ');
577   htp.p('       <img src="/images/top_left2.gif" alt="" width=29 height=44 >');
578   htp.p('     </td>');
580   htp.p('       <img src="/images/top_right1.gif" alt="">');
581   htp.p('     </td>');
582   htp.p('   </tr>');
583 -- body left
584   htp.p('   <tr> <!-- body left (menu) -->');
585   htp.p('    <td class="rightAligned" background="/images/left.leftside.gif" width=10 >');
586   htp.p('    </td>');
587   htp.p('    <td bgcolor="#cccc99" background="/images/menu_background.gif" valign="top" width="100%" class="100_table" > <!-- menu -->');
589 end cabo3;
590 ---------------------------- > Draw menu
591 procedure cabo4 is
592 begin
594   htp.p('    </td> <!-- end of menu -->');
595   htp.p('    <td background="/images/left_rightside.gif" width=27 >');
596   htp.p('      <img src="/images/left.searchoverlap1.gif" alt="" width=27 height=35 >');
597   htp.p('    </td>');
598   htp.p('   </tr>');
599   htp.p('   <tr> <!-- bottom of menu -->');
600   htp.p('    <td width=11 background="/images/left.leftside.gif" align=right class="rightAligned">');
601   htp.p('      <img src="/images/left.leftside.gif" alt="">');
602   htp.p('    </td>');
603   htp.p('    <td class="rightAligned" background="/images/left_bottom2.gif">');
604   htp.p('      <img src="/images/left_bottom2.gif" alt="">');
605   htp.p('    </td>');
606   htp.p('    <td width=27>');
607   htp.p('      <img src="/images/left_bottom_r.gif" alt="" width=27 height=20>');
608   htp.p('    </td>');
609   htp.p('   </tr>');
610   htp.p('  </table>');
611   htp.p(' </td> <!-- end of left side -->');
612   htp.p(' ');
613   htp.p(' <td> <!-- right side of screen-->');
614 -- top right blue line
615   htp.p('  <table border="0"  cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class="100_table" summary="">');
616   htp.p('  <tr> <!-- top right (blue line)-->');
617   htp.p('    <td background="/images/top.rightback.gif" class="rightAligned"  nowrap>');
618   htp.p('      <img src="/images/top.rightend.gif" alt="" class="rightAligned"  width=13 height=40 >');
619   htp.p('    </td>');
620   htp.p('  </tr> ');
621   htp.p('  <tr> <!-- search/select area + main body -->');
622 -- body right
623   htp.p('    <td >');
624   htp.p('      <table border="0" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 summary="">');
625   htp.p('      <tr class="OraLightHeader">');
626   htp.p('        <td width="100%" background="/images/search.back.gif" class="x_repeat"> <!-- search area -->');
627 end cabo4;
629 --------------------------- > draw search
630 procedure cabo5 is
631 begin
632   htp.p('        </td> <!-- end of search area -->');
633   htp.p('        <td >');
634   htp.p('          <img src="/images/search.end.gif" alt="">');
635   htp.p('        </td>');
636   htp.p('      </tr>');
637   htp.p('      <tr>');
638   htp.p('        <td> <!-- form/page -->');
639 end cabo5;
640 --------------- > draw form/page;
641 procedure cabo6 is
642 begin
643   htp.p('        </td> <!-- end of form/page -->');
644   htp.p('      </tr>');
645   htp.p('      </table>');
646   uiutil.prn_copyright;
647   htp.p('</body>');
648   htp.p('</html>');
649 end cabo6;
651 procedure prn_copyright
652 is
653 begin
655   htp.p('      <table border="0" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=600 summary="">');
656   htp.p('      <tr>');
657   htp.p('        <td>');
658   htp.p('          <hr size=1 noshade>');
659   htp.p('        </td>');
660   htp.p('        <td>');
661   htp.p('          <hr size=1 noshade>');
662   htp.p('        </td>');
663   htp.p('      </tr>');
664   htp.p('      <tr>');
665   htp.p('        <td class="OraCopyright">');
669   htp.p(' </td> ');
666   htp.p(' ');
667   htp.p('        </td>');
668   htp.p('        <td class="OraLegal">');
670   htp.p('         <td class="OraPrivacy">');
671   htp.p(' <a href="uiutil.copyright_notice">');
672   htp.p('  </a>');
673   htp.p('        </td>');
674   htp.p('      </tr>');
675   htp.p('      </table>');
676   htp.p('     </td>');
677   htp.p('    </tr>');
678   htp.p('   </table>');
679   htp.p(' </td> <!-- end of right side -->');
680   htp.p('</tr>');
681   htp.p('</table>');
682 end prn_copyright;
684 procedure render_action(c_url IN varchar2
685                ,                    c_title IN varchar2
686                ,                    c_position IN varchar2 default 'MID'
687                ,                    c_state IN varchar2 default 'ENABLED')
688 is
690   v_class varchar2(30);
691   v_img   varchar2(60);
693  begin
694   if c_position = 'RIGHT'
695     then v_img := '/images/top.divider.gif';
696   else
697     v_img := '/images/top.seperators.gif';
698   end if;
700  if c_state = 'DISABLED'
701    then
702     htp.p('          <td class="OraNav2Disabled" nowrap> ');
703     htp.p(FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_title) ||'  </td>');
704     htp.p('          <td><img src="'||v_img||'" alt="" border="0"></td>');
705  elsif
706    c_state = 'SELECTED'
707     then
708       htp.p('          <td class="OraNav2Selected" nowrap> ');
709       htp.p(FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_title) ||'  </td>');
710       htp.p('          <td><img src="'||v_img||'" alt="" border="0"></td>');
711    else
712       htp.p('          <td class="OraNav2Enabled" nowrap> ');
713       htp.p('<a class="OraNav2Enabled"   href="'||utl_url.escape(c_url)||'">'|| FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_title) ||'</a>  </td>');
714       htp.p('          <td><img src="'||v_img||'" alt="" border="0"></td>');
715 end if;
716 end render_action;
718 procedure render_tab(c_url IN varchar2
719                ,                    c_title IN varchar2
720                ,                    c_position IN varchar2 default 'MID'
721                ,                    c_state IN varchar2 default 'ENABLED'
722                ,                    b_prior_selected boolean default FALSE)
723 is
725   v_class varchar2(30);
726   v_left_img   varchar2(80);
727   v_right_img   varchar2(80);
729  begin
730   if upper(c_position) = 'LEFT'
731      then
732        if upper(c_state) = 'SELECTED'
733           then
734             v_class := ' class="actTab" ';
735             v_left_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.on.leftend.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
736             v_right_img := ' ';
737 --            v_right_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.on.rightmid.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
738           else
739             v_class := ' class="inactTab" ';
740             v_left_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.off.leftend.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
741             v_right_img := ' ';
742 --            v_right_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.off.mid.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
743         end if;
744   elsif upper(c_position) = 'RIGHT'
745      then
746        if upper(c_state) = 'SELECTED'
747           then
748             v_class := ' class="actTab" ';
749             v_left_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.on.leftmid.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
750             v_right_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.on.rightend.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
751           else
752             v_class := ' class="inactTab" ';
753             if b_prior_selected
754                then
755                  v_left_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.on.rightmid.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
756             else
757                  v_left_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.off.mid.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
758             end if;
759             v_right_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.off.rightend.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
760         end if;
761    else  if upper(c_state) = 'SELECTED'
762           then
763             v_class := ' class="actTab" ';
764             v_left_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.on.leftmid.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
765             v_right_img := ' ';
766           else
767             v_class := ' class="inactTab" ';
768             if b_prior_selected
769                then
770                  v_left_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.on.rightmid.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
771             else
772                  v_left_img := '<td><img src="/images/tabs.off.mid.gif" alt="" border="0"></td>';
773             end if;
774             v_right_img := '';
775         end if;
776    end if;
778    if upper(c_state) = 'DISABLED'
779       then
780         v_class := ' class="disabledTab" ';
781    end if;
783    htp.p(v_left_img);
784    htp.p('<td'||v_class||'nowrap>');
785    if (upper(c_state) = 'DISABLED'
786        or upper(c_state) = 'SELECTED')
787       then
788         htp.p('     '||FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_title)||'  ');
789    else
793    htp.p(v_right_img);
790         htp.p('    <a'||v_class||'href="'||c_url||'">'||FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_title)||'</a>  ');
791    end if;
792    htp.p('</td>');
794 end render_tab;
796 PROCEDURE a_href_gen(c_type    in user_objects.object_type%type := 'NONE'
797                    , c_link    in varchar2
798                    , c_display in varchar2)
800 is
801   v_link            varchar2(2000);
802 begin
803     v_link := replace(c_link, ' ', '%20');
804     v_link := replace(v_link, '#', '%23');
805     if c_type = 'NONE'
806        then null;
807     else
808        htp.prn(uiutil.el_image(FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_type)));
809     end if;
810     htp.p('<A HREF="'
811          || v_link
812          ||'">'
813          || c_display
814          ||'</a>');
815 END a_href_gen;
817 PROCEDURE a_javascript_gen(c_type    in user_objects.object_type%type := 'NONE'
818                    , c_link    in varchar2
819                    , c_display in varchar2)
821 is
822   v_link            varchar2(2000);
823 begin
824     v_link := replace(c_link, ' ', '%20');
825     v_link := replace(v_link, '#', '%23');
826     if c_type = 'NONE'
827        then null;
828     else
829        htp.prn(uiutil.el_image(FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_type)));
830     end if;
832     htp.p('<A HREF="'
833          || v_link
834          ||'"target="etrm_main_view"onClick="etrm_window('''
835          || v_link
836          ||''');">'
837          || FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_display)
838          ||'</a>');
839 END a_javascript_gen;
842 FUNCTION byte_format(n_bytes IN number)
843          return VARCHAR2
844 IS
845 return_string varchar2(64);
846 begin
847    if n_bytes < 1024 then
848       return_string := n_bytes || ' bytes';
849    elsif
850       n_bytes < 1048576  then
851         return_string := round((n_bytes/1024),3) || ' KBytes';
852       elsif
853          n_bytes <  1073741824  then
854              return_string := round((n_bytes/1048576),3) || ' MBytes';
855          else
856              return_string := round((n_bytes/1073741824),3) || ' Gigabytes';
857     end if;
858     return return_string;
859 end byte_format;
862 function d2k_header(s_text in varchar2
863                     , m_text in varchar2) return char
864 is
865 begin
866 --  uiutil.cabo1;
867   uiutil.cabo2;
868   uiutil.cabo3;
869 --  htp.p(m_text);
870   uiutil.prn_url(c_url         => m_text
871                     , c_relative => 'Y');
872   uiutil.cabo4;
873   htp.p(FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(s_text));
874   uiutil.cabo5;
875   return(' ');
876 end d2k_header;
878 function d2k_footer return char
879 is
880 begin
881   uiutil.cabo6;
882   return(' ');
883 end d2k_footer;
885 procedure prn_url (c_url        in varchar2
886                               , c_relative in varchar2 := 'N') is
888   v_pieces                      utl_http.html_pieces;
889   v_url                             varchar2(512);
891   begin
892     if upper(c_relative) = 'N' then
893        v_url := c_url;
894     else
895        v_url := etrm_static.base_url || c_url;
896     end if;
897     v_pieces := utl_http.request_pieces(v_url);
898     for i in 1 .. v_pieces.count loop
899       htp.prn(utl_url.escape(v_pieces(i)));
900     end loop;
901 end prn_url;
904   procedure file_header(c_filename in varchar2
905                                      ,  c_type       in varchar2 := 'application/octet-stream') is
906   begin
907     htp.p('Content-type: '||FND_CSS_PKG.Encode(c_type));
908     htp.p('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='||c_filename);
909     htp.p('Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64');
910     htp.p('');
911   end file_header;
913 procedure copyright_notice
914 is
915 begin
917   uiutil.cabo1(c_title => 'eTRM Copyright Notice');
918       htp.p('<body bgcolor="ffffff"  onload="javascript:window.focus();">');
919     htp.p('<img src="/images/oraclelogo.gif" alt="Oracle" border="0">
920            <hr size="2" width="100%" noshade align="left">');
922     htp.p(etrm_static.legal_text);
924     htp.p('</body>');
925     htp.p('</html>');
926 end copyright_notice;
929 end uiutil;