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Line 1: package body ben_pep_cache1 as

1: package body ben_pep_cache1 as
2: /* $Header: benppch1.pkb 120.1 2007/11/14 15:14:40 rtagarra noship $ */
3: --
4: /*
5: +==============================================================================+

Line 29: g_package varchar2(50) := 'ben_pep_cache1.';

25: */
26: --
27: -- Globals.
28: --
29: g_package varchar2(50) := 'ben_pep_cache1.';
30: --
31: procedure get_curroiplippep_dets
32: (p_comp_obj_tree_row in out NOCOPY ben_manage_life_events.g_cache_proc_objects_rec
33: ,p_person_id in number

Line 36: ,p_inst_row in out NOCOPY ben_pep_cache.g_pep_rec

32: (p_comp_obj_tree_row in out NOCOPY ben_manage_life_events.g_cache_proc_objects_rec
33: ,p_person_id in number
34: ,p_effective_date in date
35: --
36: ,p_inst_row in out NOCOPY ben_pep_cache.g_pep_rec
37: )
38: is
39: --
40: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'get_curroiplippep_dets';

Line 42: l_inst_row ben_pep_cache.g_pep_rec;

38: is
39: --
40: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'get_curroiplippep_dets';
41: --
42: l_inst_row ben_pep_cache.g_pep_rec;
43: --
44: cursor c_piloiplip_dets
45: (c_person_id in number
46: ,c_effective_date in date

Line 176: ,p_inst_row in out NOCOPY ben_pep_cache.g_pep_rec

172: (p_comp_obj_tree_row in out NOCOPY ben_manage_life_events.g_cache_proc_objects_rec
173: ,p_person_id in number
174: ,p_effective_date in date
175: --
176: ,p_inst_row in out NOCOPY ben_pep_cache.g_pep_rec
177: )
178: is
179: --
180: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'get_currplnpep_dets';

Line 182: l_inst_row ben_pep_cache.g_pep_rec;

178: is
179: --
180: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'get_currplnpep_dets';
181: --
182: l_inst_row ben_pep_cache.g_pep_rec;
183: --
184: -- Cursor to grab the PK of elig_per record to join the elig opt record to
185: -- for first time'rs only
186: --

Line 386: ben_pep_cache.get_pilepo_dets

382: --
383: if p_opt_id is not null
384: then
385: --
386: ben_pep_cache.get_pilepo_dets
387: (p_person_id => p_person_id
388: ,p_business_group_id => null
389: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
390: ,p_pgm_id => p_pgm_id

Line 411: ben_pep_cache.get_pilpep_dets

407: l_elig_per_opt_id := l_epo_row.elig_per_opt_id;
408: --
409: else
410: --
411: ben_pep_cache.get_pilpep_dets
412: (p_person_id => p_person_id
413: ,p_business_group_id => null
414: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
415: ,p_pgm_id => p_pgm_id

Line 449: end ben_pep_cache1;

445: p_ecrpep_rec.elig_per_opt_id := l_elig_per_opt_id;
446: --
447: end get_currpepcobj_cache;
448: --
449: end ben_pep_cache1;