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1 PACKAGE pay_us_w4_wf
2 /* $Header: pyusw4wf.pkh 120.0.12010000.1 2008/07/27 23:59:58 appldev ship $ *
3 /*
4    ******************************************************************
5    *                                                                *
6    *  Copyright (C) 2000 Oracle Corporation.                        *
7    *  All rights reserved.                                          *
8    *                                                                *
9    *  This material has been provided pursuant to an agreement      *
10    *  containing restrictions on its use.  The material AUTHID CURRENT_USER is also     *
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16    *  500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA, 94065.                  *
17    *                                                                *
18    ******************************************************************
20     Name        : pay_us_w4_wf
22     Description : Contains workflow code for W4 Notification workflow
24     Uses        :
26     Change List
27     -----------
28     Date        Name     Vers   Description
29     ----        ----     ----   -----------
30     27-AUG-2001 meshah   115.0  Created.From pyustxwf.pkh
31     08-SEP-2003 irgonzal 115.2  Corrected GSCC errors.
33   *******************************************************************/
34   AS
36   gv_itemtype VARCHAR2(80) := 'HRSSA';
38   PROCEDURE start_wf(p_transaction_id 	IN pay_stat_trans_audit.stat_trans_audit_id%TYPE,
39 		     p_process 		IN varchar2
40 		   );
41  /******************************************************************
42   **
43   ** Description:
44   **     initializes and starts workflow process
45   **
46   ** Access Status:
47   **     Public
48   **
49   ******************************************************************/
52  PROCEDURE init_tax_notifications(itemtype in varchar2
53 			,itemkey in varchar2
54 			,actid in number
55 			,funcmode in varchar2
56 			,result out nocopy varchar2
57 			);
58  /******************************************************************
59   **
60   ** Description:
61   **	Initializes the item attributes as appropriate.
62   **
63   ** Access Status:
64   **     Public
65   **
66   ******************************************************************/
68 procedure check_final_notifier( itemtype    in varchar2,
69                 		itemkey     in varchar2,
70                			actid       in number,
71                			funcmode    in varchar2,
72                			result      out nocopy varchar2     );
73  /******************************************************************
74   **
75   ** Description:
76   **	Checks if current notifier is the final notifier by
77   **	calling custom code in hr_approvals custom.
78   **
79   ** Access Status:
80   **     Public
81   **
82   ******************************************************************/
85  PROCEDURE get_next_notifier(itemtype in varchar2
86 		   	    ,itemkey in varchar2
87 		   	    ,actid in number
88 		   	    ,funcmode in varchar2
89 		   	    ,result out nocopy varchar2
90 		   	     );
91  /******************************************************************
92   **
93   ** Description:
94   **     Gets the next payroll rep who needs to be notified and sets
95   ** 	 the forward from/to item attributes as proper.
96   **
97   **
98   ** Access Status:
99   **     Public
100   **
101   ******************************************************************/
103  PROCEDURE check_for_notification(itemtype in varchar2
104 				,itemkey in varchar2
105 				,actid in number
106 				,funcmode in varchar2
107 				,result out nocopy varchar2
108 				);
109  /******************************************************************
110   **
111   ** Description:
112   **     Checks to see if Submission needs to be forwarded to a
113   **	 payroll manager.
114   **
115   **
116   **
117   ** Access Status:
118   **     Public
119   **
120   ******************************************************************/
122 END pay_us_w4_wf;