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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 10

     Modified signatures of procedures update_pending_allocations
   ======================================================== */

/* ==================================================================
   Procedure: update_pending_allocations

   Description: This procedure is used for updating the pending
                transactions in the ic_tran_pnd table which will
                be drawing from the inventory when there is a
                mass move immediate or move immediate.
                Pending txn are those txns where the delete_mark
                is 0 and completed_ind is 0 and the txn is not the
                default txn. This procedure updates only those txns
                where trans_qty is negative.
                For lot controlled items default txn have a lot_id
                0 and location as default location.

   History  Jalaj Srivastava Bug 2024229
             1. we are concerned only with lot controlled items
             2. we never update OM txns
             3. if we cannot move allocations then we error out (done
                from the form)
            Jalaj Srivastava Bug 2519568
	    ic_summ_inv is now a view.
	    Removed all updates to ic_summ_inv from this procedure.
            Jalaj Srivastava Bug 3282770
              Modified signature to follow api standards.
              Added proper error handling.
              Reorganized the logic/code.
              Allow OMSO allocations to be moved.
   ================================================================== */
/*  Global variables */
Line: 47

procedure update_pending_allocations
  ( p_api_version          IN               NUMBER
   ,p_init_msg_list        IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_commit               IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_validation_level     IN               NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
   ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
   ,x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY       NUMBER
   ,x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
   ,pdoc_id                IN               NUMBER
   ,pto_whse_code          IN               VARCHAR2
   ,pto_location           IN               VARCHAR2
  l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'UPDATE_PENDING_ALLOCATIONS' ;
Line: 65

    select whse_code, location,lot_id,item_id
    from   ic_tran_cmp
    where  doc_type  = 'TRNI'
    and    doc_id    = pdoc_id
    and    line_type = -1
    and    lot_id    > 0;
Line: 73

    select trans_id,item_id,lot_id,whse_code,location,qc_grade,trans_qty,
    from   ic_tran_pnd
    where  item_id       = pcur_get_trans_cmp.item_id
    and    lot_id        = pcur_get_trans_cmp.lot_id
    and    whse_code     = pcur_get_trans_cmp.whse_code
    and    location      = pcur_get_trans_cmp.location
    and    doc_type NOT IN ('PROD','OPSO','OMSO')
    and    delete_mark   = 0
    and    completed_ind = 0
    and    trans_qty     < 0
    select trans_id,pnd.item_id,lot_id,whse_code,location,qc_grade,trans_qty,
    from   ic_tran_pnd pnd , pm_matl_dtl matl
    where  pnd.item_id       = pcur_get_trans_cmp.item_id
    and    pnd.lot_id        = pcur_get_trans_cmp.lot_id
    and    pnd.whse_code     = pcur_get_trans_cmp.whse_code
    and    pnd.location      = pcur_get_trans_cmp.location
    and    pnd.doc_type      = 'PROD'
    and    pnd.delete_mark   = 0
    and    pnd.completed_ind = 0
    and    pnd.trans_qty     < 0
    and    matl.batch_id     = pnd.doc_id
    and    matl.line_id      = pnd.line_id
    and    matl.phantom_id   IS NULL
    select trans_id,pnd.item_id,lot_id,whse_code,location,qc_grade,trans_qty,
    from   ic_tran_pnd pnd, op_ordr_dtl ordr, op_hold_cds hold
    where  pnd.item_id        = pcur_get_trans_cmp.item_id
    and    pnd.lot_id         = pcur_get_trans_cmp.lot_id
    and    pnd.whse_code      = pcur_get_trans_cmp.whse_code
    and    pnd.location       = pcur_get_trans_cmp.location
    and    pnd.doc_type       = 'OPSO'
    and    pnd.delete_mark    = 0
    and    pnd.completed_ind  = 0
    and    pnd.trans_qty      < 0
    and    ordr.line_id       = pnd.line_id
    and    ordr.order_id      = pnd.doc_id
    and    ordr.delete_mark   = 0
    and    hold.holdreas_code = ordr.holdreas_code
    and    hold.invcommit_ind = 0
    and    hold.delete_mark   = 0
    and    (     (not exists (select 1
                              from op_cust_itm
                              where cust_id           = ordr.shipcust_id
                              and   item_id           = pcur_get_trans_cmp.item_id
                              and   whse_restrictions = 1
                              and   delete_mark       = 0
             OR  (exists     (select 1
                              from  op_cust_itm
                              where cust_id           = ordr.shipcust_id
                              and   item_id           = pcur_get_trans_cmp.item_id
                              and   whse_restrictions = 1
                              and   whse_code         = pto_whse_code
                              and   delete_mark       = 0
    select trans_id,item_id,lot_id,whse_code,location,qc_grade,trans_qty,
    from   ic_tran_pnd
    where  item_id       = pcur_get_trans_cmp.item_id
    and    lot_id        = pcur_get_trans_cmp.lot_id
    and    whse_code     = pcur_get_trans_cmp.whse_code
    and    location      = pcur_get_trans_cmp.location
    and    doc_type      ='OMSO'
    and    delete_mark   = 0
    and    completed_ind = 0
    and    trans_qty     < 0
    and    staged_ind    = 0
    and    whse_code     = pto_whse_code;
Line: 151

Line: 159

  SAVEPOINT update_pending_allocations;
Line: 180

            select order_id
            into   orderid
            from   op_ordr_hdr
            where  order_id       = Cur_get_trans_pnd_rec.doc_id
            and    delete_mark    = 0
            FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 187

            UPDATE_OP_ORDR_DTL := 'Y';
Line: 190

              UPDATE_OP_ORDR_DTL := 'N';
Line: 198

                      OR (UPDATE_OP_ORDR_DTL = 'Y')
         ) THEN

        SET WHSE_CODE        = pto_whse_code,
            LOCATION         = pto_location,
            LAST_UPDATED_BY  = l_user_id,
        WHERE   trans_id = Cur_get_trans_pnd_rec.trans_id;
Line: 213

           AND (UPDATE_OP_ORDR_DTL = 'Y')
         ) THEN

        SET    FROM_WHSE        = pto_whse_code,
               LAST_UPDATED_BY  = l_user_id,
        WHERE line_id        = Cur_get_trans_pnd_rec.line_id
        and   order_id       = Cur_get_trans_pnd_rec.doc_id
        and   delete_mark    = 0;
Line: 230

        SET    FROM_WAREHOUSE   = pto_whse_code,
               FROM_LOCATION    = pto_location,
               LAST_UPDATED_BY  = l_user_id,
        WHERE transfer_id = Cur_get_trans_pnd_rec.doc_id;
Line: 250

    ROLLBACK to update_pending_allocations;
Line: 256

    ROLLBACK to update_pending_allocations;
Line: 262

    ROLLBACK to update_pending_allocations;
Line: 274

Line: 281

                Pending txn are those txns where the delete_mark
                is 0 and completed_ind is 0 and the txn is not the
                default txn.
                For lot controlled items default txn have a lot_id
                0 and location as default location.

                This procedure considers only actual onhand qty, move quantity
                and the total allocations qty( where trans_qty <0). It
                does not look at pending transactions which are going to
                add to the inventory.

                If move qty <= (onhand qty - total allocations qty) then
                   returns 0
                   no need to update allocations

                If move qty > (onhand qty - total allocations qty) and
                   move qty >= total allocations qty
                   returns 1
                   allocations need to be updated

                If move qty > (onhand qty - total allocations qty) and
                   move qty < total allocations qty
                   returns -1
                   allocations need to be but cannot be updated

   History  Jalaj Srivastava Bug 2024229
             1. we are concerned only with lot controlled items
             2. we never update OM txns
             3. if we cannot move allocations then we error out (done
                from the form)
            Jalaj Srivastava Bug 3282770
              Modified signature to follow api standards.
              Added proper error handling.
              Reorganized the logic/code.
              If OMSO allocations exist then moving allcoations not allowed
              if the move is to a different warehouse.
              If any pick confirmed OMSO allocations exist then moving
              allcoations not allowed
   ======================================================================== */

  ( p_api_version          IN               NUMBER
   ,p_init_msg_list        IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_commit               IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_validation_level     IN               NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
   ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
   ,x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY       NUMBER
   ,x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
   ,pfrom_whse_code        IN               VARCHAR2
   ,pfrom_location         IN               VARCHAR2
   ,plot_id                IN               NUMBER
   ,pitem_id               IN               NUMBER
   ,pmove_qty              IN               NUMBER
   ,pto_whse_code          IN               VARCHAR2
   ,x_move_allocations     OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2

  l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'CHECK_ALLOC_QTY' ;
Line: 362

  select NVL(sum(nvl(loct_onhand,0)),0)
  into   onhandqty
  from   ic_loct_inv
  where  item_id   = pitem_id
  and    lot_id    = plot_id
  and    whse_code = pfrom_whse_code
  and    location  = pfrom_location;
Line: 371

  select nvl(abs(sum(nvl(trans_qty,0))),0)
  into   tempqty
  from   ic_tran_pnd
  where  item_id       = pitem_id
  and    lot_id        = plot_id
  and    whse_code     = pfrom_whse_code
  and    location      = pfrom_location
  and    doc_type NOT IN ('PROD','OPSO')
  and    delete_mark   = 0
  and    completed_ind = 0
  and    trans_qty     < 0;
Line: 386

  select nvl(abs(sum(nvl(trans_qty,0))),0)
  into   tempqty
  from   ic_tran_pnd itp, pm_matl_dtl pmd
  where  itp.item_id   = pitem_id
  and    itp.lot_id    = plot_id
  and    itp.whse_code = pfrom_whse_code
  and    itp.location  = pfrom_location
  and    itp.doc_type  ='PROD'
  and    itp.delete_mark = 0
  and    itp.completed_ind = 0
  and    itp.trans_qty     < 0
  and    pmd.batch_id = itp.doc_id
  and    pmd.line_id  = itp.line_id
  and    pmd.phantom_id IS NULL;
Line: 404

  select nvl(abs(sum(nvl(trans_qty,0))),0)
  into   tempqty
  from   ic_tran_pnd itp, op_ordr_dtl ood, op_hold_cds ohc
  where itp.item_id       = pitem_id
  and   itp.lot_id        = plot_id
  and   itp.whse_code     = pfrom_whse_code
  and   itp.location      = pfrom_location
  and   itp.doc_type      ='OPSO'
  and   itp.delete_mark   = 0
  and   itp.completed_ind = 0
  and   itp.trans_qty     < 0
  and   ood.line_id       = itp.line_id
  and   ood.order_id      = itp.doc_id
  and   ood.delete_mark   = 0
  and   ohc.holdreas_code = ood.holdreas_code
  and   ohc.invcommit_ind = 0
  and   ohc.delete_mark   = 0;
Line: 429

        select count(1)
        into   OMSO_txn_count
        from   ic_tran_pnd pnd
        where  pnd.item_id       = pitem_id
        and    pnd.lot_id        = plot_id
        and    pnd.whse_code     = pfrom_whse_code
        and    pnd.location      = pfrom_location
        and    pnd.doc_type      ='OMSO'
        and    pnd.delete_mark   = 0
        and    pnd.completed_ind = 0
        and    pnd.trans_qty     < 0;
Line: 460

          select count(1)
          into   OMSO_pick_confirmed_txn_count
          from   ic_tran_pnd pnd
          where  pnd.item_id   = pitem_id
          and    pnd.lot_id        = plot_id
          and    pnd.whse_code     = pfrom_whse_code
          and    pnd.location      = pfrom_location
          and    pnd.doc_type      ='OMSO'
          and    pnd.delete_mark   = 0
          and    pnd.completed_ind = 0
          and    pnd.trans_qty     < 0
          and    pnd.staged_ind    = 1;
Line: 524

                Allocations are those txns where the delete_mark
                is 0 and completed_ind is 0 and the txn is not the
                default txn.
                For lot controlled items default txn have a lot_id
                0 and location as default location.
                This procedure considers only actual onhand qty, move quantity
                and the total allocations qty( where trans_qty <0). It
                does not look at pending transactions which are going to
                add to the inventory.

                If move qty <= (onhand qty - total allocations qty) then
                   returns 0
                   no need to update allocations

                If move qty > (onhand qty - total allocations qty) and
                   move qty >= total allocations qty
                   returns 1
                   allocations need to be updated

                If move qty > (onhand qty - total allocations qty) and
                   move qty < total allocations qty
                   returns -1
                   allocations need to be but cannot be updated

            Jalaj Srivastava Bug 3282770
              Added this procedure.
              If OMSO allocations exist then moving allcoations not allowed
              if the move is to a different warehouse.
              If any pick confirmed OMSO allocations exist then moving
              allcoations not allowed
   ======================================================================== */

  ( p_api_version          IN               NUMBER
   ,p_init_msg_list        IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_commit               IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_validation_level     IN               NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
   ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
   ,x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY       NUMBER
   ,x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
   ,pfrom_whse_code        IN               VARCHAR2
   ,pto_whse_code          IN               VARCHAR2
   ,pjournal_id            IN               NUMBER

Line: 589

        SELECT count(1)
        INTO   OMSO_txn_count
        FROM   ic_tran_pnd pnd, ic_adjs_jnl jnl
        WHERE  jnl.journal_id    = pjournal_id
        AND    jnl.line_type     = -1
        AND    jnl.lot_id        > 0
        AND    pnd.item_id       = jnl.item_id
        AND    pnd.lot_id        = jnl.lot_id
        AND    pnd.whse_code     = jnl.whse_code
        AND    pnd.location      = jnl.location
        AND    pnd.doc_type      = 'OMSO'
        AND    pnd.delete_mark   = 0
        AND    pnd.completed_ind = 0
        AND    pnd.trans_qty     < 0;
Line: 623

          select count(1)
          into   OMSO_pick_confirmed_txn_count
          FROM   ic_tran_pnd pnd, ic_adjs_jnl jnl
          WHERE  jnl.journal_id    = pjournal_id
          AND    jnl.line_type     = -1
          AND    jnl.lot_id        > 0
          AND    pnd.item_id       = jnl.item_id
          AND    pnd.lot_id        = jnl.lot_id
          AND    pnd.whse_code     = jnl.whse_code
          AND    pnd.location      = jnl.location
          AND    pnd.doc_type      = 'OMSO'
          AND    pnd.delete_mark   = 0
          AND    pnd.completed_ind = 0
          AND    pnd.trans_qty     < 0
          AND    pnd.staged_ind    = 1;