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Line 890: FROM okc_k_items_v okiv,okx_install_items_v oiiv

886: AND ols.lty_code = 'INST_ITEM';
887: /* this cursor retrives the serial_number for the instance of the asset*/
888: CURSOR get_sno_csr(p_installbase_id IN NUMBER) IS
889: SELECT oiiv.serial_number sno
890: FROM okc_k_items_v okiv,okx_install_items_v oiiv
891: WHERE okiv.cle_id = p_installbase_id
892: AND okiv.object1_id1=oiiv.instance_id;
893: /* this cursor retrives the total quantity for the asset*/
894: CURSOR get_qty_csr(p_asset_number IN VARCHAR2) IS

Line 1948: FROM okc_k_items_v okiv,okx_install_items_v oiiv

1944: AND ols.lty_code = 'INST_ITEM';
1945: /* this cursor retrives the serial_number and quantity for the instance of the asset*/
1946: CURSOR get_sno_qty_csr(p_installbase_id IN NUMBER) IS
1947: SELECT oiiv.serial_number sno,oiiv.quantity qty
1948: FROM okc_k_items_v okiv,okx_install_items_v oiiv
1949: WHERE okiv.cle_id = p_installbase_id
1950: AND okiv.object1_id1=oiiv.instance_id;
1952: l_term_from_intf VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y'; --sechawla 7383445 - added