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Line 186: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages

184: cursor attr_groups_cur(p_template_id Number) is
185: SELECT ATTR_GROUP_NAME FROM ego_attr_groups_v WHERE attr_group_id IN
186: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages
187: WHERE template_id = p_template_id and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY <> 'DOCUMENT_NUMBERING');
188: BEGIN
190: -- get Uda Template Id

Line 373: ,po_uda_ag_template_usages puatu

370: INTO l_complex_attr_grp
371: FROM
372: po_uda_ag_templates puat
373: ,po_uda_ag_template_usages puatu
374: ,pon_bid_item_prices pbip
375: ,ego_attr_groups_v eagv
377: WHERE puat.template_id = p_bid_template_id

Line 656: FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages tu, ego_attr_groups_v ag

652: log_message('get_attribute_groups','Entered PROCEDURE');
654: SELECT DISTINCT ag.attr_group_name
655: BULK COLLECT INTO x_attr_group_tbl
656: FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages tu, ego_attr_groups_v ag
657: WHERE tu.template_id = p_uda_template_id
658: AND ag.attr_group_id = tu.attribute_group_id
659: AND tu.attribute_category NOT IN ('PRICING','DOCUMENT_NUMBERING','ADDRESS'); --12611018 Document numbering added

Line 737: (select attribute_group_id from po_uda_ag_template_usages

733: delete pon_auction_item_prices_ext_b
734: where auction_header_id = p_auction_header_id
735: and line_number=p_auction_line_number
736: and attr_group_id in
737: (select attribute_group_id from po_uda_ag_template_usages
738: where template_id=p_dest_template_id
739: and nvl(attribute1,'X')=nvl(l_idc_type,'X')
740: and nvl(attribute2,'X')=nvl(l_contract_type,'X'));
741: end if;

Line 766: FROM ego_attr_groups_v ag_v, po_uda_ag_template_usages ag, pon_bid_item_prices bid_lines

762: l_clm_idc_type po_lines_all.CLM_IDC_TYPE%TYPE;
764: CURSOR attr_groups_cursor(p_bid_number NUMBER,p_bid_line_number NUMBER) is
765: select distinct(ATTR_GROUP_NAME) ATTR_GROUP_NAME
766: FROM ego_attr_groups_v ag_v, po_uda_ag_template_usages ag, pon_bid_item_prices bid_lines
767: where bid_lines.bid_number = p_bid_number
768: and bid_lines.line_number = p_bid_line_number
769: and bid_lines.uda_template_id = ag.template_id
770: and Nvl(ag.attribute1,'A') = Decode(ag.attribute1,NULL,'A',bid_lines.clm_idc_type)

Line 870: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages

866: attrGrpCur := NULL;
867: if ( p_src_doc_type = 'PO' ) THEN
868: if ( p_tar_doc_level = 'HEADER' ) THEN
869: open attrGrpCur for SELECT ATTR_GROUP_NAME FROM ego_attr_groups_v WHERE (attr_group_id IN
870: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages
871: WHERE template_id = p_tar_template_id and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY <> 'DOCUMENT_NUMBERING' and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY <> 'ADDRESS')
873: elsif ( p_tar_doc_level = 'LINE' and p_src_doc_level = 'LINE' ) THEN
874: open attrGrpCur for SELECT ATTR_GROUP_NAME FROM ego_attr_groups_v WHERE attr_group_id IN

Line 875: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages

871: WHERE template_id = p_tar_template_id and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY <> 'DOCUMENT_NUMBERING' and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY <> 'ADDRESS')
873: elsif ( p_tar_doc_level = 'LINE' and p_src_doc_level = 'LINE' ) THEN
874: open attrGrpCur for SELECT ATTR_GROUP_NAME FROM ego_attr_groups_v WHERE attr_group_id IN
875: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages
876: WHERE template_id = p_tar_template_id and attribute_category <> 'FED_FIELDS');
877: elsif ( p_tar_doc_level = 'LINE' and p_src_doc_level = 'SHIP' ) THEN
878: open attrGrpCur for SELECT ATTR_GROUP_NAME FROM ego_attr_groups_v WHERE attr_group_id IN
879: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages

Line 879: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages

875: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages
876: WHERE template_id = p_tar_template_id and attribute_category <> 'FED_FIELDS');
877: elsif ( p_tar_doc_level = 'LINE' and p_src_doc_level = 'SHIP' ) THEN
878: open attrGrpCur for SELECT ATTR_GROUP_NAME FROM ego_attr_groups_v WHERE attr_group_id IN
879: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages
880: WHERE template_id = p_tar_template_id and attribute_category = 'FED_FIELDS');
881: end if;
882: elsif ( p_src_doc_type = 'REQ' ) THEN
883: if ( p_tar_doc_level = 'HEADER' ) THEN

Line 885: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages

881: end if;
882: elsif ( p_src_doc_type = 'REQ' ) THEN
883: if ( p_tar_doc_level = 'HEADER' ) THEN
884: open attrGrpCur for SELECT ATTR_GROUP_NAME FROM ego_attr_groups_v WHERE attr_group_id IN
885: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages
886: WHERE template_id = p_tar_template_id and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY <> 'DOCUMENT_NUMBERING' and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY <> 'ADDRESS');
887: elsif ( p_tar_doc_level = 'LINE' ) THEN
888: open attrGrpCur for SELECT ATTR_GROUP_NAME FROM ego_attr_groups_v WHERE attr_group_id IN
889: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages

Line 889: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages

885: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages
886: WHERE template_id = p_tar_template_id and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY <> 'DOCUMENT_NUMBERING' and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY <> 'ADDRESS');
887: elsif ( p_tar_doc_level = 'LINE' ) THEN
888: open attrGrpCur for SELECT ATTR_GROUP_NAME FROM ego_attr_groups_v WHERE attr_group_id IN
889: (SELECT DISTINCT(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID) FROM po_uda_ag_template_usages
890: WHERE template_id = p_src_template_id);
891: end if;
892: end if;
893: if ( attrGrpCur is not null ) then

Line 1106: select attribute_group_id into l_attr_grp_id from po_uda_ag_template_usages where template_id = p_src_template_id

1102: END IF;
1104: l_tar_attr_grp_type := 'PON_AUC_HDRS_EXT_ATTRS';
1106: select attribute_group_id into l_attr_grp_id from po_uda_ag_template_usages where template_id = p_src_template_id
1107: and attribute_category = 'ADDRESS';
1110: select attribute_group_id into l_tar_attr_grp_id from po_uda_ag_template_usages where template_id = p_tar_template_id

Line 1110: select attribute_group_id into l_tar_attr_grp_id from po_uda_ag_template_usages where template_id = p_tar_template_id

1106: select attribute_group_id into l_attr_grp_id from po_uda_ag_template_usages where template_id = p_src_template_id
1107: and attribute_category = 'ADDRESS';
1110: select attribute_group_id into l_tar_attr_grp_id from po_uda_ag_template_usages where template_id = p_tar_template_id
1111: and attribute_category = 'ADDRESS';
1114: for l_attr_list_rec in c_attr_list(l_src_attr_grp_type)