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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 159

        select distinct Q.query_id, Q.query_name
        where Q.Query_Id = P.Query_Id
        and Q.Application_Id = c_application_id
        and P.Parameter_Type = 'condition'
        and (P.Parameter_Name = 'productCategory' OR    -- As in Group Summary Report or Advanced Search
             P.Parameter_Name = 'prodCat' OR            -- As in Summary Report or detail Report or other reports
             P.Parameter_Name like 'ROW%ProductCategory' OR
             P.Parameter_Name like 'ROW%Invt' OR
             P.Parameter_Name like 'invItemID%')
        order by Q.query_id;
Line: 246

        select P.query_param_id, P.parameter_name, P.parameter_type, P.parameter_value, P.parameter_condition, P.parameter_sequence, P.created_by, P.last_update_date, P.last_updated_by, P.last_update_login, P.security_group_id
        where P.query_id = c_query_id
        and P.Parameter_Type = 'condition'
        and (P.Parameter_Name = 'productCategory' OR    -- As in Group Summary Report or Advanced Search
             P.Parameter_Name = 'prodCat' OR            -- As in Summary Report or detail Report or other reports
             P.Parameter_Name like 'ROW%ProductCategory' OR
             P.Parameter_Name like 'ROW%Invt' OR
             P.Parameter_Name like 'invItemID%')
        order by P.query_param_id;
Line: 258

        select concat_cat_parentage
        from eni_prod_den_hrchy_parents_v
        where category_id = c_product_category_id
        and category_set_id = c_product_cat_set_id
        and language = userenv('lang');
Line: 265

        select product_category_id, product_cat_set_id
        from AS_INTEREST_TYPES_B
        where interest_type_id = c_interest_type_id;
Line: 270

        select product_category_id, product_cat_set_id
        from AS_INTEREST_CODES_B
        where interest_code_id = c_interest_code_id;
Line: 339

                Update JTF_PERZ_QUERY_PARAM P
                set parameter_name = 'rep.ROW' || l_cnt || '.ProdCategory',
                parameter_value = l_product_cat_id
                P.query_param_id = scr.query_param_id;
Line: 435

                    Update JTF_PERZ_QUERY_PARAM P
                    set parameter_name = 'rep.ROW' || l_cnt2 || '.ProdCategory',
                    parameter_value = l_product_cat_id
                    P.query_param_id = scr.query_param_id;
Line: 445

                    Update JTF_PERZ_QUERY_PARAM P
                    set parameter_name = 'rep.ROW' || l_cnt2 || '.invItem'
                    P.query_param_id = scr.query_param_id;
Line: 454

                    Update JTF_PERZ_QUERY_PARAM P
                    set parameter_name = 'rep.ROW' || l_cnt2 || '.invItemID'
                    P.query_param_id = scr.query_param_id;
Line: 497

    select  min(lead_line_id)
    from  as_lead_lines_all;
Line: 501

    select  max(lead_line_id)
    from  as_lead_lines_all;
Line: 505

    select AS_LEAD_LINES_S.nextval
    from dual;
Line: 509

    select trigger_name
    from all_triggers
    where table_owner = c_schema_name
    and nvl(status,'DISABLED')<>'ENABLED';
Line: 588

        update as_lead_lines_all l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_types_b int
                where l.interest_type_id = int.interest_type_id)
        where l.lead_line_id >= l_count
        and l.lead_line_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.interest_type_id is not null
        and l.primary_interest_code_id is null
        and l.secondary_interest_code_id is null;
Line: 600

        update as_lead_lines_all l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_codes_b int
                where l.primary_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
        where l.lead_line_id >= l_count
        and l.lead_line_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.primary_interest_code_id is not null
        and l.secondary_interest_code_id is null;
Line: 611

        update as_lead_lines_all l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_codes_b int
                where l.secondary_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
        where l.lead_line_id >= l_count
        and l.lead_line_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.secondary_interest_code_id is not null;
Line: 667

    select  min(fst_sales_category_id)
    from  as_fst_sales_categories;
Line: 671

    select  max(fst_sales_category_id)
    from  as_fst_sales_categories;
Line: 675

    select AS_FST_SALES_CATEGORIES_S.nextval
    from dual;
Line: 720

        update as_fst_sales_categories l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_types_b int
                where l.interest_type_id = int.interest_type_id)
        where l.fst_sales_category_id >= l_count
        and l.fst_sales_category_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.interest_type_id is not null;
Line: 770

    select  min(interest_id)
    from  as_interests_all;
Line: 774

    select  max(interest_id)
    from  as_interests_all;
Line: 778

    select AS_INTERESTS_S.nextval
    from dual;
Line: 823

        update as_interests_all l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_types_b int
                where l.interest_type_id = int.interest_type_id)
        where l.interest_id >= l_count
        and l.interest_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.interest_type_id is not null
        and l.primary_interest_code_id is null
        and l.secondary_interest_code_id is null;
Line: 835

        update as_interests_all l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_codes_b int
                where l.primary_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
        where l.interest_id >= l_count
        and l.interest_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.primary_interest_code_id is not null
        and l.secondary_interest_code_id is null;
Line: 846

        update as_interests_all l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_codes_b int
                where l.secondary_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
        where l.interest_id >= l_count
        and l.interest_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.secondary_interest_code_id is not null;
Line: 896

    select  min(log_id)
    from  as_lead_lines_log;
Line: 900

    select  max(log_id)
    from  as_lead_lines_log;
Line: 904

    select AS_LEAD_LINES_LOG_S.nextval
    from dual;
Line: 949

        update as_lead_lines_log l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_types_b int
                where l.interest_type_id = int.interest_type_id)
        where l.log_id >= l_count
        and l.log_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.interest_type_id is not null
        and l.primary_interest_code_id is null
        and l.secondary_interest_code_id is null;
Line: 961

        update as_lead_lines_log l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_codes_b int
                where l.primary_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
        where l.log_id >= l_count
        and l.log_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.primary_interest_code_id is not null
        and l.secondary_interest_code_id is null;
Line: 972

        update as_lead_lines_log l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_codes_b int
                where l.secondary_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
        where l.log_id >= l_count
        and l.log_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and l.secondary_interest_code_id is not null;
Line: 1022

    select  min(sales_credit_id)
    from  as_sales_credits_denorm;
Line: 1026

    select  max(sales_credit_id)
    from  as_sales_credits_denorm;
Line: 1030

    select AS_SALES_CREDITS_S.nextval
    from dual;
Line: 1075

        update as_sales_credits_denorm l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_types_b int
                where l.interest_type_id = int.interest_type_id)
        where l.sales_credit_id >= l_count
        and l.sales_credit_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and nvl(l.interest_type_id,-1) <> -1
        and nvl(l.primary_interest_code_id,-1) = -1
        and nvl(l.secondary_interest_code_id,-1) = -1;
Line: 1087

        update as_sales_credits_denorm l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_codes_b int
                where l.primary_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
        where l.sales_credit_id >= l_count
        and l.sales_credit_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and nvl(l.primary_interest_code_id,-1) <> -1
        and nvl(l.secondary_interest_code_id,-1) = -1;
Line: 1098

        update as_sales_credits_denorm l
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_codes_b int
                where l.secondary_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
        where l.sales_credit_id >= l_count
        and l.sales_credit_id < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and nvl(l.secondary_interest_code_id,-1) <> -1;
Line: 1150

    select  min(PROD_WORKSHEET_LINE_ID)
Line: 1154

    select  max(PROD_WORKSHEET_LINE_ID)
Line: 1158

    select AS_PROD_WORKSHEET_LINES_S.nextval
    from dual;
Line: 1203

        update AS_PROD_WORKSHEET_LINES pwl
        set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                from as_interest_types_b int
                where pwl.interest_type_id = int.interest_type_id)
        where pwl.PROD_WORKSHEET_LINE_ID >= l_count
        and pwl.PROD_WORKSHEET_LINE_ID < l_count+G_BATCH_SIZE
        and pwl.interest_type_id is not null;
Line: 1266

                update as_pe_int_categories l
                set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                        (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                        from as_interest_types_b int
                        where l.interest_type_id = int.interest_type_id)
                where nvl(l.interest_type_id,-1) <> -1
                and nvl(l.pri_interest_code_id,-1) = -1
                and nvl(l.sec_interest_code_id,-1) = -1;
Line: 1276

                update as_pe_int_categories l
                set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                        (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                        from as_interest_codes_b int
                        where l.pri_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
                where nvl(l.pri_interest_code_id,-1) <> -1
                and nvl(l.sec_interest_code_id,-1) = -1;
Line: 1285

                update as_pe_int_categories l
                set (product_category_id, product_cat_set_id) =
                        (select int.product_category_id, int.product_cat_set_id
                        from as_interest_codes_b int
                        where l.sec_interest_code_id = int.interest_code_id)
                where nvl(l.sec_interest_code_id,-1) <> -1;
Line: 1445

update as_lead_lines_all set product_category_id=null,product_cat_set_id=null where nvl(interest_type_id,-1)<>-1;
Line: 1446

update as_interests_all set product_category_id=null,product_cat_set_id=null where nvl(interest_type_id,-1)<>-1;
Line: 1447

update as_sales_credits_denorm set product_category_id=null,product_cat_set_id=null where nvl(interest_type_id,-1)<>-1;
Line: 1448

update as_lead_lines_log set product_category_id=null,product_cat_set_id=null where nvl(interest_type_id,-1)<>-1;
Line: 1449

update as_fst_sales_categories set product_category_id=null,product_cat_set_id=null where nvl(interest_type_id,-1)<>-1;
Line: 1450

update as_opp_worksheet_lines set product_category_id=null,product_cat_set_id=null where nvl(interest_type_id,-1)<>-1;
Line: 1451

update as_prod_worksheet_lines set product_category_id=null,product_cat_set_id=null where nvl(interest_type_id,-1)<>-1;