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Line 2789: ,p_fin_plan_type_name IN pa_fin_plan_types_tl.name%TYPE

2785: ,P_ci_rev_version_id IN Pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL -- The rev budget version id corresponding to the p_ci_id passed. This will be derived internally if not passed
2786: ,P_ci_all_version_id IN Pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL -- The all budget_version_id corresponding to the p_ci_id passed. This will be derived internally if not passed
2787: ,P_budget_version_id IN Pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE -- The Id of the budget version into which the CO needs to be implemented
2788: ,p_fin_plan_type_id IN pa_fin_plan_types_b.fin_plan_type_id%TYPE
2789: ,p_fin_plan_type_name IN pa_fin_plan_types_tl.name%TYPE
2790: ,P_partial_impl_rev_amt IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL -- The revenue amount that should be implemented into the target. This will be passed only in the case of partial implementation
2791: ,p_cost_impl_flag IN VARCHAR2 -- Can be Y or N. Indicates whether cost can be implemented or not.
2792: ,p_rev_impl_flag IN VARCHAR2 -- Can be Y or N. Indicates whether rev can be implemented or not.
2793: ,P_submit_version_flag IN VARCHAR2 -- Can be Y or N. Indicates whether the version can be submitted for baseline after implementing CO or not.

Line 10436: l_fin_plan_type_name pa_fin_plan_types_tl.name%TYPE;

10432: l_approved_fin_pt_id pa_fin_plan_types_b.fin_plan_type_id%TYPE;
10433: l_impl_cost_flag_tbl SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_1_tbl_type;
10434: l_impl_rev_flag_tbl SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_1_tbl_type;
10435: l_fin_plan_type_id pa_fin_plan_types_b.fin_plan_type_id%TYPE;
10436: l_fin_plan_type_name pa_fin_plan_types_tl.name%TYPE;
10437: l_total_amount NUMBER;
10438: l_implemented_amount NUMBER;
10439: l_remaining_amount NUMBER;
10440: l_agr_curr_code pa_agreements_all.agreement_currency_code%TYPE;