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1 Package Body per_pse_bus as
2 /* $Header: pepserhi.pkb 120.1 2008/07/22 09:16:58 rnemani noship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 g_package  varchar2(33)	:= '  per_pse_bus.';  -- Global package name
9 --
10 -- The following two global variables are only to be
11 -- used by the return_legislation_code function.
12 --
13 g_legislation_code            varchar2(150)  default null;
14 g_pos_structure_element_id    number         default null;
15 --
16 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 --  |----------------------< set_security_group_id >--------------------------|
18 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 --
20 Procedure set_security_group_id
21   (p_pos_structure_element_id             in number
25   --
22   ) is
23   --
24   -- Declare cursor
26   cursor csr_sec_grp is
27     select pbg.security_group_id
28       from per_business_groups pbg
29          , per_pos_structure_elements pse
30      where pse.pos_structure_element_id = p_pos_structure_element_id
31        and pbg.business_group_id = pse.business_group_id;
32   --
33   -- Declare local variables
34   --
35   l_security_group_id number;
36   l_proc              varchar2(72)  :=  g_package||'set_security_group_id';
37   --
38 begin
39   --
40   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
41   --
42   -- Ensure that all the mandatory parameter are not null
43   --
44   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
45     (p_api_name           => l_proc
46     ,p_argument           => 'pos_structure_element_id'
47     ,p_argument_value     => p_pos_structure_element_id
48     );
49   --
50   open csr_sec_grp;
51   fetch csr_sec_grp into l_security_group_id;
52   --
53   if csr_sec_grp%notfound then
54      --
55      close csr_sec_grp;
56      --
57      -- The primary key is invalid therefore we must error
58      --
59      fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY');
60      fnd_message.raise_error;
61      --
62   end if;
63   close csr_sec_grp;
64   --
65   -- Set the security_group_id in CLIENT_INFO
66   --
67   hr_api.set_security_group_id
68     (p_security_group_id => l_security_group_id
69     );
70   --
71   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 20);
72   --
73 end set_security_group_id;
74 --
75 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 --  |---------------------< return_legislation_code >-------------------------|
77 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 --
79 Function return_legislation_code
80   (p_pos_structure_element_id             in     number
81   )
82   Return Varchar2 Is
83   --
84   -- Declare cursor
85   --
86   cursor csr_leg_code is
87     select pbg.legislation_code
88       from per_business_groups pbg
89          , per_pos_structure_elements pse
90      where pse.pos_structure_element_id = p_pos_structure_element_id
91        and pbg.business_group_id = pse.business_group_id;
92   --
93   -- Declare local variables
94   --
95   l_legislation_code  varchar2(150);
96   l_proc              varchar2(72)  :=  g_package||'return_legislation_code';
97   --
98 Begin
99   --
100   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
101   --
102   -- Ensure that all the mandatory parameter are not null
103   --
104   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
105     (p_api_name           => l_proc
106     ,p_argument           => 'pos_structure_element_id'
107     ,p_argument_value     => p_pos_structure_element_id
108     );
109   --
110   if ( nvl(per_pse_bus.g_pos_structure_element_id, hr_api.g_number)
111        = p_pos_structure_element_id) then
112     --
113     -- The legislation code has already been found with a previous
114     -- call to this function. Just return the value in the global
115     -- variable.
116     --
117     l_legislation_code := per_pse_bus.g_legislation_code;
118     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
119   else
120     --
121     -- The ID is different to the last call to this function
122     -- or this is the first call to this function.
123     --
124     open csr_leg_code;
125     fetch csr_leg_code into l_legislation_code;
126     --
127     if csr_leg_code%notfound then
128       --
129       -- The primary key is invalid therefore we must error
130       --
131       close csr_leg_code;
132       fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY');
133       fnd_message.raise_error;
134     end if;
135     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
136     --
137     -- Set the global variables so the values are
138     -- available for the next call to this function.
139     --
140     close csr_leg_code;
141     per_pse_bus.g_pos_structure_element_id:= p_pos_structure_element_id;
142     per_pse_bus.g_legislation_code  := l_legislation_code;
143   end if;
144   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 40);
145   return l_legislation_code;
146 end return_legislation_code;
147 --
148 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
149 -- |-----------------------< chk_non_updateable_args >------------------------|
150 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 -- {Start Of Comments}
152 --
153 -- Description:
154 --   This procedure is used to ensure that non updateable attributes have
155 --   not been updated. If an attribute has been updated an error is generated.
156 --
157 -- Pre Conditions:
158 --   g_old_rec has been populated with details of the values currently in
159 --   the database.
160 --
161 -- In Arguments:
162 --   p_rec has been populated with the updated values the user would like the
163 --   record set to.
164 --
165 -- Post Success:
166 --   Processing continues if all the non updateable attributes have not
167 --   changed.
168 --
169 -- Post Failure:
170 --   An application error is raised if any of the non updatable attributes
171 --   have been altered.
172 --
173 -- {End Of Comments}
177   ) IS
174 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 Procedure chk_non_updateable_args
176   (p_rec in per_pse_shd.g_rec_type
178 --
179   l_proc     varchar2(72) := g_package || 'chk_non_updateable_args';
180   l_error    EXCEPTION;
181   l_argument varchar2(30);
182 --
183 Begin
184   --
185   -- Only proceed with the validation if a row exists for the current
186   -- record in the HR Schema.
187   --
188   IF NOT per_pse_shd.api_updating
189       (p_pos_structure_element_id             => p_rec.pos_structure_element_id
190       ,p_object_version_number                => p_rec.object_version_number
191       ) THEN
192      fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
193      fnd_message.set_token('PROCEDURE ', l_proc);
194      fnd_message.set_token('STEP ', '5');
195      fnd_message.raise_error;
196   END IF;
197   --
198   -- EDIT_HERE: Add checks to ensure non-updateable args have
199   --            not been updated.
200   --
201   if nvl(p_rec.business_group_id, hr_api.g_number) <>
202      nvl(per_pse_shd.g_old_rec.business_group_id
203         ,hr_api.g_number
204         ) then
205      l_argument := 'business_group_id';
206      raise l_error;
207   end if;
208   --
209   if nvl(p_rec.pos_structure_version_id, hr_api.g_number) <>
210      nvl(per_pse_shd.g_old_rec.pos_structure_version_id
211         ,hr_api.g_number
212         ) then
213      l_argument := 'pos_structure_version_id';
214      raise l_error;
215   end if;
216   --
217 /* bug no 3888749 starts here
219 Removing following check on Position hierarchy so that updation of
220 Position nodes can be done in it. We don't need to put extra check
221 for ensuring not having cycle into position hierarcy because this
222 task is achieved by a constraint PER_POS_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS_UK2 according
224 combination in table PER_POS_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS.
226   if nvl(p_rec.parent_position_id, hr_api.g_number) <>
227      nvl(per_pse_shd.g_old_rec.parent_position_id
228         ,hr_api.g_number
229         ) then
230      l_argument := 'parent_position_id';
231      raise l_error;
232   end if;
234   bug no 3888749  ends here   */
235   --
236   if nvl(p_rec.subordinate_position_id, hr_api.g_number) <>
237      nvl(per_pse_shd.g_old_rec.subordinate_position_id
238         ,hr_api.g_number
239         ) then
240      l_argument := 'subordinate_position_id';
241      raise l_error;
242   end if;
243   --
245     WHEN l_error THEN
246        hr_api.argument_changed_error
247          (p_api_name => l_proc
248          ,p_argument => l_argument);
250        RAISE;
251 End chk_non_updateable_args;
252 --
253 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 -- |---------------------------< chk_children_exist >----------------------------|
255 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 PROCEDURE chk_children_exist
257             (p_pos_structure_version_id in
258                      per_pos_structure_elements.pos_structure_version_id%TYPE
259             ,p_Subordinate_position_Id in
260                      per_pos_structure_elements.Subordinate_position_Id%TYPE
261             ) is
262 --
263 l_temp VARCHAR2(1);
264 --
265 begin
266    --
267    -- Pre-delete checks for subordinate
268    -- positions in the hierarchy.
269    --
270                 select null
271                 into l_temp
272                 from sys.dual
273                 where exists(select 1
274                 from per_pos_structure_elements pse
275                 where pse.parent_position_id = p_Subordinate_position_Id
276                 and   pse.pos_structure_version_id = p_Pos_Structure_version_Id);
277                 --
278                 hr_utility.set_message('801','HR_6915_POS_DEL_FIRST');
279                 hr_utility.raise_error;
280                 --
281                 exception
282                         when no_data_found then
283                                 null;
284 end chk_children_exist;
285 --
286 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 -- |---------------------------< chk_security_pos >----------------------------|
288 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 PROCEDURE chk_security_pos(p_Subordinate_position_Id NUMBER
290                            ,p_Business_Group_Id NUMBER
291                            ,p_Pos_Structure_version_Id NUMBER) IS
292 l_dummy VARCHAR2(1);
293 begin
294    select null
295    into l_dummy
296    from sys.dual
297    where exists(select 1
298    from per_security_profiles psp
299    where  psp.business_group_id + 0     = p_Business_Group_Id
300    and    psp.position_id = p_Subordinate_position_Id
301    and    psp.position_structure_id = (select psv.position_structure_id
302                                       from per_pos_structure_versions psv
303                                       where psv.Pos_Structure_version_Id
304                                             = p_Pos_Structure_version_Id)
305    );
306    --
307    hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_7694_PER_NO_DEL_STRUCTURE');
308    hr_utility.raise_error;
309    --
310 exception
311    when no_data_found then
312       null;
313 end chk_security_pos;
316 --
320 --  Description:
317 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
318 -- |--------------------< chk_pos_structure_version_id >------------------------|
319 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 --    Validates that the mandatory structure version id is supplied and that it
322 --    exists in per_pos_structure_versions for the business group on the
323 --    effective date (Insert Only).
324 --
325 --  Pre-conditions:
326 --   Business group is valid
327 --
328 --  In Arguments:
329 --    p_pos_structure_element_id
330 --    p_business_group_id
331 --    p_pos_structure_version_id
332 --    p_effective_date
333 --
334 --  Post Success:
335 --    If a row does exist in per_pos_structure_versions for the given id and
336 --    business group then processing continues.
337 --
338 --  Post Failure:
339 --    Processing stops and an error is raised.
340 --
341 --  Access Status:
342 --    Internal Table Handler Use Only.
343 --
344 PROCEDURE chk_pos_structure_version_id(p_pos_structure_element_id in NUMBER
345                                       ,p_business_group_id in NUMBER
346                                       ,p_pos_structure_version_id in NUMBER
347                                       ,p_effective_date in DATE) IS
349 CURSOR csr_pos_structure_versions IS
350   SELECT 'X'
351   from per_pos_structure_versions psv
352   where psv.pos_structure_version_id = p_pos_structure_version_id
353   and psv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
354   and p_effective_date between psv.DATE_FROM
355                        and nvl(psv.DATE_TO,hr_general.end_of_time);
357  l_dummy varchar2(10);
358  l_proc  varchar2(100) := g_package||'chk_pos_structure_version_id';
360 begin
361   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 1);
362   --
363   -- Check mandatory parameters have been set
364   --
365   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
366     (p_api_name       => l_proc
367     ,p_argument       => 'business_group_id'
368     ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id
369     );
370   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
371     (p_api_name       => l_proc
372     ,p_argument       => 'p_effective_date'
373     ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date
374     );
375   --
376   --
377   if p_pos_structure_version_id is null then
378      hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_289723_POS_VER_NULL');
379      hr_utility.raise_error;
380   else
381     --
382     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 5);
383     --
384     -- Only proceed with validation if :
385     -- a) Inserting (pos_structure_version_id is non updateable)
386     --
387     if (p_pos_structure_element_id is null) then
389       open csr_pos_structure_versions;
390       fetch csr_pos_structure_versions into l_dummy;
391       if csr_pos_structure_versions%notfound then
392         close csr_pos_structure_versions;
393         hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_289724_POS_VER_INV');
394         hr_utility.raise_error;
395       end if;
396       close csr_pos_structure_versions;
398     end if;
399   end if;
400   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
402 end chk_pos_structure_version_id;
404 --
405 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 -- |-------------------< chk_parent_child_position_id >------------------------|
407 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
408 --  Description:
409 --    Validates that both the parent and subordinate positions are supplied and
410 --    exist in hr_all_positions_f for the business group on the effective_date.
411 --    Also checks that the subordinate position is unique within the structure
412 --    version, to prevent circular hierarchies. (Insert Only).
413 --
414 --  Pre-conditions:
415 --   Business group is valid
416 --   Structure version is valid.
417 --
418 --  In Arguments:
419 --    p_pos_structure_element_id
420 --    p_business_group_id
421 --    p_effective_date
422 --    p_pos_structure_version_id
423 --    p_parent_position_id
424 --    p_subordinate_position_id
425 --
426 --  Post Success:
427 --    Processing continues
428 --
429 --  Post Failure:
430 --    Processing stops and an error is raised.
431 --
432 --  Access Status:
433 --    Internal Table Handler Use Only.
434 --
435 PROCEDURE chk_parent_child_position_id(p_pos_structure_element_id in NUMBER
436                                       ,p_business_group_id in NUMBER
437                                       ,p_effective_date in DATE
438                                       ,p_pos_structure_version_id in NUMBER
439                                       ,p_parent_position_id in NUMBER
440                                       ,p_subordinate_position_id in NUMBER) IS
442   CURSOR csr_pos (p_pos_id in NUMBER) IS
443   SELECT 'X'
444   from hr_all_positions_f pos
445   where pos.POSITION_ID = p_pos_id
446   and pos.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
447   and p_effective_date between pos.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
448                        and pos.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE;
450   CURSOR csr_ele IS
451   SELECT 'X'
452   from per_pos_structure_elements ele
453   where ele.pos_structure_version_id = p_pos_structure_version_id
454   and ele.subordinate_position_id = p_subordinate_position_id;
456  l_dummy varchar2(1);
457  l_proc  varchar2(100) := g_package||'chk_parent_child_position_id';
459 begin
460  hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 1);
461   --
465     (p_api_name       => l_proc
462   -- Check mandatory parameters have been set
463   --
464   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
466     ,p_argument       => 'business_group_id'
467     ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id
468     );
469   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
470     (p_api_name       => l_proc
471     ,p_argument       => 'p_effective_date'
472     ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date
473     );
474   --
475   --
476   if p_parent_position_id is null or p_subordinate_position_id is null then
477      hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_289725_POS_NULL');
478      hr_utility.raise_error;
479   else
480     --
481     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 5);
482     --
483     -- Only proceed with validation if :
484     -- a) Inserting (parent or child position_id are non-updateable)
485     --
486     if (p_pos_structure_element_id is null) then
487       -- check parent position_id exists
488       open csr_pos(p_pos_id => p_parent_position_id);
489       fetch csr_pos into l_dummy;
490       if csr_pos%notfound then
491         close csr_pos;
492         hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_289726_PARENT_POS_INV');
493         hr_utility.raise_error;
494       end if;
495       close csr_pos;
497       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
498       -- check child position_id exists
499       open csr_pos(p_subordinate_position_id);
500       fetch csr_pos into l_dummy;
501       if csr_pos%notfound then
502         close csr_pos;
503         hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_289727_CHILD_POS_INV');
504         hr_utility.raise_error;
505       end if;
506       close csr_pos;
508       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
509       -- check if child is the same as parent
510       if p_subordinate_position_id=p_parent_position_id then
511                hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_289481_PARENT_CHILD_EQUAL');
512                hr_utility.raise_error;
513       end if;
514       -- check child is unique within the structure
515       open csr_ele;
516       fetch csr_ele into l_dummy;
517       if csr_ele%found then
518         close csr_ele;
519         hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_289728_CHILD_POS_EXISTS');
520         hr_utility.raise_error;
521       end if;
522       close csr_ele;
524     end if;
525   end if;
527   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 50);
528 --
529 end chk_parent_child_position_id;
530 --
531 --
532 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
533 -- |---------------------------< insert_validate >----------------------------|
534 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
535 Procedure insert_validate
536   (p_rec                          in per_pse_shd.g_rec_type
537   ,p_effective_date               in date
538   ) is
539 --
540   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
541 --
542 Begin
543   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
544   --
545   -- Call all supporting business operations
546   --
547   hr_api.validate_bus_grp_id(p_rec.business_group_id);  -- Validate Bus Grp
549   --
550   -- validate structure_version_id
551   --
552   per_pse_bus.chk_pos_structure_version_id(p_pos_structure_element_id => p_rec.pos_structure_version_id
553                                           ,p_business_group_id        => p_rec.business_group_id
554                                           ,p_pos_structure_version_id => p_rec.pos_structure_version_id
555                                           ,p_effective_date           => p_effective_date);
557   --
558   -- validate parent and subordinate position_id
559   --
560   per_pse_bus.chk_parent_child_position_id(p_pos_structure_element_id =>  p_rec.pos_structure_element_id
561                                           ,p_business_group_id        =>  p_rec.business_group_id
562                                           ,p_effective_date           =>  p_effective_date
563                                           ,p_pos_structure_version_id =>  p_rec.pos_structure_version_id
564                                           ,p_parent_position_id       =>  p_rec.parent_position_id
565                                           ,p_subordinate_position_id  =>  p_rec.subordinate_position_id);
566   --
567   --
568   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
569 End insert_validate;
570 --
571 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
572 -- |---------------------------< update_validate >----------------------------|
573 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
574 Procedure update_validate
575   (p_rec                          in per_pse_shd.g_rec_type
576   ,p_effective_date               in date
577   ) is
578 --
579   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
580 --
581 Begin
582   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
583   --
584   -- Call all supporting business operations
585   --
586   hr_api.validate_bus_grp_id(p_rec.business_group_id);  -- Validate Bus Grp
587   --
588   chk_non_updateable_args
589     (p_rec              => p_rec
590     );
591   --
592   --
593   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
594 End update_validate;
595 --
596 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
597 -- |---------------------------< delete_validate >----------------------------|
598 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
599 Procedure delete_validate
600   (p_rec                          in per_pse_shd.g_rec_type
601   ,p_hr_installed                 in VARCHAR2
602   ,p_chk_children                 in VARCHAR2
603   ) is
604 --
605   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
606 --
607 Begin
608   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
609   --
610   -- Call all supporting business operations
611   --
612   if p_chk_children = 'Y' then
613       per_pse_bus.chk_children_exist
614               (p_pos_structure_version_id => p_rec.pos_structure_version_id
615               ,p_subordinate_position_id => p_rec.subordinate_position_id
616               );
617   end if;
618   --
619   if p_hr_installed = 'I' then
620       per_pse_bus.chk_security_pos
621               (p_Subordinate_position_Id    => p_rec.Subordinate_position_Id
622               ,p_Business_Group_Id          => p_rec.Business_Group_Id
623               ,p_Pos_Structure_version_Id   => p_rec.Pos_Structure_version_Id
624               );
625   end if;
626   --
627   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
628 End delete_validate;
629 --
630 end per_pse_bus;