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Line 121: -- through fnd_file.put_line.

117: -- Turns concurrent logging on or off
118: -- ============================================================================
119: -- This procedure sets the global g_concurrent_logging to
120: -- the value passed in. If set log messages will be output
121: -- through fnd_file.put_line.
122: --
123: PROCEDURE set_concurrent_logging(p_on IN BOOLEAN) IS
124: BEGIN
125: --

Line 132: -- logs a message, either using fnd_file, or hr_utility.trace

128: END set_concurrent_logging;
129: --
130: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
131: -- msg
132: -- logs a message, either using fnd_file, or hr_utility.trace
133: -- ============================================================================
134: --
135: PROCEDURE msg(p_text IN VARCHAR2)
136: IS

Line 151: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,l_txt);

147: LOOP
148: --
149: l_txt := SUBSTR(p_text,l_pos,c_OUTPUT_LINE_LENGTH);
150: --
151: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,l_txt);
152: --
153: l_pos := l_pos + c_OUTPUT_LINE_LENGTH;
154: --
155: EXIT WHEN l_pos > LENGTH(p_text);