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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

select stt.shared_type_name
from   per_shared_types_tl stt,
       per_shared_types    st
where  stt.shared_type_id   = st.shared_type_id
and    stt.language         = userenv('lang')
and    st.shared_type_id    = p_shared_type_id
and   (st.business_group_id =  p_business_group_id or st.business_group_id is null );
Line: 82

  Select rule_set_id
    From pqh_rules a
   Where a.application_id = p_application_id
     AND a.message_name   = p_message_name;
Line: 220

  Select null
    From fnd_new_messages a
   Where a.application_id = p_application_id
     AND a.message_name   = p_message_name;
Line: 255

  Select rule_set_id
    From pqh_rules a
   Where a.application_id = p_application_id
     AND a.message_name   = p_message_name;
Line: 286

  Select business_group_id
    From per_organization_units a
   Where a.organization_id = p_organization_id
     And a.organization_id <> a.business_group_id;
Line: 299

  Select business_group_id
    From hr_all_organization_units a
   Where a.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 341

    Select rule_level_cd
    From pqh_rule_sets
   Where business_group_id      = p_business_group_id
     AND referenced_rule_set_id = p_referenced_rule_set_id
     and starting_organization_id = P_STARTING_ORGANIZATION_ID
     and organization_structure_id = p_organization_structure_id;
Line: 373

 Select a.rule_level_cd
   From pqh_rule_sets a
  Where a.business_group_id      = p_business_group_id
    AND a.referenced_rule_set_id = p_ref_rule_set_id
    AND a.organization_id is null
    AND a.organization_structure_id IS NULL;
Line: 384

 Select a.rule_level_cd
   From pqh_rule_sets a
  Where a.business_group_id      = p_business_group_id
    AND a.referenced_rule_set_id = p_ref_rule_set_id
    AND a.organization_id = p_organization_id
    AND a.organization_structure_id IS NULL;
Line: 397

  Select  distinct a.organization_structure_id
    From pqh_rule_sets a
   Where a.business_group_id      = p_business_group_id
     AND a.referenced_rule_set_id = p_ref_rule_set_id
     and a.organization_structure_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 409

  Select level,organization_id_parent
    From per_org_structure_elements
   where org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
connect by prior organization_id_parent = organization_id_child
        and organization_id_child = P_ORGANIZATION_ID
  Select 0,p_organization_id
    from dual
  order by 1 asc;
Line: 552

  Select org_structure_version_id
    From per_org_structure_versions
   Where organization_structure_id = p_org_structure_id
     AND version_number =
         (select max(version_number)
          From per_org_structure_versions
          Where organization_structure_id = p_org_structure_id);
Line: 591

  Select rule_level_cd
    From pqh_rule_sets a
   Where a.rule_set_id = p_rule_set_id;
Line: 628

  Select userenv('LANG')
    From dual;
Line: 712

Line: 722

Procedure insert_warning(p_warnings_rec IN warnings_rec) is
  l_new_warning      boolean := TRUE;
Line: 726

  l_proc 	     varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_warning';
Line: 963

       insert_warning(p_warnings_rec => l_warnings_rec);
Line: 986

  Select substr(ppl.full_name||'('||hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_GEN_LOV','EMP_
    from per_all_assignments_f asg , per_all_people_f ppl,fnd_sessions ses
   where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and asg.person_id     = ppl.person_id
     and ses.session_id = userenv('sessionid')
     and ses.effective_date between ppl.effective_start_date and ppl.effective_end_date
     and ses.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 1064

   Select name,business_group_id
     From hr_all_positions_f_vl
    Where position_id = p_position_id;
Line: 1110

   cursor c1 is select budget_unit1_id,budget_unit2_id,budget_unit3_id
                from pqh_budgets bgt,pqh_worksheets wks,
pqh_worksheet_details wkd
                where wkd.worksheet_id = wks.worksheet_id
                and wks.budget_id = bgt.budget_id
                and wkd.worksheet_detail_id = p_worksheet_detail_id;
Line: 1157

   cursor c1 is select shared_type_name
                from per_shared_types_vl
                where lookup_type ='BUDGET_MEASUREMENT_TYPE'
                and shared_type_id = p_unit_id;
Line: 1177

select count(*)
from pqh_position_transactions ptx
where position_id = p_position_id
and nvl(ptx.transaction_status,'PENDING') in ('APPROVED','SUBMITTED','PENDING')
and position_transaction_id <> nvl(p_position_transaction_id, -1);
Line: 1200

select attribute_name
from pqh_table_route trt, pqh_attributes_vl att
where trt.table_route_id = att.master_table_route_id
and trt.table_alias = p_table_alias
and att.column_name = p_column_name;
Line: 1222

select object_version_number
from pqh_position_transactions ptx
where position_transaction_id  = p_position_transaction_id;
Line: 1245

   p_validate                       => false
  ,p_position_transaction_id        => p_position_transaction_id
  ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
  ,p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date
  ,p_transaction_status             =>  p_transaction_status    -- bug 6112905
  ,p_review_flag                    =>  l_review_flag           -- bug 6112905
Line: 1261

select 'x'
from hr_all_positions_f
where position_id = p_position_id
and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1281

select min(effective_start_date)
from hr_all_positions_f
where position_id = p_position_id;
Line: 1303

         select    value, minimum, maximum, mid_value
         from      pay_grade_rules
         where     grade_rule_id  = p_grade_rule_id;
Line: 1348

 Select *
   from fnd_flex_value_sets
  where flex_value_set_id = p_value_set_id;
Line: 1477

        p_value_set_id   => p_value_set_id,
        x_select         => p_sql_stmt,
        x_mapping_code   => l_map,
        x_success        => p_error_status);
Line: 1571

		select value_column_name, application_table_name,
			additional_where_clause, id_column_name into l_value_column_name, l_app_tab_name,
			l_add_where_clause, l_id_column_name from fnd_flex_validation_tables where flex_value_set_id = p_value_set_id;
Line: 1575

     p_sql_stmt := rtrim('select '||l_id_column_name||' Id,'||l_value_column_name||' Val,'||'null Att_Name'||' from '||l_app_tab_name||' '||l_add_where_clause, ' ');
Line: 1619

           SELECT value_column_name, application_table_name, additional_where_clause, id_column_name
             INTO l_value_column_name, l_app_tab_name, l_add_where_clause, l_id_column_name
             FROM fnd_flex_validation_tables
            WHERE flex_value_set_id = p_value_set_id;
Line: 1630

              l_stmt := RTRIM('select '||l_value_column_name||
                               ' from '||l_app_tab_name||' '||
                               'where '||l_id_column_name||'='||''''||p_value||''''||' '||l_add_where_clause,
                              ' ');
Line: 1635

              l_stmt := RTRIM('select '||l_value_column_name||
                               ' from '||l_app_tab_name||' '||
                               'where '||l_id_column_name||'='||''''||p_value||'''',
                              ' ');
Line: 1726

           SELECT value_column_name, application_table_name, additional_where_clause, id_column_name
             INTO l_value_column_name, l_app_tab_name, l_add_where_clause, l_id_column_name
             FROM fnd_flex_validation_tables
            WHERE flex_value_set_id = p_value_set_id;
Line: 1737

              l_stmt := RTRIM('select '||l_value_column_name||
                               ' from '||l_app_tab_name||' '||
                               'where '||l_id_column_name||'='||''''||p_value||''''||' '||l_add_where_clause,
                              ' ');
Line: 1742

              l_stmt := RTRIM('select '||l_value_column_name||
                               ' from '||l_app_tab_name||' '||
                               'where '||l_id_column_name||'='||''''||p_value||'''',
                              ' ');
Line: 1807

select transaction_category_id
from pqh_transaction_categories
where short_name = p_short_name
and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1840

select create_flag
from pqh_transaction_templates ttl, pqh_templates tem
where ttl.template_id = tem.template_id
and ttl.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
and rownum<2;
Line: 1856

SELECT min(effective_start_date)-1 effective_end_date
(select effective_start_date
from hr_all_positions_f
where position_id = p_position_id
and effective_start_date > p_start_date
select action_date effective_start_date
from pqh_position_transactions
where position_id = p_position_id
and action_date > p_start_date
and transaction_status = 'SUBMITTED'
Line: 1880

    select description
    where application_id = 800   -- NS: 29-Mar-2006: Perf: SQL ID: 16596807
    and   descriptive_flexfield_name = p_df_name
    and   descriptive_flex_context_code = p_context_code;
Line: 1896

    select information_type
    from pqh_ptx_extra_info
    where ptx_extra_info_id = p_pte_id;
Line: 1912

select fs.id_flex_structure_name, fs.id_flex_structure_code
from fnd_id_flex_structures_vl fs
where  fs.id_flex_code = p_kf_short_name
and fs.id_flex_num = p_id_flex_num;
Line: 1926

select id_flex_num
from pqh_txn_job_requirements tjr, PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA pac
where txn_job_requirement_id = p_tjr_id
and tjr.analysis_criteria_id = pac.analysis_criteria_id;
Line: 1969

  Select org_information2
   from hr_organization_information
    where org_information_context = 'Public Sector Details'
     and organization_id = p_business_group_id ;
Line: 1988

  cursor c1 is select project_name
               from gms_pqh_projects_v
               where project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 2003

  cursor c1 is select task_name
               from pa_tasks_expend_v
               where task_id = p_task_id
               and Project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 2020

  cursor c1 is select award_short_name
               from gms_pqh_awards_v
               where award_id = p_award_id
               and project_id = p_project_id
               and task_id    = p_task_id;
Line: 2039

  cursor c1 is select expenditure_type
               from gms_pqh_exp_types_v
               where project_id = p_project_id
                 and task_id = p_task_id
                 and award_id = p_award_id
                 and expenditure_type = p_expenditure_type
                 and (sysdate between expnd_typ_start_date_active and
                                      nvl(expnd_typ_end_date_active , sysdate)) ;
Line: 2058

  cursor c1 is select name
               from pa_organizations_expend_v
               where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2083

         select name into l_oh_name from per_organization_structures where organization_structure_id = p_organization_structure_id;
Line: 2101

		select rule_set_name into l_rule_set_name from pqh_rule_sets_vl
                 where rule_set_id = p_rule_set_id;
Line: 2131

  IS SELECT name FROM per_organization_structures
      WHERE organization_structure_id = p_organization_structure_id;