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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

                  select 'Y'
                  from   pa_budget_versions v,
                         pa_budget_entry_methods m,
                         pa_budget_types bt
                  where  v.project_id = x_project_id
                  and    v.budget_status_code = 'W'
                  and    m.entry_level_code = p_entry_level
                  and    m.time_phased_type_code='N'
                  and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
                  and    v.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_Code
                  and    nvl(bt.plan_type,'BUDGET') = 'BUDGET'
                  UNION ALL
                  select 'Y'
                  from   pa_budget_versions v
                         ,pa_proj_fp_options fo
                  where  v.project_id = x_project_id
                  and    v.budget_version_id = fo.fin_plan_version_id
                  and    (fo.all_time_phased_code = 'N'
                            OR fo.cost_time_phased_code = 'N'
                               OR fo.revenue_time_phased_code = 'N')
                  and    (fo.all_fin_plan_level_code = p_entry_level
                            OR fo.cost_fin_plan_level_code = p_entry_level
                              OR fo.revenue_fin_plan_level_code = p_entry_level); */
Line: 63

                  select 'Y'
                  from   pa_budget_versions v,
                         pa_budget_entry_methods m,
                         pa_budget_types bt
                  where  v.project_id = x_project_id
                  and    v.budget_status_code = 'W'
                  and    m.entry_level_code = 'P'
                  and    m.time_phased_type_code='N'
                  and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
                  and    v.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_Code
                  and    nvl(bt.plan_type,'BUDGET') = 'BUDGET'
		  and    nvl(v.wp_version_flag,'N') = 'N'
                  and    'X' = DECODE(l_baseline_funding, 'Y', DECODE(v.budget_type_code, 'AR', 'Z', 'X'), 'X') --Bug 5098809.
                  UNION ALL
                  select 'Y'
                  from   pa_budget_versions v
                         ,pa_proj_fp_options fo
                  where  v.project_id = x_project_id
                  and    v.budget_version_id = fo.fin_plan_version_id
                  and    fo.project_id = v.project_id  -- raja perf bug 3683360
                  and    fo.fin_plan_type_id = v.fin_plan_type_id -- raja perf bug 3683360
                  and    (fo.all_time_phased_code = 'N'
                            OR fo.cost_time_phased_code = 'N'
                               OR fo.revenue_time_phased_code = 'N')
                  and    (fo.all_fin_plan_level_code = 'P'
                            OR fo.cost_fin_plan_level_code = 'P'
                              OR fo.revenue_fin_plan_level_code = 'P')
	              and    nvl(v.wp_version_flag,'N') = 'N'
                  and    'X' = DECODE(l_baseline_funding, 'Y', DECODE(v.approved_rev_plan_type_flag, 'Y', 'Z', 'X'), 'X'); --Bug 5098809.
Line: 95

                  select 'Y'
                  from   pa_budget_versions v,
                         pa_budget_entry_methods m,
                         pa_budget_types bt
                  where  v.project_id = x_project_id
                  and    v.budget_status_code = 'W'
                  and    m.entry_level_code in ('T','L','M')
                  and    m.time_phased_type_code='N'
                  and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
                  and    v.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_Code
                  and    nvl(bt.plan_type,'BUDGET') = 'BUDGET'
  		  and    nvl(v.wp_version_flag,'N') = 'N'
                  and    'X' = DECODE(l_baseline_funding, 'Y', DECODE(v.budget_type_code, 'AR', 'Z', 'X'), 'X') --Bug 5098809.
                  UNION ALL
                  select 'Y'
                  from   pa_budget_versions v
                         ,pa_proj_fp_options fo
                  where  v.project_id = x_project_id
                  and    v.budget_version_id = fo.fin_plan_version_id
                  and    fo.project_id = v.project_id  -- raja perf bug 3683360
                  and    fo.fin_plan_type_id = v.fin_plan_type_id -- raja perf bug 3683360
                  and    (fo.all_time_phased_code = 'N'
                            OR fo.cost_time_phased_code = 'N'
                               OR fo.revenue_time_phased_code = 'N')
                  and    (fo.all_fin_plan_level_code in ('T','L')
                            OR fo.cost_fin_plan_level_code in ('T','L')
                              OR fo.revenue_fin_plan_level_code in ('T','L'))
		  and    nvl(v.wp_version_flag,'N') = 'N'
                 and     'X' = DECODE(l_baseline_funding, 'Y', DECODE(v.approved_rev_plan_type_flag, 'Y', 'Z', 'X'), 'X'); --Bug 5098809.
Line: 131

        SELECT nvl(baseline_funding_flag, 'N')
        INTO   l_baseline_funding
        FROM   pa_projects_all
        WHERE  project_id = x_project_id;
Line: 207

        UPDATE pa_budget_versions
        SET budget_status_code = 'S'
        WHERE budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id;
Line: 237

        UPDATE pa_budget_versions
        SET budget_status_code = 'W'
        WHERE budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id;
Line: 305

                  select 1
                  from   dual
                  where  exists
                        (select 'x' /* Old budgets model */
                         from   pa_budget_versions v,
                                pa_budget_entry_methods m,
                                pa_resource_assignments r
                         where  r.task_id = x_task_id
                         and    ( (m.entry_level_code = 'L')
                                  (m.entry_level_code = 'M'
                                   and x_task_id <> x_top_task_id)
                         and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
                         and    v.budget_version_id = r.budget_version_id
                         and    v.budget_type_code is not null
                         union all
                         select 'x' /* Org Forcast Versions */
                         from   pa_budget_versions v,
                                pa_resource_assignments r,
                                pa_fin_plan_types_b pft
                         where  r.task_id = x_task_id
                         and    v.budget_type_code is null
                         and    v.budget_version_id = r.budget_version_id
                         and    v.fin_plan_type_id = pft.fin_plan_type_id
                         and    pft.fin_plan_type_code = 'ORG_FORECAST');
Line: 333

                         select 'x' --  Financial plan versions
                         from   pa_fp_elements  fe
                          -- Bug 2993894 ,pa_budget_versions bv
                         where  fe.task_id = x_task_id
                          -- Bug 2993894 and    fe.fin_plan_version_id = bv.budget_version_id
                         and    (x_task_id <> x_top_task_id OR fe.top_task_planning_level = 'LOWEST')); */
Line: 342

                  select 1
                  from   dual
                  where  exists
                        (select 'x' /* Old budgets model */
                         from   pa_budget_versions v,
                                pa_budget_entry_methods m,
                                pa_resource_assignments r
                         where  r.task_id = x_task_id
                         and    ( (m.entry_level_code = 'L')
                                  (m.entry_level_code = 'M'
                                   and x_task_id <> x_top_task_id)
                         and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
                         and    v.budget_version_id = r.budget_version_id
                         and    v.budget_type_code is not null
                         union all
                         select 'x' /* Org Forcast Versions */
                         from   pa_budget_versions v,
                                pa_resource_assignments r,
                                pa_fin_plan_types_b pft
                         where  r.task_id = x_task_id
                         and    v.budget_type_code is null
                         and    v.budget_version_id = r.budget_version_id
                         and    v.fin_plan_type_id = pft.fin_plan_type_id
                         and    pft.fin_plan_type_code = 'ORG_FORECAST');
Line: 370

                         select 'x'-- Financial plan versions
                         from   pa_fp_elements  fe,
                                pa_budget_versions bv
                         where  fe.task_id = x_task_id
                         and    fe.fin_plan_version_id = bv.budget_version_id
                         and    (fe.plan_amount_exists_flag = 'Y' or bv.budget_status_code = 'B')
                         and    (x_task_id <> x_top_task_id OR fe.top_task_planning_level = 'LOWEST'));*/