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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

 * 	Inserts error msg into log file.				*
 *	                                                                *
Line: 42

  SELECT concatenated_segments
    INTO l_comp_name
    FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
   WHERE inventory_item_id = p_comp_id
     AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 92

  SELECT count(*)
    INTO l_cnt
    FROM bom_operation_networks
   WHERE from_op_seq_id = p_op_seq_id
     AND nvl(transition_type, 3) = 1;
Line: 105

    SELECT count(*)
      INTO l_cnt
      FROM bom_operation_networks
     WHERE to_op_seq_id = p_op_seq_id
       AND nvl(transition_type, 3) = 1;
Line: 116

      SELECT count(*)
        INTO l_cnt
        FROM bom_operation_sequences
       WHERE operation_type = 3
         AND routing_sequence_id = (
              SELECT max(routing_sequence_id)
                FROM bom_operation_sequences
               WHERE operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq_id
Line: 170

    SELECT mkps.pull_sequence_id
      INTO l_pull_sequence_id
      FROM mtl_kanban_pull_sequences mkps,
           bom_inventory_components bic,
	   mtl_system_items msi
     WHERE mkps.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
       AND mkps.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND mkps.auto_request = 'Y'
       AND mkps.release_kanban_flag = 1
       AND mkps.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id
       AND msi.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
       AND msi.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND msi.release_time_fence_code = G_Release_Time_Kanban_Item
       AND bic.component_sequence_id = p_item_sequence_id
       AND ( (bic.supply_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND mkps.subinventory_name = bic.supply_subinventory)
           OR (bic.supply_subinventory IS NULL AND mkps.subinventory_name = msi.wip_supply_subinventory) )
       AND ( (bic.supply_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND nvl(mkps.locator_id, '-0909090909') = nvl(bic.supply_locator_id, '-0909090909'))
           OR (bic.supply_subinventory IS NULL AND nvl(mkps.locator_id, '-0909090909') = nvl(msi.wip_supply_locator_id, '-0909090909')) )
       AND bic.wip_supply_type IN (G_Supply_Type_Assembly_Pull, G_Supply_Type_Operation_Pull);
Line: 246

            SELECT  expl.component_item_id component_item_id,
		    comp.operation_seq_num operation_seq_num,
                    SUM(comp.component_quantity) extended_quantity,
                    MIN(DECODE(comp.wip_supply_type, NULL,
                            DECODE(sys.wip_supply_type, NULL,
                                    1, sys.wip_supply_type),
                            comp.wip_supply_type)) wip_supply_type,
		    MIN(comp.component_quantity) component_quantity,
		    MIN(nvl(comp.basis_type,WIP_CONSTANTS.ITEM_BASED_MTL)) basis_type
              FROM  mtl_system_items sys,
                    bom_inventory_components comp,
                    bom_explosions expl,
                    bom_bill_of_materials bbm
             WHERE  bbm.organization_id = sys.organization_id
               AND  comp.component_item_id = sys.inventory_item_id
               AND  comp.component_sequence_id = expl.component_sequence_id
               AND  sys.bom_item_type = 4
               AND  comp.component_item_id = expl.component_item_id
               AND  comp.bill_sequence_id =  expl.bill_sequence_id
               AND  bbm.organization_id = p_org_id
               AND  bbm.assembly_item_id = l_assy_id
               AND  (NVL(bbm.alternate_bom_designator, 'ABD756fhh466')
                        = NVL(p_alt_bom_desig, 'ABD756fhh466')
                    (bbm.alternate_bom_designator is null AND
                    NOT EXISTS
                    (SELECT null
                       FROM bom_bill_of_materials bbm1
                      WHERE bbm1.alternate_bom_designator = p_alt_bom_desig
                        AND bbm1.organization_id = bbm.organization_id
                        AND bbm1.assembly_item_id = bbm.assembly_item_id)))
               AND  bbm.common_bill_sequence_id = expl.bill_sequence_id
	       AND  expl.top_bill_sequence_id = l_top_bill_sequence_id
               AND  expl.assembly_item_id is not null
--Bug 6691128  Removing Trunc So that Time to be considered
--             AND  trunc(expl.effectivity_date) <= trunc(p_sched_start_date)
--             AND  NVL(expl.disable_date, p_sched_start_date + 1)
--                     > trunc(p_sched_start_date)
               AND  expl.effectivity_date <= p_sched_start_date
               AND  NVL(expl.disable_date, p_sched_start_date + 1)
                     > p_sched_start_date
               AND  expl.explosion_type = 'ALL'
          GROUP BY  expl.component_item_id,comp.operation_seq_num;
Line: 291

	SELECT component_sequence_id
	  FROM bom_explosions
	 WHERE top_bill_sequence_id = l_top_bill_sequence_id
	   AND explosion_type = 'ALL'
	   AND component_item_id = l_comp_id
	   AND operation_seq_num = l_operation_seq_num
--Bug 6691128 Removing Trunc So that Time to be considered
--         AND trunc(effectivity_date) <= trunc(p_sched_start_date);
Line: 308

  SELECT routing_sequence_id
    INTO l_routing_sequence_id
    FROM bom_operational_routings
   WHERE organization_id = p_org_id
     AND assembly_item_id = p_top_assy_id
     AND NVL(alternate_routing_designator, 'ABD756fhh456') =
         NVL(p_alt_rtg_desig, 'ABD756fhh456');
Line: 327

  SELECT inherit_phantom_op_seq
    INTO l_inherit_phantom
    FROM bom_parameters
   WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 337

    SELECT bill_sequence_id
      INTO l_bill_sequence_id
      FROM bom_bill_of_materials
     WHERE organization_id = p_org_id
       AND assembly_item_id = p_top_assy_id
       AND nvl(alternate_bom_designator, '@@@@') =
	    nvl(p_alt_bom_desig, '@@@@');
Line: 349

    SELECT max(top_bill_sequence_id)
      INTO l_top_bill_sequence_id
      FROM bom_explosions
     WHERE component_item_id = p_top_assy_id
       AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 434

	    SELECT line_op_seq_id
              INTO l_line_op_seq_id
              FROM bom_operation_sequences
             WHERE routing_sequence_id = l_routing_sequence_id
               AND operation_seq_num = l_operation_seq_num
               AND operation_type = 1
               AND effectivity_date =
                   (SELECT max(effectivity_date)
                      FROM bom_operation_sequences
                     WHERE routing_sequence_id = l_routing_sequence_id
                       AND operation_seq_num = l_operation_seq_num
                       AND operation_type = 1);
Line: 514

  SELECT CEIL(NVL(total_time_calc, 0) / p_takt_time) * p_takt_time
    INTO l_total_time
    FROM bom_operation_sequences
   WHERE operation_sequence_id = p_line_op_seq_id;
Line: 550

    SELECT to_op_seq_id
      FROM Bom_Operation_Networks
          CONNECT BY PRIOR to_op_seq_id = from_op_seq_id
	               AND nvl(transition_type, 0) NOT IN (2,3)
                START WITH from_op_seq_id = i_start_operation_sequence_id
		       AND nvl(transition_type, 0) NOT IN (2,3);
Line: 559

  SELECT start_time,
    INTO l_start_time,
    FROM wip_lines
   WHERE line_id = p_line_id
     AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 591

  SELECT nvl(fixed_lead_time, 0) + (p_quantity - 1) * nvl(variable_lead_time, 0)
    INTO l_lead_time
    FROM mtl_system_items
   WHERE inventory_item_id = p_assembly_item_id
     AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 611

 * PROCEDURE Update_Flow_Schedule					*
 * 	Updates the Auto Replenish flag of the given Flow Schedule.	*
 *	                                                                *
PROCEDURE Update_Flow_Schedule(
		p_schedule_number	IN	VARCHAR2) IS


    UPDATE wip_flow_schedules
       SET auto_replenish = 'Y'
     WHERE schedule_number = p_Schedule_Number;
Line: 624

END Update_Flow_Schedule;
Line: 647

Line: 650

    VALUES (l_report_id,p_Kanban_Card_Ids(l_card_count));
Line: 657

      INTO l_language,l_territory
      WHERE NSP.parameter = 'NLS_LANGUAGE'
      AND NSP.value = FL.nls_language;
Line: 704

    DELETE FROM mtl_kanban_card_print_temp WHERE report_id = l_report_id;
Line: 795

  update_exception	EXCEPTION;
Line: 798

  update_ar_exception   EXCEPTION;  --bug 6816497
Line: 803

    SELECT      flow.schedule_number,
		flow.build_sequence build_sequence,
                flow.primary_item_id primary_item_id,
                flow.line_id line_id,
                (flow.planned_quantity - nvl(flow.quantity_completed, 0)) open_quantity,
                flow.scheduled_start_date scheduled_start_date,
                flow.scheduled_completion_date scheduled_completion_date,
                flow.alternate_bom_designator alternate_bom_designator,
                flow.alternate_routing_designator alternate_routing_designator
    FROM        wip_flow_schedules flow,
                wip_lines lines
    WHERE       flow.planned_quantity - nvl(flow.quantity_completed, 0) > 0
    AND         flow.status <> 2
    AND         flow.scheduled_completion_date <= (l_server_compl_date + 1)
    AND         flow.scheduled_completion_date >= nvl(l_server_from_compl_date,sysdate) /*Added for bug 6816497 */
    AND         flow.line_id = lines.line_id
    AND         flow.organization_id = lines.organization_id
    AND         lines.organization_id = p_organization_id
    AND         lines.line_code BETWEEN p_min_line_code AND p_max_line_code
    AND         ( (p_build_sequence is not null AND flow.build_sequence <= p_build_sequence AND
                   flow.build_sequence >= nvl(p_from_build_sequence,flow.build_sequence)) /*Added for bug 6816497 */
		 OR (p_build_sequence is null AND flow.build_sequence is not null))
    AND		nvl(flow.auto_replenish, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 925

           SELECT auto_replenish
             INTO l_auto_replenish
             FROM wip_flow_schedules
            WHERE schedule_number = l_schedule_number
       FOR UPDATE OF auto_replenish NOWAIT;
Line: 932

          raise update_exception;
Line: 938

            SELECT NVL(auto_replenish, 'N')
              INTO l_auto_replenish
              FROM wip_flow_schedules
             WHERE schedule_number = l_schedule_number;
Line: 945

             raise update_ar_exception;
Line: 950

Line: 987

    INTO    l_item_id,l_org_id,l_subinv,l_src_type,l_locator,l_src_org_id,l_src_subinv,l_src_locator,l_wip_line_id,l_release_kanban_flag
    FROM    MTL_KANBAN_PULL_SEQUENCES WHERE PULL_SEQUENCE_ID = l_comp_table(l_comp_count).pull_sequence_id;
Line: 1035

       r_kanban_card_rec.last_update_date         := sysdate;
Line: 1036

       r_kanban_card_rec.last_update_by           := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 1039

       r_kanban_card_rec.last_update_login        := fnd_global.login_id;
Line: 1043

       r_kanban_card_rec.program_update_date      := null;
Line: 1099

        SELECT wip_entity_id
          INTO l_wip_entity_id
   	  FROM wip_flow_schedules
         WHERE schedule_number = l_comp_table(l_comp_count).schedule_number
	   AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1105

		x_msg_count		=> l_msg_count,
		x_msg_data		=> l_msg_data,
		x_return_status		=> l_return_status,
		p_api_version_number	=> l_api_version_number,
		p_init_msg_list		=> NULL,
		p_commit		=> NULL,
		p_Kanban_Card_Id	=> l_Kanban_Card_Id,
		p_Supply_Status		=> G_Supply_Status_Empty,
		p_Document_Type		=> NULL,
		p_Document_Header_Id	=> NULL,
		p_Document_Detail_Id	=> NULL,
		p_Need_By_Date		=> l_need_by_date,
		p_Source_Wip_Entity_Id	=> l_wip_entity_id);
Line: 1141

Line: 1144

          log('Updated Auto Replenish flag of Flow schedules, Schedule number = '|| l_comp_table(l_comp_count).schedule_number);
Line: 1163

      WHEN update_exception THEN
        fnd_message.set_name('FLM', 'FLM_AR_ERR_LOCK_SCHEDULE');
Line: 1168

      WHEN update_ar_exception THEN
        fnd_message.set_name('FLM', 'FLM_AR_ERR_SCHEDULE_UPDATED');
Line: 1182

   | If Print Kanban Cards option is selected and cards have been created then only print cards|
  IF (p_print_card = 1 AND l_Kanban_Card_Ids.COUNT > 0) THEN
