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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  4.              23-Aug-2007    Bgowrava     6012570    120.6         modified the c_get_pa_details cursor query to select from the tables PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL,
                                                                       PA_PROJECTS_ALL instead of pa_draft_invoices_v. This was done to improve the performance
                                                                       of the query

  5.              24-Sep-2007    vkantamn    6083978     120.8          The org_id for the po has been changed to fetch from the
                  PO table.
                  Also New transaction source 'RECEIVING' has been added,
                  and the org_id has been picked from the
                  ja_in_rcv_transactions for the above invoices.
  6.              04-Oct-2007    CSahoo      6457710      120.9         Added a ELSIF block related to projects in the procedure extract_rgm_trxs.

  7.              10-Oct-2007    CSahoo      6457710      120.10        Modified the follwing cursors in get_document_details procedure

                  Added the cess and sh cess tax types in the AND clause.

  8.              25-Feb-2008    rchandan    6841116      120.3.12000000.3 Issue : The PO Matched to Receipt transactions are not shown in the
                                                                                   'Service tax Repository Review' form after running the India Service Tax Processing' conc program.
                                                                             Fix : This above issue has been fixed by adding a new elsif condition for the 'RECIVING'
                                                                                   in the procedure 'extract_rgm_trxs'.
                                                                                   This is forward port of  bug#6323157

9. 3-march-2008   Changes by nprashar for bug # 6841116. Changes in procedure update_service_type.

10. 29-April-2008  Changes by nprashar for bug #6636517 , added a NVL clause in join condition of cursor c_get_po_details.

11. 31-july-2008   Changes by nprashar for bug 7172723.
                  Issue : India ST Processing concurrent should consider Third Party Invoices and
                        update India Service Tax Credit register report
                  Fix : Modifed following procedure to use receipt information for Third party
                  invoices which do not have reference to PO
                  1 - get_doc_from_reference - Added logic for third party invoices which do not have references to PO
                  Modified cursor - c_get_refs_rec
                  Added cursor - c_get_source_type,c_get_line_number,c_get_doc_details,c_get_ra_line_srvtyp
12. 03-Jul-2009   CSahoo for bug#8648359, File Version 120.3.12000000.8
                  Added an AND clause in the code in the procedure extract_rgm_trxs.
13. 14-Jul-2009   CSahoo for bug#8451703, File Version 120.3.12000000.9
                  Modified the IF clause in the procedure get_document_details.

14. 01-OCT-2009   JMEENA for bug#8943349
                  Issue: India Service Tax Processing Concurrent not processing Standalone Invoices
                    1. Modified procedure get_document_details and added cursor c_get_standalone_inv_details, c_get_standalone_org_loc
                      and c_get_standalone_inv_line_tax
                     2. Modified procedure derrive_doc_from_ref and added code for standalone invoice.
                     3. Modified procedure extract_rgm_trxs and added code to populate the table
                     jai_trx_repo_extract_gt for standalone invoice.

15. 08-Oct-2009   CSahoo for bug#8965721, File Version 120.19.12010000.7
                  Fix: Modified the cursor c_get_doc_details. Replaced rcv_transactions by jai_rcv_transactions

16. 09-Dec-2009   CSahoo for bug#9192752, File Version 120.19.12010000.8
                  FIX: Modified the code in the procedure derrive_doc_from_ref. Moved the CLOSE cursor code
                       into the IF block.

17. 18-Dec-2009   Modifiey by Jia for FP Bug#6691866, File Version 120.19.12010000.10
                      India - Service tax processor in landing in error. Error thrown is as below:
                      ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 32 in tablespace MTEMP

                      This was a forward port issue of the R11i Bug#6652557.
                      In the query written for the cursor c_get_pa_details in procedure get_document_details,
                      four tables are used.But the join conditions in the where clause are only three which might be
                      leading to a cartesain join on the queries fetched.
                       Modified cursor c_get_pa_details, included an inline-select statement for the field document_line_desc
                      and removed the Table pa_draft_invoice_items from the list to avoid the Cartesian join.

18.  18-Feb-2010   Bgowrava for bug#9385880, File Version 120.19.12010000.11
                      Fix: Added a IF condition in the procedure get_doc_from_reference

19. 19-FEB-2010  JMEENA for bug#9298508
        Modified procedure get_document_details and added cursor c_get_ra_tax_amt_applied and c_get_ra_line_amt_applied
        to fetch the applied line and tax amount same is updated in temp table to show on service tax repository review form.
20.  29-oct-2010 vkaranam for bug#10085619
                 Modified procedure get_document_details,extract_rgm_trxs,get_doc_from_reference to handle the taxes attached to tp invoice.
20.  19-Jan-2011   Xiao Lv for bug#10634960
                     Fixed: Modfiy Cursor c_get_standalone_org_loc, pick up loc/org from parent invoice line.
21. 31-Jan-2011 Bug 10434986
                + JAI_TRX_REPO_EXTRACT_GT is populated with incorrect Document Line ID
                (Line Number of Tax Line is inserted into document line id column instead of Item Line Number)
                + Tax Amount and Line Amount are populated from jai_cmn_document_taxes (Tax Amount column)
                Hence if partial payment is made, the same is not considered and the whole tax amount
                is shown in the Service Tax Repository Review window
                + Inserted Line Number of Item into Document Line ID
                + Fetched the Payment amount from ap_invoice_payments_all. Derived the Repository Amount
                from JAI_RGM_TRX_RECORDS. Sibtracted the Tax Amount from Payment amount and derived the Line Amount
22. 14-Mar-2011 Bug 11821537
                Description: Notification # 18/2011 proposes change in Point of Taxation for Service Tax.
                Service Tax Liability arises on creation of Invoice and not on Receipt of Payment from Customer
                i.e. Accounting changes to Accrual basis from Cash Basis
                Fix: Fetched the Line amount and Tax Amount shown in the Repository Review Window from
                cursor c_get_ra_trx_details instead of Receivable Application Table as the entire liability
                arises at the point of invoices instead of cash receipt/credit memo application

22. 20-may-2011 vkaranam for bug#12560704
                Issue:Service tax processing concurrent is completing in warning
                charge account not defined for tax type
                Fix: modified c_get_rcv_details cursor in geT_document_details procedure.
23. 23-MAY-2011 Bug 11932841
                Description: Tax and Line amount in repository displays the total amount for the entire
                document in each line
                Fix: Get the Tax and Line amount per Line for the AR Invoice
24. 24-May-2011 Xiao for POT change, reg bug#12533434.
                Fixed: Compare the invoice accounting date with POT implementation date, so that it can process
                transactions on cash basis as well as accrual basis.

25. 29-May-2011 Xiao for POT change, reg bug#12533434
                Fixed: In cursor c_get_repo_amount, change the function as:
                       SELECT abs(SUM(NVL(jrec.TRX_DEBIT_AMOUNT,0))-SUM(NVL(jrec.TRX_CREDIT_AMOUNT,0)));
Line: 154

36. 14-dec-2011 Qiong for Bug 13456083 - PRE POT INVOICE UPDATE REPOSITORY INCORRECT
37. 19-dec-2011 Qiong for Bug 13405553 - Update repository imcorrect for payables reversal claim source
38. 20-dec-2011 Qinglei for Bug 13405591 - Repository UI show line amount and tax amount as 0 after invoice cancellation
39. 27-Dec-2011 Qinglei for Bug 13531399 - For Pre-POT AR invoice, tax amount is null after receipt application
40. 04-Jan-2012 Qiong for bug#13535329 ST invoice number on ar trnx can't be updated to st repository
42. 05-Jan-2012 Qinglei for Bug 13556198 - Repository UI show doesn't show line amount for receipt application/unapplication
43. 12-Jan-2012 Qiong for bug#13555753 ST proceesing report and repository should use reversal trx date and gl date
45.  18-JAN-2012 	vkaranam for bug#13375399
                    issue:service distribute in entries are not appearing the service tax repository review form.
                     changes are done in extract_Rgm_trxs,update_service_type procedures
                     to include service_distribute_in entries.
46.  23-Jan-2012 amandali for bug 13430127
                Issues Fixed: +PO/Receipt matched invoices should have AP invoice reference in repository review form
                                Modified the procedure get_document_details by adding cursors c_get_ap_inv_payment,c_get_repo_amount
                                and commented code for PURCHASING and RECEIVING and added code for the same to get details from AP tables.
                                Also made the similar changes in derrive_doc_from_ref.
47. 03-Feb-2012 Qiong for bug13598199 Issues when update repository for AP CLAIM
48. 09-FEB-2012 Wenqiong for bug13462951 line amount not correct in service repository
49. 28-Feb-2012 Qinglei for bug#13741544
                Issue Fixed: For Pre-POT AR transaction after receipt unapplication, repository show line amount and
                tax amount as zero.

50. 29-JAN-13 Bug No : 14341945
Description : stx.servicecharge:service:foreign currency invoice not converted to inr in repos
FIX: chaged the col names trx_credit_amount,trx_debit_amount to credit_amount, debit_amount


 /*----------------------------------------- PRIVATE MEMBERS DECLRATION -------------------------------------*/

      /** Package level variables used in debug package*/
      lv_object_name  jai_cmn_debug_contexts.log_context%type default 'JAI_TRX_REPO_EXTRACT_PKG';
Line: 224

    SELECT date_of_reversal
      FROM jai_st_invoice_reversal
     WHERE invoice_id = pn_document_id
       AND SOURCE = substr(pv_source, 1, 2);
Line: 230

    SELECT accounting_date
      FROM ap_invoice_payments_all
     WHERE invoice_payment_id = pn_source_document_id;
Line: 235

    SELECT gl_date
      FROM ar_receivable_applications_all
     WHERE receivable_application_id = pn_source_document_id;
Line: 240

    SELECT accounting_date
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
     WHERE invoice_distribution_id = pn_source_document_id;
Line: 245

    SELECT gl_date
      FROM ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all
     WHERE customer_trx_id = pn_document_id
       AND account_class = 'REV';
Line: 255

    select to_date(attribute_value, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
    where regime_id  = (SELECT regime_id
                        FROM jai_rgm_definitions
                        where regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
    and organization_id = p_organization_id
    and location_id = p_location_id
    AND attribute_code = 'EFF_DATE_ST_PT'
    AND attribute_type_code = 'OTHERS'
    AND registration_type = 'OTHERS'
            (select '1'
             from JAI_RGM_ORG_REGNS_V
             where regime_id  = (SELECT regime_id
                                 FROM jai_rgm_definitions
                                 where regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
             and attribute_code IN 'INV_ORG_CLASSIFICATION'
             and attribute_value <> 'ORGANIZATION'
             and organization_id = p_organization_id
             and location_id = p_location_id)
            NOT EXISTS
            (select '1'
             from JAI_RGM_ORG_REGNS_V
             where regime_id  = (SELECT regime_id
                                 FROM jai_rgm_definitions
                                 where regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
             and attribute_code IN 'SERVICE TYPE'
             and attribute_value <> 'OTHER'
             and organization_id = p_organization_id
             and location_id = p_location_id)
Line: 293

   FROM jai_ar_cash_receipts_all
   WHERE cash_receipt_id = pn_document_id;
Line: 302

   SELECT acrh.gl_date   gl_date
   FROM ar_cash_receipts_all          acra,
        ar_cash_receipt_history_all   acrh
   WHERE acra.cash_receipt_id = pn_document_id
     AND acrh.cash_receipt_id = acra.cash_receipt_id
     AND acrh.status          = 'REVERSED';
Line: 317

    SELECT nvl(discarded_flag,'N')
    FROM ap_invoices_all aia,
         ap_invoice_lines_all ail
    WHERE aia.invoice_id = ail.invoice_id
    AND aia.invoice_id = pn_document_id
    AND ail.line_number = pv_document_line_id;
Line: 325

    SELECT accounting_date
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
     WHERE invoice_id = pn_document_id
     AND invoice_line_number = pv_document_line_id
     AND nvl(reversal_flag,'N') = 'Y'
     AND parent_reversal_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 336

    IS SELECT payment_date
    WHERE settlement_id = pn_source_document_id;
Line: 465

    select         (recs.repository_id) repository_id
                  , nvl(refs.reference_id, recs.reference_id) reference_id
                  , refs.invoice_id
                  , refs.item_line_id
                  ,refs.line_id  --added for bug#10085619 ,refers to the invoice dist id of the taxes
                  , recs.source
                  , recs.source_trx_type source_trx_type--Added by Wenqiong for Advanced Receipts
                  , recs.service_type_code
                  , nvl(recs.organization_id, recs.inv_organization_id) organization_id
                  , recs.location_id
                  , (nvl(credit_amount,0) + nvl(debit_amount,0)) repository_tax_amt -- modified for the bug 14341945
                  , recs.organization_type
                  , recs.source_document_id
                  , recs.invoice_no           --Added by Qiong for Advanced Receipts
		  , recs.source_table_name    --Added by Qiong for bug#13456083
    from     jai_rgm_trx_refs       refs
           , jai_rgm_trx_records    recs
    where   recs.reference_id = refs.reference_id (+)
    and    (  p_organization_id is null
           or (recs.organization_id     = p_organization_id)
    and    (p_location_id is null     or recs.location_id     = p_location_id    )
    and    trunc(transaction_date) between nvl (p_from_trx_date, trunc(transaction_date)) and nvl (p_to_trx_date, trunc(transaction_date))
    and    recs.regime_code = p_regime_code
    and    ( (p_query_settled_flag = 'N' and (recs.settlement_id is null))
          or (p_query_settled_flag = jai_constants.yes)
    and    ( (p_query_only_null_srvtype = 'Y' and (recs.service_type_code is null))
          or (p_query_only_null_srvtype = 'N')
    and    (p_source is null or p_source = recs.source )
    and    recs.organization_type = 'IO'
    and    recs.source in ('AP'
                           ,'SERVICE_DISTRIBUTE_IN' /*added SERVICE_DISTRIBUTE_IN for bug#13375399*/
--Add by Chong.Lei for POT code port begin
--Add by Xiao for POT Phase III changes, reg bug#12895841 on 1-Aug-2011, begin
                          , 'AP_REVERSAL'
                          , 'AP_CLAIM'
                          , 'AR_REVERSAL'
                          , 'AR_CLAIM'
--Add by Xiao for POT Phase III changes, reg bug#12895841 on 1-Aug-2011, end
--Add by Chong.Lei for POT code port end
Line: 516

           sum((nvl(credit_amount,0) + nvl(debit_amount,0))) repository_tax_amt -- modified for the bug 14341945
    from   jai_rgm_trx_records    recs,
           jai_rgm_trx_refs       refs
    where  recs.reference_id = refs.reference_id (+)
    and    recs.SOURCE_TRX_TYPE = pv_source_trx_type
    and    refs.item_line_id = pv_item_line_id
    and    refs.invoice_id = pn_invoice_id;
Line: 531

           sum((nvl(credit_amount,0) + nvl(debit_amount,0))) repository_tax_amt--Modified by Junjian for bug#14341945 on 2-Aug-2012
    from   jai_rgm_trx_records    recs,
           jai_rgm_trx_refs       refs
    where  recs.reference_id = refs.reference_id (+)
    and    recs.SOURCE_TRX_TYPE = pv_source_trx_type
    and    refs.item_line_id = pv_item_line_id
    and    refs.invoice_id = pn_invoice_id
Line: 545

    SELECT nvl(discarded_flag,'N')
    FROM ap_invoices_all aia,
         ap_invoice_lines_all ail
    WHERE aia.invoice_id = ail.invoice_id
    AND aia.invoice_id = pn_invoice_id
    AND ail.line_number = pv_invoice_line_num;
Line: 557

      select name
      from   hr_organization_units
      where  organization_id = cp_organization_id;
Line: 563

      select description
      from   hr_locations_all
      where  location_id = cp_location_id;
Line: 574

      select recs.service_type_code
      from   jai_rgm_trx_records recs, jai_rgm_trx_refs refs
      where  recs.reference_id = refs.reference_id
      and    refs.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      and    refs.line_id    = cp_line_id
      and    refs.source     = cp_source
      and    recs.settlement_id is not null
      and    recs.service_type_code is not null
      and    rownum = 1;
Line: 589

      select transfer_number
      from  jai_rgm_dis_src_hdrs
      where party_type = cp_party_type
      and   party_id   =  cp_party_id
      and   transfer_id = cp_transfer_id;
Line: 603

      select transfer_number
            ,creation_date    transaction_date
      from  JAI_RGM_DIS_DES_HDRS
      where destination_party_type = cp_party_type
      and   destination_party_id   = cp_party_id
      and   transfer_id = cp_transfer_id;
Line: 617

      select  party_type
           ,  party_id
           ,  transaction_date
           ,  remarks
           ,  invoice_number
     where  transaction_number = cp_trx_number;
Line: 629

    select vendor_name
    from   po_vendors
    where  vendor_id = cp_vendor_id;
Line: 635

    select hzp.party_name
    from   hz_cust_accounts hzca
          ,hz_parties       hzp
    where hzca.cust_account_id = cp_party_id
    and   hzp.party_id         = hzca.party_id;
Line: 643

      substr(aia.invoice_num,instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,1)+1,instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,2)-instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,1)-1) rcp_no,
      pha.segment1 po_num,
      po_headers_all pha,
      rcv_transactions rt,
      rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
      ap_invoices_all aia
      rsh.receipt_num=substr(aia.invoice_num,instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,1)+1,instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,2)-instr(aia.invoice_num,'/',1,1)-1) AND
      rsh.shipment_header_id=rt.shipment_header_id AND
      rt.po_header_id=pha.po_header_id AND
      pha.org_id=aia.org_id AND
      and rownum=1;
Line: 663

    select pv.vendor_name,pv.vendor_id  from
     jai_rgm_trx_refs jrtr,
     po_vendors pv
    where invoice_id=cp_invoice_id
    and pv.vendor_id=jrtr.party_id
    and rownum=1;
Line: 683

  select inv_dist_id,
    row_number() over(ORDER BY INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID) line_num
  from ap_invoice_distributions_all
  where INVOICE_ID=p_invoice_id
  where inv_dist_id=p_line_id;
Line: 946

                      , 'Before insert into jai_trx_repo_extract_gt' || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_repository_id ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_repository_id || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_reference_id  ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_reference_id  || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source        || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name                ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name                || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number           ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number           || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date             ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date             || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id               ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id               || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id          ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id          || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num         ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num         || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item        || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc
Line: 974

      insert into jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
            ,gl_date --Add by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.     --Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port
            ,st_inv_number --Add by Qiong for Advanced Receipts
            ,source_trx_type --Add by Qiong for Advanced Receipts
             ,lr_trx_repo_extract.gl_date --Add by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.    --Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port
             ,lr_trx_repo_extract.st_inv_number --Add by Qiong for Advanced Receipts
             ,lr_trx_repo_extract.source_trx_type --Add by Qiong for Advanced Receipts
Line: 1040

      jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print ( ln_reg_id, 'After insert into jai_trx_repo_extract_gt');
Line: 1050

    for r_docs in (select distinct  transaction_source
                                  , source_trx_type --Add by Qiong for Advanced Receipts
                                  , document_id
                                  , document_line_id
				                          , repository_line_id --Add by Qiong for bug#13405553
                                  , transaction_repository_id --Added by Qinglei on 28-Feb-2012 for bug#13741544
                   from             jai_trx_repo_extract_gt gt
--Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port begin
                   where            gt.repository_source in ('AP','AR'
                   --Add by Xiao for POT Phase III changes, reg bug#12895841 on 1-Aug-2011, begin
                          , 'AP_REVERSAL'
                          , 'AP_CLAIM'
                          , 'AR_REVERSAL'
                          , 'AR_CLAIM'
                    --Add by Xiao for POT Phase III changes, reg bug#12895841 on 1-Aug-2011, end
--Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port end

      lr_trx_repo_extract := null;
Line: 1266

                      , 'Before update into jai_trx_repo_extract_gt' || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source        || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name                ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name                || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number           ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number           || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date             ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date             || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id               ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id               || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id          ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id          || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num         ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num         || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item        || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                      'lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc        ='|| lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc
Line: 1295

      update jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      set  transaction_source     =  lr_trx_repo_extract.transaction_source
       ,   party_name             =  lr_trx_repo_extract.party_name
       ,   document_number        =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_number
       ,   document_date          =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_date
       ,   document_id            =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_id
       ,   document_line_id       =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_id
       ,   document_line_num      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num
       ,   document_line_item     =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_item
       ,   document_line_desc     =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_desc
       ,   document_line_qty      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_qty
       ,   document_line_uom      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_uom
       ,   document_line_amt      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_line_amt
       ,   repository_tax_amt     =  lr_trx_repo_extract.repository_tax_amt
       ,   document_currency_code =  lr_trx_repo_extract.document_currency_code
       ,   inventory_item_id      =  lr_trx_repo_extract.inventory_item_id
       ,   party_id               =  lr_trx_repo_extract.party_id
       ,   organization_id        =  nvl(lr_trx_repo_extract.organization_id, organization_id)
       ,   location_id            =  nvl(lr_trx_repo_extract.location_id,location_id)
       ,   service_type_code      =  nvl(lr_trx_repo_extract.service_type_code, service_type_code)
       ,   updatable_flag         =  lr_trx_repo_extract.updatable_flag
       ,   processed_flag         =  lr_trx_repo_extract.processed_flag
      where transaction_source    =  r_docs.transaction_source
      and   (  (r_docs.document_id is not null and document_id  =  r_docs.document_id)
            or r_docs.document_id is null -- incase of order management it will be null
      and   source_trx_type = NVL( r_docs.source_trx_type, source_trx_type) --Add by Qiong for advanced receipts bug13361952
      and   repository_line_id = NVL( r_docs.repository_line_id,repository_line_id) --Add by Qiong for bug#13405553
      and   document_line_id     =  r_docs.document_line_id;
Line: 1327

                     , 'Number of rows updated ='||sql%rowcount
Line: 1335

    for r_org in (select distinct organization_id from jai_trx_repo_extract_gt where organization_id is not null)

                      , 'OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE c_get_organization_name, r_org.organization_id='||r_org.organization_id
Line: 1353

      update jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      set    organization_name = lv_organization_name
      where  organization_id = r_org.organization_id;
Line: 1363

    for r_loc in (select distinct location_id from jai_trx_repo_extract_gt where location_id is not null )
                      ,'OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE c_get_location_name, r_loc.location_id='||r_loc.location_id
Line: 1379

      update jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      set    location_name = lv_location_name
      where  location_id = r_loc.location_id;
Line: 1422

    select pov.vendor_name      party_name
          ,poh.segment1         document_number
          ,poh.creation_date    document_date
          ,poh.po_header_id     document_id
          ,pol.po_line_id       document_line_id
          ,pol.line_num         document_line_num
          ,msi.segment1         document_line_item
          ,pol.item_description document_line_desc
          ,pol.quantity         document_line_qty
          ,pol.unit_meas_lookup_code document_line_uom
          ,(pol.unit_price * pol.quantity)  document_line_amt
          ,poh.currency_code    document_currency_code
          ,pol.item_id          inventory_item_id
          ,poh.vendor_id        party_id
         -- ,fsp.inventory_organization_id  organization_id /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
    ,hl.inventory_organization_id  organization_id /* Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
          ,poll.ship_to_location_id       location_id
    from   po_headers_all     poh
         , po_lines_all       pol
         , po_line_locations_all  poll /*6841116*/
         , mtl_system_items   msi
         , po_vendors         pov
   , hr_locations       hl /* Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
        -- , financials_system_parameters fsp /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
           --poh.po_header_id = p_document_id /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
     poh.po_header_id = cp_header_id /* Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
    and    pol.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
   -- and    pol.po_line_id   = p_document_line_id /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
    and    pol.po_line_id   = cp_line_id /* Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
    and    pol.po_line_id    = poll.po_line_id
    and    poll.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
    and    pol.item_id      = msi.inventory_item_id (+)
    --and    nvl(msi.organization_id ,fsp.inventory_organization_id )= fsp.inventory_organization_id  /* Commented by vkantamn for Bug#6026463 */
    and    nvl(poll.ship_to_location_id,poh.ship_to_location_id )= hl.location_id  /*Commented by nprashar for bug # 6636517 and    poh.ship_to_location_id = hl.location_id */ /* Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978 */
    and    pov.vendor_id = poh.vendor_id  ;
Line: 1462

    select pov.vendor_name            party_name
          ,rsh.receipt_num            document_number
          ,rta.transaction_date       document_date
          ,rsh.shipment_header_id     document_id
          ,rsl.shipment_line_id       document_line_id
          ,rsl.line_num               document_line_num
          ,msi.segment1               document_line_item
          ,rsl.item_description       document_line_desc
          ,rsl.quantity_received      document_line_qty
          ,rsl.unit_of_measure        document_line_uom
          ,(pla.unit_price * rsl.quantity_received)  document_line_amt
          ,rsh.currency_code          document_currency_code
          ,rsl.item_id                inventory_item_id
          ,rsh.vendor_id              party_id
          ,hl.inventory_organization_id  organization_id
          ,rsl.ship_to_location_id       location_id
    from   rcv_transactions         rta
         , rcv_shipment_headers     rsh
         , rcv_shipment_lines       rsl
         , po_lines_all             pla
         , mtl_system_items         msi
         , po_vendors               pov
         , hr_locations_all         hl
         rta.transaction_id     = cp_transaction_id
    and  rta.po_line_id         = pla.po_line_id
    and  rta.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
    and  rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
    and  rsh.vendor_id          = pov.vendor_id
    and  rsl.item_id            = msi.inventory_item_id
    and  rsl.to_organization_id = msi.organization_id
    and  nvl(rsl.ship_to_location_id,rsh.ship_to_location_id )= hl.location_id;
Line: 1498

      select hzp.party_name           party_name
          ,  oeh.order_number         document_number
          ,  oeh.ordered_date         document_date
          ,  oeh.header_id            document_id
          ,  oel.line_id              document_line_id
          ,  oel.line_number          document_line_num
          ,  msi.segment1             document_line_item
          ,  substr(oel.user_item_description,1,240) document_line_desc
          ,  oel.ordered_quantity     document_line_qty
          ,  oel.order_quantity_uom   document_line_uom
          ,  nvl(oel.unit_selling_price * oel.ordered_quantity,0) document_line_amt
          ,  oeh.transactional_curr_code  document_currency_code
          ,  oel.inventory_item_id    inventory_item_id
          ,  oeh.sold_to_org_id       party_id
          ,  oel.ship_from_org_id     organization_id
          ,  oel.line_category_code   line_category_code
             oe_order_headers_all   oeh
            ,oe_order_lines_all     oel
            ,hz_parties             hzp
            ,hz_cust_accounts       hzca
            ,mtl_system_items       msi
      where  (p_document_id is null or  p_document_id = '' or oeh.header_id = p_document_id)
      and    oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
      and    oel.line_id   = p_document_line_id
      and    oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
      and    oel.ship_from_org_id  = msi.organization_id
      and    hzca.cust_account_id  = oel.sold_to_org_id
      and    hzca.party_id         = hzp.party_id ;
Line: 1530

    select  hzp.party_name
           ,rct.trx_number              document_number
           ,rct.trx_date                document_date
           ,rct.customer_trx_id         document_id
           ,rctl.customer_trx_line_id   document_line_id
           ,rctl.line_number            document_line_num
           ,msi.segment1                document_line_item
           ,rctl.description            document_line_desc
           ,rctl.quantity_invoiced      document_line_qty
           ,rctl.uom_code               document_line_uom
           ,rctl.extended_amount        document_line_amt
           ,rct.invoice_currency_code   document_currency_code
           ,rctl.inventory_item_id      inventory_item_id
           ,nvl(rct.sold_to_customer_id, rct.bill_to_customer_id) party_id
           ,jrct.organization_id        organization_id
           ,jrct.location_id            location_id
    from   ra_customer_trx_all        rct
          ,ra_customer_trx_lines_all  rctl
          ,jai_ar_trxs      jrct
          ,hz_parties                 hzp
          ,hz_cust_accounts           hzca
          ,mtl_system_items           msi
    where rct.customer_trx_id = p_document_id
    and   jrct.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
    and   rctl.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
    and   rctl.customer_trx_line_id = p_document_line_id
    and   rctl.inventory_item_id    = msi.inventory_item_id (+)
    and   nvl(msi.organization_id,jrct.organization_id) = jrct.organization_id
    and   hzca.cust_account_id      = nvl(rct.sold_to_customer_id, rct.bill_to_customer_id)
    and   hzca.party_id             = hzp.party_id;
Line: 1562

    /*modified the below cusrsor query to select from the tables PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL,
    PA_PROJECTS_ALL instead of pa_draft_invoices_v.*/
    cursor c_get_pa_details
    select   c.customer_name     party_name,
          ,  padi.creation_date             document_date
          ,  jpadi.draft_invoice_id         document_id
          ,  jpadil.draft_invoice_line_id   document_line_id
          ,  jpadil.line_num                document_line_num
          ,  null                           document_line_item
          -- Modified by Jia for FP Bug#6691866, Begin
          --,  substr(padil.text,1,240)       document_line_desc -- Comment by Jia for FP Bug#6691866
          ,  (select substr(padil.text,1,240) from pa_draft_invoice_items padil
                                              where padil.draft_invoice_num = jpadi.draft_invoice_num
                                              and padil.project_id =jpadi.project_id
                                              and padil.line_num = jpadil.line_num  ) document_line_desc -- Added by Jia for FP Bug#6691866
          -- Modified by Jia for FP Bug#6691866, End
          ,  null                           document_line_qty
          ,  null                           document_line_uom
          ,  jpadil.line_amt                document_line_amt
          ,  padi.inv_currency_code     document_currency_code
          ,  null                           inventory_item_id
          ,  padi.ship_to_customer_id       party_id
          ,  jpadi.organization_id          organization_id
          ,  jpadi.location_id              location_id
          ,  jpadil.service_type_code        service_type_code
             PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL       padi,
             PA_PROJECTS_ALL p
           -- ,pa_draft_invoice_items    padil  Removed by Jia for FP Bug#6691866
            ,jai_pa_draft_invoices     jpadi
            ,jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines jpadil
            ,PA_CUSTOMERS_V c
      where  jpadi.draft_invoice_id = p_document_id
      and    jpadil.draft_invoice_line_id = p_document_line_id
      and    jpadi.draft_invoice_id       = jpadil.draft_invoice_id
      and    jpadi.project_id         = padi.project_id
      and    jpadi.draft_invoice_num  = padi.draft_invoice_num
      and    p.project_id=padi.project_id
      and    padi.ship_to_customer_id=c.customer_id;
Line: 1613

      select service_type_code, sum(jpollt.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
      from   JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS jpoll
            ,jai_po_taxes jpollt
      where  jpoll.po_line_id = cp_po_line_id
      and    jpollt.line_location_id = jpoll.line_location_id
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jpollt.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      --and    jpollt.tax_type = 'Service'
      group by service_type_code;
Line: 1626

      select service_type_code, sum(jrlt.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
      from   JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS jpoll
            ,jai_rcv_line_taxes jrlt
            ,rcv_transactions rt
      where  jpoll.po_line_id = cp_po_line_id
      and    rt.po_line_id = cp_po_line_id
      and    rt.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
      and    rt.shipment_header_id = jrlt.shipment_header_id
      and    rt.shipment_line_id = jrlt.shipment_line_id
      and    jrlt.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      group by service_type_code;
Line: 1648

      select jrctl.service_type_code,
             --sum(jrcttl.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
             abs(SUM(NVL(jrec.DEBIT_AMOUNT,0))-SUM(NVL(jrec.CREDIT_AMOUNT,0))) service_tax_amount--Add by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.
 --Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port end
      from   JAI_AR_TRX_LINES jrctl
            ,JAI_AR_TRX_TAX_LINES jrcttl
            ,jai_cmn_taxes_all        jtc
 --Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port begin
            , jai_rgm_trx_records jrec --Add by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.
            , jai_rgm_trx_refs jref --Add by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.
 --Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port end
      where  jrctl.customer_trx_line_id = cp_customer_trx_line_id
      and    jrcttl.link_to_cust_trx_line_id = jrctl.customer_trx_line_id
      and    jtc.tax_id                  = jrcttl.tax_id
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jtc.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      --and    jtc.tax_type = 'Service'
--      group  by service_type_code;      --Commented by Chong.Lei for POT code port
Line: 1681

  SELECT Sum(Nvl(jrec.DEBIT_AMOUNT,0))+Sum(Nvl(jrec.CREDIT_AMOUNT,0)) -- modified for the bug 14341945
  FROM      jai_rgm_trx_refs jref,  jai_rgm_trx_records jrec
  WHERE jref.invoice_id= cp_customer_trx_id
  AND jref.item_line_id = cp_cust_trx_line_id
  AND jrec.source_trx_type = p_source_trx_type--Added by Qinglei on 28-Feb-2012 for bug#13741544
  AND jrec.reference_id=jref.reference_id
  AND jrec.TAX_TYPE IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess);
Line: 1690

  SELECT Sum(Nvl(line_applied,0)) * max(((SELECT line_amount
                                       FROM jai_ar_trx_lines
                                       WHERE customer_trx_id = cp_customer_trx_id
                                       AND customer_trx_line_id = cp_cust_trx_line_id)/
                                      (SELECT line_amount
                                       FROM jai_ar_trxs
                                       WHERE customer_trx_id = cp_customer_trx_id
    FROM AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL araa,jai_rgm_trx_records jrtr
  WHERE araa.APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = cp_customer_trx_id
  /*Added by Qinglei for bug#13741544 begin*/
  AND araa.receivable_application_id = jrtr.source_document_id
  AND jrtr.repository_id = p_repository_id
  /*Added by Qinglei for bug#13741544 end*/
  AND araa.status= jai_constants.ar_status_app;
Line: 1708

      select service_type_code, sum(jstl.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
      from    JAI_OM_OE_SO_LINES jsl
           , JAI_OM_OE_SO_TAXES jstl
           , jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc
      where  jsl.line_id  = cp_line_id
      and    jsl.line_id  = jstl.line_id
      and    jstl.tax_id =  jtc.tax_id
      AND    nvl(jtc.reverse_charge_flag,'N') = 'N' --Added by Qiong for reverse charge bug#16001407
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jtc.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      --and    jtc.tax_type = 'Service'
      group by service_type_code;
Line: 1725

      select service_type_code, sum(jrtl.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
      from     JAI_OM_OE_RMA_LINES  jrl
           , JAI_OM_OE_RMA_TAXES jrtl
           , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc
      where  jrl.rma_line_id  = cp_line_id
      and    jrl.rma_line_id  = jrtl.rma_line_id
      and    jrtl.tax_id =  jtc.tax_id
      AND    nvl(jtc.reverse_charge_flag,'N') = 'N' --Added by Qiong for reverse charge bug#16001407
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jtc.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      --and    jtc.tax_type = 'Service'
      group by service_type_code;
Line: 1741

      select sum(tax_amt) service_tax_amount
      from   jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt
           , jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc
      where  jcdt.source_doc_line_id  = cp_line_id
      and    jcdt.source_doc_type = jai_constants.PA_DRAFT_INVOICE
      and    jcdt.tax_id =  jtc.tax_id
      AND    nvl(jtc.reverse_charge_flag,'N') = 'N' --Added by Qiong for reverse charge bug#16001407
      /*added the cess and sh cess tax types for bug#6457710*/
      and    jtc.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess);
Line: 1755

    select rcv.organization_id  organization_id
          ,rcv.deliver_to_location_id       location_id --12560704
          ,rsl.po_header_id po_header_id
          ,rsl.po_line_id       po_line_id
          ,rcv.transaction_id /*Bug 12902363*/
    --jai_rcv_transactions     rcv, 12560704
    rcv_transactions rcv ,
     rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           rcv.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
    and    rcv.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
    and    rcv.shipment_header_id = p_document_id
    and    rcv.shipment_line_id   = p_document_line_id
    and    rcv.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE';
Line: 1772

    select pov.vendor_name      party_name
            ,apa.invoice_num         document_number
            ,apa.creation_date    document_date
            ,apa.invoice_id     document_id
            ,apla.line_number         document_line_id /*10434986*/
            ,apla.line_number         document_line_num
            ,NULL                 document_line_item
            ,NULL                 document_line_desc
            ,NULL                 document_line_qty
            ,NULL                 document_line_uom
            ,decode(nvl(apla.amount,0),0,apla.original_amount,apla.amount)     document_line_amt
            /*Modified by Qinglei 13-Dec-2011 Bug#13405591*/
            ,jasl.currency_code    document_currency_code
            ,NULL                  inventory_item_id
            ,apa.vendor_id        party_id
            ,jasl.organization_id  organization_id
            ,jasl.location_id       location_id
      from   ap_invoices_all    apa
           , ap_invoice_lines_all   apla
           , po_vendors         pov
           , jai_ap_invoice_lines jasl
             apa.invoice_id = p_document_id
      and    apa.invoice_id = apla.invoice_id
      and    apla.line_number   = p_document_line_id
      and    jasl.invoice_id = apa.invoice_id
      and    jasl.invoice_line_number = apla.line_number
      and    pov.vendor_id = apa.vendor_id ;
Line: 1805

    SELECT abs(SUM(NVL(jrec.DEBIT_AMOUNT,0))-SUM(NVL(jrec.CREDIT_AMOUNT,0))) --Modified by Qiong for reverse charge bug#16001407
    FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs jref,
         jai_rgm_trx_records jrec
    WHERE jref.invoice_id = p_document_id
    AND jref.item_line_id = p_document_line_id
    AND jrec.source_document_id = p_taxline_no
    AND jrec.reference_id = jref.reference_id
    AND jrec.source = decode(pv_document_source, 'STANDALONE_INVOICE', 'AP',pv_document_source)
    AND jrec.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess);
Line: 1820

       SELECT organization_id, location_id
       where invoice_id = p_document_id
--Add by Xiao for fixing bug#10634960, begin
       AND invoice_line_number = (SELECT parent_invoice_line_number
                                   FROM JAI_AP_INVOICE_LINES jail
                                  WHERE jail.invoice_line_number = p_document_line_id
                                    AND jail.invoice_id = p_document_id)
--Add by Xiao for fixing bug#10634960, end
Line: 1834

        Select service_type_code,sum(jcdt.tax_amt)
      from jai_ap_invoice_lines jasl,
              jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt,
        jai_cmn_taxes_all      jcta
        where source_doc_line_id  = cp_line_id
      AND jcdt.source_doc_id = cp_invoice_id
      AND jasl.invoice_id = jcdt.source_doc_id
        and jasl.invoice_line_number = jcdt.source_doc_line_id
      and jcta.tax_id      = jcdt.tax_id
      and jcta.tax_type    IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess)
      GROUP BY service_type_code;
Line: 1850

  SELECT nvl(sum(amount), 0)--Add nvl by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.
--  Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port end
  FROM ap_invoice_payments_all
  WHERE invoice_id = p_document_id;
Line: 1858

  SELECT abs(nvl(SUM(aila.amount),0))
  FROM ap_invoice_lines_all     aila
 WHERE aila.invoice_id = p_document_id
  AND  aila.line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY';
Line: 1864

  select invoice_amount
  from ap_invoices_all
  where invoice_id = p_document_id;
Line: 1869

  SELECT open_amt, original_line_amt
    FROM jai_st_invoice_reversal
    WHERE invoice_id = p_document_id
    AND   line_num = p_document_line_id;
Line: 1875

  SELECT SUM(aip.amount)
   FROM ap_invoice_payments_all aip
   WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs jref,
         jai_rgm_trx_records jrec
         WHERE jref.invoice_id = p_document_id
    AND jref.item_line_id = p_document_line_id
    AND jrec.reference_id = jref.reference_id
    AND jrec.source = 'AP_CLAIM'
    AND jrec.source_document_id = p_taxline_no
    AND aip.invoice_id = jref.invoice_id
    AND aip.invoice_payment_id = jrec.source_document_id);
Line: 1890

  SELECT abs(SUM(NVL(jrec.DEBIT_AMOUNT,0))-SUM(NVL(jrec.CREDIT_AMOUNT,0)))--add abs, change '+' to '-' by Xiao for POT, reg bug#12533434
  --Modified by Qiong for reverse charge bug#16001407
  FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs jref,
       jai_rgm_trx_records jrec
  WHERE jref.invoice_id = p_document_id
  AND jref.item_line_id = p_document_line_id --Add by Xiao fro POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.      --Modified by Chong.Lei for POT code port
  AND jrec.reference_id = jref.reference_id
  AND jrec.source = decode(pv_document_source, 'STANDALONE_INVOICE', 'AP','RECEIVING','AP','PURCHASING','AP',pv_document_source)--Add pv_document_source by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.
  /* Added receiving and purchasing source conditions in above decode for bug 13430127 */
  AND jrec.tax_type IN (jai_constants.tax_type_service,jai_constants.tax_type_service_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_service_edu_cess);
Line: 1903

  SELECT service_type_code
  FROM jai_ap_invoice_lines
  WHERE invoice_id = p_document_id
  AND invoice_line_number = p_document_line_id;
Line: 1910

    select  hzp.party_name
           ,acra.receipt_number         document_number
           ,acra.receipt_date           document_date
           ,acra.cash_receipt_id        document_id
           ,acra.amount                 document_line_amt
           ,jacr.exchange_rate          exchange_rate
           ,jacr.currency_code          document_currency_code
           ,jacr.customer_id            party_id
           ,jacr.organization_id        organization_id
           ,jacr.location_id            location_id
           ,jacr.service_type_code      service_type_code
	   ,acra.reversal_date          reversal_date --Added by Qiong for bug13555753
    from   ar_cash_receipts_all acra,
           jai_ar_cash_receipts_all jacr,
           hz_parties                 hzp,
           hz_cust_accounts           hca
    WHERE acra.cash_receipt_id = jacr.cash_receipt_id
    AND   jacr.document_type = 'Service'
    AND   hca.cust_account_id = jacr.customer_id
    AND   hzp.party_id = hca.party_id
    AND   acra.cash_receipt_id = p_document_id;
Line: 1934

    select  hzp.party_name
           ,acra.receipt_number                document_number
           ,araa.apply_date                    document_date
           ,araa.receivable_application_id     document_id
           ,araa.acctd_amount_applied_from     document_line_amt
                 --Modified by Qinglei on 05-Jan-2012 for bug#13556198
           ,araa.applied_customer_trx_id       applied_customer_trx_id
           ,araa.applied_customer_trx_line_id  applied_customer_trx_line_id
           ,jacr.currency_code                 document_currency_code
           ,jacr.customer_id                   party_id
           ,jacr.organization_id               organization_id
           ,jacr.location_id                   location_id
           ,jacr.service_type_code             service_type_code
           /*Added by Qinglei on 05-Jan-2012 for bug#13556198 begin*/
           ,acra.currency_code                receipt_currency_code
           ,acra.exchange_date                receipt_exchange_date
           ,acra.exchange_rate                receipt_exchange_rate
           ,acra.exchange_rate_type           receipt_exchange_rate_type
           /*Added by Qinglei on 05-Jan-2012 for bug#13556198 end*/
    from   ar_receivable_applications_all araa,
           ar_cash_receipts_all acra,
           jai_ar_cash_receipts_all jacr,
           hz_parties                 hzp,
           hz_cust_accounts           hca
    WHERE araa.cash_receipt_id = acra.cash_receipt_id
    AND   acra.cash_receipt_id = jacr.cash_receipt_id
    AND   jacr.document_type = 'Service'
    AND   hca.cust_account_id = jacr.customer_id
    AND   hzp.party_id = hca.party_id
    AND   araa.receivable_application_id = p_document_id;
Line: 1967

  SELECT SUM(nvl(jrec.trx_debit_amount,0)) + SUM(nvl(jrec.trx_credit_amount,0))
	  FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs    jref,
         jai_rgm_trx_records jrec
	 WHERE jrec.source_document_id = p_document_id
     AND jref.reference_id = jrec.reference_id
     AND jrec.source_table_name = 'AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL'
     AND jrec.source = 'AR'
     AND jrec.source_trx_type = p_source_trx_type
     AND jrec.tax_type IN ('Service', 'SERVICE_EDUCATION_CESS', 'SERVICE_SH_EDU_CESS');
Line: 1978

  SELECT SUM(nvl(jrec.trx_debit_amount,0)) + SUM(nvl(jrec.trx_credit_amount,0))
	  FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs    jref,
         jai_rgm_trx_records jrec
	 WHERE jrec.source_document_id = p_document_id
     AND jref.reference_id = jrec.reference_id
     AND jrec.source_table_name = 'AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL'
     AND jrec.source = 'AR'
     AND jrec.source_trx_type = p_source_trx_type
     AND jrec.tax_type IN ('Service', 'SERVICE_EDUCATION_CESS', 'SERVICE_SH_EDU_CESS');
Line: 1989

  SELECT  rctl.line_number
  FROM    ra_customer_trx_all         rct
          ,ra_customer_trx_lines_all  rctl
  WHERE   rct.customer_trx_id = p_document_id
    and   rctl.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
    and   rctl.customer_trx_line_id = p_document_line_id;
Line: 2004

    SELECT rct.trx_date  document_date
    FROM jai_trx_repo_extract_gt    gt,
         ra_customer_trx_all        rct
    WHERE gt.document_id = p_document_id
    AND   gt.document_line_id = p_document_line_id
    AND   gt.transaction_source = p_document_source
    AND   gt.repository_invoice_id = rct.customer_trx_id;
Line: 2048

  SELECT to_date(jrr.attribute_value, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
    FROM jai_rgm_registrations jrr
       , jai_rgm_definitions jrd
   WHERE jrr.regime_id = jrd.regime_id
     AND jrd.regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
     AND jrr.attribute_code = 'EFF_DATE_ST_PT'
     AND jrr.attribute_type_code = 'OTHERS'
     AND jrr.registration_type = 'OTHERS';
Line: 2062

  SELECT SUM(nvl(jrec.debit_amount,0)) + SUM(nvl(jrec.credit_amount,0)) --Modified by Qiong for reverse charge bug#16001407
	  FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs    jref,
         jai_rgm_trx_records jrec
	 WHERE jref.invoice_id = p_document_id
     AND jref.reference_id = jrec.reference_id
     AND jref.item_line_id = p_document_line_id
     --AND jrec.source_document_id = p_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num
     AND jrec.source_table_name = 'AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL'
     AND jrec.source = 'AR_CLAIM'
     AND jrec.tax_type IN ('Service', 'SERVICE_EDUCATION_CESS', 'SERVICE_SH_EDU_CESS');
Line: 2074

  select msl.segment1
  FROM mtl_system_items msl
  WHERE msl.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
  and msl.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2080

    SELECT aila.line_number, aila.match_type
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all  aida,
           ap_invoice_lines_all          aila
     WHERE aida.invoice_id = p_document_id
       AND aida.invoice_distribution_id = p_document_line_id
       AND aida.invoice_line_number = aila.line_number
       AND aila.invoice_id = p_document_id;
Line: 2089

   SELECT po.ship_to_organization_id, po.ship_to_location_id
     FROM po_line_locations_all po,ap_invoice_lines_all ap
    WHERE po.line_location_id = ap.po_line_location_id
      AND ap.invoice_id = p_document_id
      AND ap.line_number = pn_line_number;
Line: 2096

   SELECT rcv.organization_id, rcv.location_id
    FROM jai_rcv_transactions rcv, ap_invoice_lines_all ap
   WHERE ap.rcv_transaction_id = rcv.transaction_id
     AND ap.invoice_id = p_document_id
     AND ap.line_number = pn_line_number;
Line: 2103

   SELECT pov.vendor_name       party_name
          ,apa.invoice_num      document_number
          ,apa.invoice_date    document_date /* modified creation_date to invoice_date -13430127 */
          ,apa.invoice_id       document_id
          ,aida.invoice_line_number     document_line_id
          ,aida.invoice_line_number     document_line_num
          ,NULL                         document_line_item
          ,NULL                         document_line_desc
          ,aida.quantity_invoiced       document_line_qty --,NULL/*Modified for Bug 13430127 */
          ,aida.matched_uom_lookup_code document_line_uom --,NULL/*Modified for Bug 13430127 */
          ,decode(nvl(apla.amount,0),0,apla.original_amount,apla.amount)         document_line_amt -- ,apla.amount /* Modified for Bug 13430127 */
          ,apa.payment_currency_code    document_currency_code
          ,apla.inventory_item_id       inventory_item_id
          ,apa.vendor_id                party_id
          ,NULL                         organization_id
          ,NULL                         location_id
    from   ap_invoices_all    apa
         , ap_invoice_lines_all   apla
         , po_vendors         pov
         , ap_invoice_distributions_all aida
           apa.invoice_id = p_document_id
      AND  aida.invoice_id = p_document_id
      AND  aida.invoice_distribution_id = p_document_line_id
      AND  apa.invoice_id = apla.invoice_id
      AND  apla.line_number  = aida.invoice_line_number
      AND  pov.vendor_id = apa.vendor_id ;
Line: 2145

  select to_date(attribute_value, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
  where regime_id  = (SELECT regime_id
                      FROM jai_rgm_definitions
                      where regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
  and organization_id = p_organization_id
  and location_id = p_location_id
  AND attribute_code = 'EFF_DATE_ST_PT'
  AND attribute_type_code = 'OTHERS'
  AND registration_type = 'OTHERS'
        (select '1'
         from JAI_RGM_ORG_REGNS_V
         where regime_id  = (SELECT regime_id
                             FROM jai_rgm_definitions
                             where regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
         and attribute_code IN 'INV_ORG_CLASSIFICATION'
         and attribute_value <> 'ORGANIZATION'
         and organization_id = p_organization_id
         and location_id = p_location_id)
        NOT EXISTS
        (select '1'
         from JAI_RGM_ORG_REGNS_V
         where regime_id  = (SELECT regime_id
                             FROM jai_rgm_definitions
                             where regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime
         and attribute_code IN 'SERVICE TYPE'
         and attribute_value <> 'OTHER'
         and organization_id = p_organization_id
         and location_id = p_location_id)
Line: 2184

  SELECT accounting_date
    FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
   WHERE invoice_id = p_document_id
     AND invoice_line_number = cp_line_num;
Line: 2190

  SELECT rda.gl_date
    FROM ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rda,
         ra_customer_trx_lines_all    rla
   WHERE rda.customer_trx_id = p_document_id
     AND rda.account_class = 'REV'
     AND rda.customer_trx_line_id = rla.customer_trx_line_id
     --Modified by Qinglei 27-Dec-2011 for bug#13531399
     AND rla.customer_trx_line_id = p_document_line_id
     AND rla.customer_trx_id = p_document_id;
Line: 2788

   OPEN get_ap_gl_date_cur(p_trx_repo_extract.document_line_num);-- Updated by Wenqiong for bug13462951 on Feb 09, 2012, add a parameter line num
Line: 2897

      select reference_id
          ,  source
          ,  invoice_id
          ,  item_line_id
    ,  line_id  /*Added by nprashar for bug # 7172723*/
      from  jai_rgm_trx_refs refs
      where  refs.reference_id = p_reference_id;
Line: 2908

  select source
  from ap_invoices_all aia
  where aia.invoice_id in
  (select invoice_id
   from jai_rgm_Trx_refs refs
   where refs.reference_id = p_reference_id);
Line: 2917

  select inv_dist_id,
    row_number() over(ORDER BY INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID) line_num
  from ap_invoice_distributions_all
  where INVOICE_ID=p_invoice_id
  where inv_dist_id=p_line_id;
Line: 2933

  SELECT shipment_header_id,
  (SELECT jrt.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id,
     jrt.shipment_line_id shipment_line_id,
     jrt.receipt_num receipt_num,
     jrt.creation_date creation_date,
     jrt.qty_received qty_received,
     jrtxl.tax_amount tax_amount,
     jrt.organization_id organization_id,
     jrt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id,
     jirt.uom_code uom_code,
     jirt.location_id location_id,
     jrti.vendor_id vendor_id,
     jrti.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id,
     row_number() over(
   ORDER BY jrtxl.shipment_line_id,jrtxl.tax_line_no) rn
   FROM jai_rcv_lines jrt,
       jai_rcv_transactions jirt,/* modified by vumaasha for bug 8965721 */
     jai_rcv_tp_invoices jrti,
     jai_rcv_line_taxes  jrtxl -- join to ja_in_receipt_tax_lines added by vumaasha for 6856213
   WHERE jrt.shipment_header_id = jrti.shipment_header_id
   AND jrti.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
   AND jrti.shipment_header_id = jirt.shipment_header_id
   AND jirt.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
   AND jirt.shipment_line_id = jrt.shipment_line_id
   AND jrtxl.shipment_header_id = jirt.shipment_header_id
   AND jrtxl.shipment_header_id = jrti.shipment_header_id
   AND jirt.shipment_line_id = jrtxl.shipment_line_id)
   WHERE rn =p_row_number ;
Line: 2976

  select service_type_code
  where vendor_id= p_vendor_id
  and vendor_site_id=p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 3144

  procedure update_service_type ( p_process_flag      out nocopy  varchar2
                                , p_process_message   out nocopy  varchar2

    cursor c_get_recs_to_update
      select *
      from   jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      where  processed_flag = jai_constants.NO;
Line: 3159

    lv_member_name := 'UPDATE_SERVICE_TYPE';
Line: 3166

    jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Begin loop for C_GET_RECS_TO_UPDATE', jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.summary);
Line: 3167

    for rec in c_get_recs_to_update
      -- For each record in temporary table which is not yet processed
      jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id
                                       ,'rec.transaction_source='||rec.transaction_source || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                                        'rec.document_id='||rec.document_id               || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
                                        'rec.document_line_id='||rec.document_line_id     || fnd_global.local_chr(10) ||
Line: 3179

      if rec.transaction_source in ('PURCHASING', 'RECEIVING') /*Updated by nprashar for bug # 6841116*/ then

        update JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  po_header_id      = rec.document_id
        and    po_line_id        = rec.document_line_id;
Line: 3190

        update JAI_OM_OE_SO_LINES        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  header_id      = rec.document_id
        and    line_id        = rec.document_line_id;
Line: 3199

        update  JAI_AR_TRX_LINES        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  customer_trx_id        = rec.document_id
        and    customer_trx_line_id   = rec.document_line_id;
Line: 3208

        update jai_rgm_manual_trxs
        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        where  transaction_number = rec.document_id;
Line: 3218

        update jai_rgm_dis_src_hdrs
        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  transfer_id       = rec.document_id;
Line: 3226

                                       ,'No of rows updated in trx table='||sql%rowcount
Line: 3233

        update jai_rgm_trx_records
        set    service_type_code  = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date   = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by    = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login  = lv_login_id
        where  source_document_id = rec.document_id
        and    source = 'SERVICE_DISTRIBUTE_IN';
Line: 3242

                                       ,'No of rows updated in repository table for source SERVICE_DISTRIBUTE_IN='||sql%rowcount
Line: 3248

        update jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines
        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  draft_invoice_id  = rec.document_id
        and    draft_invoice_line_id = rec.document_line_id;
Line: 3264

        update jai_ar_trx_lines
        set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,      last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,      last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
        ,      last_update_login = lv_login_id
        where  customer_trx_id      = rec.repository_invoice_id
        and    customer_trx_line_id = rec.repository_line_id;
Line: 3273

                                         ,'Rows updated in ja_in_ra_customer_trx_lines='||sql%rowcount
Line: 3281

                                       ,'No of rows updated in trx table='||sql%rowcount
Line: 3289

      update jai_rgm_trx_records
      set    service_type_code = rec.service_type_code
        ,    last_update_date  = sysdate
        ,    last_updated_by   = lv_user_id
      where  repository_id     = rec.transaction_repository_id;
Line: 3296

                                       ,'No of rows updated in jai_rgm_trx_records table='||sql%rowcount
Line: 3301

      update jai_trx_repo_extract_gt
      set    processed_flag    = 'Y'
      where  transaction_repository_id = rec.transaction_repository_id;
Line: 3306

                                       ,'No of rows updated in jai_trx_repo_extract_gt table='||sql%rowcount
Line: 3310

    jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'End loop for C_GET_RECS_TO_UPDATE', jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.summary);
Line: 3323

  end update_service_type;
Line: 3343

      select  rct.created_from
            , rct.interface_header_context
            , rct.interface_header_attribute1   -- holds order number if context is ORDER_ENTRY
            , rctl.interface_line_attribute6  -- holds order line id if context is ORDER_ENTRY
            , rctl.interface_line_attribute1  -- 5876390, 6012570, holds PROJECT_NUMBER if context is PROJECTS INVOICES
            , rctl.interface_line_attribute2  -- 5876390, 6012570, holds DRAFT_INVOICE_NUM if context is PROJECTS_INOVICES
            , rctl.global_attribute_category ----Added by zhiwei for Bug#12604133
      from   ra_customer_trx_all rct, ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctl
      where  rct.customer_trx_id = cp_customer_trx_id
      and    rct.customer_trx_id = rctl.customer_trx_id
      and    rctl.customer_trx_line_id = cp_customer_trx_line_id;
Line: 3361

      select pod.po_header_id
            ,apd.rcv_transaction_id /*Added by vkantamn for Bug#6083978*/
      from  po_distributions_all pod
           ,ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
      where pod.po_distribution_id = apd.po_distribution_id
      and   apd.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      and   apd.invoice_distribution_id = cp_distribution_id;
Line: 3372

      select location_id
      from  jai_ar_trxs
      where customer_trx_id = cp_customer_trx_id ;
Line: 3382

      select draft_invoice_id
      from   jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines jpdil
            ,pa_projects_all ppa
      where ppa.segment1    = cp_project_number
      and   ppa.project_id  = jpdil.project_id
      and   jpdil.draft_invoice_num = cp_draft_inv_num
      and   jpdil.line_num   = cp_line_num;
Line: 3399

      select shipment_header_id,shipment_line_id
      from   rcv_transactions
      where  transaction_id = cp_rcv_trans_id;
Line: 3608

      select recs.service_type_code
      from   jai_rgm_trx_records recs
            ,jai_rgm_trx_refs    refs
            ,ra_customer_trx_lines_all ractl
      where ractl.interface_line_attribute6 = p_document_line_id
      and   ractl.interface_line_context    = 'ORDER ENTRY'
      and   ractl.line_type                 = 'LINE'
      and   ractl.customer_trx_line_id      = refs.item_line_id
      and   refs.reference_id               = recs.reference_id
      and   recs.settlement_id is not null
      and   recs.service_type_code is not null
      and   recs.regime_code = 'SERVICE'
      and   recs.source = 'AR';
Line: 3624

      select recs.service_type_code
      from   jai_rgm_trx_records recs
            ,jai_rgm_trx_refs    refs
      where  refs.item_line_id = p_document_line_id
      and    recs.reference_id = refs.reference_id
      and    recs.settlement_id is not null
      and    recs.service_type_code is not null
      and    recs.regime_code = 'SERVICE'
      and    recs.source = 'AR';
Line: 3636

      select recs.service_type_code
      from   jai_rgm_trx_records recs
            ,jai_rgm_trx_refs    refs
            ,po_distributions_all pod
            ,ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
      where pod.po_line_id = p_document_line_id
      and   pod.po_distribution_id = apd.po_distribution_id
      and   apd.invoice_distribution_id = refs.item_line_id
      and   recs.reference_id  = refs.reference_id
      and   recs.settlement_id is not null
      and   recs.service_type_code is not null
      and   recs.regime_code = 'SERVICE'
      and   recs.source = 'AP';