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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 52

        select employee_id, customer_id, supplier_id
        into l_creby_empid, l_creby_custid, l_creby_supid
        from fnd_user
        where user_id = l_current_user_id;
Line: 75

        select resource_id, resource_number
        into x_resource_id, x_resource_number
        from jtf_rs_resource_extns
        where source_id = l_creby_source_id
        and category = l_creby_category
        and ( (end_date_active is null) or (end_date_active > sysdate) );
Line: 97

         select count(*) into x_cnt
         from fnd_user
         where employee_id = p_source_id
         and ( ( end_date is null) or (end_date > sysdate) ) ;
Line: 102

         select max(user_id) into x_cnt
         from fnd_user
         where customer_id = p_source_id
         and ( ( end_date is null) or (end_date > sysdate) ) ;
Line: 107

         select max(user_id)  into x_cnt
         from fnd_user
         where supplier_id = p_source_id
         and ( ( end_date is null) or (end_date > sysdate) ) ;
Line: 125

               select max(user_id) into x_user_id
               from fnd_user
               where employee_id = p_source_id;
Line: 129

               select max(user_id) into x_user_id
               from fnd_user
               where customer_id = p_source_id;
Line: 133

               select max(user_id)  into x_user_id
               from fnd_user
               where supplier_id = p_source_id;
Line: 151

    SELECT UPPER(p_sql_text) into l_q_str from DUAL;
Line: 153

    SELECT INSTR (l_q_str, 'FROM', 1, 1) INTO l_num FROM DUAL;
Line: 154

    SELECT SUBSTR (l_q_str, 1, l_num) INTO l_substring FROM DUAL;
Line: 156

    SELECT INSTR (l_substring, 'PARTY_ID', 1, 1) INTO l_party_num FROM DUAL;
Line: 160

    	SELECT INSTR (l_substring, 'EMPLOYEE_ID', 1, 1) INTO l_emp_num FROM DUAL;
Line: 172

Procedure Insert_Temp_Table (p_sql_text varchar2, p_category varchar2)
   cid INTEGER;
Line: 187

      SELECT UPPER(p_sql_text) into l_q_str from DUAL;
Line: 188

      SELECT INSTR (l_q_str, 'FROM', 1, 1) INTO l_num FROM DUAL;
Line: 189

      SELECT SUBSTR (l_q_str, 1, l_num-1) INTO l_first_substring FROM DUAL;
Line: 190

      SELECT length (l_q_str) INTO l_length FROM DUAL;
Line: 193

	 SELECT SUBSTR (p_sql_text, l_num, l_length) INTO l_last_substring FROM DUAL;
Line: 197

      l_ins_qry := 'insert into ibu_usergroups_temp(source_id, category,creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by )  ';
Line: 199

      Log_Message(' Insert Temp table query = { ' || l_ins_qry || ' } ');
Line: 206

      dbms_sql.parse(cid, 'delete from ibu_usergroups_temp',   dbms_sql.v7);
Line: 208

      Log_Message(' Insert Temp table rows deleted = ' || l_rows_processed);
Line: 212

      Log_Message(' Insert Temp table rows inserted = ' || l_rows_processed);
Line: 217

      select count(*) into l_cnt from ibu_usergroups_temp;
Line: 221

      Log_Message('Error in Insert_Temp_Table' ||TO_CHAR(SQLCODE)||': '||SQLERRM );
Line: 227

Procedure Update_Category_SourceID (p_category varchar2)
   l_emp_id  fnd_user.employee_id%TYPE;
Line: 232

     select source_id
     from ibu_usergroups_temp ;
Line: 239

            select max(employee_id) into l_emp_id
            from fnd_user A
            Where A.customer_id = l_source_rec.source_id
            and  A.employee_id is not null
            and exists ( select person_id
                         from per_workforce_current_x
                         Where person_id = A.employee_id)
            and ( (A.end_date is null) OR (A.end_date > sysdate) );
Line: 249

                Update ibu_usergroups_temp
                Set Category = 'EMPLOYEE', Source_id = l_emp_id
                Where source_id = l_source_rec.source_id;
Line: 258

      Log_Message('Error in Update_Category_SourceID' ||TO_CHAR(SQLCODE)||': '||SQLERRM );
Line: 300

     ATL.group_name || '(' || A.group_number || ')' group_name,
     jtf_rs_dynamic_groups_b A,
     jtf_rs_dynamic_groups_tl ATL,
     jtf_rs_groups_b B,
     jtf_rs_groups_tl BTL
     B.group_id = BTL.group_id
     A.group_id = ATL.group_id
     BTL.language = userenv('LANG')
     ATL.language = BTL.language
     BTL.GROUP_NAME = ATL.group_name || '(' || A.group_number || ')'
     nvl(a.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate)
     A.Usage =  'ISUPPORT' ;
Line: 347

    select  A.group_member_id,
        	B.resource_number ,
    from jtf_rs_group_members_vl A, jtf_rs_resource_extns B
    where group_id = p_group_id
    and A.resource_id = B.resource_id
    and A.delete_flag = 'N'
    and A.resource_id not in (  select resource_id
                                from jtf_rs_resource_extns C, ibu_usergroups_temp D
                                where C.source_id = D.source_id
                                and C.category = D.category);
Line: 363

    select source_id, category
    from ibu_usergroups_temp A
    where not exists (select source_id
                      from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                      where source_id = A.source_id
                      and category = A.category
                      and ( (end_date_active is null ) OR (end_date_active > sysdate) )
Line: 375

    select B.resource_id, B.resource_number
    from ibu_usergroups_temp A, jtf_rs_resource_extns B
    where A.source_id = B.source_id
    and A.category = B.category
    and not exists ( select resource_id
                     from jtf_rs_group_members
                     where resource_id = B.resource_id
                     and group_id = p_group_id
                     and delete_flag = 'N')
    and ( ( B.end_date_active is null ) or (B.end_date_active > sysdate) )  ;
Line: 400

  SELECT date_start
  FROM   per_periods_of_service
  WHERE  person_id = c_person_id
  ORDER BY date_start asc;
Line: 407

  SELECT full_name
  FROM   per_all_people_f
  WHERE  person_id = c_person_id
  ORDER BY effective_start_date desc;
Line: 431

        Log_Message( '%%%Start Update Processing for Group Name = ' || l_group_name || '%%%');
Line: 435

        /* call update role_relations */
    	select role_relate_id, object_version_number
    	into l_role_relate_id, l_object_version_number
    	from  jtf_rs_role_relations
    	where role_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP'
    	and role_resource_id = l_group_id;
Line: 441

        jtf_rs_role_relate_pub.UPDATE_RESOURCE_ROLE_RELATE (
                                                            P_API_VERSION  => 1.0,
                                                            P_INIT_MSG_LIST  => fnd_api.g_false,
                                                            P_COMMIT  =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                                            P_ROLE_RELATE_ID   =>  l_role_relate_id,
                                                            P_START_DATE_ACTIVE  => l_start_date_active,
                                                            P_END_DATE_ACTIVE    => l_end_date_active,
                                                            P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUM   =>  l_object_version_number,
                                                            X_RETURN_STATUS    => l_return_status,
                                                            X_MSG_COUNT => l_msg_count,
                                                            X_MSG_DATA => l_msg_data
Line: 453

        Status_Log_Message('Return status of JTF_RS_ROLE_RELATE_PUB.UPDATE_RESOURCE_ROLE_RELATE api ',
                            l_return_status , l_msg_count , l_msg_data );
Line: 456

        /* Update Resource Group.*/
                                                P_API_VERSION => 1,
                                                P_INIT_MSG_LIST => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                                P_COMMIT => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                                P_GROUP_ID => l_group_id,
                                                P_GROUP_NUMBER => l_group_number,
                                                P_GROUP_NAME => l_group_name,
                                                P_GROUP_DESC => l_group_desc,
                                                P_EXCLUSIVE_FLAG => l_exclusive_flag,
                                                P_EMAIL_ADDRESS => NULL,
                                                P_START_DATE_ACTIVE => l_start_date_active,
                                                P_END_DATE_ACTIVE => l_end_date_active,
                                                P_ACCOUNTING_CODE => NULL,
                                                P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUM   => l_obj_grp_version_num,
                                                X_RETURN_STATUS => l_return_status,
                                                X_MSG_COUNT => l_msg_count,
                                                X_MSG_DATA => l_msg_data
Line: 475

        Status_Log_Message('Return status of JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB.UPDATE_RESOURCE_GROUP api ',
                            l_return_status , l_msg_count , l_msg_data );
Line: 478

        /* Insert into temporary table, results of user group 'dynamic' query. */
        insert_temp_table(l_sql_text, l_category);
Line: 481

        /* In case of customer user group, Some of the customers could be valid employees, so update the category column to 'EMPLOYEE' for those customers, source_id column to employee_id */
Line: 484

        /* Delete existing members in the group who should not be part of this user group. Reason : because of change in the user group query */
        For l_del_mem_rec IN l_del_mem_csr(l_group_id) Loop
                                                        		  (P_API_VERSION => 1,
                                                        		   P_INIT_MSG_LIST =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                                        		   P_COMMIT =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                                        		   P_GROUP_ID =>l_upd_rec.group_id ,
                                                        		   P_GROUP_NUMBER => l_upd_rec.group_number,
                                                        		   P_RESOURCE_ID  => l_del_mem_rec.resource_id,
                                                        		   P_RESOURCE_NUMBER => l_del_mem_rec.resource_number,
                                                        		   P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUM => l_del_mem_rec.object_version_number,
                                                                   X_RETURN_STATUS => l_return_status,
                                                        		   X_MSG_COUNT => l_msg_count,
                                                        		   X_MSG_DATA => l_msg_data
Line: 499

             Status_Log_Message('Return status of JTF_RS_GROUP_MEMBERS_PUB.delete_resource_group_members api ' ||
                                ' l_mem_id = ' || to_char(l_del_mem_rec.group_member_id)  || ' ',
                                 l_return_status , l_msg_count , l_msg_data );
Line: 507

            select count(*) into l_resource_cnt
            from jtf_rs_resource_extns
            where source_id = l_cre_res_rec.source_id
            and category = l_cre_res_rec.category;
Line: 534

                  SELECT party_name,creation_date
                    INTO l_source_name, l_res_start_date_active
                  FROM hz_parties
                  WHERE party_id = l_cre_res_rec.source_id;
Line: 571

                select count(*)
                into l_dbl_res_cnt
                from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                where source_id = l_cre_res_rec.source_id
                and category = l_cre_res_rec.category
                and ( (end_date_active is null) or (end_date_active > sysdate) );
Line: 584

                    select resource_id, resource_number, object_version_number, end_date_active
                    into l_resource_id, l_resource_number , l_object_version_number, l_res_end_date_active
                    from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                    where source_id = l_cre_res_rec.source_id
                    and category = l_cre_res_rec.category
                    and resource_id = (select max(resource_id)
                                       from  jtf_rs_resource_extns
                                       Where source_id = l_cre_res_rec.source_id
                                       and category = l_cre_res_rec.category);
Line: 637

        Log_Message( '%%%End Update Processing for Group Name = ' || l_group_name || '%%%');
Line: 640

        Log_Message( '%%%Not a Valid SQL : Update Processing for Group Name = ' || l_group_name || '%%%');
Line: 659

     select A.group_id, A.group_name, A.group_number,
            A.group_name || '(' || A.group_number || ')' static_group_name,
            A.start_date_active, A.end_date_active,
     from jtf_rs_dynamic_groups_vl A
     Where  not exists ( Select B.group_name
                        from jtf_rs_groups_vl B
                        Where B.group_name = A.group_name || '(' || A.group_number || ')'  )
     and (  ( A.end_date_active is null ) or ( A.end_date_active > sysdate ) )
     and  A.Usage =  'ISUPPORT';
Line: 673

     select source_id, category
     from ibu_usergroups_temp ;
Line: 679

  SELECT date_start
  FROM   per_periods_of_service
  WHERE  person_id = c_person_id
  ORDER BY date_start asc;
Line: 686

  SELECT full_name
  FROM   per_all_people_f
  WHERE  person_id = c_person_id
  ORDER BY effective_start_date desc;
Line: 875

            /* Insert into temporary table, results of user group 'dynamic' query. */
            insert_temp_table(l_cre_rec.sql_text, l_category);
Line: 878

            /* In case of customer user group, Some of the customers could be valid employees, so update the category column to 'EMPLOYEE' for those customers, source_id column to employee_id */
Line: 884

                SELECT count(*) INTO l_res_cnt
          			FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns a
    	      		WHERE a.source_id = l_cre_mem_rec.source_id
    			      and category = l_cre_mem_rec.category;
Line: 911

                      SELECT party_name,creation_date
                        INTO l_source_name, l_res_start_date_active
                      FROM hz_parties
                      WHERE party_id = l_cre_mem_rec.source_id;
Line: 949

                    select count(*)
                    into l_dbl_res_cnt
                    from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                    where source_id = l_cre_mem_rec.source_id
                    and category = l_cre_mem_rec.category
                    and ( (end_date_active is null ) OR (end_date_active > sysdate) );
Line: 958

                        select resource_id, resource_number, object_version_number, end_date_active
                        into l_resource_id, l_resource_number, l_object_version_number , l_res_end_date_active
                        from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                        where source_id = l_cre_mem_rec.source_id
                        and category = l_cre_mem_rec.category
                        and resource_id = (select max(resource_id)
                                           from  jtf_rs_resource_extns
                                           Where source_id = l_cre_mem_rec.source_id
                                           and category = l_cre_mem_rec.category);
Line: 994

                         log_message ( 'select resource_number, end_date_active, start_date ' ||
                                       ' from jtf_rs_resource_extns ' ||
                                       '  where source_id = ? ' ||
                                       '   and category_id = ?  ' );
Line: 1002

                        select resource_id, resource_number, object_version_number, end_date_active
                        into l_resource_id, l_resource_number, l_object_version_number , l_res_end_date_active
                        from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                        where source_id = l_cre_mem_rec.source_id
                        and category = l_cre_mem_rec.category
                        and ( (end_date_active is null ) OR (end_date_active > sysdate) );
Line: 1029

                            select count(*) into l_temp_cnt
                            from jtf_rs_group_members
                            Where group_id = l_group_id
                            and resource_id = l_resource_id
                            and delete_flag = 'N';
Line: 1065

     select  A.group_id  dyn_group_id,
             A.group_name dyn_group_name,
             A.group_number dyn_group_number,
             B.group_id  static_group_id,
             B.group_name static_group_name,
             B.group_number static_group_number,
             A.start_date_active, A.end_date_active, A.sql_text,
             B.exclusive_flag, B.group_desc, B.object_version_number
     from jtf_rs_dynamic_groups_vl A, jtf_rs_groups_vl B
     Where A.group_name || '(' || A.group_number || ')' =  B.GROUP_NAME
     and (  ( B.end_date_active is null ) OR ( B.end_date_active > sysdate ) )
     and (  ( A.end_date_active is not null ) AND ( A.end_date_active <= sysdate ) )
     and A.usage = 'ISUPPORT';
Line: 1080

      	select channel_id
      	from amv_c_channels_vl
      	where channel_name = p_group_name;
Line: 1086

       select B.group_member_id,
       from  jtf_rs_groups_vl A, jtf_rs_group_members B, jtf_rs_resource_extns C
       Where A.group_id = p_group_id
       and   A.group_id = B.group_id
       and   B.resource_id = C.resource_id
       and   B.delete_flag = 'N' ;
Line: 1124

          Log_Message( '%%%Start Delete Processing for Group Name = ' || l_del_rec.static_group_name || '%%%');
Line: 1126

          /* call the delete channel api of MES */
          For l_del_chnl_rec IN l_del_chnl_csr(l_del_rec.static_group_name) Loop
                                             P_INIT_MSG_LIST  => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                             P_COMMIT  =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                             P_VALIDATION_LEVEL =>FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
                                             P_CHECK_LOGIN_USER =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                             P_CHANNEL_ID  => l_del_chnl_rec.channel_id,
                                             X_RETURN_STATUS  => l_return_status,
                                             X_MSG_COUNT =>  l_msg_count,
                                             X_MSG_DATA  =>l_msg_data
Line: 1138

                Status_Log_Message('Return status of AMV_CHANNEL_GRP.DELETE_CHANNEL api ' || ' l_del_chnl_rec.channel_id = ' ||
                                   to_char(l_del_chnl_rec.channel_id)  || ' ',
                                   l_return_status , l_msg_count , l_msg_data );
Line: 1143

         /* call update role_relations */
           	select role_relate_id, object_version_number
          	into l_role_relate_id, l_object_version_number
          	from  jtf_rs_role_relations
          	where role_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP'
          	and role_resource_id = l_del_rec.static_group_id;
Line: 1158

            jtf_rs_role_relate_pub.UPDATE_RESOURCE_ROLE_RELATE( P_API_VERSION  => 1.0,
                                                               P_INIT_MSG_LIST  => fnd_api.g_false,
                                                               P_COMMIT  =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                                               P_ROLE_RELATE_ID   =>  l_role_relate_id,
                                                               P_START_DATE_ACTIVE  => l_del_rec.start_date_active,
                                                               P_END_DATE_ACTIVE    => l_del_rec.end_date_active,
                                                               P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUM   =>  l_object_version_number,
                                                               X_RETURN_STATUS    => l_return_status,
                                                               X_MSG_COUNT => l_msg_count,
                                                               X_MSG_DATA => l_msg_data
Line: 1170

        Status_Log_Message('Return status of jtf_rs_role_relate_pub.update_resource_role_relate api ',
                            l_return_status , l_msg_count , l_msg_data );
Line: 1173

        /* call update resource group */
                                              (P_API_VERSION => 1,
                                               P_INIT_MSG_LIST => fnd_api.g_false,
                                               P_COMMIT => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                               P_GROUP_ID => l_del_rec.static_group_id,
                                               P_GROUP_NUMBER => l_del_rec.static_group_number,
                                               P_GROUP_NAME => l_del_rec.static_group_name,
                                               P_GROUP_DESC => l_del_rec.group_desc,
                                               P_EXCLUSIVE_FLAG => l_del_rec.exclusive_flag,
                                               P_START_DATE_ACTIVE => l_del_rec.start_date_active,
                                               P_END_DATE_ACTIVE => l_del_rec.end_date_active,
                                               P_ACCOUNTING_CODE => NULL,
                                               P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUM   => l_del_rec.object_version_number,
                                               X_RETURN_STATUS => l_return_status,
                                               X_MSG_COUNT => l_msg_count,
                                               X_MSG_DATA => l_msg_data
Line: 1191

        Status_Log_Message('Return status of JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB.UPDATE_RESOURCE_GROUP api ',
                            l_return_status , l_msg_count , l_msg_data );
Line: 1198

            jtf_rs_group_members_pub.delete_resource_group_members(P_API_VERSION          => 1.0,
                                                                   P_INIT_MSG_LIST        => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                                                   P_COMMIT               => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                                                   P_GROUP_ID             => l_del_mem_rec.group_id,
                                                                   P_GROUP_NUMBER         => l_del_mem_rec.group_number,
                                                                   P_RESOURCE_ID          => l_del_mem_rec.resource_id,
                                                                   P_RESOURCE_NUMBER      => l_del_mem_rec.resource_number,
                                                                   P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUM   => l_del_mem_rec.object_version_number,
                                                                   X_RETURN_STATUS        => l_return_status,
                                                                   X_MSG_COUNT            => l_msg_count,
                                                                   X_MSG_DATA             => l_msg_data
Line: 1211

                 Status_Log_Message('Return status of JTF_RS_GROUP_MEMBERS_PUB.delete_resource_group_members api ' ||
                                    ' l_mem_id = ' || to_char(l_del_mem_rec.group_member_id)  || ' ',
                                    l_return_status , l_msg_count , l_msg_data );
Line: 1216

        Log_Message( '%%%End Delete Processing for Group Name = ' || l_del_rec.static_group_name || '%%%');
Line: 1261

  SELECT date_start
  FROM   per_periods_of_service
  WHERE  person_id = c_person_id
  ORDER BY date_start asc;
Line: 1268

  SELECT full_name
  FROM   per_all_people_f
  WHERE  person_id = c_person_id
  ORDER BY effective_start_date desc;
Line: 1276

                select employee_id, customer_id, supplier_id into l_creby_empid, l_creby_custid, l_creby_supid
                from fnd_user
                where user_id = l_current_user_id;
Line: 1293

                select count(*) into l_creby_res_cnt
                from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                where source_id = l_creby_source_id
                and category = l_creby_category;
Line: 1321

                      SELECT party_name,creation_date
                        INTO l_source_name, l_res_start_date_active
                      FROM hz_parties
                      WHERE party_id = l_creby_custid;
Line: 1335

                       SELECT  POC.LAST_NAME || ' , ' || POC.MIDDLE_NAME ||' '||
                             POC.FIRST_NAME|| ' - '|| POV.VENDOR_NAME, nvl(POC.CREATION_DATE,sysdate)
                       INTO l_source_name, l_res_start_date_active
                       FROM    PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS POC,
                               PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL   POS,
                               PO_VENDORS            POV
                       WHERE   POC.VENDOR_CONTACT_ID = l_creby_supid
                       AND  POC.VENDOR_SITE_ID    =  POS.VENDOR_SITE_ID
                       AND  POS.VENDOR_ID         =  POV.VENDOR_ID;
Line: 1381

                    select count(*)
                    into l_dbl_res_cnt
                    from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                    where source_id = l_creby_source_id
                    and category = l_creby_category
                    and ( (end_date_active is null) or (end_date_active > sysdate) );
Line: 1397

                        log_message ( 'select resource_number, end_date_active, start_date ' ||
                                       ' from jtf_rs_resource_extns ' ||
                                       '  where source_id = ' || l_creby_source_id ||
                                       '   and category =  ' || '''' || l_creby_category  || '''' );
Line: 1412

                        log_message ( 'select resource_number, end_date_active, start_date ' ||
                                       ' from jtf_rs_resource_extns ' ||
                                       '  where source_id = ' || l_creby_source_id ||
                                       '   and category =  ' || '''' || l_creby_category  || '''' );
Line: 1419

                        select resource_id, resource_number
                        into x_resource_id, x_resource_number
                        from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                        where source_id = l_creby_source_id
                        and category = l_creby_category
                        and ( (end_date_active is null) or (end_date_active > sysdate) );
Line: 1426

                        /* MES Delete Channel API expects sysadmin to have MES_ADMIN, MES_SETUP_CHANNEL role_codes */
                        Log_Message ('Assigning MES_ADMIN, MES_SETUP_CHANNEL roles to current login user. Ignore exceptions raised by these APIs');