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Line 2847: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;

2843: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'create_user';
2844: l_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
2845: l_user_id number;
2846: l_profile_check boolean;
2847: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
2848: l_default_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
2849: l_effective_start_date date;
2850: l_effective_end_date date;
2851: l_sec_profile_assignment_id number;

Line 2915: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId (

2911: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
2912: --
2913: -- Create User and set person_id to employee_id
2914: --
2915: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId (
2916: x_user_name => p_user_name,
2917: x_owner => 'CUST',
2918: x_unencrypted_password => p_password,
2919: x_email_address => p_email,

Line 2938: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment

2934: --
2935: --
2936: -- add the appropriate responsibility
2937: --
2938: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
2939: (user_id => l_user_id
2940: ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
2941: ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
2942: ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id

Line 3292: from fnd_user

3288: bad_guest_user exception;
3290: cursor get_pwd(p_guestUserName varchar2) is
3291: select encrypted_foundation_password
3292: from fnd_user
3293: where user_name = p_guestUserName
3294: and trunc(sysdate) between start_date and
3295: nvl(end_date,trunc(sysdate));
3296: --

Line 3297: guestEncFndPwd fnd_user.encrypted_foundation_password%type;

3293: where user_name = p_guestUserName
3294: and trunc(sysdate) between start_date and
3295: nvl(end_date,trunc(sysdate));
3296: --
3297: guestEncFndPwd fnd_user.encrypted_foundation_password%type;
3298: --
3299: begin
3300: --
3301: guestUserPwd := upper(FND_WEB_SEC.GET_GUEST_USERNAME_PWD());

Line 3365: l_new_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;

3361: p_fax in varchar2 default null,
3362: p_customer_id in number default null,
3363: p_supplier_id in number default null,
3364: p_old_password in varchar2 default null) is
3365: l_new_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
3366: l_current_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;
3367: l_central_registration_url varchar2(4000);
3368: --
3369: cursor csr_get_email(p_user_name varchar2) is

Line 3366: l_current_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;

3362: p_customer_id in number default null,
3363: p_supplier_id in number default null,
3364: p_old_password in varchar2 default null) is
3365: l_new_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
3366: l_current_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;
3367: l_central_registration_url varchar2(4000);
3368: --
3369: cursor csr_get_email(p_user_name varchar2) is
3370: select upper(email_address)

Line 3371: from fnd_user

3367: l_central_registration_url varchar2(4000);
3368: --
3369: cursor csr_get_email(p_user_name varchar2) is
3370: select upper(email_address)
3371: from fnd_user
3372: where user_name = p_user_name;
3373: --
3374: begin
3375: -- get existing email address

Line 3385: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser (

3381: l_central_registration_url:=fnd_profile.value('APPS_CENTRAL_REGISTER_URL');
3382: --
3383: if l_central_registration_url is null then
3384: --
3385: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser (
3386: x_user_name => p_user_name,
3387: x_owner => p_owner,
3388: x_unencrypted_password => p_unencrypted_password,
3389: x_session_number => p_session_number,

Line 3412: fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name(p_user_name,l_new_user_name);

3408: --
3409: l_new_user_name := upper(p_email_address);
3410: if p_user_name <> l_new_user_name
3411: and l_current_email_address = p_user_name then
3412: fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name(p_user_name,l_new_user_name);
3413: end if;
3414: end update_user;
3415: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3416: -- |------------------------< self_register_user >-------------------------|

Line 3443: select 1 from fnd_user

3439: ,p_user_name IN varchar2 default null
3440: ) is
3442: cursor email_exists is
3443: select 1 from fnd_user
3444: where user_name=upper(p_current_email_address);
3446: l_date_of_birth date;

Line 3578: from fnd_user fusr

3574: and trunc(sysdate) between ptuf.effective_start_date and ptuf.effective_end_date;
3576: cursor existing_emails(p_person_id number,p_party_id number) is
3577: select fusr.user_name
3578: from fnd_user fusr
3579: where fusr.employee_id=p_person_id
3580: and trunc(sysdate) between fusr.start_date and
3581: nvl(fusr.end_date,trunc(sysdate))
3582: union

Line 3584: from fnd_user fusr

3580: and trunc(sysdate) between fusr.start_date and
3581: nvl(fusr.end_date,trunc(sysdate))
3582: union
3583: select fusr.user_name
3584: from fnd_user fusr
3585: where fusr.customer_id=p_party_id
3586: and trunc(sysdate) between fusr.start_date and
3587: nvl(fusr.end_date,trunc(sysdate));

Line 3591: from fnd_user fusr

3587: nvl(fusr.end_date,trunc(sysdate));
3589: cursor user_association_exists(p_user_name varchar2) is
3590: select 1
3591: from fnd_user fusr
3592: where fusr.user_name=p_user_name
3593: and fusr.employee_id is not null;
3595: cursor get_user_id(p_user_name varchar2) is

Line 3597: from fnd_user fusr

3593: and fusr.employee_id is not null;
3595: cursor get_user_id(p_user_name varchar2) is
3596: select fusr.user_id
3597: from fnd_user fusr
3598: where fusr.user_name=p_user_name;
3599: --
3600: cursor get_menu_id (p_menu_name varchar2)is
3601: select menu_id from fnd_menus where menu_name=upper(p_menu_name);

Line 3605: from fnd_user fusr

3601: select menu_id from fnd_menus where menu_name=upper(p_menu_name);
3602: --
3603: cursor get_party_id(p_user_name varchar2) is
3604: select fusr.person_party_id
3605: from fnd_user fusr
3606: where fusr.user_name=p_user_name;
3607: --
3608: l_user_id number;
3609: l_profile_check boolean;

Line 3939: fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(user_rec.user_name);

3935: --
3936: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,150);
3938: for user_rec in existing_emails(l_person_id,l_party_id) loop
3939: fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(user_rec.user_name);
3940: end loop;
3941: --
3942: -- Get the Password Length from the profile
3943: --

Line 3997: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId (

3993: end loop;
3995: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,160);
3997: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId (
3998: x_user_name => upper(p_current_email_address),
3999: x_owner => 'CUST',
4000: x_unencrypted_password => l_password,
4001: x_employee_id => l_person_id);

Line 4004: -- associate the previous employee record to the fnd user

4000: x_unencrypted_password => l_password,
4001: x_employee_id => l_person_id);
4003: else
4004: -- associate the previous employee record to the fnd user
4005: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,165);
4006: open get_party_id(p_user_name =>p_user_name) ;
4007: fetch get_party_id into l_purge_party_id;
4008: close get_party_id;

Line 4011: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(

4007: fetch get_party_id into l_purge_party_id;
4008: close get_party_id;
4009: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,166);
4010: --
4011: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(
4012: x_user_name => p_user_name,
4013: x_owner => 'CUST',
4014: x_person_party_id => l_party_id);
4015: --

Line 4016: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(

4012: x_user_name => p_user_name,
4013: x_owner => 'CUST',
4014: x_person_party_id => l_party_id);
4015: --
4016: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(
4017: x_user_name => p_user_name,
4018: x_owner => 'CUST',
4019: x_employee_id => l_person_id);
4020: --

Line 4059: l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(l_user_id,

4055: if p_user_name is null then
4056: l_resp_exists := false;
4057: else
4058: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,175);
4059: l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(l_user_id,
4060: p_responsibility_id, p_resp_appl_id, p_security_group_id);
4061: end if;
4062: -- if the User doesn't have the responsibility, assign it.
4063: if NOT l_resp_exists then

Line 4067: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment

4063: if NOT l_resp_exists then
4064: --
4065: -- add the appropriate responsibility
4066: --
4067: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
4068: (user_id => l_user_id
4069: ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4070: ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4071: ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id

Line 4112: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment

4108: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 205);
4109: --
4110: -- reopen the candidate responsibility
4111: --
4112: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment
4113: (user_id => l_user_id
4114: ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4115: ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4116: ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id

Line 4323: from fnd_user

4319: l_default_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
4320: --
4321: cursor get_person_party_info is
4322: select user_id, employee_id, person_party_id
4323: from fnd_user
4324: where user_name=upper(p_user_name);
4325: --
4326: cursor get_email_address is
4327: select nvl(fu.email_address, hzp.email_address)

Line 4328: from fnd_user fu, hz_parties hzp

4324: where user_name=upper(p_user_name);
4325: --
4326: cursor get_email_address is
4327: select nvl(fu.email_address, hzp.email_address)
4328: from fnd_user fu, hz_parties hzp
4329: where user_name=upper(p_user_name)
4330: and fu.person_party_id=hzp.party_id(+);
4331: --
4332: cursor get_notif_prefs(p_party_id number) is

Line 4422: -- if input email address is not null, use it rather than one from fnd_user

4418: open get_person_party_info;
4419: fetch get_person_party_info into l_user_id, l_person_id, l_person_party_id;
4420: close get_person_party_info;
4421: --
4422: -- if input email address is not null, use it rather than one from fnd_user
4423: --
4424: if p_email is not null then
4425: l_email_address := p_email;
4426: else

Line 4427: -- if input email is NULL, try getting it from FND_USER

4423: --
4424: if p_email is not null then
4425: l_email_address := p_email;
4426: else
4427: -- if input email is NULL, try getting it from FND_USER
4428: -- and if it is NULL try getting it from HZ_PARTIES
4429: -- and if that is NULL, use the UserName
4430: open get_email_address;
4431: fetch get_email_address into l_email_address;

Line 4453: -- there is no person attached to this FND_USER. We need to create a new

4449: --
4450: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
4451: --intialize the first name
4452: l_first_name := p_first_name;
4453: -- there is no person attached to this FND_USER. We need to create a new
4454: -- iRecruitment Candidate, update FND user with the person_id,
4455: -- set Language profile and Create Work Preferences
4456: if l_person_id is NULL then
4457: l_default_last_name := nvl(p_last_name,fnd_message.get_string('PER','IRC_412108_UNKNOWN_NAME'));

Line 4454: -- iRecruitment Candidate, update FND user with the person_id,

4450: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
4451: --intialize the first name
4452: l_first_name := p_first_name;
4453: -- there is no person attached to this FND_USER. We need to create a new
4454: -- iRecruitment Candidate, update FND user with the person_id,
4455: -- set Language profile and Create Work Preferences
4456: if l_person_id is NULL then
4457: l_default_last_name := nvl(p_last_name,fnd_message.get_string('PER','IRC_412108_UNKNOWN_NAME'));

Line 4474: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser

4470: );
4471: --
4472: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 50);
4473: --
4474: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser
4475: (x_user_name => p_user_name
4476: ,x_owner => 'CUST'
4477: ,x_employee_id => l_person_id);
4478: --

Line 4565: l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(l_user_id,

4561: ,p_allow_access => l_allow_access);
4562: end if;
4563: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 90);
4564: -- check if the User has the required responsibility
4565: l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(l_user_id,
4566: p_responsibility_id, p_resp_appl_id, p_security_group_id);
4567: -- if the User doesn't have the responsibility, assign it.
4568: if NOT l_resp_exists then
4569: --

Line 4572: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment

4568: if NOT l_resp_exists then
4569: --
4570: -- add the appropriate responsibility
4571: --
4572: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
4573: (user_id => l_user_id
4574: ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4575: ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4576: ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id

Line 4616: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment

4612: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 95);
4613: --
4614: -- reopen the candidate responsibility
4615: --
4616: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment
4617: (user_id => l_user_id
4618: ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4619: ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4620: ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id

Line 4694: from fnd_user

4690: l_func_check varchar2(1);
4691: --
4692: cursor get_person_party_info is
4693: select user_id, employee_id, person_party_id
4694: from fnd_user
4695: where user_name=upper(p_user_name);
4696: --
4697: cursor get_bg(p_person_id number) is
4698: select per1.business_group_id

Line 4712: from fnd_user_resp_groups

4708: --
4709: cursor get_user_responsibility(p_user_id number, p_responsibility_id number,
4710: p_resp_appl_id number, p_security_group_id number) is
4711: select responsibility_id
4712: from fnd_user_resp_groups
4713: where user_id=p_user_id and responsibility_id=p_responsibility_id
4714: and responsibility_application_id = p_resp_appl_id
4715: and security_group_id = p_security_group_id;
4716: --

Line 4854: l_bool := fnd_user_pkg.setreencryptedpassword(username => p_user_name,

4850: p_email => p_email,
4851: p_allow_access => p_allow_access);
4852: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 30);
4853: -- update the user password
4854: l_bool := fnd_user_pkg.setreencryptedpassword(username => p_user_name,
4855: reencpwd => p_password,
4856: newkey => 'LOADER');
4857: if NOT l_bool then

Line 4873: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId(

4869: -- note that we are passing in FND_WEB_SEC.EXTERNAL_PWD which is checked by
4870: -- ATG routine and treats this as an SSO user
4871: elsif l_num = 3 then
4872: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 15);
4873: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId(
4874: x_user_name => p_user_name
4875: ,x_owner => 'CUST'
4876: ,x_unencrypted_password => FND_WEB_SEC.EXTERNAL_PWD
4877: ,x_email_address => p_email

Line 4933: from fnd_user

4929: )is
4930: --
4931: cursor get_person_party_info is
4932: select employee_id, person_party_id
4933: from fnd_user
4934: where user_id=p_user_id;
4936: l_person_id number;
4937: l_person_party_id number;

Line 4959: l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(p_user_id,

4955: if l_person_id is not null then
4956: l_per_type := irc_utilities_pkg.get_emp_spt_for_person(l_person_id, trunc(p_start_date));
4957: end if;
4958: -- check if the User has the required responsibility
4959: l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(p_user_id,
4960: p_responsibility_id, p_resp_appl_id, p_security_group_id);
4961: -- if the User doesn't have the responsibility, assign it.
4962: if NOT l_resp_exists then
4963: if (l_per_type = 'EMP') then

Line 4970: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment

4966: end if;
4967: --
4968: -- add the appropriate responsibility
4969: --
4970: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
4971: (user_id => p_user_id
4972: ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4973: ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4974: ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id

Line 5015: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment

5011: if (l_per_type <> 'EMP') then
5012: --
5013: -- reopen the candidate responsibility
5014: --
5015: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment
5016: (user_id => p_user_id
5017: ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
5018: ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
5019: ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id

Line 5054: return fnd_user_pkg.testusername(x_user_name=>p_user_name);

5050: p_user_name IN varchar2
5051: ) return NUMBER
5052: is
5053: begin
5054: return fnd_user_pkg.testusername(x_user_name=>p_user_name);
5055: end TestUserName;
5056: --
5057: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5058: -- |------------------------< assign_responsibility >----------------------|

Line 5079: l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(p_user_id,

5075: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'assign_responsibility';
5077: begin
5078: -- check if the User has the required responsibility
5079: l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(p_user_id,
5080: p_resp_id, p_resp_appl_id, p_sec_group_id);
5081: -- if the User doesn't have the responsibility, assign it.
5082: if NOT l_resp_exists then
5083: --

Line 5086: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment

5082: if NOT l_resp_exists then
5083: --
5084: -- add the appropriate responsibility
5085: --
5086: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
5087: (user_id => p_user_id
5088: ,responsibility_id => p_resp_id
5089: ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
5090: ,security_group_id => p_sec_group_id

Line 5130: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment

5126: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 95);
5127: --
5128: -- reopen the candidate responsibility
5129: --
5130: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment
5131: (user_id => p_user_id
5132: ,responsibility_id => p_resp_id
5133: ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
5134: ,security_group_id => p_sec_group_id

Line 5203: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;

5199: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'create_user_internal_byReferral';
5200: l_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
5201: l_user_id number;
5202: l_profile_check boolean;
5203: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
5204: l_default_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
5205: l_effective_start_date date;
5206: l_effective_end_date date;
5207: l_sec_profile_assignment_id number;

Line 5230: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId (

5226: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
5227: --
5228: -- Create User and set person_id to employee_id
5229: --
5230: l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId (
5231: x_user_name => p_user_name,
5232: x_owner => 'CUST',
5233: x_unencrypted_password => null,
5234: x_email_address => p_email,

Line 5256: UPDATE fnd_user

5252: --
5253: -- Set the password date Column to Null for the created user
5254: -- As the password is system generated, it should be changed
5255: -- by candidate when he first logs in
5256: UPDATE fnd_user
5257: SET password_date=NULL
5258: WHERE user_name=upper(p_user_name);
5259: --
5260: -- commit autonomous transaction

Line 5536: from fnd_user fu

5532: --
5533: -- Cursor declarations
5534: cursor get_user_name(p_party_id number) is
5535: select fu.user_name
5536: from fnd_user fu
5537: where fu.person_party_id=p_party_id
5538: and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date,trunc(sysdate));
5539: --
5540: begin

Line 5577: fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(user_rec.user_name);

5573: --
5574: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
5575: --
5576: for user_rec in get_user_name(p_source_party_id) loop
5577: fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(user_rec.user_name);
5578: end loop;
5579: --
5580: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
5581: --

Line 5640: from fnd_user fu

5636: --
5637: -- Cursor declarations
5638: cursor get_user_name(p_party_id number) is
5639: select fu.user_name
5640: from fnd_user fu
5641: where fu.person_party_id=p_party_id
5642: and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date,trunc(sysdate));
5643: --
5644: -- Variable declarations

Line 5645: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;

5641: where fu.person_party_id=p_party_id
5642: and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date,trunc(sysdate));
5643: --
5644: -- Variable declarations
5645: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
5646: begin
5647: --
5648: open get_user_name(p_party_id);
5649: fetch get_user_name into l_user_name;