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Line 7055: SELECT Fnd_Date.canonical_to_date(sll.rule_information2) start_date,

7051: /* Cursor to get the financed fee top/sub-line payments for a
7052: given contract. */
7053: CURSOR l_fn_fee_pmt_csr (p_chr_id IN OKC_K_HEADERS_B.ID%TYPE,
7054: p_fee_line_id IN OKL_K_LINES.ID%TYPE) IS
7055: SELECT Fnd_Date.canonical_to_date(sll.rule_information2) start_date,
7056: SLL.rule_information3 periods,
7057: DECODE(sll.object1_id1, 'M', 1, 'Q', 3, 'S', 6, 'A', 12) mpp,
7058: TRUNC(ADD_MONTHS(Fnd_Date.canonical_to_date(sll.rule_information2),
7059: TO_NUMBER(sll.rule_information3)*DECODE(sll.object1_id1, 'M', 1, 'Q', 3, 'S', 6, 'A', 12)) - 1) end_date,

Line 7058: TRUNC(ADD_MONTHS(Fnd_Date.canonical_to_date(sll.rule_information2),

7054: p_fee_line_id IN OKL_K_LINES.ID%TYPE) IS
7055: SELECT Fnd_Date.canonical_to_date(sll.rule_information2) start_date,
7056: SLL.rule_information3 periods,
7057: DECODE(sll.object1_id1, 'M', 1, 'Q', 3, 'S', 6, 'A', 12) mpp,
7058: TRUNC(ADD_MONTHS(Fnd_Date.canonical_to_date(sll.rule_information2),
7059: TO_NUMBER(sll.rule_information3)*DECODE(sll.object1_id1, 'M', 1, 'Q', 3, 'S', 6, 'A', 12)) - 1) end_date,
7060: styt.name stream_type
7061: FROM okc_rules_b sll,
7062: okc_rules_b slh,

Line 7116: SELECT Fnd_Date.canonical_to_date(sll.rule_information2) start_date,

7112: AND sty.id = styt.id;
7114: CURSOR l_strm_sll_csr (p_rule_id OKC_RULES_B.ID%TYPE,
7115: p_rgp_id OKC_RULE_GROUPS_B.ID%TYPE) IS
7116: SELECT Fnd_Date.canonical_to_date(sll.rule_information2) start_date,
7117: sll.rule_information1 seq,
7118: sll.rule_information6 amt,
7119: sll.rule_information7 stub_day,
7120: sll.rule_information13 rate