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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 60

         SELECT lot_attribute_category
         INTO   context_value
         FROM   mtl_lot_numbers
         WHERE  lot_number = p_lot_serial_number
         AND    inventory_item_id = item_id
         AND    organization_id = org_id;
Line: 67

         SELECT serial_attribute_category
         INTO   context_value
         FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
         WHERE  serial_number = p_lot_serial_number
         AND    inventory_item_id = item_id
         AND    current_organization_id = org_id;
Line: 76

         SELECT descriptive_flex_context_code
        INTO context_value
        FROM mtl_flex_context
        WHERE organization_id = -1
        AND context_column_name = l_context_column_name
        AND descriptive_flexfield_name = flex_name
        AND context_column_value_id = item_id;
Line: 93

           SELECT descriptive_flex_context_code
           INTO  context_value
          FROM  mtl_flex_context
           WHERE organization_id = org_id
           AND   context_column_name = l_context_column_name
           AND   descriptive_flexfield_name = flex_name
           AND   context_column_value_id = item_id;
Line: 112

           SELECT descriptive_flex_context_code
           INTO context_value
           FROM  mtl_flex_context mfc,
                 mtl_item_categories mic
           WHERE mfc.organization_id = -1
           AND   mic.organization_id = org_id
           AND   mfc.category_set_id = mic.category_set_id
           AND   mfc.context_column_value_id = mic.category_id
           AND   mfc.descriptive_flexfield_name = flex_name
           AND   mic.inventory_item_id = item_id
           AND   mfc.context_column_name = l_context_column_name;
Line: 132

            SELECT descriptive_flex_context_code
           INTO context_value
           FROM  mtl_flex_context mfc,
                 mtl_item_categories mic
           WHERE mfc.organization_id = org_id
           AND   mfc.organization_id = mic.organization_id
           AND   mfc.category_set_id = mic.category_set_id
           AND   mfc.context_column_value_id = mic.category_id
           AND   mfc.descriptive_flexfield_name = flex_name
           AND   mic.inventory_item_id = item_id
           AND   mfc.context_column_name = l_context_column_name;
Line: 214

      SELECT serial_attribute_category
      INTO   l_context_value
      FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
      WHERE  serial_number = p_lot_serial
      AND    inventory_item_id = item_id
      AND    current_organization_id = org_id;
Line: 225

      SELECT lot_attribute_category
      INTO   l_context_value
      FROM   mtl_lot_numbers
      WHERE  lot_number = p_lot_serial
      AND    inventory_item_id = item_id
      AND    organization_id = org_id;
Line: 274

/** Bug 2600351 -- selecting from all_Tab_columns causes performance issue.
    It takes about 171 second from 173 thousand rows and the only rows we need is
    only 10 rows **/

/** Instead of selecting from all_tab_columns, we will just use PL/SQL processing to
    find out the column type, anyway, it is only 3 return types **/

    l_retVarchar VARCHAR2(15) := 'VARCHAR2';
Line: 722

   SELECT   df.context_required_flag
    INTO    v_dflex_context_flag
    FROM    fnd_application_vl a, fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl df
    WHERE   a.application_short_name = p_application_short_name
    AND     df.application_id = a.application_id
    AND     df.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_flex_name
    AND     a.application_id = df.table_application_id;
Line: 765

   SELECT   df.context_user_override_flag
    INTO    l_context_override_flag
    FROM    fnd_application_vl a, fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl df
    WHERE   a.application_short_name = p_application_short_name
    AND     df.application_id = a.application_id
    AND     df.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_flex_name
    AND     a.application_id = df.table_application_id;
Line: 960

   SELECT lot_number
     INTO l_lot_number
     FROM mtl_lot_numbers
    WHERE lot_number = p_lot_number
      AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 997

        l_sel_stmt       VARCHAR2(32067):= 'SELECT ' ;
Line: 1033

      /*  select column_name, data_type, data_length
        from all_tab_columns
        where table_name = p_table_name
        and owner = p_owner
        order by column_id; */
Line: 1039

        select col.column_name, col.data_type, col.data_length
        from user_synonyms syn
            ,all_tab_columns col
        where syn.synonym_name =  p_table_name
          and col.owner = p_owner
          and col.owner = syn.table_owner
          and col.table_name  = syn.table_name
        order by col.column_id;
Line: 1141

            /*bug #2474713 insert the context column.. This was added because the descriptive flexfield window
            expects the context_value also*/
            IF(NOT(l_contexts_info.is_global(i))) THEN
                l_rec_index := l_rec_index + 1;
Line: 1210

                              SELECT SYSDATE
                              INTO l_date
                              FROM dual;
Line: 1240

                l_sel_stmt      := 'SELECT ' ;
Line: 1356

                                SELECT application_Table_name , value_column_name ,  id_column_name, additional_where_clause
                                INTO l_appl_table_name , l_value_column_name , l_id_column_name, l_additional_where_clause   --14828695 add l_additional_where_clause
                                FROM fnd_flex_validation_Tables
                                WHERE flex_value_set_id = l_value_set_id(x);
Line: 1407

                                SELECT number_precision INTO l_precision
                                FROM FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS
                                WHERE flex_value_set_id = l_segments.value_set(l_index);
Line: 1415

                                  SELECT round(x_lot_serial_attributes(x).column_value, l_precision)
                                  INTO x_lot_serial_attributes(x).column_value
                                  FROM DUAL;
Line: 1439

                                        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT distinct ' ||l_value_Column_name || ' FROM ' ||l_appl_table_name || ' WHERE '
                                                           || l_id_column_name||' = ' || x_lot_serial_attributes(x).COLUMN_VALUE INTO l_final_value_date ;
Line: 1446

                                            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT distinct ' ||l_value_Column_name || ' FROM ' ||l_appl_table_name || ' WHERE '
                                                           || l_id_column_name||' = ' || x_lot_serial_attributes(x).COLUMN_VALUE INTO l_final_value_char ;
Line: 1451

                                            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT distinct ' ||l_value_Column_name || ' FROM ' ||l_appl_table_name || ' WHERE '
                                                                                 || l_id_column_name||' = ''' || x_lot_serial_attributes(x).COLUMN_VALUE || ''''
                                                           || ' and ' || l_additional_where_clause
                                                            INTO l_final_value_char ;
Line: 1516

  SELECT descriptive_flex_context_code, descriptive_flex_context_name,
      global_flag, enabled_flag
  FROM  fnd_descr_flex_contexts_vl
  WHERE   application_id = p_application_id
  AND descriptive_flexfield_name = p_flex_name;
Line: 1532

      SELECT  end_user_column_name, application_column_name, enabled_flag,
        required_flag, default_type, default_value
      FROM    fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl
      WHERE   application_id = p_application_id
      AND descriptive_flexfield_name = p_flex_name
      AND descriptive_flex_context_code = p_flex_context_code;
Line: 1558

     SELECT attribute1
     FROM mtl_lot_numbers
     WHERE inventory_item_id    = p_inventory_item_id
           AND organization_id  = p_organization_id
           AND lot_number       = p_lot_number;
Line: 1685

     SELECT attribute1
     FROM mtl_SERIAL_numbers
     WHERE inventory_item_id    = p_inventory_item_id
           AND SERIAL_number       =  p_serial_number;
Line: 1705

  SELECT nvl(msn.attribute1, msnt.attribute1) attribute1
        , nvl(msn.attribute2, msnt.attribute2) attribute2
        , nvl(msn.attribute3, msnt.attribute3) attribute3
        , nvl(msn.attribute4, msnt.attribute4) attribute4
        , nvl(msn.attribute5, msnt.attribute5) attribute5
        , nvl(msn.attribute6, msnt.attribute6) attribute6
        , nvl(msn.attribute7, msnt.attribute7) attribute7
        , nvl(msn.attribute8, msnt.attribute8) attribute8
        , nvl(msn.attribute9, msnt.attribute9) attribute9
        , nvl(msn.attribute10, msnt.attribute10) attribute10
        , nvl(msn.attribute11, msnt.attribute11) attribute11
        , nvl(msn.attribute12, msnt.attribute12) attribute12
        , nvl(msn.attribute13, msnt.attribute13) attribute13
        , nvl(msn.attribute14, msnt.attribute14) attribute14
        , nvl(msn.attribute15, msnt.attribute15) attribute15
  FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
  WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
  AND   msn.serial_number = p_serial_number
  AND   msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
  AND   msnt.fm_serial_number  = p_serial_number
  AND   msn.serial_number = msnt.fm_serial_number;
Line: 1729

   SELECT msnt.attribute1 attribute1
         ,msnt.attribute2 attribute2
         ,msnt.attribute3 attribute3
         ,msnt.attribute4 attribute4
         ,msnt.attribute5 attribute5
         ,msnt.attribute6 attribute6
         ,msnt.attribute7 attribute7
         ,msnt.attribute8 attribute8
         ,msnt.attribute9 attribute9
         ,msnt.attribute10 attribute10
         ,msnt.attribute11 attribute11
         ,msnt.attribute12 attribute12
         ,msnt.attribute13 attribute13
         ,msnt.attribute14 attribute14
         ,msnt.attribute15 attribute15
   FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
   WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
   AND   msn.serial_number = p_serial_number
   AND   msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
   AND   msnt.fm_serial_number  = p_serial_number
  AND   msn.serial_number = msnt.fm_serial_number;
Line: 2089

            SELECT 1
                 , attribute_category
            INTO   l_lot_exist
                 , l_attribute_category
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers
            WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
            AND lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 2105

            SELECT 1
                 , lot_attribute_category
            INTO   l_lot_exist
                 , l_attribute_category
            FROM mtl_lot_numbers
            WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
            AND lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 2121

      SELECT  df.context_required_flag
      INTO    l_context_req_flag
      FROM    fnd_application_vl a, fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl df
      WHERE   a.application_short_name = 'INV'
      AND     df.application_id = a.application_id
      AND     df.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_flex_name
      AND     a.application_id = df.table_application_id;
Line: 2183

            l_where_clause := 'SELECT 1 FROM mtl_lot_numbers ' ||
                              ' WHERE organization_id = :org_id ' ||
                              ' AND inventory_item_id = :item_id ' ||
                              ' AND lot_number = :lot ' || l_where_clause;
Line: 2243

        INTO loc_tab
        FROM mtl_system_items_b
        WHERE  auto_lot_alpha_prefix = p_lot_prefix
        AND lot_control_code = 2
Line: 2254

        SELECT 'N'
        INTO l_already_locked
        FROM mtl_system_items_b
        WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
        AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id