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4 Procedure AR_GET_CUSTOMER_BALANCE calulates the customer balance
2 /* $Header: arxcoblb.pls 120.12 2011/05/13 12:08:43 dgaurab ship $ */
3 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 based on the parameters entered. It then inserts one row for each invoice,
6 credit memo, unapplied receipts,on account receipts and uncleared receipts
7 used for calculating the customer balance into the table AR_CUSTOMER_BALANCE_ITF
8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
10 /* bug2466471 : Re-create PROCEDURE ar_get_customer_balance.
12  At first, get amount_due_original of ps of transactions.
14  After that, get application and adjustment information of which gl_date is earliner than p_as_of_date in order to get invoice balance as of p_as_of_date.
16  Also, get unapplied and on-account receipts of which gl_date is earlier than p_as_of_date. (Of course, don't get application , unapplied and on-account information of uncleared receipt if p_uncleared_receipts is not 'Y'.)
18  And get customer balance on basis of unapplied and on-account receipts and invoice balance as of p_as_of_date.
20  Finally, insert these record into AR_CUSTOMER_BALANCE_ITF table.
21 */
23 /* bug 2657118 Changed the logic, instead of comparing as_of_date  with gl_date of
24 transactions and as well as receipts , we'll now compare  as_of_date with trx_date and apply_date whatever may be applicable.
25 */
30                                ,p_customer_name_from in varchar
27  PROCEDURE ar_get_customer_balance ( p_request_id in number
28 				,p_set_of_books_id in number
29                                 ,p_as_of_date in date
31                                ,p_customer_name_to in varchar
32                                ,P_CUSTOMER_NUMBER_LOW in varchar
33                                ,P_CUSTOMER_NUMBER_HIGH in varchar
34                                ,p_currency in varchar
35                                ,p_min_invoice_balance in number
36                                ,p_min_open_balance in number
37                                ,p_account_credits varchar
38                                ,p_account_receipts varchar
39                                ,p_unapp_receipts varchar
40                                ,p_uncleared_receipts varchar
41                                ,p_ref_no varchar
42                                ,p_debug_flag in  varchar
43                                ,p_trace_flag in varchar
44                                 ) is
45  l_organization_name gl_sets_of_books.name%TYPE;
46  l_functional_currency_code gl_sets_of_books.currency_code%TYPE;
47  l_session_language varchar2(40);/* For MLS changes */
48  --l_base_language varchar2(40); /*For MLS  changes*/ /*Bug8486880*/
50  l_cus_open_bal NUMBER ;
51  l_inv_open_bal NUMBER ;
53  l_amount_adj   NUMBER ;
54  l_amount_applied   NUMBER ;
55  l_earned_discount_taken   NUMBER ;
56  l_unearned_discount_taken   NUMBER ;
57  l_rev_amount_applied   NUMBER ;
58  l_rev_earned_discount_taken   NUMBER ;
59  l_rev_unearned_discount_taken   NUMBER ;
60  l_amount_credited   NUMBER ;
61  l_on_acct_receipts  NUMBER ;
62  l_unapp_receipts   NUMBER ;
63  l_rev_on_acct_receipts   NUMBER ;
64  l_rev_unapp_receipts    NUMBER ;
65  l_amount_applied_cm   NUMBER; /*bug4502121*/
67  --  Selects the customer id in the given range of parameters
69 CURSOR cusinfo IS
70    SELECT  cust_acct.cust_account_id customer_id  ,
71            cust_acct.account_number ,
72            party.party_name ,
73            party.tax_reference
74      FROM  hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,
75            hz_parties party
76     WHERE  cust_acct.party_id = party.party_id
77       AND  (p_customer_name_from is null or
78    	upper(party.party_name) >= upper(p_customer_name_from))
79       AND  (p_customer_name_to is null or
80    	upper(party.party_name) <= upper(p_customer_name_to))
81       AND (p_customer_number_low is null or
82      upper(cust_acct.account_number) >= upper(p_customer_number_low))
83       AND (p_customer_number_high is null or
84       upper(cust_acct.account_number) <= upper(p_customer_number_high));
86  CURSOR siteinfo(p_customer_id ar_payment_schedules.customer_id%TYPE,
87                p_base_language hz_locations.language%TYPE,
88                p_session_language hz_locations.language%TYPE ) IS
89    SELECT  site_uses.site_use_id ,
90   	   acct_site.translated_customer_name,
91            loc.address1,
92            loc.address2,
93            loc.address3,
94            loc.address4,
95            loc.city,
96            loc.state,
97            loc.postal_code,
98            loc.country
99      FROM  hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site,
100            hz_party_sites party_site,
101            hz_locations loc,
102            hz_cust_site_uses site_uses
103     WHERE  acct_site.cust_account_id =p_customer_id
104       AND  nvl(acct_site.status,'A') = 'A'
105       AND  acct_site.bill_to_flag in ( 'Y', 'P' )
106       AND  acct_site.party_site_id = party_site.party_site_id
107       AND  loc.location_id = party_site.location_id
108       AND  nvl(site_uses.status,'A') = 'A'
109       AND  acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = site_uses.cust_acct_site_id
110       AND  site_uses.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
111     AND  nvl(loc.language,p_session_language)=p_session_language;/*Bug 8486880*/
113  --Selects all the currency for a customer site
114  CURSOR curinfo(p_customer_id ar_payment_schedules.customer_id%TYPE,
115                p_site_use_id ar_payment_schedules.customer_site_use_id%TYPE) IS
116    SELECT  distinct(invoice_currency_code) currency_code
117      FROM  ar_payment_schedules ps
118     WHERE  ps.customer_id=p_customer_id
119       AND  PS.customer_site_use_id=p_site_use_id
120       AND  ps.invoice_currency_code=nvl(p_currency,ps.invoice_currency_code);
122  --selects invoices
123  CURSOR tot_inv(p_customer_id ar_payment_schedules.customer_id%TYPE,
124                p_site_use_id ar_payment_schedules.customer_site_use_id%TYPE,
125 	       p_currency ar_payment_schedules.invoice_currency_code%TYPE,
126 	       p_as_of_date ar_payment_schedules.trx_date%TYPE ) is
127    SELECT  payment_schedule_id ,
128   	   class,
129 	   trx_number ,
130 	   trx_date ,
131 	   invoice_currency_code,
132 	   amount_due_original
133      FROM  ar_payment_schedules ps
134     WHERE  TRUNC(ps.trx_date) <= p_as_of_date
135       AND  ps.class not in ( 'PMT' ,decode(p_account_credits, 'Y', 'PMT','CM') )
136       AND  ps.invoice_currency_code=p_currency
137       AND  ps.customer_id= p_customer_id
138       AND  PS.customer_site_use_id=p_site_use_id
139       AND  ps.actual_date_closed > p_as_of_date  ;
145    SELECT  substrb(userenv('LANG'),1,4)
146      INTO  l_session_language
147      FROM  dual;
148 /*Bug 8486880*/
149 /*
150    SELECT  language_code
151      INTO  l_base_language
152      FROM  fnd_languages
153     WHERE  installed_flag='B';
154 */
156    SELECT  sob.name
157      INTO  l_organization_name
158      FROM  gl_sets_of_books sob,ar_system_parameters ar
159     WHERE  sob.set_of_books_id  = ar.set_of_books_id;
161    SELECT  currency_code
162      INTO  l_functional_currency_code
163      FROM  gl_sets_of_books sob,ar_system_parameters ar
164     WHERE  sob.set_of_books_id  = ar.set_of_books_id;
166    -- customer
167    FOR cusinfo_rec IN cusinfo
168    LOOP
170       -- site
171       /*Bug 8486880 added null*/
172       FOR siteinfo_rec IN siteinfo( cusinfo_rec.customer_id ,
173 					NULL,
174 					l_session_language )
175       LOOP
177          -- currency
178          FOR currency_rec IN curinfo(cusinfo_rec.customer_id ,
179 		 			siteinfo_rec.site_use_id )
180          LOOP
181             l_cus_open_bal:=0;
183             l_unapp_receipts := 0 ;
184             l_on_acct_receipts := 0 ;
185             l_rev_unapp_receipts := 0 ;
186             l_rev_on_acct_receipts := 0 ;
188             -- invoice
189             FOR tot_inv_rec IN  tot_inv(cusinfo_rec.customer_id,
190 		 			siteinfo_rec.site_use_id,
191                  			currency_rec.currency_code,
192                  			p_as_of_date )
193             LOOP
195             BEGIN
196                l_inv_open_bal := 0;
197                l_amount_applied := 0;
198                l_earned_discount_taken := 0;
199                l_unearned_discount_taken := 0;
200                l_rev_amount_applied := 0;
201                l_rev_earned_discount_taken := 0;
202                l_rev_unearned_discount_taken := 0;
203                l_amount_credited := 0;
204                l_amount_applied_cm :=0; /*bug4502121*/
206                -- For CM, get application
207                SELECT NVL(SUM(amount_applied) , 0 ) amount_applied
208                  INTO l_amount_applied_cm  /*bug4502121*/
209                  FROM ar_receivable_applications
210                 WHERE payment_schedule_id = tot_inv_rec.payment_schedule_id
211                   AND apply_date <= p_as_of_date
212                   AND status||'' IN ('APP', 'ACTIVITY'); --Bug 12319237.
214                IF upper(p_uncleared_receipts)='Y'
215                THEN
216                   -- Cash Application
217                   SELECT NVL(SUM(amount_applied) , 0 ) amount_applied,
218                          NVL(SUM(earned_discount_taken) ,0) earned_discount_taken,
219                          NVL(SUM(unearned_discount_taken) ,0) unearned_discount_taken
220                     INTO l_amount_applied
221                        , l_earned_discount_taken
222                        , l_unearned_discount_taken
223                     FROM ar_receivable_applications ra
224                    WHERE applied_payment_schedule_id = tot_inv_rec.payment_schedule_id
225                      AND apply_date <= p_as_of_date
226                      AND status||'' = 'APP'
227                      AND application_type= 'CASH'
228                      AND NOT EXISTS (
229                                SELECT 'reversed'
230                                  FROM ar_cash_receipt_history crh
231                                 WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
232                                   AND crh.status = 'REVERSED'
233                                   AND crh.trx_date+0 <= p_as_of_date ) ;
235                ELSE
237                   -- Cash Application
238                   SELECT NVL(SUM(amount_applied) , 0 ) amount_applied,
239                          NVL(SUM(earned_discount_taken) ,0) earned_discount_taken,
240                          NVL(SUM(unearned_discount_taken) ,0) unearned_discount_taken
241                     INTO l_amount_applied
242                        , l_earned_discount_taken
243                        , l_unearned_discount_taken
244                     FROM ar_receivable_applications ra
245                    WHERE applied_payment_schedule_id = tot_inv_rec.payment_schedule_id
246                      AND apply_date<= p_as_of_date
247                      AND status||'' = 'APP'
248                      AND application_type= 'CASH'
249                      AND NOT EXISTS (
250                                SELECT 'reversed'
251                                  FROM ar_cash_receipt_history crh
252                                 WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
253                                   AND crh.status = 'REVERSED'
254                                   AND crh.trx_date+0 <= p_as_of_date )
255                      AND EXISTS (
256                              SELECT 'cleared'
257                                FROM ar_cash_receipt_history crh
258                               WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
259                                 AND crh.status = 'CLEARED'
260                                 AND crh.trx_date+0 <= p_as_of_date ) ;
262                END IF ;
264                l_amount_applied := l_amount_applied + l_rev_amount_applied ;
266                -- CM Application
267                SELECT NVL(SUM(amount_applied) , 0 ) amount_applied
268                  INTO l_amount_credited
269                  FROM ar_receivable_applications
270                 WHERE applied_payment_schedule_id = tot_inv_rec.payment_schedule_id
271                   AND apply_date <= p_as_of_date
272                   AND status||'' = 'APP'
273                   AND application_type= 'CM' ;
275                -- Adjustment
276                SELECT NVL(SUM(amount),0)
277                  INTO l_amount_adj
278                  FROM ar_adjustments
279                 WHERE payment_schedule_id = tot_inv_rec.payment_schedule_id
280                   AND apply_date+0 <= p_as_of_date
284                l_inv_open_bal := tot_inv_rec.amount_due_original
281                   AND status = 'A';
283                -- invoice balance
285             		- l_amount_applied
286             		- l_earned_discount_taken
287             		- l_unearned_discount_taken
288             		- l_amount_credited
289                         + l_amount_applied_cm     /*bug4502121*/
290             		+ l_amount_adj ;
292                -- p_min_invoice_balance is not effective in on-account cm
293                IF ( l_inv_open_bal>=nvl(p_min_invoice_balance,0)
294                   AND l_inv_open_bal <> 0   )
295                 OR ( tot_inv_rec.class = 'CM')
296                THEN
298                   l_cus_open_bal := l_cus_open_bal + l_inv_open_bal ;
300                   INSERT INTO AR_CUSTOMER_BALANCE_ITF(Request_id,
301                                             as_of_date,
302                                             organization_name,
303                                             functional_currency_code,
304                                             customer_name,
305                                             customer_number,
306                                             tax_reference_num,
307                                             address_line1,
308                                             address_line2,
309                                             address_line3,
310                                             address_line4,
311                                             city,
312                                             state,
313                                             zip,
314                                             country,
315                                             trans_type,
316                                             trx_number,
317                                             transaction_date,
318                                             trx_currency_code,
319                                             trans_amount,
320                                             trans_amount_remaining,
321                                             receipt_amount,
322                                             adjustment_amount,
323                                             earned_discount_amount,
324                                             unearned_discount_amount,
325                                             invoice_credit_amount,
326                                             bank_charge,
327                                             on_account_credit_amount,
328                                             on_account_receipts,
329                                             unapplied_receipts)
330                   VALUES (p_request_id,
331                          p_as_of_date,
332                          l_organization_name,
333                          l_functional_currency_code,
334                          nvl(siteinfo_rec.translated_customer_name,cusinfo_rec.party_name),
335                          cusinfo_rec.account_number,
336                 	 cusinfo_rec.tax_reference,
337                   	 siteinfo_rec.address1,
338                  	 siteinfo_rec.address2,
339                          siteinfo_rec.address3,
340                          siteinfo_rec.address4,
341                          siteinfo_rec.city,
342                          siteinfo_rec.state,
343                          siteinfo_rec.postal_code,
344                          siteinfo_rec.country,
345                          tot_inv_rec.class ,
346                          tot_inv_rec.trx_number,
347                          tot_inv_rec.trx_date,
348                          tot_inv_rec.invoice_currency_code ,
349                          decode(tot_inv_rec.class , 'CM', 0, nvl(tot_inv_rec.amount_due_original,0)) ,
350                          decode(tot_inv_rec.class , 'CM', 0, nvl(l_inv_open_bal,0) ) ,
351                          nvl(l_amount_applied,0),
352                          nvl(l_amount_adj,0),
353                          nvl(l_earned_discount_taken ,0),
354                          nvl(l_unearned_discount_taken ,0),
355                          nvl(l_amount_credited,0),
356                          0,
357                          decode(tot_inv_rec.class , 'CM', nvl(l_inv_open_bal ,0) , 0 ) ,
358                          0,
359                          0 ) ;
360                END IF;
362             END;
364             -- tot_inv
365             END LOOP;
367             -- unapplied receipt and on account receipt
368             IF upper(p_uncleared_receipts)='Y' then
370               SELECT  nvl(sum(decode(ra.status , 'ACC', amount_applied, 0 )),0),
371                       nvl(sum(decode(ra.status ,'UNAPP',amount_applied, 0 )),0)
372                 INTO  l_on_acct_receipts ,
373             	      l_unapp_receipts
374                 FROM  ar_receivable_applications ra,
375             	      ar_cash_receipts cr
376                WHERE  ra.cash_receipt_id = cr.cash_receipt_id
377                  AND  cr.pay_from_customer = cusinfo_rec.customer_id
378                  AND  cr.customer_site_use_id = siteinfo_rec.site_use_id
379                  AND  cr.currency_code = currency_rec.currency_code
380                  AND  ra.apply_date+0 <= p_as_of_date
381                  AND  ra.status in ('ACC' , 'UNAPP' )
382                  AND  ra.application_rule <> 'RATE ADJUSTMENT TRIGGER'
383                  AND  NOT EXISTS (
384                             SELECT 'reversed'
385                               FROM ar_cash_receipt_history crh
386                              WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
387                                AND crh.status = 'REVERSED'
388                                AND crh.trx_date+0 <= p_as_of_date ) ;
390             ELSE
391 /* bug3692732 : Added cr.pay_from_customer = cusinfo_rec.customer_id to where clause
392                 to prevent FTS on table ar_cash_receipts */
397                       l_unapp_receipts
394               SELECT  nvl(sum(decode(ra.status , 'ACC', amount_applied, 0 )),0),
395                       nvl(sum(decode(ra.status , 'UNAPP', amount_applied, 0)),0)
396                 INTO  l_on_acct_receipts ,
398                 FROM  ar_receivable_applications ra,
399                       ar_cash_receipts cr
400                WHERE  ra.cash_receipt_id = cr.cash_receipt_id
401                  AND  cr.pay_from_customer = cusinfo_rec.customer_id
402                  AND  cr.currency_code = currency_rec.currency_code
403                  AND  cr.customer_site_use_id = siteinfo_rec.site_use_id
404                  AND  apply_date+0 <= p_as_of_date
405                  AND  ra.status in ('ACC' , 'UNAPP' )
406                  AND  NOT EXISTS (
407                             SELECT 'reversed'
408                               FROM ar_cash_receipt_history crh
409                              WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
410                                AND crh.status = 'REVERSED'
411                                AND crh.trx_date+0 <= p_as_of_date )
412                  AND  EXISTS (
413                             SELECT 'cleared'
414                               FROM ar_cash_receipt_history crh
415                              WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
416                                AND crh.status = 'CLEARED'
417                                AND crh.trx_date+0 <= p_as_of_date )  ;
419             END IF;
422             IF upper(p_account_receipts)='Y' then
423                l_on_acct_receipts := l_on_acct_receipts
424    				+ l_rev_on_acct_receipts ;
425             ELSE
426                l_on_acct_receipts := 0 ;
427             END IF;
429             IF upper(p_unapp_receipts)='Y' then
430                l_unapp_receipts := l_unapp_receipts
431    				+ l_rev_unapp_receipts ;
432             ELSE
433                l_unapp_receipts := 0 ;
434             END IF;
436             l_cus_open_bal := l_cus_open_bal
437 				- l_on_acct_receipts
438 				- l_unapp_receipts ;
440             IF ( l_unapp_receipts <> 0 ) OR ( l_on_acct_receipts <> 0 )
441             THEN
442               INSERT INTO AR_CUSTOMER_BALANCE_ITF(Request_id,
443                                             as_of_date,
444                                             organization_name,
445                                             functional_currency_code,
446                                             customer_name,
447                                             customer_number,
448                                             tax_reference_num,
449                                             address_line1,
450                                             address_line2,
451                                             address_line3,
452                                             address_line4,
453                                             city,
454                                             state,
455                                             zip,
456                                             country,
457                                             trans_type,
458                                             trx_number,
459                                             transaction_date,
460                                             trx_currency_code,
461                                             trans_amount,
462                                             trans_amount_remaining,
463                                             receipt_amount,
464                                             adjustment_amount,
465                                             earned_discount_amount,
466                                             unearned_discount_amount,
470                                             on_account_receipts,
467                                             invoice_credit_amount,
468                                             bank_charge,
469                                             on_account_credit_amount,
471                                             unapplied_receipts)
472                VALUES (p_request_id,
473                       p_as_of_date,
474                       l_organization_name,
475                       l_functional_currency_code,
476                       nvl(siteinfo_rec.translated_customer_name,cusinfo_rec.party_name),
477                       cusinfo_rec.account_number,
478                	      cusinfo_rec.tax_reference,
479                	      siteinfo_rec.address1,
480               	      siteinfo_rec.address2,
481                       siteinfo_rec.address3,
482                       siteinfo_rec.address4,
483                       siteinfo_rec.city,
484                       siteinfo_rec.state,
485                       siteinfo_rec.postal_code,
486                       siteinfo_rec.country,
487                       'PMT' ,
488                       'On Account Receipt' ,
489                       p_as_of_date,
490                       currency_rec.currency_code,
491                       0,
492                       0,
493                       0,
494                       0,
495                       0,
496                       0,
497                       0,
498                       0,
499                       0,
500                       l_on_acct_receipts*(-1),
501                       l_unapp_receipts*(-1) ) ;
503             END IF;
505      /* changes for bug 7274982 - start
506      changes done: 1. control goes in only if the open balance is not 0.
507                    2. open balance is checked with minimum balance only if p_min_open_balance is not null. */
509             IF l_cus_open_bal <> 0  THEN
510               IF p_min_open_balance IS NOT NULL THEN
511                 IF (l_cus_open_bal >= p_min_open_balance) THEN
512                  COMMIT;
513                 ELSE
514                  -- rollback for all inserted record for this site.
515                  ROLLBACK;
516                 END IF;
517               ELSE
518                 COMMIT;
519               END IF;
520             ELSE
521               -- rollback for all inserted record for this site.
522               ROLLBACK;
523             END IF;
524      -- changes for bug 7274982 - end
526          -- currency
527          END LOOP;
529       -- siteinfo
530       END LOOP;
532    -- cusinfo
533    END LOOP;
535 END ;
540 --End Package