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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 37

        SELECT  lu_prev.meaning,
        FROM    fa_lookups lu_prev,
                fa_lookups lu_curr
        WHERE   lu_prev.lookup_type = 'MASS_TRX_STATUS'  AND
                lu_prev.lookup_code = 'PREVIEW'
        AND     lu_curr.lookup_type = 'MASS_TRX_STATUS' AND
                lu_curr.lookup_code = mr_rec.status;
Line: 48

	SELECT 	category_flex_structure
	FROM 	fa_system_controls;
Line: 53

	SELECT	mr.mass_reclass_id,
		mr.segment1_low, mr.segment2_low, mr.segment3_low, mr.segment4_low,
		mr.segment5_low, mr.segment6_low, mr.segment7_low, mr.segment8_low,
		mr.segment9_low, mr.segment10_low, mr.segment11_low, mr.segment12_low,
		mr.segment13_low, mr.segment14_low, mr.segment15_low, mr.segment16_low,
		mr.segment17_low, mr.segment18_low, mr.segment19_low, mr.segment20_low,
		mr.segment21_low, mr.segment22_low, mr.segment23_low, mr.segment24_low,
		mr.segment25_low, mr.segment26_low, mr.segment27_low, mr.segment28_low,
		mr.segment29_low, mr.segment30_low,
		mr.segment1_high, mr.segment2_high, mr.segment3_high, mr.segment4_high,
		mr.segment5_high, mr.segment6_high, mr.segment7_high, mr.segment8_high,
		mr.segment9_high, mr.segment10_high, mr.segment11_high, mr.segment12_high,
		mr.segment13_high, mr.segment14_high, mr.segment15_high, mr.segment16_high,
		mr.segment17_high, mr.segment18_high, mr.segment19_high, mr.segment20_high,
		mr.segment21_high, mr.segment22_high, mr.segment23_high, mr.segment24_high,
		mr.segment25_high, mr.segment26_high, mr.segment27_high, mr.segment28_high,
		mr.segment29_high, mr.segment30_high,
	FROM	fa_mass_reclass mr
	WHERE 	mass_reclass_id = X_Mass_Reclass_Id;
Line: 101

	SELECT 	ad.asset_id,
	FROM	gl_code_combinations	gc,
		fa_distribution_history	dh,
		fa_book_controls	bc,
		fa_books		bk,
		fa_additions		ad
	WHERE	ad.asset_type = nvl(mr_rec.asset_type, ad.asset_type)
	AND	ad.asset_number >= nvl(mr_rec.from_asset_number, ad.asset_number)
	AND	ad.asset_number <= nvl(mr_rec.to_asset_number, ad.asset_number)
	AND	nvl(ad.asset_key_ccid, -9999)  = nvl(mr_rec.asset_key_id,
						  nvl(ad.asset_key_ccid, -9999))
	AND	ad.asset_category_id = nvl(mr_rec.from_category_id, ad.asset_category_id)
	AND	bk.book_type_code = mr_rec.book_type_code
	AND	bk.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
	-- corp book should be currently effective.
	AND	nvl(bc.date_ineffective, sysdate+1) > sysdate
	AND	bk.asset_id = ad.asset_id
    AND NVL(bk.Disabled_flag, 'N') = 'N' --HH
	AND	bk.date_ineffective IS NULL -- pick the most recent row.
	-- dpis, exp acct, employee, location, cost range: selection criteria
	-- for corporate book only.
	AND 	bk.date_placed_in_service >= nvl(mr_rec.from_dpis,
	AND	bk.date_placed_in_service <= nvl(mr_rec.to_dpis,
	AND	bk.cost >= nvl(mr_rec.from_cost, bk.cost)
	AND	bk.cost <= nvl(mr_rec.to_cost, bk.cost)
	AND	dh.asset_id = ad.asset_id
	AND	nvl(dh.assigned_to, -9999) = nvl(mr_rec.employee_id, nvl(dh.assigned_to, -9999))
	AND	dh.location_id = nvl(mr_rec.location_id, dh.location_id)
	AND	dh.date_ineffective IS NULL -- pick only the active distributions.
	AND	dh.code_combination_id = gc.code_combination_id
	-- cannot avoid the use of OR, since gc.segment1 can be null.
	-- cannot use nvl(gc.segment1, 'NULL') for comparison, since
	-- the value 'NULL' may fall between the range accidentally.
	-- may break the OR to UNION later.
        -- rule-based optimizer transforms OR to UNION ALL automatically
        -- when it sees it being more efficient.  since the columns
        -- in OR are not indexed, transforming to UNION ALL has
        -- no gain in performance and using OR is unavoidable here
        -- for the correctness of the program.
	AND	((gc.segment1 between nvl(mr_rec.segment1_low, gc.segment1)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment1_high, gc.segment1)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment1_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment1_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment2 between nvl(mr_rec.segment2_low, gc.segment2)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment2_high, gc.segment2)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment2_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment2_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment3 between nvl(mr_rec.segment3_low, gc.segment3)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment3_high, gc.segment3)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment3_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment3_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment4 between nvl(mr_rec.segment4_low, gc.segment4)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment4_high, gc.segment4)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment4_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment4_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment5 between nvl(mr_rec.segment5_low, gc.segment5)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment5_high, gc.segment5)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment5_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment5_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment6 between nvl(mr_rec.segment6_low, gc.segment6)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment6_high, gc.segment6)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment6_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment6_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment7 between nvl(mr_rec.segment7_low, gc.segment7)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment7_high, gc.segment7)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment7_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment7_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment8 between nvl(mr_rec.segment8_low, gc.segment8)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment8_high, gc.segment8)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment8_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment8_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment9 between nvl(mr_rec.segment9_low, gc.segment9)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment9_high, gc.segment9)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment9_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment9_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment10 between nvl(mr_rec.segment10_low, gc.segment10)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment10_high, gc.segment10)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment10_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment10_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment11 between nvl(mr_rec.segment11_low, gc.segment11)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment11_high, gc.segment11)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment11_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment11_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment12 between nvl(mr_rec.segment12_low, gc.segment12)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment12_high, gc.segment12)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment12_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment12_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment13 between nvl(mr_rec.segment13_low, gc.segment13)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment13_high, gc.segment13)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment13_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment13_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment14 between nvl(mr_rec.segment14_low, gc.segment14)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment14_high, gc.segment14)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment14_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment14_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment15 between nvl(mr_rec.segment15_low, gc.segment15)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment15_high, gc.segment15)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment15_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment15_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment16 between nvl(mr_rec.segment16_low, gc.segment16)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment16_high, gc.segment16)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment16_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment16_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment17 between nvl(mr_rec.segment17_low, gc.segment17)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment17_high, gc.segment17)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment17_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment17_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment18 between nvl(mr_rec.segment18_low, gc.segment18)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment18_high, gc.segment18)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment18_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment18_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment19 between nvl(mr_rec.segment19_low, gc.segment19)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment19_high, gc.segment19)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment19_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment19_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment20 between nvl(mr_rec.segment20_low, gc.segment20)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment20_high, gc.segment20)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment20_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment20_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment21 between nvl(mr_rec.segment21_low, gc.segment21)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment21_high, gc.segment21)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment21_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment21_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment22 between nvl(mr_rec.segment22_low, gc.segment22)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment22_high, gc.segment22)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment22_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment22_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment23 between nvl(mr_rec.segment23_low, gc.segment23)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment23_high, gc.segment23)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment23_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment23_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment24 between nvl(mr_rec.segment24_low, gc.segment24)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment24_high, gc.segment24)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment24_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment24_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment25 between nvl(mr_rec.segment25_low, gc.segment25)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment25_high, gc.segment25)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment25_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment25_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment26 between nvl(mr_rec.segment26_low, gc.segment26)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment26_high, gc.segment26)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment26_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment26_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment27 between nvl(mr_rec.segment27_low, gc.segment27)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment27_high, gc.segment27)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment27_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment27_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment28 between nvl(mr_rec.segment28_low, gc.segment28)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment28_high, gc.segment28)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment28_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment28_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment29 between nvl(mr_rec.segment29_low, gc.segment29)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment29_high, gc.segment29)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment29_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment29_high IS NULL))
	AND	((gc.segment30 between nvl(mr_rec.segment30_low, gc.segment30)
				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment30_high, gc.segment30)) OR
		 (mr_rec.segment30_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment30_high IS NULL))
	-- more check is done on retired asset in reclass validation engine.
	-- more check is done on reserved asset in Check_Criteria function.
	AND	bk.period_counter_fully_retired IS NULL
	ORDER BY ad.asset_number;
Line: 303

Line: 329

      Delete rows previously inserted into the interface table with the same
      request id, if there is any.
    DELETE FROM fa_mass_reclass_itf
    WHERE request_id = h_request_id;
Line: 368

      Validate assets and insert preview records into the interface table.
    IF (mr_rec.redefault_flag = 'YES') THEN
    -- Depreciation rules will be redefaulted.
        -- Reset g_deprn_count before loading the cache table.
        FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.g_deprn_count := 0;
Line: 403

    /* Loop all the qualified assets, and insert all the validated assets
       into the interface table, fa_mass_reclass_itf. */
    OPEN mass_reclass_assets;
Line: 436

		-- (At every 200 assets, the records stored in a_tbl, will be inserted
		--  into the interface table.)
		    Store_Results(X_Get_New_Rules => 'NO',
				  X_Cat_Flex_Struct => h_cat_flex_struct);
Line: 483

	/* Insert asset records into the interface table, FA_MASS_RECLASS_ITF,
	   at every 200 assets. */
	-- If g_asset_count(number of valid assets) = 200, insert all the 200
	-- asset records in a_tbl(1..a_index) into the interface table,
	-- re-initialize the pl/sql table, a_tbl, and reset g_asset_count
	-- and a_index to 0.  Commit changes at every 200 assets as well.
	IF (g_asset_count = h_commit_level) THEN
	    FOR i IN 1 .. a_index LOOP
          if (g_print_debug) then
	       'Preview - inserting asset into itf-table',
	        a_tbl(a_index).asset_id );
Line: 496

		 	X_Report_Type		=> 'PREVIEW',
        		X_Request_Id  		=> h_request_id,
			X_Mass_Reclass_Id	=> X_Mass_Reclass_Id,
        		X_Asset_Rec             => a_tbl(i),
        		X_New_Category         	=> h_new_concat_cat,
        		X_Last_Update_Date    	=> mr_rec.last_update_date,
        		X_Last_Updated_By    	=> mr_rec.last_updated_by,
        		X_Created_By        	=> mr_rec.created_by,
        		X_Creation_Date    	=> mr_rec.creation_date,
        		X_Last_Update_Login     => mr_rec.last_update_login,
                        p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec
Line: 510

Line: 521

    /* Insert the remaining valid asset records into the interface table. */
    -- Up to a_index - 1, to account for the extra increment taken for a_index
    -- when no more rows were found in the cursor loop.
    FOR i IN 1 .. (a_index - 1) LOOP
		X_Report_Type		=> 'PREVIEW',
        	X_Request_Id  		=> h_request_id,
		X_Mass_Reclass_Id	=> X_Mass_Reclass_Id,
        	X_Asset_Rec             => a_tbl(i),
        	X_New_Category         	=> h_new_concat_cat,
        	X_Last_Update_Date    	=> mr_rec.last_update_date,
        	X_Last_Updated_By    	=> mr_rec.last_updated_by,
        	X_Created_By        	=> mr_rec.created_by,
        	X_Creation_Date    	=> mr_rec.creation_date,
        	X_Last_Update_Login     => mr_rec.last_update_login,
                p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec
Line: 539

Line: 562

      Update the status of the mass reclass to 'PREVIEWED'
      (This step is now handled in SRS report(FASRCPVW.rdf), which is fired
       after the RX report request.)
    UPDATE      fa_mass_reclass
    SET         status = 'PREVIEWED'
    WHERE       mass_reclass_id = X_Mass_Reclass_Id
    AND         status = 'PREVIEW';
Line: 582

Line: 586

        /* A fatal error has occurred.  Update status to 'FAILED_PRE'. */
Line: 588

        UPDATE fa_mass_reclass
        SET status = 'FAILED_PRE'
        WHERE mass_reclass_id = X_Mass_Reclass_Id;
Line: 591

        /* Delete rows inserted into the interface table. */
        DELETE FROM fa_mass_reclass_itf
        WHERE request_id = h_request_id;
Line: 617

Line: 621

        /* A fatal error has occurred.  Update status to 'FAILED_PRE'. */
Line: 623

        UPDATE fa_mass_reclass
        SET status = 'FAILED_PRE'
        WHERE mass_reclass_id = X_Mass_Reclass_Id;
Line: 626

        /* Delete rows inserted into the interface table. */
        DELETE FROM fa_mass_reclass_itf
        WHERE request_id = h_request_id;
Line: 674

        SELECT  bk.book_type_code
        FROM    fa_book_controls bc, fa_books bk
        WHERE   bk.asset_id = a_tbl(a_index).asset_id
        AND     bk.date_ineffective IS NULL
        AND     bk.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
        AND     bc.book_class IN ('CORPORATE', 'TAX')
        AND     nvl(bc.date_ineffective, sysdate+1) > sysdate
	ORDER BY bk.book_type_code;
Line: 683

	SELECT      TH.book_type_code
        FROM        FA_BOOK_CONTROLS BC,
                    FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS TH
        WHERE       TH.transaction_type_code||''  IN ('ADDITION','CIP ADDITION')
        AND         TH.asset_id = a_tbl(a_index).asset_id
        AND         BC.book_type_code = TH.book_type_code
        AND         nvl(BC.date_ineffective, sysdate + 1) > sysdate
        GROUP BY    TH.book_type_code
        ORDER BY    MIN(TH.date_effective);
Line: 696

        SELECT  category_flex_structure
        FROM    fa_system_controls;
Line: 701

	SELECT 	date_placed_in_service, depreciate_flag
	WHERE	asset_id = a_tbl(a_index).asset_id
	AND	book_type_code = h_book_type_code
	AND	date_ineffective IS NULL;
Line: 709

	SELECT	prorate_convention_code, ceiling_name, deprn_method_code,
		life_in_months, basic_rate, adjusted_rate,
		bonus_rule, production_capacity, unit_of_measure,
		depreciate_flag, allowed_deprn_limit, allowed_deprn_limit_amount,
	WHERE	asset_id = a_tbl(a_index).asset_id
	AND	book_type_code = h_book_type_code
	AND	date_ineffective IS NULL;
Line: 1026

            SELECT 'Y'
            FROM FA_DEPRN_PERIODS dp,
                 FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS th
            WHERE th.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
            AND th.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
            AND th.transaction_type_code||'' in ('ADDITION', 'CIP ADDITION')
            AND dp.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
            AND dp.period_open_date <= th.date_effective
            AND nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate) > th.date_effective
            AND dp.period_close_date IS NULL
	    AND th.transaction_date_entered >= dp.calendar_period_open_date;
Line: 1039

            SELECT greatest(dp.calendar_period_open_date,
                   least(trunc(sysdate), dp.calendar_period_close_date))
            FROM   FA_DEPRN_PERIODS dp
            WHERE  dp.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
            AND    dp.period_close_date is null;
Line: 1046

	    SELECT date_placed_in_service
	    FROM   FA_BOOKS bk
	    WHERE  bk.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
	    AND    bk.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
	    AND    date_ineffective IS NULL;