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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 102

SELECT UPPER(application_column_name) application_column_name
  FROM fnd_id_flex_segments
 WHERE application_id = 101
   AND id_flex_code   = 'GL#'
   AND id_flex_num    = v_ca_id
 ORDER BY segment_num;
Line: 113

 SELECT fp.fund_value,
   FROM   fv_fund_parameters fp
  WHERE fp.set_of_books_id = sob_id
     and decode(rollup_type,'F',fp.fund_value,'T',treasury_symbol_id)
     between decode(rollup_type,
               ) --fund segment
     and decode(rollup_type,
              ); --fund segment
Line: 154

   SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high
     FROM fnd_flex_value_hierarchies
    WHERE parent_flex_value = v_parent_value
      AND flex_value_set_id = parent_value_id;
Line: 181

        ' SELECT  sum((nvl(glb.begin_balance_dr,0) - nvl(glb.begin_balance_cr,0)) +
                         (nvl(glb.period_net_dr,0) - nvl(glb.period_net_cr,0)))
          FROM    gl_balances glb,
                  gl_code_combinations      glc
   	  WHERE    glb.code_combination_id = glc.code_combination_id
   	  AND      glc.chart_of_accounts_id     = ' ||v_ca_id ||
  	' AND      glb.ledger_id          = '|| sob_id ||
   	' AND      glb.currency_code            = '||''''|| curr_code ||''''||
   	' AND      glb.actual_flag              = ''A''
   	  AND      glc.enabled_flag             = ''Y''
   	  AND      glc.template_id  IS NULL
   	  AND      glb.period_name              = '||''''||pd_name||'''' ||
    ' AND      FV_BE_UTIL_PKG.has_segments_access( NULL, glc.code_combination_id ,
                                                glc.chart_of_accounts_id ,'
                                                || sob_id || ') = ''TRUE''' ;
Line: 198

        ' SELECT sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0) - nvl(accounted_cr,0))
          FROM   gl_bc_packets pac,
      	         gl_code_combinations glc
    	  WHERE pac.code_combination_id = glc.code_combination_id
   	  AND   glc.chart_of_accounts_id  = '|| v_ca_id ||
   	  ' AND glc.template_id  IS NULL
   	  AND   pac.ledger_id     = '|| sob_id ||
   	  ' AND pac.currency_code       = '||''''||curr_code||''''||
   	  ' AND pac.actual_flag         = ''A''
   	  AND   pac.status_code         in (''A'',''P'')
	  AND   pac.result_code like ''P%''
   	  AND   glc.enabled_flag        = ''Y''
   	  AND   period_year             = '||''''||v_period_year||''''||
   	  ' AND period_num between 1 and '||x_period_num ||
      ' AND FV_BE_UTIL_PKG.has_segments_access( NULL, glc.code_combination_id ,
                                                glc.chart_of_accounts_id  ,'
                                                || sob_id || ') = ''TRUE''' ;
Line: 288

  select substr(compiled_value_attributes,5,1)
  into v_compiled_value
  from fnd_flex_values
  where flex_value = v_parent_value
  and flex_value_set_id = parent_value_id;
Line: 325

  SELECT flex_value_set_id
    INTO  v_flex_value_id
    FROM fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
   WHERE id_flex_num = v_ca_id
     AND application_id = 101
     AND id_flex_code   = 'GL#'
     AND application_column_name = v_acct_seg_name;
Line: 373

    SELECT instr(acct_ff_low,v_delimiter,1,1)
      INTO v_substr_to
      FROM dual;
Line: 379

    SELECT substr(acct_ff_low,1,v_substr_to - 1)
      INTO v_segment_low_value
      FROM dual;
Line: 394

    SELECT instr(acct_ff_low,v_delimiter,1,v_delim_occur)
      INTO v_substr_from
      FROM dual;
Line: 414

      SELECT substr(acct_ff_low,v_substr_to + 1,v_diff - 1)
        INTO v_segment_low_value
        FROM dual;
Line: 468

    SELECT instr(acct_ff_high,v_delimiter,1,1)
      INTO v_substr_to
      FROM dual;
Line: 474

    SELECT substr(acct_ff_high,1,v_substr_to - 1)
      INTO v_segment_high_value
      FROM dual;
Line: 489

    SELECT instr(acct_ff_high,v_delimiter,1,v_delim_occur)
      INTO v_substr_from
      FROM dual;
Line: 508

      SELECT substr(acct_ff_high,v_substr_to + 1,v_diff - 1)
        INTO v_segment_high_value
        FROM dual;
Line: 604

   select distinct period_num,
   into   x_period_num,
   from   gl_period_statuses
   where  period_name = x_period_name
     and  ledger_id = sob_id
     and  application_id = 101;
Line: 619

     select gps1.period_name
       into pd_name
       from gl_period_statuses gps1
      where gps1.application_id=101
        and gps1.ledger_id=sob_id
        and effective_period_num = (select max(effective_period_num)
                                     from gl_period_statuses gps2
                                     where gps2.application_id = gps1.application_id
                                      and gps2.ledger_id = gps1.ledger_id
                                      and gps2.closing_status <> 'F'
                                      and gps2.effective_period_num <= v_effective_period_num);
Line: 634

   SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
     INTO v_ca_id
     FROM gl_ledgers_public_v
    WHERE ledger_id = sob_id;
Line: 641

   SELECT concatenated_segment_delimiter
     INTO v_delimiter
     FROM fnd_id_flex_structures
    WHERE id_flex_num = v_ca_id
      AND id_flex_code = 'GL#'
      and  application_id = 101;