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APPS.AME_CFV_INS dependencies on AME_UTIL

Line 105: and ame_utility_pkg.is_seed_user(created_by) = ame_util.seededDataCreatedById

101: select created_by
102: from ame_config_vars t
103: where t.application_id = p_rec.application_id
104: and t.variable_name = p_rec.variable_name
105: and ame_utility_pkg.is_seed_user(created_by) = ame_util.seededDataCreatedById
106: and rownum <2;
107: --
108: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'dt_insert_dml';
109: l_created_by ame_config_vars.created_by%TYPE;

Line 177: -- then the created_by value should be ame_util.seededDataCreatedById

173: Else
174: p_rec.object_version_number := 1; -- Initialise the object version
175: --
176: -- If the current user logged in using AME Developer responsibility
177: -- then the created_by value should be ame_util.seededDataCreatedById
178: --
179: if fnd_global.resp_name = 'AME Developer' then
180: l_created_by := ame_util.seededDataCreatedById;
181: else

Line 180: l_created_by := ame_util.seededDataCreatedById;

176: -- If the current user logged in using AME Developer responsibility
177: -- then the created_by value should be ame_util.seededDataCreatedById
178: --
179: if fnd_global.resp_name = 'AME Developer' then
180: l_created_by := ame_util.seededDataCreatedById;
181: else
182: l_created_by := l_current_user_id;
183: end if;
184: l_creation_date := sysdate;

Line 321: where application_id = ame_utility_pkg.defaultAmeAppId

317: --
318: Cursor csr_description(p_variable_name varchar2) is
319: Select description
320: from ame_config_vars
321: where application_id = ame_utility_pkg.defaultAmeAppId
322: and variable_name = p_variable_name;
323: Cursor C_Sel2 is
324: Select null
325: from ame_config_vars

Line 331: and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond , p_effective_date);

327: ame_cfv_ins.g_application_id_i
328: and variable_name =
329: ame_cfv_ins.g_variable_name_i
330: and p_effective_date between start_date
331: and nvl(end_date - ame_util.oneSecond , p_effective_date);
332: --
333: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'pre_insert';
334: l_exists varchar2(1);
335: --

Line 524: p_validation_end_date := ame_utility_pkg.endOfTime;

520: -- p_validation_start_date := l_validation_start_date;
521: -- p_validation_end_date := l_validation_end_date;
523: p_validation_start_date := sysdate;
524: p_validation_end_date := ame_utility_pkg.endOfTime;
525: --
526: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
527: --
528: End ins_lck;