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2 /* $Header: WSHMDSRS.pls 120.3 2005/09/02 01:47:02 agbennet noship $ */
4 --===================
6 --===================
8 --========================================================================
9 -- TYPE : addnl_del_attr_rec_type
10 --
11 -- COMMENT   : The delivery details are stored in two parallel tables.
12 --             The generic information is stored using the type
13 --             WSH_FTE_CONSTRAINT_FRAMEWORK.delivery_ccinfo_tab_type.
14 --             All the additional details are stored using the record
15 --             described below.
16 --========================================================================
18 TYPE addnl_del_attr_rec_type IS RECORD(
19     delivery_id         NUMBER,
20     fob_code            VARCHAR2(30),
21     freight_terms_code  VARCHAR2(30),
22     loading_sequence    NUMBER,
23     gross_weight        NUMBER,
24     weight_uom_code     VARCHAR2(3),
25     ignore_for_planning VARCHAR2(1),
26     ship_to_country     VARCHAR2(120),
27     ship_to_state       VARCHAR2(120),
28     ship_to_city        VARCHAR2(120),
29     ship_to_postal_code VARCHAR2(60),
30     consol_index          NUMBER,
31     intermediate_pickup_date    DATE,
32     deconsol_trip_id    NUMBER,
33     deconsol_trip_name  VARCHAR2(30),
34     group_id            NUMBER,
35     hash_value          NUMBER,
36     hash_string         VARCHAR2(1000)
37 );
40 --========================================================================
41 -- TYPE : addnl_del_attr_tab_type
42 --
43 -- COMMENT   : The table stores the additional information regarding
44 --             deliveries.
45 --========================================================================
46 TYPE addnl_del_attr_tab_type IS TABLE OF addnl_del_attr_rec_type INDEX BY binary_integer;
49 --========================================================================
50 -- TYPE : grp_attr_rec_type
51 --
52 -- COMMENT   : Record type to store the consolidation groupings created
53 --             along with the deliveries going beonging to the group.
54 --========================================================================
55 TYPE grp_attr_rec_type IS RECORD(
56     group_id        NUMBER,
57     delivery_list   wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
58     hash_value      NUMBER,
59     hash_string     VARCHAR2(1000)
60 );
63 --========================================================================
64 -- TYPE : grp_attr_tab_type
65 --
66 -- COMMENT   : Table holding the groups for consolidaiton.
67 --========================================================================
68 TYPE grp_attr_tab_type IS TABLE OF grp_attr_rec_type INDEX BY binary_integer;
71 --========================================================================
72 -- TYPE : group_by_flags_rec_type
73 --
74 -- COMMENT   : Record containing the grouping attributes specified in the
75 --             consolidation grouping rule.
76 --========================================================================
77 TYPE group_by_flags_rec_type IS RECORD(
78     ship_from           VARCHAR2(1),
79     customer            VARCHAR2(1),
80     intmed_ship_to      VARCHAR2(1),
81     carrier             VARCHAR2(1),
82     mode_of_transport   VARCHAR2(1),
83     service_level       VARCHAR2(1),
84     fob                 VARCHAR2(1),
85     freight_terms       VARCHAR2(1),
86     loading_sequence    VARCHAR2(1),
87     ship_to_code        VARCHAR2(1),
88     ship_to_country     VARCHAR2(1),
89     ship_to_state       VARCHAR2(1),
90     ship_to_city        VARCHAR2(1),
91     ship_to_postal_code VARCHAR2(1),
92     ship_to_zone        NUMBER
94 );
97 --========================================================================
98 -- TYPE : group_by_flags_tab_type
99 --
100 -- COMMENT   : Table containing the grouping rules.
101 --========================================================================
102 TYPE group_by_flags_tab_type IS TABLE OF group_by_flags_rec_type INDEX BY binary_integer;
105 --========================================================================
106 -- TYPE : select_del_flags_rec_type
107 --
108 -- COMMENT   : Contains the delivery selection criteria specified while
109 --             submitting the conolidation batch.
110 --========================================================================
111 TYPE select_del_flags_rec_type IS RECORD(
112     org_id                         NUMBER,
113     rule_id                        NUMBER,
114     consol_ship_to_loc_id          NUMBER,
115     consol_shipto_override_flag    VARCHAR2(1),
116     delivery_name_from             VARCHAR2(30),
117     delivery_name_to               VARCHAR2(30),
118     pick_up_DATE_starts_within     NUMBER,
119     pick_up_DATE_ends_within       NUMBER,
120     drop_off_DATE_starts_within    NUMBER,
121     drop_off_DATE_ends_within      NUMBER,
122     pick_release_batch_id          NUMBER,
123     customer_id                    NUMBER,
124     fob_code                       VARCHAR2(30),
125     freight_terms_code             VARCHAR2(30),
126     carrier_id                     NUMBER,
127     mode_of_transport              VARCHAR2(30),
128     service_level                  VARCHAR2(30),
129     loading_sequence               NUMBER,
130     intmed_ship_to_loc_id          NUMBER,
131     ulti_ship_to_loc_id            NUMBER,
132     ulti_ship_to_region_id         NUMBER,
133     ulti_ship_to_zip_from          VARCHAR2(30),
134     ulti_ship_to_zip_to            VARCHAR2(30),
135     ulti_ship_to_zone_id           NUMBER,
136     inc_staged_del_flag            VARCHAR2(1),
137     inc_del_assgnd_trip_flag       VARCHAR2(1),
138     create_deconsol_trips_flag     VARCHAR2(1),
139     route_trips_flag               VARCHAR2(1),
140     rate_trips_flag                VARCHAR2(1),
141     trip_name_prefix               VARCHAR2(30),
142     max_trip_weight                NUMBER,
143     max_trip_weight_uom            VARCHAR2(3)
144 );
147 --===================
149 --===================
151 --========================================================================
152 -- PROCEDURE : Schedule_Batch
153 --
154 -- PARAMETERS: errbuf                  Concurrent request error buffer
155 --             retcode                 Concurrent request return code
156 --             p_batch_id              Concurrent submission batch id
157 --             p_log_level             Concurrent request log level
158 --
159 -- COMMENT   : This procedure is the entry point of the MDC SRS request.
160 --             The procedure accepts the batch id for which consolidation
161 --             is requested.
162 --========================================================================
163 PROCEDURE Schedule_Batch(
164         errbuf        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
165         retcode       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
166         p_batch_id    IN          NUMBER,
167         p_log_level   IN          NUMBER);
170 --========================================================================
171 -- PROCEDURE : Get_Batch_Parameters
172 --
173 -- PARAMETERS: p_batch_id              Concurrent submission batch id
174 --             x_sel_del_attr          Delivery selection parameters
175 --             x_return_status         Return status
176 --
177 -- COMMENT   : This procedure gets the delivery selection criteria specified
178 --             for the batch.
179 --========================================================================
180 PROCEDURE Get_Batch_Parameters(
181         p_batch_id        IN    NUMBER,
182         x_sel_del_attr    OUT NOCOPY    select_del_flags_rec_type,
183         x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
186 --========================================================================
187 -- PROCEDURE : Get_Deliveries
188 --
189 -- PARAMETERS: p_sel_del_attr          Delivery selection parameters
190 --             x_delivery_tab          Deliveries selected for consolidation
191 --             x_delivery_addnl_attr_tab         Deliveries selected for consolidation
192 --             x_return_status         Return status
193 --
194 -- COMMENT   : This procedure fetches the deliveries to be consolidated.
195 --========================================================================
196 PROCEDURE Get_Deliveries(
197         p_sel_del_attr              IN            select_del_flags_rec_type,
198         x_delivery_tab              OUT NOCOPY    WSH_FTE_CONSTRAINT_FRAMEWORK.delivery_ccinfo_tab_type,
199         x_delivery_addnl_attr_tab   OUT NOCOPY    addnl_del_attr_tab_type,
200         x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR2);
203 --========================================================================
204 -- PROCEDURE : Set_Intermediate_Location
205 --
206 -- PARAMETERS: p_consol_loc_id         Default intermediate location id
207 --             p_override_ship_to_flag         Intermediate location override flag
208 --             p_rule_zone_id          Zone specified in the grouping rule
209 --             x_delivery_tab          Delivery records
210 --             x_delivery_addnl_attr_tab         Delivery records
211 --             x_failed_records        Deliveries which failed to get intermedidate location
212 --             x_return_status         Return status
213 --
214 -- COMMENT   : This procedure updates the delivery records with the intermediate
215 --             location. The intermediate location is fecthed by calling
216 --             constraints engine which futher checks the Regions form
217 --             for an intermediate location, if required. The default intermediate
218 --             location is applied if the constraints engine fails to fecth
219 --             an intermediate location. If the override flag is set,
220 --             all the deliveries are updated with the default value.
221 --========================================================================
222 PROCEDURE Set_Intermediate_Location(
223         p_consol_loc_id            IN    NUMBER,
224         p_override_ship_to_flag    IN    VARCHAR2,
225         p_rule_zone_id             IN    NUMBER,
226         x_delivery_tab             IN OUT NOCOPY    WSH_FTE_CONSTRAINT_FRAMEWORK.delivery_ccinfo_tab_type,
227         x_delivery_addnl_attr_tab  IN OUT NOCOPY    addnl_del_attr_tab_type,
228         x_failed_records           IN OUT NOCOPY    WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
229         x_return_status            OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);
232 --========================================================================
233 -- PROCEDURE : Get_Grouping_Attrs
234 --
235 -- PARAMETERS: p_grouping_rule_id      Consolidation grouping rule id
236 --             x_group_by_flags        Grouping attributes
237 --             x_return_status         Return status
238 --
239 -- COMMENT   : This procedure gets the grouping attributes for the
240 --             rule specified.
241 --========================================================================
242 PROCEDURE Get_Grouping_Attrs(
243         p_grouping_rule_id    IN    NUMBER,
244         x_group_by_flags      OUT NOCOPY    group_by_flags_rec_type,
245         x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);
248 --========================================================================
249 -- PROCEDURE : Get_Hash_Value
250 --
251 -- PARAMETERS: p_delivery_rec          Delivery record
252 --             p_delivery_addnl_attr_rec          Delivery record
253 --             p_group_by_flags        Grouping attributes
254 --             p_hash_base             Hash base
255 --             p_hash_size             Hash size
256 --             x_hash_string           Hash string
257 --             x_hash_value            Hash value
258 --             x_return_status         Return status
259 --
260 -- COMMENT   : This procedure takes the delivery records and the
261 --             grouping attributes and return the hash value. The hash
262 --             size and base also needs to be passed.
263 --             The procedure also clears out all the non-grouping
264 --             attributes from the delivery records
265 --========================================================================
266 PROCEDURE Get_Hash_Value(
267         x_delivery_rec              IN OUT NOCOPY    WSH_FTE_CONSTRAINT_FRAMEWORK.delivery_ccinfo_rec_type,
268         x_delivery_addnl_attr_rec   IN OUT NOCOPY    addnl_del_attr_rec_type,
269         p_group_by_flags            IN    group_by_flags_rec_type,
270         p_hash_base                 IN    NUMBER,
271         p_hash_size                 IN    NUMBER,
272         x_hash_string               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
273         x_hash_value                OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
274         x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);
277 --========================================================================
278 -- PROCEDURE : Create_Consolidations
279 --
280 -- PARAMETERS: x_delivery_tab          Delivery records
281 --             x_delivery_addnl_attr_tab          Delivery records
282 --             p_group_tab             Groups created
283 --             p_max_trip_weight       Max weight of consolidation trip
284 --             p_max_weight_uom        Max weight uom
285 --             p_trip_name_prefix      Consolidation trip name prefix
286 --             x_consol_trip_id        Consolidation trip ids
287 --             x_consol_del_id         Consolidation delivery ids
288 --             x_trips_all             List of all the trips created
289 --             x_failed_records        Records that failed consolidation
290 --             x_return_status         Return status
291 --
292 -- COMMENT   : This procedure takes the delivery records and the
293 --             groups created and creates consolidated deliveries.
294 --             The max consolidation trip weight and trip name prefix
295 --             can also be specified.
296 --========================================================================
297 PROCEDURE Create_Consolidations(
298         x_delivery_tab              IN OUT NOCOPY    WSH_FTE_CONSTRAINT_FRAMEWORK.delivery_ccinfo_tab_type,
299         x_delivery_addnl_attr_tab   IN OUT NOCOPY    addnl_del_attr_tab_type,
300         p_group_tab                 IN    grp_attr_tab_type,
301         p_max_trip_weight           IN    NUMBER,
302         p_max_weight_uom            IN    VARCHAR2,
303         p_trip_name_prefix          IN    VARCHAR2,
304         x_consol_trip_id            OUT NOCOPY    WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
305         x_consol_del_id             OUT NOCOPY    WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
306         x_trips_all                 OUT NOCOPY    WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
307         x_failed_records            OUT NOCOPY    WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
308         x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);
311 --========================================================================
312 -- PROCEDURE : Create_Deconsol_Trips
313 --
314 -- PARAMETERS: x_delivery_tab          Delivery records
315 --             x_delivery_addnl_attr_tab          Delivery records
316 --             p_consol_trip_id        Consolidation trip ids
317 --             x_trips_all             List of all the trips created
318 --             x_return_status         Return status
319 --
320 -- COMMENT   : This procedure takes the delivery records and and creates
321 --             cdeconsolidation trips for the deliveries.
322 --========================================================================
323 PROCEDURE Create_Deconsol_Trips(
324         x_delivery_tab              IN OUT NOCOPY    WSH_FTE_CONSTRAINT_FRAMEWORK.delivery_ccinfo_tab_type,
325         x_delivery_addnl_attr_tab   IN OUT NOCOPY    addnl_del_attr_tab_type,
326         p_consol_trip_id            IN    WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
327         p_trip_name_prefix          IN    VARCHAR2,
328         x_trips_all                 IN OUT NOCOPY    WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
329         x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);