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1 package body iby_address_pkg as
2 /*$Header: ibyadrsb.pls 120.1 2005/10/30 05:49:33 appldev noship $*/
3 /*
4 ** Function: createAddress
5 ** Purpose:  Creates an entry in the iby_address table and assigns an id
6 **           to identify it.
7 ** Parameters:
8 **
9 **    In  : i_address1, i_address2, i_address3, i_city, i_county,
10 **          i_state, i_country, i_postalcode.
11 **    Out : io_addressid.
12 **
13 */
14 procedure createAddress( i_address1 hz_locations.address1%type,
15                       i_address2 hz_locations.address2%type,
16                       i_address3 hz_locations.address3%type,
17                       i_city hz_locations.city%type,
18                       i_county hz_locations.county%type,
19                       i_state hz_locations.state%type,
20                       i_country hz_locations.country%type,
21                       i_postalcode hz_locations.postal_code%type,
22                       o_addressid  out nocopy hz_locations.location_id%type)
23 is
25 p_api_version   NUMBER := 1;
26 p_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.G_TRUE;
27 p_commit        VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.G_FALSE;
28   l_hz_location_v2_rec                 HZ_LOCATION_V2PUB.LOCATION_REC_TYPE;
29 --location_rec 	hz_location_pub.location_rec_type;
30 l_location_id 	number;
31 msg_txt varchar2(2000);
32 l_return_status         varchar2(100);
34 l_msg_count             number;
35 l_msg_data              varchar2(2000);
37 begin
38 --fnd_client_info.set_org_context(204);
40 l_hz_location_v2_rec.address1 := i_address1;
41 l_hz_location_v2_rec.address2 := i_address2;
42 l_hz_location_v2_rec.address3 := i_address3;
43 l_hz_location_v2_rec.city := i_city;
44 l_hz_location_v2_rec.state := i_state;
45 l_hz_location_v2_rec.county := i_county;
46 l_hz_location_v2_rec.postal_code := i_postalcode;
47 l_hz_location_v2_rec.country := i_country;
48 l_hz_location_v2_rec.created_by_module := 'IBY';
50 --dbms_output.put_line('Before hz_location.create ');
52     hz_location_v2pub.create_location(
53       p_location_rec             =>  l_hz_location_v2_rec,
54       x_location_id              =>  l_location_id,
55       x_return_status            =>  l_return_status,
56       x_msg_count                =>  l_msg_count,
57       x_msg_data                 =>  l_msg_data);
58 /*
59     HZ_LOCATION_PUB.create_location(
60                 p_api_version,
61                 p_init_msg_list,
62                 p_commit,
63                 location_rec,
64                 l_return_status,
65                 l_msg_count,
66                 l_msg_data,
67                 l_location_id);
68 */
69   --dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count = '||to_char(l_msg_count));
70   --dbms_output.put_line('l_return_status = '||l_return_status);
71   --dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_data = '||l_msg_data);
72   --dbms_output.put_line('location_id = '||to_char(l_location_id));
74   /*
75    ** Catch the exception if create not successful
76    */
77   if l_return_status <> 'S' then
78       if l_msg_count = 1 then
79          msg_txt := l_msg_data;
80       else
81          for i in 1..l_msg_count loop
83            msg_txt := msg_txt ||' '|| FND_MSG_PUB.GET(i,'F');
85          end loop;
87         -- o_msg := msg_txt;
88       end if;
89        --dbms_output.put_line('text is : '||msg_txt);
90        --raise_application_error(-20000,'IBY_204550#CCM_API_MSG=' || msg_txt,FALSE);
91        raise_application_error(-20000,'IBY_20496#CCM_API_MSG=' || msg_txt,FALSE);
92        -- returns message 'Could not create or modify address information. Data entered could be invalid.'
93        --dbms_output.put_line('Error : '||'Location not created');
94       --ROLLBACK TO CreateOrganization;
95    end if;
97   o_addressid := l_location_id;
98 end createAddress;
99 /*
100 ** Function: modAddress
101 ** Purpose:  modifies the entry in the hz_locations table that matches addressid
102 **           passed with the values specified.
103 ** Parameters:
104 **
105 **    In  : i_addressid, i_address1, i_address2, i_address3, i_city,
106 **          i_county, i_state, i_country, i_postalcode.
107 **    Out : None.
108 **
109 */
110 procedure    modAddress(i_addressid hz_locations.location_id%type,
111                       i_address1 hz_locations.address1%type,
112                       i_address2 hz_locations.address2%type,
113                       i_address3 hz_locations.address3%type,
114                       i_city hz_locations.city%type,
115                       i_county hz_locations.county%type,
116                       i_state hz_locations.state%type,
117                       i_country hz_locations.country%type,
118                       i_postalcode hz_locations.postal_code%type)
119 is
120 p_api_version   NUMBER := 1;
121 p_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.G_TRUE;
122 p_commit        VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.G_FALSE;
123 -- location_rec    hz_location_pub.location_rec_type;
124   l_hz_location_v2_rec                 HZ_LOCATION_V2PUB.LOCATION_REC_TYPE;
125   l_ovn                                NUMBER;
126 l_location_id   number;
127 msg_txt varchar2(2000);
128 l_return_status         varchar2(100);
129 l_msg_count             number;
130 l_msg_data              varchar2(2000);
131 p_last_update_date	date;
132 begin
134 /*
135 ** Get the last update date from hz_location
136 */
137 --fnd_client_info.set_org_context(204);
138 l_hz_location_v2_rec.address1 := i_address1;
139 l_hz_location_v2_rec.address2 := i_address2;
140 l_hz_location_v2_rec.address3 := i_address3;
141 l_hz_location_v2_rec.city := i_city;
142 l_hz_location_v2_rec.state := i_state;
143 l_hz_location_v2_rec.county := i_county;
144 l_hz_location_v2_rec.postal_code := i_postalcode;
145 l_hz_location_v2_rec.country := i_country;
146 l_hz_location_v2_rec.location_id := i_addressid;
148 /*
149 ** Get the last update date from hz_location
150 */
151 -- it doesn't make sense to change the payment API signature
152 -- for the OVN. we are assuming that no body has changed the
153 -- hz_location record since the user for our transaction read
154 -- the record. otherwise the change will simply be overwritten
155 select last_update_date, object_version_number into p_last_update_date, l_ovn
156 from hz_locations
157 where location_id = l_hz_location_v2_rec.location_id;
159       hz_location_v2pub.update_location(
160         p_location_rec             =>  l_hz_location_v2_rec,
161         p_object_version_number    =>  l_ovn,
162         x_return_status            =>  l_return_status,
163         x_msg_count                =>  l_msg_count,
164         x_msg_data                 =>  l_msg_data
165       );
166 /*
167     HZ_LOCATION_PUB.update_location(
169                 p_api_version,
170                 p_init_msg_list,
171                 p_commit,
172                 location_rec,
173                 p_last_update_date,
174                 l_return_status,
175                 l_msg_count,
176                 l_msg_data);
177 */
179   --dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count = '||to_char(l_msg_count));
181   --dbms_output.put_line('l_return_status = '||l_return_status);
182   --dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_data = '||l_msg_data);
184   /*
185    ** Catch the exception if create not successful
186    */
188   if l_return_status <> 'S' then
189       if l_msg_count = 1 then
190          msg_txt := l_msg_data;
191       else
193          for i in 1..l_msg_count loop
194            msg_txt := msg_txt ||' '|| FND_MSG_PUB.GET(i,'F');
195          end loop;
196         -- o_msg := msg_txt;
197       end if;
198        --dbms_output.put_line('text is : '||msg_txt);
199        --raise_application_error(-20000,'IBY_204550#CCM_API_MSG=' || msg_txt,FALSE);
200        raise_application_error(-20000,'IBY_20496#CCM_API_MSG=' || msg_txt,FALSE);
201        -- returns message 'Could not create or modify address information. Data entered could be invalid.'
202        --dbms_output.put_line('Error : '||'Location not updated');
203       --ROLLBACK TO CreateOrganization;
205    end if;
207         --raise_application_error(-20902, 'NO Address Info matched ', FALSE);
208 end modAddress;
209 end iby_address_pkg;