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2 /* $Header: pyucslis.pkh 120.4.12020000.2 2012/07/05 03:04:30 amnaraya ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Globals to hold concurrent request WHO column information.
5 --
6   p_request_id  		     number(15);
7   p_program_application_id	     number(15);
8   p_program_id  		     number(15);
9   p_update_date                      date;
10 --
11 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 -- |-----------------------< add_contacts_for_person >-------------------------|
13 --
14 -- Purpose - Procedure to add the contacts (people of SPT OTHER) for this
15 --           person to the list of visible people in profiles which
16 --           restrict access to contacts.
17 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 Procedure add_contacts_for_person
19         	(p_person_id		number,
20 		 p_business_group_id    number,
21 		 p_generation_scope     varchar2,
22    		 p_effective_date	date);
24 --
25 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 -- |---------------------< add_unrelated_contacts>-----------------------------|
27 --
28 -- Purpose - Procedure to add all unrelated contacts (people of SPT OTHER)
29 --           to the list of visible people in profiles which
30 --           restrict access to contacts.
31 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 Procedure add_unrelated_contacts
33 	(p_business_group_id    number,
34 	 p_generation_scope     varchar2,
35 	 p_effective_date	date);
37 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 -- |------------------< build_lists_for_user >---------------------------------|
39 --
40 -- Purpose - Procedure to allow re-evaluation of security permissions for one
41 --           user for one particular security profile which is then stored in
42 --           the internal security tables ready for quick access when they log
43 --           onto that security profile.
44 -- WARNING!!!
45 --           customers have been granted permission to call this
46 --           procedure DIRECTLY!
47 --           However as this package (pay_pyucslis_pkg) is a security API
48 --          (calling hr_security_internal) it cannot be a documented public API.
49 --           Therefore please *do not* change these parameters as this will
50 --           invalidate customer code.
51 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 Procedure build_lists_for_user
53         (p_security_profile_id number,
54          p_user_id number,
55          p_effective_date date default trunc(sysdate));
56 -- |--------------------< generate lists >-------------------------------------|
57 --
58 -- Purpose - Called from the PYUCSL.sql script when LISTGEN and GLISTGEN
59 --           processes are submitted. This routine is provided for backwards
60 --           compatibility only.
61 --
62 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 --
64   PROCEDURE generate_lists
65   (p_effective_date        IN DATE
66   ,p_security_profile_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ALL_SECURITY_PROFILES'
67   ,p_business_group_mode   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'LOCAL'
68   );
69 --
70 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 -- |--------------------< generate lists >-------------------------------------|
72 --
73 -- Purpose - This routine is called when generating security list information
74 --           for a single profile or when an HR foundation installation runs
75 --           SLM.
76 --
77 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 --
79   PROCEDURE generate_lists
80   (p_effective_date         IN DATE
81   ,p_generation_scope       IN VARCHAR2
82   ,p_business_group_id      IN NUMBER   default null
83   ,p_security_profile_id    IN NUMBER   default null
84   ,p_security_profile_name  IN VARCHAR2 default null
85   ,p_who_to_process         IN VARCHAR2 default null
86   ,p_user_id                IN NUMBER   default null
87   ,p_static_user_processing IN VARCHAR2 default 'ALL_STATIC'
88   );
90 --
91 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 -- |-------------------------< submit_security >------------------------------|
93 --
94 -- Purpose - Called on submission of the SLM process. Simply an entry point
95 --           to the process and calls generate_list_control.
96 --
97 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 --
99 procedure submit_security(errbuf  out        NOCOPY   varchar2,
100                           retcode out        NOCOPY   number,
101                           p_effective_date            varchar2 default null,
102                           p_generation_scope          varchar2 default null,
103                           p_business_group_id         varchar2 default null,
104                           p_security_profile_id       varchar2 default null,
105 		          p_who_to_process            varchar2 default null,
106 		          p_action_parameter_group_id varchar2 default null,
107 		          p_user_name                 varchar2 default null,
108 			  p_static_user_processing    varchar2 default 'ALL_STATIC');
110 -- Overloaded procedure for bug 13504049
111 procedure submit_security(errbuf 		      out NOCOPY varchar2,
112                           retcode 		      out NOCOPY number,
113                           p_effective_date            varchar2 default null,
114                           p_generation_scope          varchar2 default null,
115                           p_business_group_id         varchar2 default null,
116                           p_security_profile_id       varchar2 default null,
117                           p_who_to_process            varchar2 default null,
118                           p_action_parameter_group_id varchar2 default null,
119                           p_user_name                 varchar2 default null,
120 						  p_static_user_processing    varchar2 default 'ALL_STATIC',
121                           p_use_temp_tables           varchar2); --Added for bug 13504049
122 --
123 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 -- |--------------------< generate list_control >------------------------------|
125 --
126 -- Purpose - Called from the submit_security when the security list maintenance
127 --           process is submitted. It controls the execution of the list
128 --           information code. For full HR customers it submits a request to
129 --           use PYUGEN for the generation of the PPL.
130 --           This process is re-submitted when the sub-requests are complete
131 --           to complete the processing.
132 --
133 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 --
135   procedure generate_list_control(p_effective_date      date,
136                             p_generation_scope          varchar2,
137 	  			            p_business_group_id         varchar2 default null,
138 				            p_security_profile_id       varchar2 default null,
139 		                    p_who_to_process            varchar2 default null,
140 		                    p_action_parameter_group_id varchar2 default null,
141 					        p_user_id                   varchar2 default null,
142 					        p_static_user_processing    varchar2 default 'ALL_STATIC',
143 							errbuf           out NOCOPY varchar2,
144              	            retcode          out NOCOPY number);
146 -- Overloaded procedure for bug 13504049
147   procedure generate_list_control(
148                      p_effective_date            date,
149                      p_generation_scope          varchar2,
150 		             p_business_group_id         varchar2 default null,
151 		             p_security_profile_id       varchar2 default null,
152 		             p_who_to_process            varchar2 default null,
153 		             p_action_parameter_group_id varchar2 default null,
154 					 p_user_id                   varchar2 default null,
155 					 p_static_user_processing    varchar2 default 'ALL_STATIC',
156 		             errbuf    out NOCOPY        varchar2,
157              	     retcode   out NOCOPY        number,
158                      p_use_temp_tables            varchar2) ;  --Added for bug 13504049
159 --
160 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
161 -- |----------------------< range_cursor >-------------------------------------|
162 --
163 -- Purpose - This routine is called from PYUGEN. It returns a SQL select used
164 --           to identify the people who need to be processed.
165 --
166 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 --
168   procedure range_cursor (pactid in 	    number,
169                           sqlstr out NOCOPY varchar2);
170 --
171 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 -- |--------------------< action_creation >------------------------------------|
173 --
174 -- Purpose - This routine is called to create assignment actions for each
175 --           person to be processed by PYUGEN.
176 --
177 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 --
179   procedure action_creation (pactid    in number,
180                              stperson  in number,
181 			     endperson in number,
182 			     chunk     in number);
183 --
184 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 -- |----------------------< archive_data >-------------------------------------|
186 --
187 -- Purpose - This routine is called to process each assignment action and
188 --           generate security access for the person concerned.
189 --
190 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 --
192   procedure archive_data(p_assactid       in number,
193                          p_effective_date in date);
194 --
195 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
196 -- |---------------------------< initialization >-----------------------------|
197 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 --
199 -- Purpose : This process is called for each slave process to perform
200 --           standard initialization.
201 --
202 -- Notes :
203 --
204 procedure initialization(p_payroll_action_id in number);
205 --
206 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 -- |--------------------< chk_person_in_profile >------------------------------|
208 --
209 -- Purpose - A checking routine indicating if the person is in the profile.
210 --           Used for testing purposes.
211 --
212 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 --
214   function chk_person_in_profile (p_person_id in        number,
215                                   p_security_profile_id number)
216   return varchar2;
218 --
219 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 -- |---------------------< process_person >------------------------------------|
221 --
222 -- Purpose - Process security code for all assignments for specific person.
223 --
224 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
225 --
226   procedure process_person (p_person_id         per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,
227                             p_effective_date    date,
228 			    p_business_group_id number,
229 			    p_generation_scope  varchar2,
230 			    p_who_to_process    varchar2);
231 --
232 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
233 -- |-----------------------< submit_cand_sec_opt >----------------------------|
234 --
235 -- Purpose - This PL/SQL procedure is for the concurrent program
236 --           'Change Candidate Access for Security Profiles'.
237 --           This process will take only one parameter, values are either
238 --           'Y -> All' or 'X -> None'. Default value for the parameter
239 --           p_profile_option will be 'X' (None).
240 --
241 --           None -> Candidates will not be visible to that security profile
242 --           All  -> Candidates will be visible to that security profile.
243 --
244 --           This process is intended for customer's those installed
245 --           iRecruitment. The default value for the view_all_candidates_flag
246 --           in per_security_profiles is 'Y'. Customer's can change that
247 --           option by running this process in one go.
248 --
249 -- Pre-Req - This process will run only if the iRecruitment is installed.
250 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 --
252 procedure submit_cand_sec_opt(
253           errbuf            out nocopy varchar2,
254           retcode           out nocopy number,
255           p_profile_option  in  varchar2
256           );
257 --
258 END pay_pyucslis_pkg;