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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 44

                                        Added select to 'get_payroll_action'
                                        for action_type 'P'.
                                        Added 'get_element_type_name'.
 40.5    17-FEB-94 GPayton-McDowall     added get_ben_class_name
 40.6    01-MAR-94 GPayton-McDowall     added get_cobra_qualifying_event
 40.7    23-Mar-94 MSwanson             Added get_org_name, get_est_tax_unit and
                                        get_org_hierarchy_name for EEO reporting.
 40.8    25-Mar-94 MSwanson             Added get_county_address for eeo and tax reps.
                                        Added get_activity for eeo reps.
 40.0    18-May-94 M Gilmore		Moved from US
 40.1    03-Jul-94 A D Roussel		Tidied up for 10G install.
 40.2    03-Jul-94 hrdev		Added Header
 40.3    04-Jul-94 A D Roussel          Fix symbol name message on load in sql+
 40.x    12-Oct-94 MSwanson             Add get_defined_balance_by_type.
                                        Add get_employee_address.
                                        Bug G1725 - remove use of index on
					Add get_person_name.
 40.7    20-apr-95 MSwanson		Add get_career_path_name.
 40.8    29-Aug-95 MSwanson		Tidy up balances for W2. Remove
					many calls as we use new Bal API.
 40.9    19-Oct-95 MSwanson             Add get_state_name.
 40.10   20-Oct-95 MSwanson		Add get_new_hire_contact.
 40.11   25-Oct-95 MSwanson		Add get_salary.
 40.12   01-Nov-95 Jthuring             Removed error checking from end of script
 40.13   29-Nov-95 mswanson		Get normal_hours and work_schedule
					in get_salary, so non-salaried emps
                                        get calculated.
 40.14   30-Apr-96 nbristow             Now Caching defined_balance_id in
                                        get_defined_balance_id to improve
                                        performance (ChequeWriter).
 40.15   21-May-96 nlee                 Bug 366087 Add new procedure
                                        Change 'Section 125' to
                                        'Dependent Care'.
                                        Add function get_location_code.
 40.16	 19-Aug-96 nlee			Add a primary_flag = 'Y' condition to
                                        get_employee_address procedure.
                                        Add a new balance id and name called
					'12' and 'W2 Fringe Benefit' respectively					 		in get_defined_balance_by_type
 40.17	06-Sep-96 ssdesai		upgrade script py364888.sql creates a balance
					called W2 Fringe Benefits (plural).
 40.18  04-NOV-1996 hekim               In get_person_name
                                         -- changed l_person_name to VARCHAR2(240)
                                                        from VARCHAR2(60)
          				In get_address_31
                                         -- take substr of line1,line2, line3 to
                                             handle fields which are greater than 31 chars
 40.19  05-NOV-1996 hekim               Add function get_address_3lines
 40.20  18-NOV-1996 hekim               Added effective_date to get_address_3lines
 40.21  04-DEC-1996 hekim               Move state code on same line as city in get_address_31
 40.22	09-JAN-1997 nlee		Add a condition in get_person_name so that when it will get
					the latest name in the effective_start_date and this will solve
					the problem of fetching more than one row.

 40.23 26-FEB-1997 hekim                In get_address_3lines, take substring of city name
 40.24 28-Jul-1997 nlee			Change pay_state_rules to pay_us_states in get_state_name.
					Change the selection of all rows from hr_locations and
					per_addresses in get_address and get_employee_address
					functions to selection of the specific rows that are
					needed to increase performance and avoid overflow problem.
					Change the sql statement to cursor statement in get_new_hire_contact
					and add the exception handlers to the function.
 40.25 08-DEC-1997 tlacey               Added effective_date to get_employee_address.
115.1  04-MAR-1999 jmoyano              MLS changes. Added references to _TL tables.

115.2  09-MAR-1999 sdoshi               BUG 844582 - Ensure that all functions return a value,
                                        whether it completes successfully or it fails via the
                                        exception handler - default return value is NULL.
115.3 25-MAY-1999 mmukherj              Added legislation code in the
                                        get_defined_balance_id procedure.
115.4 18-APR-2000 mcpham                Added function fnc_get_payee for report PAYRPTPP and bug 1063477
115.6 30-APR-2002 gperry                Fixed WWBUG 2331831.
115.7 25-FEB-2003 vbanner               Added function get_hr_est_tax_unit to
                                        fix bug 2722353. (the new function will
                                        return a tax id for the top org in a
115.8 17-OCT-2003 ynegoro   3141907     Updated get_hr_est_tax_unit
                                        Fixed GSCC warning, Added nocopy for out
115.9 23-OCT-2003 ynegoro   3182433     Added get_top_org_id function
115.10 09-APR-04  ynegoro   3545006     Updated get_top_org_id function
                                        Added csr_get_max_child_id cursor;
Line: 139

115.16 11-OCT-2006 rpasumar 5577840 Selected hierarchy_node_id instead of entity_id in c_est_entity cursor of the function verify_state.
115.17 12-MAR-2008 psugumar  6774707   Added get_employee_address40
115.18 19-OCT-2009 nchinnam 8836078     Added hr_all_organization_units for payee
Consolidate Report
115.19 22-JUL-2010 nkjaladi 9912897    Commented debug DML statement in procedure get_employee_address
                                       Also modified the procedure get_employee_address and function
                                       break_address_line to use chr(10) instead of rpad it to 30
                                       characters to display it in next line.
115.20 22-JUL-2010 nkjaladi 9912897    corrected the arcs in msg. As in previuous version it was
                                       wrongly entered.
115.21 22-JUL-2010 nkjaladi 9912897    replaced chr(10) with fnd_global.newline
-- Global declarations
type char_array is table of varchar(81) index by binary_integer;
Line: 169

   SELECT SUBSTR(INITCAP(RTRIM(ppf.title)||' '||RTRIM(ppf.first_name)||' '||RTRIM(ppf.last_name)),1,60)
     FROM per_addresses addr,
              per_people_f  ppf
    WHERE ppf.person_id         = IN_payee_id
      AND ppf.business_group_id+0       = IN_business_group_id
      AND IN_payment_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
                                AND ppf.effective_end_date
      AND addr.person_id(+)     = ppf.person_id
      AND addr.primary_flag(+)  = 'Y'
      AND IN_payment_date BETWEEN addr.date_from(+)
                                AND NVL(addr.date_to, IN_payment_date);
Line: 182

   SELECT SUBSTR(hou.name,1,240)
     FROM hr_locations  loc,
              hr_all_organization_units hou
    WHERE hou.organization_id = IN_payee_id
      AND hou.business_group_id = IN_business_group_id
      AND IN_payment_date BETWEEN hou.date_from
                                AND NVL(hou.date_to, IN_payment_date)
      AND loc.location_id(+)    = hou.location_id;
Line: 242

	decode(asg.frequency,'W','WEEK',   -- Bug 3669973
			     null) frequency

	pay_element_entry_values_f 	peev,
	pay_element_entries_f		pee,
	per_pay_bases  			ppb,
	hr_soft_coding_keyflex		hscf,
	per_assignments_f    		asg,
	hr_lookups			hl
 	hl.application_id		= 800
And	hl.lookup_type			= 'PAY_BASIS'
And	hl.lookup_code			= ppb.pay_basis
And     peev.element_entry_id 		= pee.element_entry_id
And  	peev.effective_start_date 	= pee.effective_start_date
And  	peev.input_value_id+0 		= ppb.input_value_id
And  	asg.pay_basis_id 		= ppb.pay_basis_id
And  	pee.assignment_id		= asg.assignment_id
And	hscf.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
And  	asg.assignment_id 		= p_assignment_id
And  	asg.business_group_id		= p_business_group_id
And  	pee.effective_start_date 	between asg.effective_start_date
					and  asg.effective_end_date
And  	p_report_date 			between pee.effective_start_date
					and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 324

	Select	ppf.full_name,
		per_people_f 		ppf,
		per_assignments_f	paf,
		per_jobs		job
		ppf.person_id 			= p_person_id
	And	ppf.business_group_id + 0 	= p_business_group_id
	And	p_report_date 	between paf.effective_start_date
				and 	paf.effective_end_date
	And	ppf.person_id			= paf.person_id
	And 	paf.assignment_type		= 'E'
	And 	paf.primary_flag 		= 'Y'
	And	p_report_date 	between paf.effective_start_date
				and 	paf.effective_end_date
	And	paf.job_id	= job.job_id(+);
Line: 388

  select address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3,
	 town_or_city, region_2, postal_code
  from hr_locations
  where  location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 457

  select *
  from hr_locations
  where  location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 523

  select * from per_addresses
  where  person_id = p_person_id
  and    primary_flag='Y'
  and    nvl(date_to, p_effective_date) >= p_effective_date;
Line: 588

select address_line1, address_line2, address_line3,
town_or_city, region_2, postal_code
from per_addresses
where person_id = p_person_id
and primary_flag = 'Y'
and nvl(date_to, sysdate) >= sysdate;
Line: 641

insert into pay_us_rpt_totals(ATTRIBUTE30,attribute1) values(f_address,'test1');
Line: 664

  select * from hr_locations
  where  location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 711

  select * from hr_establishments_v
  where  establishment_id = p_establishment_id;
Line: 755

   SELECT consolidation_set_name
   INTO   l_consolidation_set_name
   FROM   pay_consolidation_sets
   WHERE  consolidation_set_id = p_consolidation_set_id;
Line: 780

   SELECT ppt_tl.payment_type_name
   INTO   l_payment_type_name
   FROM   pay_payment_types_tl ppt_tl,
          pay_payment_types ppt
   WHERE  ppt_tl.payment_type_id = ppt.payment_type_id
   and    userenv('LANG') = ppt_tl.language
   and    ppt.payment_type_id = p_payment_type_id;
Line: 808

   SELECT pet_tl.element_name
   INTO   l_element_type_name
   FROM   pay_element_classifications pec,
          pay_element_types_f_tl pet_tl,
          pay_element_types_f pet
   WHERE  pet_tl.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
   and    userenv('LANG') = pet_tl.language
   and    pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
   AND    pet.element_type_id = p_element_type_id;
Line: 838

   SELECT name
   INTO   l_tax_unit_name
   FROM   hr_organization_units
   WHERE  organization_id = p_tax_unit_id;
Line: 863

   SELECT distinct full_name
   INTO   l_person_name
   FROM   per_people_f	ppf
   WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
   AND	  ppf.effective_start_date =
        	(select max(effective_start_date)
         	from   per_people_f    ppf1
         	where  ppf1.person_id  = ppf.person_id);
Line: 893

   SELECT action_type
   INTO   l_action_type
   FROM   pay_payroll_actions
   WHERE  payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 903

   SELECT ppa.display_run_number || '-' || pcs.consolidation_set_name
          || '-' || ppa.effective_date || '-' || ppa.payroll_action_id
   INTO   l_payroll_action_name
   FROM   pay_consolidation_sets pcs,
          pay_payroll_actions ppa
   WHERE  ppa.consolidation_set_id = pcs.consolidation_set_id
   AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 916

   SELECT ppa.display_run_number || '-' || has.assignment_set_name
          || '-' || pes.element_set_name
   INTO   l_payroll_action_name
   FROM   hr_assignment_sets has,
          pay_element_sets pes,
          pay_payroll_actions ppa
   WHERE  has.assignment_set_id(+) = ppa.assignment_set_id
   AND    pes.element_set_id(+) = ppa.element_set_id
   AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 930

   SELECT ppa.display_run_number || '-' || ppe.full_name
   INTO   l_payroll_action_name
   FROM   per_people_f ppe,
          per_all_assignments_f pas,
          pay_assignment_actions paa,
          pay_payroll_actions ppa
   WHERE  ppe.person_id = pas.person_id
   AND    pas.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
   AND    paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
   AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
   AND    ppa.effective_date between ppe.effective_start_date
                                 and ppe.effective_end_date
   AND    ppa.effective_date between pas.effective_start_date
                                 and pas.effective_end_date;
Line: 966

   SELECT org_information9
   INTO   l_legislation_code
   FROM   hr_organization_information
   WHERE  organization_id = p_business_group_id
   AND    UPPER(org_information_context) = 'BUSINESS GROUP INFORMATION';
Line: 1014

      SELECT pdb.defined_balance_id
      INTO   l_defined_balance_id
      FROM   pay_defined_balances   pdb
      ,      pay_balance_dimensions pbd
      ,      pay_balance_types      pbt
      WHERE  pbt.balance_name = p_balance_name
      AND    ((pbt.business_group_id IS NULL
               AND pbt.legislation_code = 'US')
              OR pbt.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id)
      AND    pbd.database_item_suffix = p_dimension_suffix
      AND    pdb.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
      AND    pdb.balance_dimension_id = pbd.balance_dimension_id
      AND    (pdb.business_group_id IS NULL
              OR pdb.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id);
Line: 1056

   SELECT pdb.defined_balance_id
   INTO   l_defined_balance_id
   FROM   pay_defined_balances   pdb
   ,      pay_balance_dimensions pbd
   ,      pay_balance_types      pbt
   WHERE  pbt.reporting_name    = p_reporting_name
   AND    pbd.database_item_suffix = p_dimension_suffix
   AND    pdb.balance_type_id      = pbt.balance_type_id
   AND    pdb.balance_dimension_id = pbd.balance_dimension_id;
Line: 1107

     SELECT pbt.balance_type_id
     INTO   l_balance_type_id
     FROM   pay_balance_types pbt
     WHERE  pbt.balance_name = l_balance_type_name
     AND    pbt.business_group_id is null
     AND    pbt.legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1120

   SELECT pdb.defined_balance_id
   INTO   l_defined_balance_id
   FROM   pay_defined_balances   pdb
   ,      pay_balance_dimensions pbd
   ,      pay_balance_types      pbt
   WHERE  pbt.balance_type_id      = l_balance_type_id
   AND    pbd.database_item_suffix = p_dimension_suffix
   AND    pdb.balance_type_id      = pbt.balance_type_id
   AND    pdb.balance_dimension_id = pbd.balance_dimension_id;
Line: 1154

select benefit_classification_name
into v_benefit_class_name
from ben_benefit_classifications
where benefit_classification_id = p_benefit_classification_id;
Line: 1185

   SELECT  meaning
   INTO    v_qualifying_event_meaning
   FROM    hr_lookups
   WHERE   lookup_type = 'US_COBRA_EVENT'
   AND     lookup_code = p_qualifying_event;
Line: 1217

   SELECT  meaning
   INTO    v_cobra_status_meaning
   FROM    hr_lookups
   WHERE   lookup_type = 'US_COBRA_STATUS'
   AND     lookup_code = p_cobra_status;
Line: 1248

    SELECT           ose.organization_id_parent
    FROM             per_org_structure_elements ose
    WHERE            ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
    START WITH       ose.organization_id_child = p_starting_org_id
    CONNECT BY PRIOR ose.organization_id_parent = ose.organization_id_child
    AND              ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id;
Line: 1271

            SELECT 'Y'
            INTO   tax_unit_flag
            FROM   hr_organization_information hoi
            WHERE  hoi.organization_id = parent_tax_unit_id
            AND    hoi.ORG_INFORMATION1 = 'HR_LEGAL'
            AND    hoi.ORG_INFORMATION2 = 'Y' ;
Line: 1283

	SELECT decode(tax_unit_id,'','N','Y')
        INTO   tax_unit_flag
        FROM   hr_tax_units_v htuv,
               hr_organization_units hou
        WHERE  htuv.tax_unit_id(+) = hou.organization_id
        AND    hou.organization_id = parent_tax_unit_id;
Line: 1316

    SELECT           ose.organization_id_parent
    FROM             per_org_structure_elements ose
    WHERE            ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
    START WITH       ose.organization_id_child = p_starting_org_id
    CONNECT BY PRIOR ose.organization_id_parent = ose.organization_id_child
    AND              ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id;
Line: 1327

            SELECT hoi.organization_id
            FROM   hr_organization_information hoi
            WHERE  hoi.organization_id = p_starting_org_id
            AND    hoi.ORG_INFORMATION1 = 'HR_LEGAL'
            AND    hoi.ORG_INFORMATION2 = 'Y' ;
Line: 1335

   SELECT htuv.tax_unit_id
     FROM hr_tax_units_v htuv
    WHERE htuv.tax_unit_id = p_starting_org_id;
Line: 1344

            SELECT hoi.organization_id
            FROM   hr_organization_information hoi
            WHERE  hoi.organization_id = p_tax_unit_id
            AND    hoi.ORG_INFORMATION1 = 'HR_LEGAL'
            AND    hoi.ORG_INFORMATION2 = 'Y' ;
Line: 1352

   SELECT htuv.tax_unit_id
          FROM hr_tax_units_v htuv,
               hr_organization_units hou
          WHERE htuv.tax_unit_id(+) = hou.organization_id
          AND hou.organization_id = p_tax_unit_id;
Line: 1403

           SELECT decode(hr_tax_unit_id,'','N','Y')
             INTO hr_tax_unit_flag
             FROM hr_tax_units_v htuv,
                  hr_organization_units hou
            WHERE htuv.tax_unit_id(+) = hou.organization_id
              AND hou.organization_id = parent_hr_tax_unit_id;
Line: 1449

  SELECT pos.name
  INTO   l_org_hierarchy_name
  FROM   per_organization_structures pos,
         per_org_structure_versions posv
  WHERE  pos.organization_structure_id = posv.organization_structure_id
  AND    posv.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id;
Line: 1474

  SELECT state_name
  INTO   l_state_name
  FROM   pay_us_states
  WHERE  state_abbrev = p_state_code;
Line: 1498

  SELECT name
  INTO   l_org_name
  FROM   hr_organization_units
  WHERE  organization_id   = p_organization_id
  AND    business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1521

  SELECT location_code
  INTO   l_location_code
  FROM   hr_locations
  WHERE  location_id   = p_location_id;
Line: 1540

  SELECT name
  INTO   l_career_path_name
  FROM   per_career_paths
  WHERE  career_path_id   = p_career_path_id
  AND    business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1561

  SELECT aap_organization_id
  INTO   l_aap_organization_id
  FROM   hr_aap_organizations_v
  WHERE  aap_name                  = p_aap_name
  AND    business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1589

  select organization_id_parent
  from  per_org_structure_elements
  where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
  and   org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
  and   organization_id_child = l_organization_id_child;
Line: 1596

  select '1'
  from  per_org_structure_elements
  where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
  and   org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id;
Line: 1602

  select max(organization_id_child)
  from  per_org_structure_elements
  where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
  and   org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id;
Line: 1677

      per_gen_hierarchy_nodes    pghn1
     ,hr_location_extra_info     hlei1
     ,hr_location_extra_info     hlei2
     ,hr_locations_all           eloc
       (pghn1.hierarchy_version_id = P_HIERARCHY_VERSION_ID
   and pghn1.node_type = 'EST'
   and eloc.location_id = pghn1.entity_id
   and hlei1.location_id = pghn1.entity_id
   and hlei1.location_id = hlei2.location_id
   and hlei1.information_type = 'VETS-100 Specific Information'
   and hlei1.lei_information_category= 'VETS-100 Specific Information'
   and hlei2.information_type = 'Establishment Information'
   and hlei2.lei_information_category= 'Establishment Information'
   and hlei2.lei_information10 = 'N'
   and eloc.region_2 = P_STATE);
Line: 1701

     select count('ass')
       per_all_assignments_f               ass,
       per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pgn
         ass.business_group_id  =  P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
     and ass.assignment_type = 'E'
     and ass.primary_flag = 'Y'
     -- Bug# 5577840
     and P_DATE_END between ass.effective_start_date and ass.effective_end_date
     -- Replaced the following conditions with the above query.
     and ass.effective_start_date <=  P_DATE_END
     and ass.effective_end_date >=  P_DATE_START
     and ass.effective_start_date = (select max(paf2.effective_start_date)
                                     from   per_all_assignments_f paf2
                                     where  paf2.person_id = ass.person_id
                                     and    paf2.primary_flag = 'Y'
                                     and    paf2.assignment_type = 'E'
                                     and    paf2.effective_start_date
                                            <=  P_DATE_END)
           SELECT 'X'
              AND hoi1.org_information_context    = 'Reporting Statuses'
              AND    hoi1.organization_id            = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
              AND    ass.employment_category        = hoi2.org_information1
              AND    hoi2.organization_id            = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
              AND    hoi2.org_information_context    = 'Reporting Categories'
              AND    hoi1.organization_id  =  hoi2.organization_id
     ---- Bug# 5577840
    AND ass.location_id = pgn.entity_id
    AND (pgn.hierarchy_node_id = l_est_node_id
              or pgn.parent_hierarchy_node_id = l_est_node_id)
    AND  pgn.node_type in ('EST','LOC');
Line: 1787

  select address_line1, address_line2, address_line3,
	 town_or_city, region_2, postal_code
  from 	 per_addresses
  where  person_id = p_person_id
  and 	 primary_flag = 'Y'
  and    nvl(date_to, sysdate) >= sysdate;