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2 /* $Header: FVAPPFRB.pls 120.3 2005/12/29 22:26:28 dsadhukh noship $ */
7 --==========================================================================
8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- Procedure Definitions
10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 --==========================================================================
14 --=========================================================================
15 -- ENCUMBRANCE_ENABLED:  is a function that returns boolean. True if
16 --                       encumbrance is enabled, false otherwise.
17 --=========================================================================
20   BEGIN
21     RETURN(TRUE);
22 END Encumbrance_Enabled;
26 --=========================================================================
27 -- SETUP_GL_FUNDSCHK_PARAMS:  Procedure that sets up parameters needed by
28 --                            gl_fundschecker, such as retrieving the
29 -- packet_id, setting the appropriate mode and partial_reservation_flag
30 -- depending on whether it is for fundschecking or approval's funds
31 -- reservation.
32 --
33 -- Parameters:
34 --
35 --  p_packet_id:  Packet_id variable to be populated by this procedure
36 --
37 --  p_mode:  GL Fundschecking mode to be populated by this procedure
38 --           ('C' if for fundscheking, 'R' for approval's funds reservation)
39 --
40 --  p_partial_reserv_flag:  GL Fundschecking partial reservation flag
41 --                          to be populated by this procedure.
42 --                          ('Y' for fundschecking, 'N' for approval's funds
43 --                          reservation.)
44 --
45 --  p_called_by:  Which Program this api is called by ('APPRVOAL'
46 --                or 'FUNDSCHKER')
47 --
48 -- p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to be
49 --                      printed out NOCOPY upon error.
50 --=========================================================================
52 PROCEDURE SetUp_GL_FundsChk_Params(p_packet_id   	 IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
53 	          		   p_mode        	 IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
54 				   p_partial_resv_flag   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
55 				   p_called_by 	 	 IN VARCHAR2,
56 		   		   p_calling_sequence 	 IN VARCHAR2) IS
57   BEGIN
59  null;
60 END SetUp_GL_FundsChk_Params;
64 --=========================================================================
65 -- GET_GL_FUNDSCHK_PACKET_ID:  Prcedure to retrieve the next packet_id to
66 --                             be used for inserting records into
67 -- gl_bc_packets and for calling gl_fundschecker api.
68 --
69 -- Parameters;
70 --
71 --   p_packet_id:   Packet_Id variable to be populated by this procedure
72 --
73 --=========================================================================
75 PROCEDURE Get_GL_FundsChk_Packet_Id(p_packet_id   	 IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
77   null;
78 END Get_GL_FundsChk_Packet_ID;
82 --============================================================================
83 -- FUNDS_CHECK:  Procedure to perform fundschecking on a whole invoice if
84 --		 p_dist_line_num is null or a particular invoice distribution
85 -- line if p_dist_line_num is provided.
86 --
87 -- Parameters:
88 --
89 -- p_invoice_id:  Invoice_Id to perform funds_checking on
90 --
91 -- p_dist_line_num:  Invoice Distribution Line Number if populated, tells
92 --		     the api to fundscheck a particular invoice distribution
93 --		     instead of all the distribution lines of the invoice
94 --
95 -- p_return_message_name:  Message returned to the calling module of status of
96 --                         of invoice
97 --
98 -- p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to be
99 --                      printed out NOCOPY upon error.
100 --============================================================================
102 PROCEDURE Funds_Check(p_invoice_id		IN NUMBER,
103 		      p_dist_line_num		IN NUMBER,
104 		      p_return_message_name 	IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
105                       p_calling_sequence 	IN VARCHAR2) IS
108  null;
109 END Funds_Check;
112 --============================================================================
113 -- FUNDS_RESERVE:  Procedure to performs funds reservations.
114 --
115 -- Parameters:
116 --
117 -- p_invoice_id:  Invoice Id
118 --
119 -- p_unique_packet_id_per:  ('INVOICE' or 'DISTRIBUTION')
120 --
121 -- p_set_of_books_id:  Set of books Id
122 --
123 -- p_base_currency_code:  Base Currency Code
124 --
125 -- p_inv_enc_type_id:  Financials Invoice Encumbrance Type Id
126 --
127 -- p_purch_enc_type_id:  Financials Purchasing Encumbrance Type Id
128 --
129 -- p_conc_flag: ('Y' or 'N') indicating if procedure is to be called as a
130 --		 concurrent program or userexit.
131 --
132 -- p_system_user:  Approval Program User Id
133 --
134 -- p_ussgl_option:
135 --
136 -- p_holds:  Holds Array
137 --
138 -- p_hold_count:  Holds Count Array
139 --
140 -- p_release_count:  Release Count Array
141 --
142 -- p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to be
143 --                      printed out NOCOPY upon error.
144 --============================================================================
146 PROCEDURE Funds_Reserve(p_invoice_id		IN NUMBER,
147 		        p_unique_packet_id_per	IN VARCHAR2,
148   			p_set_of_books_id	IN NUMBER,
149 		   	p_base_currency_code	IN VARCHAR2,
150 		   	p_inv_enc_type_id	IN NUMBER,
151 		   	p_purch_enc_type_id	IN NUMBER,
152 			p_conc_flag	  	IN VARCHAR2,
153 			p_system_user		IN NUMBER,
154 			p_ussgl_option		IN VARCHAR2,
158                         p_calling_sequence 	IN VARCHAR2) IS
164  null;
165 END Funds_Reserve;
167 --============================================================================
168 -- CLEAR_PACKET_ID_FROM_INVDISTS:  Procedure that clears the packet_id from
169 --				   the distributions with the given invoice_id
170 -- and given packet_id.
171 --============================================================================
173 PROCEDURE Clear_Packet_Id_From_InvDists(p_invoice_id 	IN NUMBER,
174 				        p_packet_id 	IN NUMBER,
175 				        p_calling_sequence IN VARCHAR2) IS
176  BEGIN
177   null;
178 END Clear_Packet_Id_From_InvDists;
181 --============================================================================
182 -- FUNDSCHECK_INIT:  Procedure to retrieve system parameters to be used in
183 --                   fundschecker.
184 --
185 -- Parameters:
186 --
187 --  p_chart_of_accounts_id:  Variable for the procedure to populate with the
188 --                           chart of accounts id
189 --
190 --  p_set_of_books_id:  Variable for the procedure to populate with the
191 --			set of books id
192 --
193 --  p_auto_offsets_flag:  Variable for the procedure to populate with the
194 --			  automatic offsets flag.
195 --
196 --  p_flex_method:  Variable for the procedure to populate with the
197 --		    flexbuild method
198 --
199 --  p_xrate_gain_ccid:  Variable for the procedure to populate with the
200 --			exchange rate variance gain ccid
201 --
202 --  p_xrate_loss_ccid:  Variable for the procedure to populate with the
203 --			exchange rate variance loss ccid
204 --
205 --  p_base_currency_code:  Variable for the procedure to populate with the
206 --			   base currency code
207 --
208 --  p_inv_enc_type_id:  Variable for the procedure to populate with the
209 --			invoice encumbrance type id
210 --
211 --  p_gl_user_id:  Variable for the procedure to populate with the
212 --		   profile option user_id to be used for the gl_fundschecker
213 --
214 -- p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to be
215 --                      printed out NOCOPY upon error.
216 --============================================================================
218 PROCEDURE FundsCheck_Init(p_chart_of_accounts_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
219 			  p_set_of_books_id   	IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
220 			  p_auto_offsets_flag 	IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
221 			  p_flex_method 	IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
222 			  p_xrate_gain_ccid 	IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
223 			  p_xrate_loss_ccid 	IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
224 			  p_base_currency_code 	IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
225 			  p_inv_enc_type_id 	IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
226 			  p_gl_user_id     	IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
227                           p_calling_sequence 	IN VARCHAR2) IS
229    null;
230 END FundsCheck_Init;
233 --============================================================================
234 -- SETUP_FLEXBUILD_PARAMS:  Procedure to setup the flexbuild parameters
235 --			    needed to flexbuild either or both exchange
236 -- rate gain/loss account ccids.  It returns the qualifier name, segment
237 -- delimiter, segment number, number of segments, system level exchange
238 -- rate variance account segments and some flags and message if flexbuilding
239 -- cannot happen for exchange rate accounts.
240 --
241 -- Parameters:
242 --
243 --  p_chart_of_accounts_id:  Chart of accounts id
244 --
245 --  p_flex_method: System Level Flexbuild method
246 --
247 --  p_flex_xrate_flag:  BOOLEAN, whether to flexbuild the exchange rate
248 --			variance account (TRUE for flexbuild, FALSE otherwise).
249 --
250 --  p_xrate_gain_ccid:  System level exchange rate variance gain ccid.
251 --			Only needed if p_flex_xrate_flag = TRUE
252 --
253 --  p_xrate_loss_ccid:  System level excahgne rate variance loss ccid
254 --			Only needed if p_flex_xrate_flag = TRUE
255 --
256 --  p_flex_qualifier_name:  Variable to be populated with the flexbuild
257 --			    qualifier name by the procedure for flexbuilding
258 --
259 --  p_flex_segment_delimiter:  Variable to be populated with the flexbuild
260 --			       segment delimiter by the procedure for
261 --			       flexbuilding
262 --
263 --  p_flex_segment_number:  Variable to be populated with the flexbuild
264 --			    segment number by the procedure for flexbuilding
265 --
266 --  p_num_of_segments:	Variable to be populated with the flexbuild number
267 --			of segments by the procedure for flexbuilding
268 --
269 --  p_xrate_gain_segments:  Variable to contain the exchange rate variance
270 --			    gain account segments to be populated by the
271 --			    procedure for flexbuilding
272 --
273 --  p_xrate_loss_segments:  Variable to contain the exchange rate variance
274 --			    loss account segments to be populated by the
275 --			    procedure for flexbuilding
276 --
277 --  p_xrate_cant_flexbuild_flag:  Boolean value to be set by the procedure  if
278 --				  for some reason the exchange rate variance
279 --				  account cannot be flexbuilt.
280 --
281 --  p_cant_flexbuild_reason:  Variable to contain the reason why the
282 --			      liability account could not be flexbuilt
283 --
284 -- p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to be
285 --                      printed out NOCOPY upon error.
286 --============================================================================
288 PROCEDURE SetUp_Flexbuild_Params(p_chart_of_accounts_id IN NUMBER,
289 				 p_flex_method IN VARCHAR2,
290                                  p_flex_xrate_flag IN BOOLEAN,
291 				 p_xrate_gain_ccid IN NUMBER,
292 				 p_xrate_loss_ccid IN NUMBER,
293 				 p_flex_qualifier_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
294 				 p_flex_segment_delimiter IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
295 				 p_flex_segment_number IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
296                                  p_num_of_segments IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
297 				 p_xrate_gain_segments IN OUT NOCOPY FND_FLEX_EXT.SEGMENTARRAY,
298 				 p_xrate_loss_segments IN OUT NOCOPY FND_FLEX_EXT.SEGMENTARRAY,
299 				 p_xrate_cant_flexbuild_flag IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
300                                  p_cant_flexbuild_reason IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
301 				 p_calling_sequence IN VARCHAR2) IS
302  BEGIN
303   null;
304 END SetUp_Flexbuild_Params;
307 --============================================================================
308 -- BC_PACKETS_INSERT:  Procedure that inserts accounting debits or credit
309 --		       records into gl_bc_packets depending on whether the
310 -- invoice distribution was a reversal and whether the amount inserted is
311 -- positive or negative.  Records need to be inserted into gl_bc_packets
312 -- before gl_fundschecker can be called.
313 --
314 -- Parameters:
315 --
316 --  p_packet_id:  Packet Id
317 --
318 --  p_set_of_books_id:  Set of Books Id
319 --
320 --  p_ccid:  Code Combination Id
321 --
322 --  p_period_year:  Period Year
323 --
324 --  p_period_num:  Period Num
325 --
326 --  p_quarter_num:  Quarter Num
327 --
328 --  p_gl_user:  User Id
329 --
330 --  p_enc_type_id:  Encumbrance Type Id
331 --
332  --  -------------------------------------------------+
333  --  | Journal Entry Reference Columns                |
334  --  | (Not needed for funds checking)                |
335  --  |                                                |
336  --  |   Expense Lines:                               |
337  --  |     o p_ref1:  Vendor Name                     |
338  --  |     o p_ref2:  Invoice ID                      |
339  --  |     o p_ref3:  Distribution Line Number        |
340  --  |     o p_ref4:  Invoice Number                  |
341  --  |     o p_ref5:  Voucher Number                  |
342  --  |   Encumbrance Lines and Reversals              |
343  --  |     o p_ref1:  Vendor Name                     |
344  --  |     o p_ref2:  Invoice ID                      |
345  --  |     o p_ref3:  Distribution Line Number        |
346  --  |     o p_ref4:  PO Number                       |
347  --  |     o p_ref5:  Invoice Number                  |
348  --  |   Payment Lines                                |
349  --  |     o p_ref1: Vendor Name                      |
350  --  |     o p_ref2: Invoice ID                       |
351  --  |     o p_ref3: Check ID                         |
352  --  |     o p_ref4: Check Number                     |
353  --  |     o p_ref5: Invoice Number                   |
354  --  +-------------------------------------------------
355 --
356 --  p_je_source:  Je Source Name ('Payables')
357 --
358 --  p_je_category:  Je Category Nmae ('Purchase Invoices')
359 --
360 --  p_actual_flag:  Actual Flag ('E')
361 --
362 --  p_period_name:  Period Name
363 --
364 --  p_base_currency_code:  Base Currency Code
365 --
366 --  p_status_code:  Status Code ('C' for fundschecking, 'P' for approval's
367 --				 funds reservation)
368 --
369 --  p_ussgl_code:  USSGL code profile option (Not needed for fundschecking)
370 --
371 --  p_base_amt:  Base Amount
372 --
373 --  p_reversal_flag:  Reversal Flag
374 --
375 --  p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to
376 --			 be printed out NOCOPY upon error.
377 --============================================================================
379 PROCEDURE BC_Packets_Insert(p_packet_id		IN NUMBER,
380 			    p_set_of_books_id	IN NUMBER,
381 			    p_ccid		IN NUMBER,
382 			    p_period_year	IN NUMBER,
383 			    p_period_num	IN NUMBER,
384 			    p_quarter_num	IN NUMBER,
385                        	    p_gl_user		IN NUMBER,
386 			    p_enc_type_id	IN NUMBER,
387                        	    p_ref1		IN VARCHAR2,
388 			    p_ref2		IN NUMBER,
389 			    p_ref3		IN NUMBER,
390 			    p_ref4		IN VARCHAR2,
391 			    p_ref5		IN VARCHAR2,
392                        	    p_je_source		IN VARCHAR2,
393 			    p_je_category	IN VARCHAR2,
394 			    p_actual_flag	IN VARCHAR2,
395                        	    p_period_name	IN VARCHAR2,
396 			    p_base_currency_code IN VARCHAR2,
397 			    p_status_code	IN VARCHAR2,
398                        	    p_ussgl_code	IN VARCHAR2,
399                        	    p_base_amt		IN NUMBER,
400 			    p_reversal_flag	IN VARCHAR2,
401 			    p_calling_sequence 	IN VARCHAR2) IS
403  null;
404 END BC_Packets_Insert;
407 /**==========================================================================
408 ENCUMBRANCE_LINES_INSERT : This Procedure inserts lines into ap_encumbrance
409 lines. The p_conc_flag determines whether to set the extended who columns
410 if called by a concurrent program
411 ==========================================================================**/
413 PROCEDURE Encumbrance_Lines_Insert (
414 			p_invoice_distribution_id	IN	NUMBER,
415 			p_encum_line_type		IN	VARCHAR2,
416 			p_accounting_date		IN	DATE,
417 			p_period_name			IN	VARCHAR2,
418 			p_encum_type_id			IN	NUMBER,
419 			p_code_combination_id		IN	NUMBER,
420 			p_accounted_cr			IN 	NUMBER,
421 			p_accounted_dr			IN	NUMBER,
422 			p_reversal_flag			IN	VARCHAR2,
423 			p_user_id			IN	NUMBER,
424 			p_conc_flag			IN 	VARCHAR2,
425 			p_calling_sequence		IN	VARCHAR2) IS
428 null;
429 END Encumbrance_Lines_Insert;
432 --============================================================================
433 -- CALC_IPV_ERV:  Procedure to calculate invoice price variance, base invoice
434 --		  price variance, exchange rate variance and to return the
435 -- the appropriate invoice price variance ccid and exchange rate variance ccid
436 -- depending on the po distribution destination type.  If the destination
437 -- type is EXPENSE, both the ipv_ccid and erv_ccid equals the po distribution
438 -- expense ccid.  If the destination type is INVENDTORY, the ipv_ccid equals
439 -- the po distribution variance account ccid, while the erv_ccid depends on
440 -- whether it is a gain or loss to be assigned to the system level exchange
441 -- rate variance gain/loss ccid and also if automatic offsets is on,
442 -- to determine if the system gain/loss account gets overlaid with the
443 -- dist_ccid depending on the flex  method.
444 --
445 -- Parameters:
446 --
447 --  p_auto_offset_flag:   Boolean to indicated whether automatic offsets is
448 --			  enabled or not (TRUE for enabled, FALSE otherwise)
449 --
450 --  p_xrate_cant_flexbuild_flag:  Boolean to indicate whether the procedure
451 --				  has problems setting up parameters to
452 --				  flexbuild the exchange rate variacne account
453 --
454 --  p_chart_of_account_id:   Chart of Accounts Id
455 --
456 --  p_xrate_gain_segments:  Exchange Rate Variance Gain Account Segments
457 --
458 --  p_xrate_loss_segments:  Exchange Rate Variance Loss Account Segments
459 --
460 --  p_sys_xrate_gain_ccid:  System level Exchange Rate Variance Gain Ccid
461 --
462 --  p_sys_xrate_loss_ccid:  System level Exchange Rate Variance Loss Ccid
463 --
464 --  p_dist_ccid:  Invoice Distribution Line Ccid
465 --
466 --  p_expense_ccid:  PO Distribution Expense Ccid
467 --
468 --  p_variance_ccid:  PO Distribution Variance Ccid
469 --
470 --  p_segment_number:  Flexbuild Segment Number
471 --
472 --  p_flex_method:  Flexbuild Method
473 --
474 --  p_flex_qualifier_name:  Flexbuild Qualifier Name
475 --
476 --  p_flex_segment_delimiter:  Flexbuild Segment Delimiter
477 --
478 --  p_po_rate:  PO Rate
479 --
480 --  p_po_price:  PO Price
481 --
482 --  p_inv_rate:  Invoice Rate
483 --
484 --  p_inv_price:  Invoice Price
485 --
486 --  p_inv_qty:  Invoice Quantity
487 --
488 --  p_inv_currency_code:  Invoice Currency Code
489 --
490 --  p_base_currency_code:  Base Currency Code
491 --
492 --  p_destination_type:  PO Distribution Destination Type
493 --
494 --  p_ipv:  Variable to contain the invoice price variance calculated by the
495 --          procedure.
496 --
497 --  p_bipv:  Variable to contain the base invoice price variance calculated
498 --           by the procedure.
499 --
500 --  p_price_var_ccid:  Variable to contain the invoice price variance ccid
501 --                     that is determined by the po distribution destination
502 --		       type.
503 --  p_erv:  Variable to contain the exchange rate variacne calculated by the
504 --          procedure.
505 --
506 --  p_erv_ccid:  Variable to contains the exchange rate variance ccid that
507 --		 is determined by the po distribution destination type and
508 --		 if automatic offsets is on or not.
509 --
510 --  p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to
511 --			 be printed out NOCOPY upon error.
512 --============================================================================
514 PROCEDURE Calc_IPV_ERV(p_auto_offsets_flag	IN VARCHAR2,
515 		       p_xrate_cant_flexbuild_flag IN BOOLEAN,
516 		       p_chart_of_accounts_id	IN NUMBER,
517 		       p_xrate_gain_segments    IN FND_FLEX_EXT.SEGMENTARRAY,
518 		       p_xrate_loss_segments    IN FND_FLEX_EXT.SEGMENTARRAY,
519 		       p_sys_xrate_gain_ccid    IN NUMBER,
520 		       p_sys_xrate_loss_ccid    IN NUMBER,
521 		       p_dist_ccid 		IN NUMBER,
522 		       p_expense_ccid		IN NUMBER,
523 		       p_variance_ccid    	IN NUMBER,
524 		       p_segment_number		IN NUMBER,
525 		       p_flex_method		IN VARCHAR2,
526 		       p_flex_qualifier_name	IN VARCHAR2,
527 		       p_flex_segment_delimiter IN VARCHAR2,
528 		       p_po_rate		IN NUMBER,
529 		       p_po_price		IN NUMBER,
530 		       p_inv_rate		IN NUMBER,
531 		       p_rtxn_rate		IN NUMBER,
532 		       p_rtxn_uom		IN VARCHAR2,
533 		       p_rtxn_item_id		IN NUMBER,
534 		       p_po_uom			IN VARCHAR2,
535 		       p_match_option		IN VARCHAR2,
536 		       p_inv_price		IN NUMBER,
537 		       p_inv_qty		IN NUMBER,
538 		       p_dist_amount		IN NUMBER,
539 		       p_base_dist_amount	IN NUMBER,
540 		       p_inv_currency_code	IN VARCHAR2,
541 		       p_base_currency_code	IN VARCHAR2,
542 		       p_destination_type	IN VARCHAR2,
543 		       p_ipv   			IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
544 		       p_bipv  			IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
545 		       p_price_var_ccid		IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
546 		       p_erv   			IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
547 		       p_erv_ccid 		IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
548 		       p_calling_sequence	IN VARCHAR2) IS
550  null;
551 END Calc_IPV_ERV;
554 Procedure Calc_Tax_IPV_ERV(p_auto_offsets_flag	IN VARCHAR2,
555 		       p_xrate_cant_flexbuild_flag IN BOOLEAN,
556 		       p_chart_of_accounts_id	IN NUMBER,
557 		       p_xrate_gain_segments    IN FND_FLEX_EXT.SEGMENTARRAY,
558 		       p_xrate_loss_segments    IN FND_FLEX_EXT.SEGMENTARRAY,
559 		       p_sys_xrate_gain_ccid    IN NUMBER,
560 		       p_sys_xrate_loss_ccid    IN NUMBER,
561                        p_flex_segment_number    IN NUMBER,
562                        p_flex_method            IN VARCHAR2,
563                        p_flex_qualifier_name    IN VARCHAR2,
564                        p_flex_segment_delimiter IN VARCHAR2,
565 		       p_tax_dist_id 		IN NUMBER,
566 		       p_po_dist_id 		IN NUMBER,
567 		       p_dist_ccid 		IN NUMBER,
568 		       p_sum_qty_invoiced 	IN NUMBER,
569 		       p_sum_allocated_amount 	IN NUMBER,
570                        p_po_expense_ccid        IN NUMBER,
571                        p_price_variance_ccid    IN NUMBER,
572                        p_po_price               IN NUMBER,
573                        p_rtxn_rate              IN NUMBER,
574                        p_rtxn_uom               IN VARCHAR2,
575                        p_rtxn_item_id           IN NUMBER,
576                        p_po_uom                 IN VARCHAR2,
577                        p_match_option           IN VARCHAR2,
578                        p_po_rate                IN NUMBER,
579                        p_inv_rate               IN NUMBER,
580                        p_destination_type       IN VARCHAR2,
581                        p_po_tax_rate            IN NUMBER,
582                        p_po_recov_rate          IN NUMBER,
583                        p_invoice_currency_code  IN VARCHAR2,
584                        p_base_currency_code     IN VARCHAR2,
585                        p_tax_ipv_ccid           IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
586                        p_tax_erv_ccid           IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
587                        p_tax_ipv                IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
588                        p_tax_bipv               IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
589                        p_tax_erv                IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
590                        p_calling_sequence       IN VARCHAR2,
591 		       p_tax_id			IN NUMBER,
592 		       p_codeorgroup		IN NUMBER,
593 		       p_vendor_id		IN NUMBER,
594 		       p_vendor_site_id		IN NUMBER) IS
598   null;
599 END Calc_Tax_IPV_ERV;
601 --============================================================================
602 -- CALC_QV:  Procedure to calculate the quantity variance and base quantity
603 --           variance and also return the invoice distribution line number
604 -- that the quantity variances should be applied to.
605 --
606 -- Parameters:
607 --
608 --  p_invoice_id:  Invoice Id
609 --
610 --  p_po_dist_id:  Po Distribution Id that the invoice is matched to
611 --
612 --  p_inv_currency_code:  Invoice Currency Code
613 --
614 --  p_base_currency_code:  Base Currency Code
615 --
616 --  p_po_price:   Po Price
617 --
618 --  p_po_qty:  Po Quantity
619 --
620 --  p_qv:  Variable to contain the quantity variance of the invoice to be
621 --         calculated by the procedure
622 --
623 --  p_bqv:  Variable to contain the base quantity variance of the invoice to
624 --          be calculated by the procedure
625 --
626 --  p_update_line_num:  Variable to contain the distribution line number
627 --                      of the invoice that the qv should be applied to
628 --
629 -- p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to be
630 --                      printed out NOCOPY upon error.
631 --============================================================================
633 PROCEDURE Calc_QV(p_invoice_id		IN NUMBER,
634 		  p_po_dist_id		IN NUMBER,
635 		  p_inv_currency_code	IN VARCHAR2,
636                   p_base_currency_code  IN VARCHAR2,
637 		  p_po_price		IN NUMBER,
638 		  p_po_qty		IN NUMBER,
639 		  p_match_option	IN VARCHAR2,
640 		  p_rtxn_uom		IN VARCHAR2,
641 	          p_po_uom		IN VARCHAR2,
642 		  p_item_id		IN NUMBER,
643 		  p_qv			IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
644 		  p_bqv			IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
645 		  p_update_line_num	IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
646 		  p_calling_sequence    IN VARCHAR2) IS
649   	   null;
650 END Calc_QV;
653 --============================================================================
654 -- PROCESS_FUNDSCHK_FAILURE_CODE:  Procedure to process the gl_fundschecker
655 --				   failure code.  It updates all the
656 -- unapproved invoice distributions associated for a invoice if
657 -- p_dist_line_num is null or a particular invoice distribution line if
658 -- p_dist_line_num is provided with the given packet_id.  It then retrieves
659 -- the gl_fundschecker failure result code and determines which message to
660 -- return to let the user know why fundschecking failed.
661 --
662 -- Parameters:
663 --
664 --  p_invoice_id:  Invoice Id
665 --
666 --  p_dist_line_num:  Dist Line Number (if null, updates the whole invoice
667 --		      with the packet_id, otherwise only updates this
668 --		      invoice distribution line)
669 --
670 --  p_packet_id:  Packet Id
671 --
672 --  p_return_message_name:  Variable to contain the return message name
673 --			    of why fundschecking failed to be populated by
674 --			    the procedure.
675 --
676 -- p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to be
677 --                      printed out NOCOPY upon error.
678 --============================================================================
680 PROCEDURE Process_Fundschk_Failure_Code(p_invoice_id 		IN NUMBER,
681 			      		p_dist_line_num 	IN NUMBER,
682 			      		p_packet_id 		IN NUMBER,
683 			      		p_return_message_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
684 			      		p_calling_sequence 	IN VARCHAR2) IS
686   null;
687 END Process_Fundschk_Failure_Code;
690 --============================================================================
691 -- UPDATE_INVDISTS_WTH_PACKETID:  Procedure to update all the upapproved dist
692 --				  in an invoice if p_dist_line_num is null
693 --				  or a particular invoice distribution line,
694 --				  if p_dist_line_num is provided.
695 --
696 -- Parameters:
697 --
698 --  p_invoice_id:  Invoice Id
699 --
700 --  p_dist_line_num:  Dist Line Number (if null, updates the whole invoice
701 --		      with the packet_id, otherwise only updates this
702 --		      invoice distribution line)
703 --
704 --  p_packet_id:  Packet Id
705 --
706 --============================================================================
708 PROCEDURE Update_InvDists_Wth_PacketId(p_invoice_id 	IN NUMBER,
709 				       p_dist_line_num	IN NUMBER,
710 				       p_packet_id 	IN NUMBER) IS
712    null;
713 END Update_InvDists_Wth_PacketId;
716 --============================================================================
717 -- GET_GL_FUNDSCHK_RESULT_CODE:  Procedure to retrieve the GL_Fundschecker
718 --				 result code after the GL_Fundschecker has
719 --				 been run.
720 --
721 -- Parameters:
722 --
723 --  p_packet_id:  Packet Id
724 --
725 --  p_fc_result_code:  Variable to contain the gl_fundschecker result code
726 --
727 --============================================================================
729 PROCEDURE Get_GL_FundsChk_Result_Code(p_packet_id  	IN NUMBER,
730 				      p_fc_result_code  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
732  null;
733 END Get_GL_FundsChk_Result_Code;
736 --============================================================================
737 -- UPDATE_INVDIST_WTH_ENCUM_FLAG:  Procedure that sets the encumbrance_flag
738 --				   to the given encumbrance_flag for the
739 -- given invoice_id with the given packet_id.
740 --============================================================================
742 PROCEDURE Update_InvDist_Wth_Encum_Flag(p_invoice_id	IN NUMBER,
743 					  p_packet_id	IN NUMBER,
744 					  p_encum_flag	IN VARCHAR2,
745 					  p_calling_sequence IN VARCHAR2) IS
746   BEGIN
748  null;
749 END Update_InvDist_Wth_Encum_Flag;
752 --============================================================================
753 -- PROCESS_FUNDSRESV_FAIL_CODE:  Procedure to process the gl_fundschecker
754 --				 failure code.  It tretrieves the
755 -- gl_fundschecker result code and determines whether insufficient funds
756 -- or cant funds check exists and retunrs those values.
757 --
758 -- Parameters:
759 --
760 -- p_invoice_id:  Invoice Id
761 --
762 -- p_packet_id:  Packet Id
763 --
764 -- p_insuff_funds_exists:  Variable to be set if insufficent funds exists.
765 --
766 -- p_cant_fundschk_exists:  Variable to be set if insufficent funds exists.
767 --
768 -- p_calling_sequence:  Debugging string to indicate path of module calls to be
769 --                      printed out NOCOPY upon error.
770 --============================================================================
771 PROCEDURE Process_FundsResv_Fail_Code(p_invoice_id	    IN NUMBER,
772 				      p_packet_id	    IN NUMBER,
773 				      p_insuff_funds_exists IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
774 				      p_cant_fundsck_exists IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
775 				      p_calling_sequence    IN VARCHAR2) IS
776   BEGIN
778  null;
779 END Process_FundsResv_Fail_Code;
781 -- Short-named procedure for logging
784 	      loc	IN VARCHAR2) IS
787   null;
788   --AP_LOGGING_PKG.AP_Log(msg, loc);
789 END Log;