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APPS.QA_SS_CORE dependencies on HTF

Line 1118: -- htp.tableCaption(htf.bold(plan_name_i));

1115: -- htp.p('Language Code = ' || l_language_code);
1116: -- htp.br;
1118: -- htp.tableCaption(htf.bold(plan_name_i));
1119: -- htp.tableRowOpen(cattributes => 'BGCOLOR="#336699"');
1120: htp.tableRowOpen;
1121: -- htp.p('Got here 1');

Line 1182: -- Consequently htp used, NOT htf

1178: row_color := 'BLUE';
1179: end if; -- end if for row_color
1180: -- New code line for field below. Indicates if a row was modified
1181: -- Dont make this a table data hiddenfield It screws up the UI
1182: -- Consequently htp used, NOT htf
1183: -- htp.formHidden('selectbox', cvalue=>'N') ;
1184: htp.tableData( htf.formCheckbox(cname=>'selectbox',
1185: cvalue=>to_char(rows)));

Line 1184: htp.tableData( htf.formCheckbox(cname=>'selectbox',

1180: -- New code line for field below. Indicates if a row was modified
1181: -- Dont make this a table data hiddenfield It screws up the UI
1182: -- Consequently htp used, NOT htf
1183: -- htp.formHidden('selectbox', cvalue=>'N') ;
1184: htp.tableData( htf.formCheckbox(cname=>'selectbox',
1185: cvalue=>to_char(rows)));
1188: FOR cols IN 1..no_of_cols

Line 1210: htp.tableData(htf.formText(item_name,disp_len_arr(cols),150,

1206: -- New code, the whole onchange piece is new july28,1999
1207: -- Onfocus added on Aug 03, 1999
1209: /*
1210: htp.tableData(htf.formText(item_name,disp_len_arr(cols),150,
1211: dv_arr(cols),'onChange="document.RSMDF.selectbox['
1212: || to_char(rows-1) || '].value=''Y''" onFocus="window.status='''||dhint_tab(cols)||'''"' ),
1213: calign=>'CENTER',
1214: crowspan=>'1',

Line 1219: htp.tableData(htf.formText(item_name,disp_len_arr(cols),150,

1215: cattributes=>'VALIGN="CENTER"');
1216: */
1217: -- Above commented out on Aug 13, 1999 to try the below checkbox instead of hidden field
1218: -- changing .value=''Y'' to .checked=true
1219: htp.tableData(htf.formText(item_name,disp_len_arr(cols),150,
1220: dv_arr(cols),'onChange="document.RSMDF.selectbox['
1221: || to_char(rows-1) || '].checked=true" onFocus="window.status='''||dhint_tab(cols)||'''"' ),
1222: calign=>'CENTER',
1223: crowspan=>'1',

Line 1258: -- htp.p('got here 11'||htf.br);

1254: END LOOP; -- end hidden column loop
1257: htp.tableRowClose;
1258: -- htp.p('got here 11'||htf.br);
1259: END LOOP; /* end rows loop */
1260: -- htp.p('got here 12');
1262: /* -- commenting out becos no longer need bottom table header acc to new UI

Line 3767: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(enterurl, fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_ENTER_BUTTON'), cattributes=>'TARGET="enterwin"'));

3763: htp.tableData(pname);
3764: htp.tableData(pdesc);
3765: htp.tableData(ptype);
3766: IF (show_eqr) THEN
3767: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(enterurl, fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_ENTER_BUTTON'), cattributes=>'TARGET="enterwin"'));
3768: END IF;
3769: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(viewurl, fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_VIEW_BUTTON'), cattributes=>'TARGET="viewwin"'));
3770: if (atchmt = 'FULL') then
3771: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(attachurl,

Line 3769: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(viewurl, fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_VIEW_BUTTON'), cattributes=>'TARGET="viewwin"'));

3765: htp.tableData(ptype);
3766: IF (show_eqr) THEN
3767: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(enterurl, fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_ENTER_BUTTON'), cattributes=>'TARGET="enterwin"'));
3768: END IF;
3769: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(viewurl, fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_VIEW_BUTTON'), cattributes=>'TARGET="viewwin"'));
3770: if (atchmt = 'FULL') then
3771: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(attachurl,
3772: fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_AVAILABLE'),
3773: cattributes=>'TARGET="attwin"'));

Line 3771: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(attachurl,

3767: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(enterurl, fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_ENTER_BUTTON'), cattributes=>'TARGET="enterwin"'));
3768: END IF;
3769: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(viewurl, fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_VIEW_BUTTON'), cattributes=>'TARGET="viewwin"'));
3770: if (atchmt = 'FULL') then
3771: htp.tableData(htf.anchor(attachurl,
3772: fnd_message.get_string('QA','QA_SS_AVAILABLE'),
3773: cattributes=>'TARGET="attwin"'));
3774: else
3775: htp.tableData('&'||'nbsp');