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2 /* $Header: FAAMRT1S.pls 120.4 2009/04/15 14:19:49 bridgway ship $ */
4 /*
5  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
6  *
7  * Name		faxiat
8  *
9  *
10  * Description
11  *	This function is an entry point for calling FA_ADJUSTMENTS function
12  *      This is called from the EXPENSE and AMORTIZE user exits and calls
13  *	the INSERT INTO FA_ADJUSTMENTS function 3 times-for adjustment type
15  *
16  * Parameters
17  *		 X_fin_ptr      FA_STD_TYPES.fin_info_struct
18  *	         X_deprn_exp	number
19  *		 X_bonus_deprn_exp number
20  *		 X_ann_adj	number
21  *		 X_ccid		number,
22  *		 X_last_update_date  date
23  *		 X_updated_by number
24  *		 X_update_login number
25  *
26  * Modifies
27  *	        None. Calls FA_INS_ADJUST_PKG.faxinaj 3 times.
28  * Returns
29  *		True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
30  *
31  * Notes
32  *
33  * History
34  *  03/06/97    tpershad	Created
35  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
36 */
38 FUNCTION faxiat (X_fin_ptr   FA_STD_TYPES.fin_info_struct,
39 		 X_deprn_exp  number,
40 		 X_bonus_deprn_exp number,
41 		 X_ann_adj_amt  number,
42 		 X_ccid	   number,
43 		 X_last_update_date  date default sysdate,
44 		 X_last_updated_by   number default -1,
45 		 X_last_update_login number default -1,
46                  X_mrc_sob_type_code varchar2, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
47 return boolean;
49 /*
50  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
51  *
52  * Name		faxraf
53  *
54  *
55  * Description
56  *	This function calculates the new rate adjustment factor and the
57  *      new adjusted cost.
58  *
59  * Parameters
60  *		 X_fin_info_ptr      	FA_STD_TYPES.fin_info_struct
61  *	         X_new_raf		number
62  *		 X_adj_cost		number
63  *		 X_adj_capacity 	number
64  *		 X_new_reval_amo_basis 	number
65  *		 X_new_salvage_value	number
66  *		 X_reval_deprn_rsv_adj  number
67  *
68  * Modifies
69  *	        X_new_raf,X_new_reval_amo_basis,X_new_salvage_value
70  * Returns
71  *		True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
72  *
73  * Notes
74  *
75  * History
76  *  03/24/97    tpershad	Created
77  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
78 */
80 FUNCTION faxraf (X_fin_info_ptr   	in out nocopy FA_STD_TYPES.fin_info_struct,
81 		 X_new_raf		in out nocopy number,
82  		 X_new_adj_cost		in out nocopy number,
83  		 X_new_adj_capacity 	in out nocopy number,
84  		 X_new_reval_amo_basis 	in out nocopy number,
85  		 X_new_salvage_value	in out nocopy number,
86  		 X_reval_deprn_rsv_adj  in out nocopy number,
87 		 X_new_formula_factor	in out nocopy number,
88 		 X_bonus_deprn_exp	in out nocopy number,
89                  X_mrc_sob_type_code    in     varchar2,
90                  X_set_of_books_id      in     number,
91                  p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
92 return boolean;
94 /*
95  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
96  *
97  * Name		faxama
98  *
99  *
100  * Description
101  *	Calls faxraf to calculate the new raf. This is the main
102  *	routine for Amortized user exit function.
103  *	This function calls faxraf to calculate the new rate adjustment
104  *	factor and the new adjusted cost.
105  *
106  * Parameters
107  *		 X_fin_info_ptr      	FA_STD_TYPES.fin_info_struct
108  *	         X_new_raf		number
109  *		 X_adj_cost		number
110  *		 X_adj_capacity 	number
111  *		 X_new_reval_amo_basis 	number
112  *		 X_new_salvage_value	number
113  *		 X_ccid			number
114  *		 X_ins_adjust_flag	boolean  - This is to indicate
115  *						   whether to call faxiat
116  *						   or not. If called from
117  *						   whatif deprn then it is
118  *						   FALSE and we do not insert
119  *						   rows in fa_adjustments.
120  *               X_deprn_exp            number - deprn expense inserted into
121  *                                               fa_adjustment
122  *
123  * Modifies
124  *	        X_new_raf,X_new_reval_amo_basis,X_new_salvage_value
125  * Returns
126  *		True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
127  *
128  * Notes
129  *
130  * History
131  *  03/24/97    tpershad	Created
132  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
133 */
135 FUNCTION faxama(X_fin_info_ptr   	in out nocopy FA_STD_TYPES.fin_info_struct,
136 		X_new_raf		in out nocopy number,
137  		X_new_adj_cost		in out nocopy number,
138  		X_new_adj_capacity 	in out nocopy number,
139  		X_new_reval_amo_basis 	in out nocopy number,
140  		X_new_salvage_value	in out nocopy number,
141 		X_new_formula_factor	in out nocopy number,
142  		X_ccid		        in  number,
143 		X_ins_adjust_flag	in boolean,
144                 X_mrc_sob_type_code     in varchar2,
145                 X_set_of_books_id       in number,
146 		X_deprn_exp             out nocopy number,
147                 X_bonus_deprn_exp       out nocopy number,
148 		X_last_update_date date default sysdate,
149 		X_last_updated_by number default -1,
150 		X_last_update_login number default -1, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
151 return boolean;
153 /*
154  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
155  *
156  * Name         get_reserve
157  *
158  *
159  * Description
160  *              This function is called when user tries to do amoritization
161  *              and specified amortization start date is eariler than the
162  *              addition for those assets that are added with reserve
163  *              or added with prior period dpis.
164  *              It will return reserve accumulated for up to the period right before the
165  *              amortization period.
166  *
167  * Parameters
168  *		X_fin_info_ptr     in out fa_std_types.fin_info_struct,
169  *              x_add_txn_id       in number  -- transaction id of addition txn
170  *              x_amortize_fy      in integer
171  *              x_amortize_per_num in integer
172  *              x_pers_per_yr      in integer
173  *              x_deprn_rsv        out number -- reserve upto the period prior to amort period
174  *              x_bonus_deprn_rsv  out number
175  *
176  *
177  * Modifies
178  *              X_deprn_rsv, X_bonus_deprn_rsv
179  * Returns
180  *              True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
181  *
182  * Notes
183  * History
184  *  06/23/00    lson        Created
185  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
186 */
189 FUNCTION get_reserve(X_fin_info_ptr     in out nocopy fa_std_types.fin_info_struct,
190                      x_add_txn_id       in number,
191                      x_amortize_fy      in integer,
192                      x_amortize_per_num in integer,
193                      x_pers_per_yr      in integer,
194                      x_mrc_sob_type_code in varchar2,
195                      x_set_of_books_id  in number,
196                      x_deprn_rsv        out nocopy number,
197 		     x_bonus_deprn_rsv  out nocopy number, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
198 return boolean;
201 /*
202  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
203  *
204  * Name         faxnac
205  *
206  *
207  * Description
208  *      Calls faxnac to check if the calculation method of depreciation
209  *      is "Strict Calculation Basis".   If so, it will either return the
210  *      recoverable cost(for cost based methods), or return the NBV as of
211  *      the beginning of the fiscal year
212  *
213  * Parameters
214  *               X_method_code         FA_STD_TYPES.fin_info_struct
215  *               X_life                FA_STD_TYPES.fin_info_struct
216  *               X_rec_cost            FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_struct
217  *               X_prior_fy_exp        FA_STD_TYPES.dprn_out_struct
218  *               X_deprn_rsv           null
219  *               X_ytd_deprn           null
220  *               X_new_adj_cost        new adjusted cost  -- in out
221  *
222  * Modifies
223  *              X_new_adj_cost
224  * Returns
225  *              True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
226  *
227  * Notes
228  * History
229  *  05/11/00    astakaha        Created
230  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
231 */
233 FUNCTION faxnac(X_method_code          in varchar2,
234                 X_life                 in number,
235                 X_rec_cost             in number,
236                 X_prior_fy_exp         in number,
237                 X_deprn_rsv            in number,
238                 X_ytd_deprn            in number,
239                 X_adj_cost             in out nocopy number, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
240 return boolean;