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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 69

  select 'Y'
    from pay_element_types_f pet,
         pay_element_classifications pec
   where pet.element_type_id = l_batch_line.element_type_id
     and pet.PROCESSING_TYPE = 'R'
     and pec.legislation_code is not null
     and pec.legislation_code = 'GB';
Line: 82

    select pbl.batch_line_id,
    from   pay_batch_lines pbl
    where  pbl.batch_id = p_batch_header_id
    and    pbl.batch_line_status = 'T'
    and    (p_assignment_id is null or pbl.assignment_id = p_assignment_id)
    union all
    select to_number(null) batch_line_id,
           to_number(null) assignment_id,
           to_char(null) assignment_number,
           to_number(null) element_type_id,
           to_date(null) effective_date,
           to_date(null) effective_start_date
    from   dual
    where  not exists
               (select null
                from   pay_batch_headers pbh
                where pbh.batch_id = p_batch_header_id);
Line: 106

    select pee.element_entry_id, pee.creator_type,
           pee.creator_id, pee.effective_start_date
    from   pay_element_entries_f pee,
           pay_element_links_f pel,
           pay_element_types_f pet
    where  pee.creator_id = p_batch_header_id
    and    pee.creator_type = 'H'
    and    (pee.source_id is null or pee.source_id = p_asg_action_id)
    and    pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
    and    pel.element_type_id = l_batch_line.element_type_id
    and    pet.element_type_id = pel.element_type_id
    and    pee.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
    and ((pet.processing_type = 'R'
          and pee.effective_start_date = l_batch_line.effective_date)
          or (pet.processing_type = 'N'
              and l_batch_line.effective_date between pee.effective_start_date
              and pee.effective_end_date))
    and l_batch_line.effective_date between pel.effective_start_date
                                        and pel.effective_end_date
    and l_batch_line.effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                                        and pet.effective_end_date
    and l_ele_class_chk is null
    union all
    select pee.element_entry_id, pee.creator_type,
           pee.creator_id, pee.effective_start_date
    from   per_absence_attendances paa,
           pay_element_entries_f pee,
           pay_element_links_f pel,
           pay_element_types_f pet
    where  paa.batch_id = p_batch_header_id
    and    pee.creator_id = paa.absence_attendance_id
    and    pee.creator_type = 'A'
    and    (pee.source_id is null or pee.source_id = p_asg_action_id)
    and    pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
    and    pel.element_type_id = l_batch_line.element_type_id
    and    pet.element_type_id = pel.element_type_id
    and    pee.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
    and l_batch_line.effective_date between pel.effective_start_date
                                        and pel.effective_end_date
    and l_batch_line.effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                                        and pet.effective_end_date
    and l_ele_class_chk is null
    union all
    select pee.element_entry_id, pee.creator_type,
           pee.creator_id, pee.effective_start_date
    from   pay_element_entries_f pee,
           pay_element_links_f pel,
           pay_element_types_f pet
    where  pee.creator_id = p_batch_header_id
    and    pee.creator_type = 'H'
    and    (pee.source_id is null or pee.source_id = p_asg_action_id)
    and    pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
    and    pel.element_type_id = l_batch_line.element_type_id
    and    pet.element_type_id = pel.element_type_id
    and    pee.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
    and pet.processing_type = 'R'
    and ((l_batch_line.effective_start_date is not null and pee.effective_start_date=l_batch_line.effective_start_date)
         (l_batch_line.effective_start_date is null and pee.effective_start_date=l_batch_line.effective_date))
    and l_batch_line.effective_date between pel.effective_start_date
                                        and pel.effective_end_date
    and l_batch_line.effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                                        and pet.effective_end_date
    and l_ele_class_chk is not null
    union all
    select pee.element_entry_id, pee.creator_type,
           pee.creator_id, pee.effective_start_date
    from   pay_element_entries_f pee
    where  pee.creator_id = p_batch_header_id
    and    pee.creator_type = 'H'
    and    pee.source_id = p_asg_action_id
    and    pee.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
    and    pee.entry_type = 'E'
    and    l_batch_line.element_type_id is null
    union all
    select pee.element_entry_id, pee.creator_type,
           pee.creator_id, pee.effective_start_date
    from   per_absence_attendances paa,
           pay_element_entries_f pee
    where  paa.batch_id = p_batch_header_id
    and    pee.creator_id = paa.absence_attendance_id
    and    pee.creator_type = 'A'
    and    pee.source_id = p_asg_action_id
    and    pee.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
    and    pee.entry_type = 'E'
    and    l_batch_line.element_type_id is null;
Line: 194

    select pct.batch_control_id
      from pay_batch_control_totals pct
     where pct.batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 201

    select 'Y'
      from pay_payroll_actions pact
     where pact.batch_id = p_batch_id
       and pact.action_type = 'BEE';
Line: 209

    select pact.payroll_action_id,
      from pay_payroll_actions pact
     where pact.batch_id = p_batch_header_id
       and pact.action_type = 'BEE'
       and pact.batch_process_mode = 'TRANSFER';
Line: 217

   select 'Y'
   from   pay_element_entries_f pee
   where  pee.element_entry_id = p_ee_id
   and    p_eff_date between pee.effective_start_date
                                 and pee.effective_end_date
   and    pee.creator_type in ('A','H')
   and    pee.creator_id is not null
   and exists (select null
               from   pay_element_entries_f pee1
               where  pee.element_entry_id = pee1.element_entry_id
               and    (pee1.creator_type <> pee.creator_type
                       or pee1.creator_id <> pee.creator_id));
Line: 282

    select 'Y'
    into   l_check_batch_id
    from   pay_batch_headers
    where  batch_id = p_batch_header_id
    and    batch_status = 'T';
Line: 291

    select business_group_id,
    into   l_business_group_id,
    from   pay_batch_headers
    where  batch_id = p_batch_header_id;
Line: 346

         select assignment_id
         into l_assignment_id
         from per_assignments_f asg
         where upper(asg.assignment_number) = upper(l_batch_line.assignment_number)
         and   asg.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
         and ((l_batch_line.effective_start_date is not null
               and l_batch_line.effective_start_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                                         and asg.effective_end_date)
             or (l_batch_line.effective_start_date is null
               and l_batch_line.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                                   and asg.effective_end_date));
Line: 413

            insert_rollback_message('L', l_batch_line.batch_line_id, 'F', false);
Line: 420

               delete from per_absence_attendances
               where absence_attendance_id = l_creator_id;
Line: 430

Line: 434

Line: 452

            update pay_batch_lines
            set    batch_line_status = 'U'
            where  batch_line_id = l_batch_line.batch_line_id;
Line: 477

             update pay_batch_lines
             set    batch_line_status = 'U'
             where  batch_line_id = l_batch_line.batch_line_id;
Line: 509

         update pay_batch_headers
         set    batch_status = 'U'
         where  batch_id = p_batch_header_id;
Line: 513

         update pay_batch_control_totals
         set    control_status = 'U'
         where  batch_id = p_batch_header_id;
Line: 535

         insert_rollback_message('H', p_batch_header_id, 'I', false);
Line: 545

         update pay_batch_control_totals
         set    control_status = 'U'
         where  batch_id = p_batch_header_id;
Line: 556

         insert_rollback_message('H', p_batch_header_id, 'I', false);
Line: 570

       insert_rollback_message('H', p_batch_header_id, 'F', false);
Line: 608

    select pbh.batch_id,
           nvl(pbh.reject_if_results_exists,'Y') reject_if_results_exists,
           nvl(pbh.purge_after_rollback,'Y') leave_batch,
      from pay_assignment_actions pac,
           pay_payroll_actions ppa,
           pay_batch_headers pbh
     where pac.assignment_action_id = p_asg_action_id
       and ppa.payroll_action_id = pac.payroll_action_id
       and pbh.batch_id = ppa.batch_id
       and ppa.action_type = 'BEE'
     union all
    select ppa.batch_id,
           'Y' reject_if_results_exists,
           'Y' leave_batch,
           'T' batch_status
      from pay_assignment_actions pac,
           pay_payroll_actions ppa
     where pac.assignment_action_id = p_asg_action_id
       and ppa.payroll_action_id = pac.payroll_action_id
       and ppa.action_type = 'BEE'
       and not exists
           (select null
              from pay_batch_headers pbh1
             where pbh1.batch_id = ppa.batch_id);
Line: 637

    select 'Y'
      from dual
     where exists
            (select null
               from pay_batch_control_totals pct
              where pct.batch_id = p_batch_id
                and pct.control_status <> 'U')
       and exists
            (select null
               from pay_batch_lines pbl
              where pbl.batch_id = p_batch_id
                and pbl.batch_line_status <> 'T')
       and exists
            (select null
               from pay_batch_headers pbh
              where pbh.batch_id = p_batch_id
                and pbh.batch_status = 'T');
Line: 656

    select pct.batch_control_id
      from pay_batch_control_totals pct
     where pct.batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 662

   select decode(parspa.parent_request_id,-1,pa.parent_request_id,parspa.parent_request_id)
     from   fnd_concurrent_requests pa,
            fnd_concurrent_requests parspa,
            fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
    where  pa.request_id = p_request_id
    and    parspa.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
    and    fcp.concurrent_program_name = 'UNDO_MIX'
     and pa.parent_request_id = parspa.request_id;
Line: 698

         select argument3, argument5
         into l_reject_if_run_results_exist,l_leave_batch
         from fnd_concurrent_requests
         where request_id = l_parent_id;
Line: 735

        update pay_batch_control_totals
        set    control_status = 'U'
        where  batch_id = l_rec.batch_id;
Line: 760

    select pbh.batch_id,
           nvl(pbh.purge_after_rollback,'N') purge_after_rollback
      from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
           pay_batch_headers pbh
     where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
       and pbh.batch_id = ppa.batch_id
       and ppa.action_type = 'BEE'
       and not exists
           (select null
              from pay_batch_lines pbl
             where pbl.batch_id = pbh.batch_id
               and pbl.batch_line_status = 'T');
Line: 776

   select decode(parspa.parent_request_id,-1,pa.parent_request_id,parspa.parent_request_id)
     from   fnd_concurrent_requests pa,
            fnd_concurrent_requests parspa,
            fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
    where  pa.request_id = p_request_id
    and    parspa.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
    and    fcp.concurrent_program_name = 'UNDO_MIX'
     and pa.parent_request_id = parspa.request_id;
Line: 816

         select  argument5
         into    l_leave_batch
         from fnd_concurrent_requests
         where request_id = l_parent_id;
Line: 854

     update pay_batch_headers
     set    batch_status = 'U'
     where  batch_id = l_rec.batch_id;
Line: 883

         select 'Y' into l_results_found
         from pay_run_results prr,
              pay_assignment_actions paa,
              pay_payroll_actions ppa,
              pay_element_entries_f pee
         where prr.source_type = 'E'
         and pee.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
         and p_effective_session_date between pee.effective_start_date
                                      and pee.effective_end_date
         and prr.source_id = pee.element_entry_id
         and prr.status = 'P'
         and prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
         and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
         and ppa.date_earned between pee.effective_start_date
                             and pee.effective_end_date ;
Line: 899

         select 'Y' into l_results_found
         from pay_run_results
         where source_type = 'E'
         and source_id = p_element_entry_id
         and status = 'P';
Line: 925

procedure insert_rollback_message(
  p_level    in varchar2,
  p_batch_id in number,
  p_severity in varchar2,
  p_fail     in boolean
) is

l_line_text  pay_message_lines.line_text%type;
Line: 936

Line: 961

end insert_rollback_message;
Line: 979

    select par.parameter_value
    into   param_value
    from   pay_action_parameters par
    where  par.parameter_name = p_param_name;
Line: 1011

      insert into pay_message_lines(
Line: 1051

  delete from pay_message_lines
  where source_id = p_source_id
  and   source_type = p_msg_type;